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Paul Rosenfeld 提交于 2010-04-20 01:29 . Gitignore tweaks
1. About DRAMSim ---------------------------------------------------------
DRAMSim is a cycle accurate model of a DRAM memory controller, the DRAM
modules which comprise system storage, and the bus by which they
communicate. All major components in a modern memory system are modeled
as their own respective objects within the source, including: ranks,
banks, command queue, the memory controller, etc.
The overarching goal is to have a simulator that is extremely small,
portable, and accurate. The simulator core has a well-defined interface
which allows it to be CPU simulator agnostic and should be easily
modifiably to work with any simulator. This core has no external run
time or build time dependencies and has been tested with g++ on Linux
as well as g++ on Cygwin on Windows.
2. Building DRAMSim ---------------------------------------------------------
To build an optimized DRAMSim simply type
$ make
For a debug build which contains debugging symbols and verbose output, run:
$ make DEBUG=1
this will compile an executable called DRAMSim which can run a
trace-based simulation.
To build the DRAMSim library, type:
$ make libdramsim.so
3. Running DRAMSim -----------------------------------------------------------
First, run the preprocessor on the gzipped traces:
cd traces
./traceParse.py k6_aoe_02_short.trc.gz
Then go back to the DRAMSim directory and run the trace based simulator:
cd ..
./DRAMSim -t traces/k6_aoe_02_short.trc -s system.ini -d ini/DDR3_micron_64M_8B_x4_sg15.ini -c 10000
4. DRAMSim Output -------------------------------------------------------------
The verbosity of the DRAMSim can be customized in the ini file by turning the
various debug flags on or off in the ini file.
Below, we have provided a detailed explanation of the simulator output. With
all DEBUG flags enabled, the following output is displayed for each cycle
NOTE : BP = Bus Packet
T = Transaction
MC = MemoryController
R# = Rank (index #)
----------------- Memory System Update ------------------
---------- Memory Controller Update Starting ------------ [8]
-- R0 Receiving On Bus : BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec7f0] r[0] b[3] row[1502] col[799]
-- MC Issuing On Data Bus : BP [DATA] pa[0x7edc7e0] r[0] b[2] row[2029] col[799] data[0]=
++ Adding Read energy to total energy
-- MC Issuing On Command Bus : BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7f8] r[1] b[3] row[1502] col[799]
== New Transaction - Mapping Address [0x5dec800]
Rank : 0
Bank : 0
Row : 1502
Col : 800
++ Adding IDD3N to total energy [from rank 0]
++ Adding IDD3N to total energy [from rank 1]
== Printing transaction queue
8]T [Read] [0x45bbfa4]
9]T [Write] [0x55fbfa0] [5439E]
10]T [Write] [0x55fbfa8] [1111]
== Printing bank states (According to MC)
[idle] [idle] [2029] [1502]
[idle] [idle] [1502] [1502]
== Printing Per Rank, Per Bank Queue
= Rank 0
Bank 0 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec800] r[0] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec800] r[0] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 1 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec810] r[0] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec810] r[0] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 2 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec7e0] r[0] b[2] row[1502] col[799]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7e0] r[0] b[2] row[1502] col[799]
Bank 3 size : 1
0]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7f0] r[0] b[3] row[1502] col[799]
= Rank 1
Bank 0 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec808] r[1] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec808] r[1] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 1 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec818] r[1] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec818] r[1] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 2 size : 1
0]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7e8] r[1] b[2] row[1502] col[799]
Bank 3 size : 0
Anything sent on the bus is encapsulated in an BusPacket (BP) object.
When printing, they display the following information:
BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec818] r[1] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
The information displayed is (in order):command type, physical address,
rank #, bank#, row #, and column #.
Lines beginning with " -- " indicate bus traffic, ie,
-- R0 Receiving On Bus : BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec7f0] r[0] b[3] row[1502] col[799]
-- MC Issuing On Data Bus : BP [DATA] pa[0x7edc7e0] r[0] b[2] row[2029] col[799] data[0]=
-- MC Issuing On Command Bus : BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7f8] r[1] b[3] row[1502] col[799]
Sender and receiver are indicated and the packet being sent is detailed.
Lines beginning with " ++ " indicate power calculations, ie,
++ Adding Read energy to total energy
++ Adding IDD3N to total energy [from rank 0]
++ Adding IDD3N to total energy [from rank 1]
The state of the system and the actions taken determine which current
draw is used. for further detail about each current, see micron data-
If a pending transaction is in the transaction queue, it will
be printed, as seen below:
== Printing transaction queue
1]T [Read] [0x45bbfa4]
2]T [Write] [0x55fbfa0] [5439E]
3]T [Write] [0x55fbfa8] [1111]
Currently, at the start of every cycle, the head of the transaction
queue is removed, broken up into DRAM commands and placed in the
appropriate command queues. To do this, an address mapping scheme
is applied to the transaction's physical address, the output of
which is seen below:
== New Transaction - Mapping Address [0x5dec800]
Rank : 0
Bank : 0
Row : 1502
Col : 800
If there are pending commands in the command queue, they will be
printed. The output is dependent on the designated structure for
the command queue. For example, per-rank/per-bank queues are
shown below:
= Rank 1
Bank 0 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec808] r[1] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec808] r[1] b[0] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 1 size : 2
0]BP [ACT] pa[0x5dec818] r[1] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
1]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec818] r[1] b[1] row[1502] col[800]
Bank 2 size : 1
0]BP [READ_P] pa[0x5dec7e8] r[1] b[2] row[1502] col[799]
Bank 3 size : 0
The state of each bank in the system is also displayed:
== Printing bank states (According to MC)
[idle] [idle] [2029] [1502]
[idle] [idle] [1502] [1502]
Banks can be in many states, including idle, row active (shown
with the row that is active), refreshing, or precharging. These
states will update based on the commands being sent by the
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:chisuhua/DRAMSim2.git
