同步操作将从 jiangpengjuj/openeuler-pkgship 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# During initialization, you can initialize multiple databases at once
# dbname: The name of the database to be initialized
# It is recommended to use the version number as the name of the database
# Sqlite data for both source and binary packages supports fetching data
# from both remote addresses and local REPo sources
# src_db_file:SQLite files related to the source package provided in the repo source
# bin_db_file:SQLite files related to the binary package provided in the repo source
# lifecycle:Does the imported source package data need to be stored in the life cycle database
# When you need to store in the life cycle, you need to set the value to enable
# When you do not need to store in the life cycle, you need to set the value to disable
# priority: The priority of the database,When querying dependencies, which library is
# the first to find data the value can only be 1、 2、 3、 4
- dbname: $database_name
#src_db_file: file:///path
src_db_file: http://remote-address
# bin_db_file: file:///path
bin_db_file: http://remote-address
lifecycle: enable/disable
priority: 1/2/3/4
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