同步操作将从 kenneth/license_robot 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
/* General compiler and language abstraction layer
* isolate application from bloody differences among compilers
* RULES: keep it thin, simple and maintainable
* Creator & Maintainer: Zhang Fan ([email protected])
#if !defined(__UNI_TYPES_H__)
#define __UNI_TYPES_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* IMPORTANT Notes: subtle structure alignment difference between GCC and MSVC.
* let's say we have:
struct padding_t
uint64_t val:40;
//uint64_t pad:24;
uint8_ dat[8];
struct padding_t pad;
printf("dat offset = %d\n", pad.dat - (uint8_t*)&pad);
* under MSVC, we get 'dat offset = 8', but under GCC, the output is 'dat offset = 5'.
* so, make sure add padding bit-field in any time.
#ifdef _WIN32
/*! \def GRCALL
* the calling convention of functions exported by modules.
# define GRCALL __stdcall
# define GRINLINE __inline
# define GRINLINE inline
/*! \def GRCALL
* the calling convention of functions exported by modules.
# if defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define GRCALL __stdcall
# else
# define __stdcall
# define GRCALL
# endif
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable: 4200)
# pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
# define GREXTERN extern "C"
extern "C" {
# define GREXTERN extern
#ifdef _WIN32
# define GR_BIG_ENDIAN 0 //XXX
# include <endian.h>
# define GRI64 "l"
# define GRIi64 "ld"
# define GRIu64 "lu"
# define GRIo64 "lo"
# define GRIx64 "lx"
# define GRIX64 "lX"
# define GRI64 "ll"
# define GRIi64 "lld"
# define GRIu64 "llu"
# define GRIo64 "llo"
# define GRIx64 "llx"
# define GRIX64 "llX"
#define streq(a,b) ( (void*)(a) == (void*)(b) || ((a) && (b) && (strcmp((a),(b)) == 0)) )
#define streqn(a,b,n) ( (void*)(a) == (void*)(b) || ((a) && (b) && (strncmp((a),(b),(n)) == 0)) )
#define strceq(a,b) ( (void*)(a) == (void*)(b) || ((a) && (b) && (strcasecmp((a),(b)) == 0)) )
#define strceqn(a,b,n) ( (void*)(a) == (void*)(b) || ((a) && (b) && (strncasecmp((a),(b),(n)) == 0)) )
#define objeq(a,b) (memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) == 0)
#define objneq(a,b) (memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) != 0)
#define strtrue(a) ((a) && ((atoi(a) != 0) || strceq(a, "true")))
/*! \def grmin(a,b)
* Return the smaller one of 'a' and 'b'
#ifndef grmin
# define grmin(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(b):(a))
/*! \def grmax(a,b)
* Return the larger one of 'a' and 'b'
#ifndef grmax
# define grmax(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
/*! \def check_range(v,l,h)
* To judge if 'v' is located between 'l' and 'h'. 'v'; 'l' and 'h' must be comparable.
#define check_range(v,l,h) ((v)<(l)?(l):(v)>(h)?(h):(v));
#define grcalloc(type) ((type*)calloc(1, sizeof(type)))
#ifdef GR_UTF8
typedef char grchr_t;
typedef char* grstr_t;
# define GS(a) a
# define grscpy(a,b) strcpy(a,b)
# define grsncpy(a,b,n) strncpy(a,b,n)
# define grslen(a) strlen(a)
# define grscmp(a,b) strcmp(a,b)
# define grsncmp(a,b,n) strncmp(a,b,n)
# define grscasecmp(a,b) strcasecmp(a,b)
# define grsncasecmp(a,b,n) strncasecmp(a,b,n)
# define grsdup(a) strdup(a)
# define grscat(a,b) strcat(a,b)
# define grprintf printf
# define grsprintf sprintf
# define grsnprintf snprintf
# define grfprintf fprintf
# define grvprintf vprintf
# define grvfprintf vfprintf
# define grvsprintf vsprintf
# define grsfget fgets
# define grscanf scanf
# define grfscanf fscanf
# define grstok(a,b,c) strtok_r(a,b,c)
# define grstol(a,b,c) strtol(a,b,c)
# define grstoll(a,b,c) strtoll(a,b,c)
# define grstoul(a,b,c) strtoul(a,b,c)
# define grsstr(a,b) strstr(a,b)
# ifdef _WIN32
# define GRS "s" /* sprintf char* for Windows */
# define GRW "S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GFS "%s" /* sprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFW "%S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GOS "%s\n" /* sprintf char* for Windows */
# define GOW "%S\n" /* sprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GFSN(n) "%" n "s" /* sprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFWN(n) "%" n "S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# else
# define GRS "s" /* sprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GRW "S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GFS "%s" /* sprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GFW "%S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GOS "%s\n" /* sprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GOW "%S\n" /* sprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GFSN(n) "%" n "s" /* sprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFWN(n) "%" n "S" /* sprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# endif
# define GRT GRS
# define GFT GFS
# define GOT GOS
# define GFTN(n) GFSN(n)
# define grstring std::string
typedef wchar_t grchr_t;
typedef wchar_t* grstr_t;
# define GS(a) L##a
# define grscpy(a,b) wcscpy(a,b)
# define grsncpy(a,b,n) wcsncpy(a,b,n)
# define grslen(a) wcslen(a)
# define grscmp(a,b) wcscmp(a,b)
# define grsncmp(a,b,n) wcsncmp(a,b,n)
# define grscasecmp(a,b) wcscasecmp(a,b)
# define grsncasecmp(a,b,n) wcsncasecmp(a,b,n)
# define grsdup(a) wcsdup(a)
# define grscat(a,b) wcscat(a,b)
# define grprintf wprintf
# define grsprintf swprintf
# define grsnprintf swprintf
# define grfprintf fwprintf
# define grvprintf vwprintf
# define grvfprintf vwfprintf
# define grvsprintf vswprintf
# define grsfget fgetws
# define grscanf wscanf
# define grfscanf fwscanf
# define grstok(a,b,c) wcstok(a,b,c)
# define grstol(a,b,c) wcstol(a,b,c)
# define grstoll(a,b,c) wcstoll(a,b,c)
# define grstoul(a,b,c) wcstoul(a,b,c)
# define grsstr(a,b) wcswcs(a,b)
# ifdef _WIN32
# define GRS L"S" /* wprintf char* for Windows */
# define GRW L"s" /* wprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GFS L"%S" /* wprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFW L"%s" /* wprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GOS L"%S\n" /* wprintf char* for Windows */
# define GOW L"%s\n" /* wprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# define GFSN(n) L"%" L##n L"S" /* wprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFWN(n) L"%" L##n L"s" /* wprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# else
# define GRS L"s" /* wprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GRW L"S" /* wprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GFS L"%s" /* wprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GFW L"%S" /* wprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GOS L"%s\n" /* wprintf char* for POSIX */
# define GOW L"%S\n" /* wprintf wchar_t* for POSIX */
# define GFSN(n) L"%" L##n "s" /* wprintf char* for Windows */
# define GFWN(n) L"%" L##n "S" /* wprintf wchar_t* for Windows */
# endif
# define GRT GRW
# define GFT GFW
# define GOT GOW
# define GFTN(n) GFWN(n)
# define grstring std::wstring
#define GRCSIZE sizeof(grchr_t)
static GRINLINE grstr_t grscasestr(const grstr_t Astr, const grstr_t Atok)
grstr_t base = (grstr_t)Astr;
for (; *base; base++) {
grstr_t str = (grstr_t)base;
grstr_t tok = (grstr_t)Atok;
#ifdef GR_UTF8
/* XXX: tolower works for utf-8? */
while (*str && (!*tok || tolower(*tok++) == tolower(*str++)))
while (*str && (!*tok || towlower(*tok++) == towlower(*str++)))
if (!*tok)
return base;
return NULL;
/*! \def ZNAME_LEN
* The general name string storage space limitation.
#define ZNAME_LEN 64
/*! \def ZNAME_CAP
* The actual characters can be used for naming. it is ZNAME_LEN minus 1.
#define ZNAME_CAP (ZNAME_LEN - 1)
/*! \typedef token_t
* \brief The fixed size string type as common token name.
typedef grchr_t token_t[ZNAME_LEN];
#ifdef GR_UTF8
# define GRTOK "=s64"
# define GRTOK "=t64"
typedef char atoken_t[ZNAME_LEN];
typedef wchar_t wtoken_t[ZNAME_LEN];
/*! \struct guid_t
* \brief The GUID type represent to be used around goldenrod project.
typedef union
uint8_t bytes[16]; /*!< the byte array form of guid */
uint32_t dwords[4]; /*!< the double-word array form of guid */
struct {
uint32_t data1; /*!< the first field of uuid, MSB */
uint16_t data2; /*!< the second field of uuid, MSB */
uint16_t data3; /*!< the third field of uuid, MSB */
uint8_t data4[2]; /*!< the fourth field of uuid */
uint8_t data5[6]; /*!< the fifth field of uuid */
} uuid; /*!< the uuid structure form of guid */
} guid_t;
#define EMPTY_UUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
/*! \struct timetable_t
* \brief time table definition, tipically to be used for scheduling.
typedef struct
uint16_t month; //!< bit0-11: Jan-Dec, bit15: every month
uint16_t weekday:7; //!< Sunday-Saturday
uint16_t everyWeekday:1; //!< every day of week or not
uint16_t useMWeek:1; //!< the mweek takes effect or not
uint16_t mweek:6; //!< the week of month
uint16_t everyWeek:1; //!< every week of month or not
uint32_t day; //!< bit0-30: 1st-31st, bit31: every day
uint32_t hour; //!< bit0-23: 0-23 O'clock; bit31: every hour
uint32_t activatedDEP:1; //!< the item is activated(deprecated, running status should not be here, get unexpected if serialize/unserialize
uint32_t dayAndWeek:1; //!< day and weekday both should be matched
uint32_t isDuration:1; //!< it's a duration, otherwise a time point
uint32_t pad2:29; //!< pad for alignment
uint64_t minute; //!< bit0-59: 0-59 minute; bit63: every minutes
uint64_t second; //!< reserved
} timetable_t;
#define FMT_TIMETABLE "cciiill"
/*! \struct vector8_t
* \brief A general purpose dual tuple definition.
typedef struct {
int8_t x; /*!< the x part of 8-bit vector */
int8_t y; /*!< the y part of 8-bit vector */
} vector8_t;
/*! \struct vector16_t
* \brief A general purpose dual tuple definition.
typedef struct
int16_t x; /*!< the x part of 16-bit vector */
int16_t y; /*!< the y part of 16-bit vector */
} vector16_t;
/*! \struct vector32_t
* \brief A general purpose dual tuple definition.
typedef struct
int32_t x; /*!< the x part of 32-bit vector */
int32_t y; /*!< the y part of 32-bit vector */
} vector32_t;
/*! \struct vector64_t
* \brief A general purpose dual tuple definition.
typedef struct
int64_t x; /*!< the x part of 64-bit vector */
int64_t y; /*!< the y part of 64-bit vector */
} vector64_t;
/*! \struct quarter8_t
* \brief A general purpose integer tetrad definition.
typedef struct
int8_t a; /*!< the first int16_t part of quarter8_t */
int8_t b; /*!< the second int16_t part of quarter8_t */
int8_t c; /*!< the third int16_t part of quarter8_t */
int8_t d; /*!< the forth int16_t part of quarter8_t */
} quarter8_t;
/*! \struct quarter16_t
* \brief A general purpose integer tetrad definition.
typedef struct
int16_t a; /*!< the first int16_t part of quarter16_t */
int16_t b; /*!< the second int16_t part of quarter16_t */
int16_t c; /*!< the third int16_t part of quarter16_t */
int16_t d; /*!< the forth int16_t part of quarter16_t */
} quarter16_t;
/*! \struct quarter32_t
* \brief A general purpose integer tetrad definition.
typedef struct
int32_t a; /*!< the first int16_t part of quarter32_t */
int32_t b; /*!< the second int16_t part of quarter32_t */
int32_t c; /*!< the third int16_t part of quarter32_t */
int32_t d; /*!< the forth int16_t part of quarter32_t */
} quarter32_t;
/*! \struct quarter64_t
* \brief A general purpose integer tetrad definition.
typedef struct
int64_t a; /*!< the first int16_t part of quarter64_t */
int64_t b; /*!< the second int16_t part of quarter64_t */
int64_t c; /*!< the third int16_t part of quarter64_t */
int64_t d; /*!< the forth int16_t part of quarter64_t */
} quarter64_t;
/*! \enum phase_t
* \brief A general purpose state definition used for state controlling.
typedef enum
ph_Initial, /*!< the initial(start) state */
ph_TransitingIn, /*!< transitting state from initial */
ph_Transitted, /*!< state transitted(end) */
ph_TransitingOut, /*!< transitting state to initial */
ph_Exception, /*!< recoverable error phase */
ph_Fatal, /*!< unrecoverable error phase */
} phase_t;
/*! \enum data_opcode_t
* \brief the action code for general data manipulating.
typedef enum
dop_create = 0, /*!< create new datum item */
dop_update = 1, /*!< update existed datum */
dop_delete = 2, /*!< erase datum */
dop_search = 3, /*!< inquire datum */
dop_commit = 4, /*!< finish a batch of operation */
dop_notify = 5, /*!< announce the creation of datum */
} data_opcode_t;
/*! \fn gr_callback_t
* \brief unified data callback with usage data.
typedef void (GRCALL *gr_callback_t)(const void* Abuf, int Alen, void* Aud);
/*! \struct gr_junction_t
* \brief junction to report variant data accross module.
typedef struct
gr_callback_t cb; /*!< callback function pointer */
void* ud; /*!< usage data as callback parameter */
} gr_junction_t;
// error code definitions
#define GE_OK 0
#define GE_InvalidHandle -1
#define GE_Unsupported -2
#define GE_NoObjectFound -3
#define GE_InProgress -4
#define GE_NotReady -5
#define GE_GeneralFail -6
#define GE_DuplicatedObject -7
#define GE_InvalidParameter -8
#define GE_ModuleLoadFail -9
#define GE_ModuleSymbolFail -10
#define GE_Unauthorized -11
#define GE_InvalidOperation -12
#define GE_ResourceLimited -13
#define GE_Deprecated -14
#define GE_UnknownReason -15
#define GE_InvalidResource -16
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // __UNI_TYPES_H__
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