同步操作将从 ttt/SFML 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
SFML IN COCOA APPLICATION ========================= This is a small example of the integration of SFML in a Cocoa application. Features -------- * This example shows how basic UI elements can interact with SFML render areas such as sf::RenderWindow (you can use sf::Window and OpenGL code too, of course). * It also provides tools for converting NSString to and from std::[w]string in an Objective-C Category of NSString. * Moreover, it shows how you can prevent annoying the system alerts produced when the SFML view has focus and the user press a key (see SilentWindow interface in CocoaAppDelegate.[h|mm]). Special Considerations ---------------------- While mixing SFML into a Cocoa application you have to deal with mixing C++ and Objective-C. In order to proceed you should use .mm extension for Objective-C++ files. Be aware of the limitations of Objective-C++. Please refer to the official documentation provided by Apple for more information. You can also work around these limitations by using CSFML.
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