# This Shell Script will build and use the latest jMonkeyEngine git version, so there might be some undiscovered engine bugs, watch out!
# Also if you want to revert to releases and bintray builds, you need to uninstall them from your local maven repo...
if [ ! -d "engine" ]; then
echo "Downloading the Engine, this may take some time"
if [ "x$TRAVIS" != "x" ] && [ "x$TRAVIS_TAG" != "x" ]; then
# Extract the engine version from the sdk branch tag.
git clone -b $(echo "$TRAVIS_TAG" | sed -n 's/\(v.\+\)-sdk.\+/\1/p') --single-branch --depth 10 https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jMonkeyEngine/ engine # single-branch requires git > 1.7.10, if you see an error, just leave it out.
#git clone -b master --single-branch --depth 10 https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jMonkeyEngine/ engine # single-branch requires git > 1.7.10, if you see an error, just leave it out.
git clone -b v3.3 --single-branch --depth 10 https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jMonkeyEngine/ engine # single-branch requires git > 1.7.10, if you see an error, just leave it
cd engine
echo "Engine already cloned, pulling updates."
cd engine
git pull
# git checkout tags/v3.1.0-beta2 # To use this, leave out depth and change -b to a branch.
#echo "Patching the Engine...."
#patch -s -N -p 1 < ../patches/FixHWSkinningSerialization.diff
# Remark: We don't build the engine from here anymore but instead use https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/composite_builds.html,
# that way we don't have to care about versioning and don't spam the user's mavenLocal Repo. Also you only need this script really to
# download the engine. Nothing a windows user couldn't do by hand.
# Until https://github.com/jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine/issues/1260 is solved, prebuild the engine manually
echo "Prebuilding the engine to ensure native libraries are unzipped"
./gradlew -PbuildJavaDoc=true build assemble
#echo "Building the Engine and installing them to your local maven repo...."
# ./gradlew -PbuildJavaDoc=true install # Depends on jarJavadoc, jarSourcecode, assemble, dist etc.
cd ../
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