import 'reflect-metadata'
import { VssueAPI } from 'vssue'
import { inspect, InspectOptions } from 'util'
import { AxiosError } from 'axios'
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
const md = new MarkdownIt({
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
let inspectOptions: InspectOptions = {
colors: true,
getters: true,
* {
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"login": "demogitee",
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"following_url": "https://gitee.com/api/v5/users/demogitee/following_url{/other_user}",
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"starred_url": "https://gitee.com/api/v5/users/demogitee/starred{/owner}{/repo}",
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"events_url": "https://gitee.com/api/v5/users/demogitee/events{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "https://gitee.com/api/v5/users/demogitee/received_events",
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"created_at": "2017-12-26T21:01:33+08:00",
"updated_at": "2019-05-22T00:46:12+08:00",
export interface IUser
"id": number;
"login": string;
"name": string;
"avatar_url": string;
"url": string;
"html_url": string;
"followers_url": string;
"following_url": string;
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"organizations_url": string;
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"received_events_url": string;
"type": string;
"site_admin": boolean;
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"weibo": any;
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"public_repos": number;
"public_gists": number;
"followers": number;
"following": number;
"stared": number;
"watched": number;
"created_at": string;
"updated_at": string;
export interface IIssues
"id": number;
"url": string;
"repository_url": string;
"labels_url": string;
"comments_url": string;
"html_url": string;
"parent_url": any;
"number": string;
"state": string;
"title": string;
"body": string;
"user": {
"id": number;
"login": string;
"name": string;
"avatar_url": string;
"url": string;
"html_url": string;
"followers_url": string;
"following_url": string;
"gists_url": string;
"starred_url": string;
"subscriptions_url": string;
"organizations_url": string;
"repos_url": string;
"events_url": string;
"received_events_url": string;
"type": string;
"site_admin": boolean;
"labels": any[];
"assignee": any;
"collaborators": any[];
"repository": {
"id": number;
"full_name": string;
"human_name": string;
"url": string;
"namespace": {
"id": number;
"type": string;
"name": string;
"path": string;
"html_url": string;
"path": string;
"name": string;
"owner": {
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"login": string;
"name": string;
"avatar_url": string;
"url": string;
"html_url": string;
"followers_url": string;
"following_url": string;
"gists_url": string;
"starred_url": string;
"subscriptions_url": string;
"organizations_url": string;
"repos_url": string;
"events_url": string;
"received_events_url": string;
"type": string;
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"keys_url": string;
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"hooks_url": string;
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"tags_url": string;
"blobs_url": string;
"stargazers_url": string;
"contributors_url": string;
"commits_url": string;
"comments_url": string;
"issue_comment_url": string;
"issues_url": string;
"pulls_url": string;
"milestones_url": string;
"notifications_url": string;
"labels_url": string;
"releases_url": string;
"recommend": boolean;
"homepage": any;
"language": string;
"forks_count": number;
"stargazers_count": number;
"watchers_count": number;
"default_branch": string;
"open_issues_count": number;
"has_issues": boolean;
"has_wiki": boolean;
"pull_requests_enabled": boolean;
"has_page": boolean;
"license": any;
"outsourced": boolean;
"project_creator": string;
"members": string[];
"pushed_at": string;
"created_at": string;
"updated_at": string;
"parent": any;
"paas": any;
"milestone": any;
"created_at": string;
"updated_at": string;
"plan_started_at": any;
"deadline": any;
"finished_at": any;
"scheduled_time": number;
"comments": number;
"issue_type": string;
"program": any;
export function handleAvatar(avatar: string)
return avatar
export function normalizeUser(user: IUser | IComment["user"]): VssueAPI.User
return {
username: user.login,
avatar: handleAvatar(user.avatar_url),
homepage: user.html_url,
export function normalizeIssue(issue: IIssues): VssueAPI.Issue
return {
id: issue.number,
title: issue.title,
content: issue.body,
link: issue.url,
export interface IComment
"id": number;
"body": string;
"user": {
"id": number;
"login": string;
"name": string;
"avatar_url": string;
"url": string;
"html_url": string;
"followers_url": string;
"following_url": string;
"gists_url": string;
"starred_url": string;
"subscriptions_url": string;
"organizations_url": string;
"repos_url": string;
"events_url": string;
"received_events_url": string;
"type": string;
"site_admin": boolean;
"source": string;
"created_at": string;
"target": {
"issue": {
"id": number;
"number": string;
"title": string;
"pull_request": any;
export function normalizeComment(comment: IComment): VssueAPI.Comment
return {
id: comment.id as any,
content: md.render(comment.body),
contentRaw: comment.body,
author: normalizeUser(comment.user),
createdAt: comment.created_at,
updatedAt: comment.created_at,
//reactions: normalizeReactions(comment.reactionGroups),
export function normalizeReactions(reactions: any): VssueAPI.Reactions
return {
like: reactions.find(item => item.content === 'THUMBS_UP').users.totalCount,
unlike: reactions.find(item => item.content === 'THUMBS_DOWN').users.totalCount,
heart: reactions.find(item => item.content === 'HEART').users.totalCount,
export function mapReactionName(reaction: keyof VssueAPI.Reactions): string
if (reaction === 'like') return 'THUMBS_UP'
if (reaction === 'unlike') return 'THUMBS_DOWN'
if (reaction === 'heart') return 'HEART'
return reaction
export default {
export const enum EnumMyConst
SITE_NAME = 'Gitee',
BASE_URL = 'https://gitee.com'
export function logParamTypes(target: any, key: string)
let types = Reflect.getMetadata("design:paramtypes", target, key);
let s = types.map(a => a.name).join();
console.log(`${key} param types: ${s}`);
export function logParameter(target: any, key: string, index: number)
let metadataKey = `__log_${key}_parameters`;
if (Array.isArray(target[metadataKey]))
target[metadataKey] = [index];
export function logMethod(target, key, descriptor)
if (descriptor === undefined)
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
let originalMethod = descriptor.value;
//editing the descriptor/value parameter
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[])
let metadataKey = `__log_${key}_parameters`;
let indices = target[metadataKey];
if (Array.isArray(indices))
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (indices.indexOf(i) !== -1)
let arg = args[i];
let argStr = JSON.stringify(arg) || arg.toString();
console.log(`${key} arg[${i}]: ${argStr}`);
let result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);
return result;
let a = args.map(a => (inspect(a, {
showHidden: true,
let result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);
if (result instanceof Promise)
return result
.then(result =>
let r = inspect(result, inspectOptions);
console.log(`Call: ${key}\n(${a})\n=> Promise(${r})`);
return result;
.catch(e =>
let r = inspect(e, inspectOptions);
console.error(`Call Failed: ${key}\n(${a})\n=> Promise(${r})`);
return Promise.reject(e)
let r = inspect(result, inspectOptions);
console.log(`Call: ${key}\n(${a})\n=> ${r}`);
return result;
// return edited descriptor as opposed to overwriting the descriptor
return descriptor;
export function noticeError(target, key, descriptor)
if (descriptor === undefined)
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
let originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[])
let result;
result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);
if (result instanceof Promise)
result = result.catch((e: AxiosError) =>
return Promise.reject(e)
catch (e)
throw e
return result
export function noticeAxiosError(e: AxiosError & {
noticed?: boolean;
if (e && !e.noticed && e.response && e.response.data)
e.noticed = true;
setTimeout(() =>
}, 100);
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