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block_management.h 33.32 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Niv Dayan 提交于 2015-02-23 03:19 . refactoring
* block_management.h
* Created on: Feb 17, 2013
* Author: niv
#include "ssd.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
//#include "mtrand.h"
namespace ssd {
class Migrator {
void init(IOScheduler*, Block_manager_parent*, Garbage_Collector*, Wear_Leveling_Strategy*, FtlParent*, Ssd*);
void schedule_gc(double time, int package, int die, int block, int klass);
vector<deque<Event*> > migrate(Event * gc_event);
void update_structures(Address const& a, double time);
void print_pending_migrations();
deque<Event*> trigger_next_migration(Event * gc_read);
bool more_migrations(Event * gc_read);
void register_event_completion(Event* event);
void register_ECC_check_on(uint logical_address);
uint how_many_gc_operations_are_scheduled() const;
void set_block_manager(Block_manager_parent* b) { bm = b; }
Garbage_Collector* get_garbage_collector() { return gc; }
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & scheduler;
ar & bm;
ar & ssd;
ar & ftl;
ar & gc;
ar & wl;
bool copy_back_allowed_on(long logical_address);
void register_copy_back_operation_on(uint logical_address);
void handle_erase_completion(Event* event);
void handle_trim_completion(Event* event);
void issue_erase(Address ra, double time);
IOScheduler *scheduler;
Block_manager_parent* bm;
Ssd* ssd;
FtlParent* ftl;
Garbage_Collector* gc;
Wear_Leveling_Strategy* wl;
map<long, uint> page_copy_back_count; // Pages that have experienced a copy-back, mapped to a count of the number of copy-backs
vector<vector<uint> > num_blocks_being_garbaged_collected_per_LUN;
unordered_map<int, int> blocks_being_garbage_collected;
vector<queue<Event*> > erase_queue;
vector<int> num_erases_scheduled_per_package;
unordered_map<long, vector<deque<Event*> > > dependent_gc;
unordered_map<Block*, double> gc_time_stat;
class Block_manager_parent {
Block_manager_parent(int classes = 1);
virtual ~Block_manager_parent();
virtual void init(Ssd*, FtlParent*, IOScheduler*, Garbage_Collector*, Wear_Leveling_Strategy*, Migrator*);
virtual void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_read_command_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_read_transfer_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_register_cleared();
virtual Address choose_write_address(Event& write);
Address choose_flexible_read_address(Flexible_Read_Event* fr);
virtual void register_write_arrival(Event const& write);
virtual void trim(Event const& write);
virtual void receive_message(Event const& message) {}
double in_how_long_can_this_event_be_scheduled(Address const& die_address, double current_time, event_type type = NOT_VALID) const;
double soonest_possible_write() const;
static double soonest_write_time;
double in_how_long_can_this_write_be_scheduled(double current_time) const;
double in_how_long_can_this_write_be_scheduled2(double current_time) const;
void update_next_possible_write_time() const;
vector<deque<Event*> > migrate(Event * gc_event);
bool Copy_backs_in_progress(Address const& address);
bool can_schedule_on_die(Address const& address, event_type type, uint app_io_id) const;
bool is_die_register_busy(Address const& addr) const;
void register_trim_making_gc_redundant(Event* trim);
Address choose_copbyback_address(Event const& write);
void schedule_gc(double time, int package_id, int die_id, int block, int klass);
virtual void check_if_should_trigger_more_GC(Event const& event);
double get_average_migrations_per_gc() const;
int get_num_age_classes() const { return num_age_classes; }
int get_num_pages_available_for_new_writes() const { return num_available_pages_for_new_writes; }
void subtract_from_available_for_new_writes(int num) {
num_available_pages_for_new_writes -= num;
//printf("%d %d\n", num_available_pages_for_new_writes, num_free_pages);
vector<Block*> const& get_all_blocks() const { return all_blocks; }
uint sort_into_age_class(Address const& address) const;
void copy_state(Block_manager_parent* bm);
virtual bool bm(Block* block, double current_time) { return true; }
virtual bool may_garbage_collect_this_block(Block* block, double current_time) { return true;}
static Block_manager_parent* get_new_instance();
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & ssd;
ar & ftl;
ar & scheduler;
ar & free_block_pointers;
ar & free_blocks;
ar & all_blocks;
ar & num_age_classes;
ar & num_free_pages;
ar & num_available_pages_for_new_writes;
ar & free_block_pointers;
ar & wl;
ar & gc;
ar & migrator;
virtual void print() const {}
Address find_free_unused_block(double time);
Address find_free_unused_block(uint package_id, uint die_id, enum age age, double time);
Address find_free_unused_block(uint package_id, uint die_id, double time);
Address find_free_unused_block(uint package_id, double time);
Address find_free_unused_block(enum age age, double time);
pair<bool, pair<int, int> > get_free_block_pointer_with_shortest_IO_queue(vector<vector<Address> > const& dies) const;
void return_unfilled_block(Address block_address, double current_time, bool give_to_block_pointers);
int get_num_free_blocks() const;
void print_free_blocks() const;
virtual Address choose_best_address(Event& write) = 0;
virtual Address choose_any_address(Event const& write) = 0;
void increment_pointer(Address& pointer);
bool can_schedule_write_immediately(Address const& prospective_dest, double current_time);
bool can_write(Event const& write) const;
Address get_free_block_pointer_with_shortest_IO_queue();
inline bool has_free_pages(Address const& address) const { return address.valid == PAGE && address.page < BLOCK_SIZE; }
Ssd* ssd;
FtlParent* ftl;
IOScheduler *scheduler;
vector<vector<Address> > free_block_pointers;
Migrator* migrator;
vector<vector<vector<deque<Address> > > > free_blocks; // package -> die -> class -> list of such free blocks
int get_num_free_blocks(int package, int die) const;
int get_num_pointers_with_free_space() const;
int get_num_available_pages_for_new_writes() const { return num_available_pages_for_new_writes; }
Address find_free_unused_block(uint package_id, uint die_id, uint age_class, double time);
void issue_erase(Address a, double time);
bool copy_back_allowed_on(long logical_address);
void register_copy_back_operation_on(uint logical_address);
void register_ECC_check_on(uint logical_address);
bool schedule_queued_erase(Address location);
vector<Block*> all_blocks;
// The num_age_classes variable controls into how many age classes we divide blocks.
// In every LUN, the block manager tries to keep num_age_classes free blocks.
// This allows doing efficient dynamic wear-leveling by putting pages of a certain temperature in blocks of a certain age.
int num_age_classes;
uint num_free_pages;
uint num_available_pages_for_new_writes;
pair<bool, pair<int, int> > last_get_free_block_pointer_with_shortest_IO_queue_result;
bool IO_has_completed_since_last_shortest_queue_search;
vector<queue<Event*> > erase_queue;
vector<int> num_erases_scheduled_per_package;
Wear_Leveling_Strategy* wl;
Garbage_Collector* gc;
class Wear_Leveling_Strategy {
Wear_Leveling_Strategy(Ssd* ssd, Migrator*);
~Wear_Leveling_Strategy() {};
void register_erase_completion(Event const& event);
bool schedule_wear_leveling_op(Block* block);
double get_normalised_age(uint age) const;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & age_distribution;
ar & all_blocks;
ar & num_erases_up_to_date;
ar & ssd;
ar & average_erase_cycle_time;
ar & blocks_being_wl;
ar & blocks_to_wl;
ar & migrator;
ar & max_age;
ar & block_data;
void init();
double get_min_age() const;
//void update_blocks_with_min_age(uint min_age);
void find_wl_candidates(double current_time);
//set<Block*> blocks_with_min_age;
map<int, int> age_distribution; // maps block ages to the number of blocks with this age
vector<Block*> all_blocks;
int num_erases_up_to_date;
Ssd* ssd;
double average_erase_cycle_time;
set<Block*> blocks_being_wl;
set<Block*> blocks_to_wl;
Migrator* migrator;
int max_age;
MTRand_int32 random_number_generator;
struct Block_data {
int age;
double last_erase_time;
Block_data() : age(0), last_erase_time(0) {}
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & age;
ar & last_erase_time;
vector<Block_data> block_data;
// A BM that assigns each write to the die with the shortest queue. No hot-cold seperation
class Block_manager_parallel : public Block_manager_parent {
~Block_manager_parallel() {}
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Block_manager_parent>(*this);
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
// A BM that assigns each write to the die with the shortest queue. No hot-cold seperation
class bm_gc_locality : public Block_manager_parent {
~bm_gc_locality() {}
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void check_if_should_trigger_more_GC(Event const& event);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
bool may_garbage_collect_this_block(Block* block, double current_time);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Block_manager_parent>(*this);
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
map<Block*, Address> pointers_for_ongoing_gc_operations;
vector<vector<queue<Address> > > partially_used_blocks;
int get_num_partially_empty_blocks() const;
Address get_block_for_gc(int package, int die, double current_time);
// A BM that seperates blocks based on tags
class Block_Manager_Tag_Groups : public Block_manager_parent {
~Block_Manager_Tag_Groups() {}
void register_write_arrival(Event const& e);
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
//void increment_pointer_and_find_free(Address& block, double time);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
void print() const;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Block_manager_parent>(*this);
ar & free_block_pointers_tags;
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
map<int, vector<vector<Address> > > free_block_pointers_tags; // tags, packages, dies
struct pointers {
pointers(Block_manager_parent* bm);
void register_completion(Event const& e);
Address get_best_block(Block_manager_parent* bm) const;
void print() const;
int get_num_free_blocks() const;
void retire(double current_time);
Block_manager_parent* bm;
vector<vector<Address> > blocks;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & bm; ar & blocks;
// A simple BM that assigns writes sequentially to dies in a round-robin fashion. No hot-cold separation or anything else intelligent
class Block_manager_roundrobin : public Block_manager_parent {
Block_manager_roundrobin(bool channel_alternation = true);
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
void move_address_cursor();
Address address_cursor;
bool channel_alternation;
// A BM that assigns each write to the die with the shortest queue, as well as hot-cold seperation
class Shortest_Queue_Hot_Cold_BM : public Block_manager_parent {
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_read_command_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
virtual Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
void check_if_should_trigger_more_GC(Event const& event);
void handle_cold_pointer_out_of_space(double start_time);
BloomFilter_Page_Hotness_Measurer page_hotness_measurer;
Address cold_pointer;
class Wearwolf : public Block_manager_parent {
virtual void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_read_command_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
virtual void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
virtual void check_if_should_trigger_more_GC(Event const&);
virtual Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
virtual Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
Page_Hotness_Measurer* page_hotness_measurer;
void handle_cold_pointer_out_of_space(enum read_hotness rh, double start_time);
void reset_any_filled_pointers(Event const& event);
Address wcrh_pointer;
Address wcrc_pointer;
class Sequential_Pattern_Detector_Listener {
virtual ~Sequential_Pattern_Detector_Listener() {}
virtual void sequential_event_metadata_removed(long key, double current_time) = 0;
struct sequential_writes_tracking {
int counter, num_times_pattern_has_repeated;
long key;
double last_arrival_timestamp;
double const init_timestamp;
ulong last_io_num;
sequential_writes_tracking(double time, long key);
class Sequential_Pattern_Detector {
typedef ulong logical_address;
Sequential_Pattern_Detector(uint threshold);
sequential_writes_tracking const& register_event(logical_address lb, double time);
void set_listener(Sequential_Pattern_Detector_Listener * listener);
void remove_old_sequential_writes_metadata(double time);
map<logical_address, logical_address> sequential_writes_key_lookup; // a map from the next expected LBA in a seqeuntial pattern to the first LBA, which is the key
map<logical_address, sequential_writes_tracking*> sequential_writes_identification_and_data; // a map from the first logical write of a sequential pattern to metadata about the pattern
sequential_writes_tracking* restart_pattern(int key, double time);
sequential_writes_tracking* process_next_write(int lb, double time);
sequential_writes_tracking* init_pattern(int lb, double time);
uint registration_counter;
Sequential_Pattern_Detector_Listener* listener;
uint threshold;
ulong io_num;
class Sequential_Locality_BM : public Block_manager_parallel, public Sequential_Pattern_Detector_Listener {
void register_write_arrival(Event const& write);
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
void sequential_event_metadata_removed(long key, double current_time);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Block_manager_parent>(*this);
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
enum parallel_degree_for_sequential_files { ONE, LUN, CHANNEL };
parallel_degree_for_sequential_files parallel_degree;
struct sequential_writes_pointers {
int num_pointers;
vector<vector<Address> > pointers;
uint cursor;
int tag;
struct tagged_sequential_write {
int key, size, free_allocated_space, num_written;
tagged_sequential_write() : key(-1), size(-1), free_allocated_space(0), num_written(0) {}
tagged_sequential_write(int key, int size) : key(key), size(size), free_allocated_space(0), num_written(0) {}
bool need_more_space() { return is_finished() ? false : size > free_allocated_space; }
bool is_finished() { return num_written == size; }
map<long, sequential_writes_pointers> seq_write_key_to_pointers_mapping;
void set_pointers_for_sequential_write(long key, double time);
void set_pointers_for_tagged_sequential_write(int tag, double time);
Address perform_sequential_write(Event& event, long key);
Address perform_sequential_write_shortest_queue(sequential_writes_pointers& swp);
Address perform_sequential_write_round_robin(sequential_writes_pointers& swp);
void process_write_completion(Event const& event, long key, pair<long, long> index);
Sequential_Pattern_Detector* detector;
strategy strat;
map<long, tagged_sequential_write> tag_map; // maps from tags of sequential writes to the size of the sequential write
map<long, long> arrived_writes_to_sequential_key_mapping;
void print_tags(); // to be removed
MTRand_int32 random_number_generator;
int num_hits;
int num_misses;
class Garbage_Collector {
Garbage_Collector() : ssd(NULL), bm(NULL), num_age_classes(1) {}
Garbage_Collector(Ssd* ssd, Block_manager_parent* bm) : ssd(ssd), bm(bm), num_age_classes(bm->get_num_age_classes()) {}
virtual ~Garbage_Collector() {}
virtual void register_event_completion(Event const& event) {};
virtual Block* choose_gc_victim(int package_id, int die_id, int klass) const = 0;
virtual void commit_choice_of_victim(Address const& phys_address, double time) = 0;
void set_block_manager(Block_manager_parent* b) { bm = b; }
virtual void set_scheduler(IOScheduler*) {}
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & ssd;
ar & bm;
ar & num_age_classes;
Ssd* ssd;
Block_manager_parent* bm;
int num_age_classes;
// The garbage collector organizes blocks in a data structure that is convenient for choosing which block to garbage-collect next
// This organization happens within the gc_candidates structure.
// Blocks that are candidates for garbage collection are first organized based on which package and die they belong to.
// Within the each die, they are further divided how old they are (i.e. how many erases they have experienced).
// The variable num_age_classes controls how many groups we use for blocks of different ages.
// Note that the block manager maintains a free block for every age class in every LUN. This allows us to implement efficient
// dynamic wear-leveling by putting pages of a certain temperature in blocks of a certain age.
class Garbage_Collector_Greedy : public Garbage_Collector {
Garbage_Collector_Greedy(Ssd* ssd, Block_manager_parent* bm);
// Called by the block manager after any page in the SSD is invalidated, as a result of a trim or a write.
// This is used to keep the gc_candidates structure updated.
virtual void register_event_completion(Event const& event);
// Called by the block manager to ask the garbage-collector for a good block to garbage-collect in a given package, die, and with a certain age.
Block* choose_gc_victim(int package_id, int die_id, int klass) const;
// Called by the block manager when a GC operation for a certain block has been issued. This block is removed from the gc_candidates structure.
void commit_choice_of_victim(Address const& phys_address, double time);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Garbage_Collector>(*this);
ar & gc_candidates;
vector<long> get_relevant_gc_candidates(int package_id, int die_id, int klass) const;
vector<vector<set<long> > > gc_candidates;
class Garbage_Collector_LRU : public Garbage_Collector {
Garbage_Collector_LRU(Ssd* ssd, Block_manager_parent* bm);
virtual void register_event_completion(Event const& event);
Block* choose_gc_victim(int package_id, int die_id, int klass) const;
void commit_choice_of_victim(Address const& phys_address, double time);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Garbage_Collector>(*this);
ar & gc_candidates;
vector<vector<queue<int> > > gc_candidates; // for each die, a queue of blocks to be erased
class flash_resident_ftl_garbage_collection : public Garbage_Collector {
flash_resident_ftl_garbage_collection(Ssd* ssd, Block_manager_parent* bm) : Garbage_Collector(ssd, bm), ftl(NULL) {}
flash_resident_ftl_garbage_collection() : Garbage_Collector(), ftl(NULL) {}
virtual void invalid_address_notification(Address const& a, double time) = 0;
virtual void set_ftl(flash_resident_page_ftl* new_ftl) { new_ftl = ftl; }
flash_resident_page_ftl* ftl;
struct logarithmic_gecko_index_entry {
vector<bool> bitmap;
bool erase_flag;
void print() const;
struct logarithmic_gecko_cached_entry {
vector<bool> bitmap;
bool up_to_date;
void print() const;
enum write_amp_choice {greedy, prob, opt};
struct group_def {
group_def(double update_frequency, double size, int tag = UNDEFINED) : update_frequency(update_frequency), size(size), tag(tag) {}
group_def() : update_frequency(), size(), tag() {}
double update_frequency;
double size;
int tag;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
ar & update_frequency;
ar & size;
ar & tag;
class Groups_Message : public Message {
Groups_Message(double time) : Message(time), redistribution_of_update_frequencies(false) {}
bool redistribution_of_update_frequencies;
vector<group_def> groups; // one pair for each group. The first double is the update frequency, between 0 and 1, and the second is the group size as a fraction of the whole
class group {
group(double prob, double size, Block_manager_parent* bm, Ssd* ssd, int index);
void print() const;
void print_die_spesific_info() const;
void print_tags_per_group() const;
void print_blocks_valid_pages_per_die() const;
void print_blocks_valid_pages() const;
double get_prob_op(double PBA, double LBA);
double get_greedy_op(double PBA, double LBA);
double get_average_op(double PBA, double LBA);
double get_write_amp(write_amp_choice choice) const;
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event);
Block* get_gc_victim_LRU(int package, int die) const;
Block* get_gc_victim_window_greedy(int package, int die) const;
inline double get_normalized_hits_per_page() const { return (prob / num_pages) * OVER_PROVISIONING_FACTOR * NUMBER_OF_ADDRESSABLE_PAGES(); }
Block* get_gc_victim_greedy(int package, int die) const;
bool is_starved() const;
void accept_block(Address block_addr);
bool needs_more_blocks() const;
int needs_how_many_blocks() const;
bool in_equilbirium() const;
void retire_active_blocks(double current_time);
static bool in_total_equilibrium(vector<group> const& groups, int group_id);
static double get_average_write_amp(vector<group>& groups, write_amp_choice choice = opt);
static vector<group> allocate_op(vector<group> const& groups);
static vector<group> closed_form_method(vector<group> const& groups);
static vector<group> closed_form_method(vector<group> const& groups, int LBA, int PBA);
static vector<group> iterate(vector<group> const& groups);
static vector<group> iterate_except_first(vector<group> const& groups);
static void print(vector<group> const& groups);
static void print_tags_distribution(vector<group> const& groups);
static void init_stats(vector<group>& groups);
static void count_num_groups_that_need_more_blocks(vector<group> const& groups);
double get_avg_pages_per_block_per_die() const;
double get_avg_pages_per_die() const;
double get_avg_blocks_per_die() const;
double get_min_pages_per_die() const;
double prob, size, offset, OP, OP_greedy, OP_prob, OP_average, actual_prob;
pointers free_blocks, next_free_blocks;
set<Block*> block_ids, blocks_being_garbage_collected;
vector<vector<int> > num_pages_per_die, num_blocks_per_die, num_blocks_ever_given;
vector<vector<vector<Block*> > > blocks_queue_per_die;
struct group_stats {
group_stats() : num_gc_in_group(0), num_writes_to_group(0), num_gc_writes_to_group(0),
num_requested_gc(0), num_requested_gc_to_balance(0), num_requested_gc_starved(0),
migrated_in(0), migrated_out(0) {}
int num_gc_in_group, num_writes_to_group, num_gc_writes_to_group;
int num_requested_gc, num_requested_gc_to_balance, num_requested_gc_starved;
int migrated_in, migrated_out;
void print() const;
long num_app_writes;
int num_pages;
group_stats stats;
static vector<int> mapping_pages_to_groups;
static vector<int> mapping_pages_to_tags;
static int num_groups_that_need_more_blocks, num_groups_that_need_less_blocks;
StatisticsGatherer stats_gatherer;
int index;
int id;
static int id_generator;
static int overprov_allocation_strategy;
Ssd* ssd;
static int num_writes_since_last_regrouping;
static bool is_stable();
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & prob; ar & size; ar & offset; ar & OP; ar & OP_greedy; ar & OP_prob; ar & OP_average; ar & actual_prob;
ar & free_blocks; ar & next_free_blocks; ar & block_ids; ar & blocks_being_garbage_collected;
ar & num_pages_per_die; ar & num_blocks_per_die; ar & num_blocks_ever_given; ar & blocks_queue_per_die;
ar & num_pages; ar & mapping_pages_to_groups; ar & mapping_pages_to_tags; ar & index; ar & id;
ar & num_writes_since_last_regrouping; ar & ssd;
// A temperature detector interface to be used by Block_Manager_Groups
class temperature_detector {
temperature_detector(vector<group>& groups) : groups_demo(), groups(groups) {};
temperature_detector() : groups_demo(), groups(groups_demo) {}
virtual ~temperature_detector() {}
virtual int which_group_should_this_page_belong_to(Event const& event) = 0;
virtual void register_write_completed(Event const& event, int prior_group, int group_id) { }
virtual void change_in_groups(vector<group>& groups, double current_time) {}
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & groups;
ar & groups_demo;
vector<group>& groups;
vector<group> groups_demo;
// Conceptually and oracle that uses tags on a page to infer which group the page belongs to
class tag_detector : public temperature_detector {
tag_detector(vector<group>& groups) : temperature_detector(groups) {};
tag_detector() : temperature_detector() {}
int which_group_should_this_page_belong_to(Event const& event);
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
{ ar & boost::serialization::base_object<temperature_detector>(*this); }
// A BM that seperates blocks based on tags
class Block_Manager_Groups : public Block_manager_parent {
void init(Ssd*, FtlParent*, IOScheduler*, Garbage_Collector*, Wear_Leveling_Strategy*, Migrator*);
void init_detector();
void register_write_arrival(Event const& e);
void register_write_outcome(Event const& event, enum status status);
void register_erase_outcome(Event& event, enum status status);
bool trigger_gc_in_same_lun_but_different_group(int package, int die, int group_id, double time);
void handle_block_out_of_space(Event const& event, int group_id);
void receive_message(Event const& message);
void change_update_frequencies(Groups_Message const& message);
void check_if_should_trigger_more_GC(Event const&);
void try_to_allocate_block_to_group(int group_id, int package, int die, double time);
bool may_garbage_collect_this_block(Block* block, double current_time);
void register_logical_address(Event const& event, int group_id);
void print() const;
void add_group(double starting_prob_val = 0);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<Block_manager_parent>(*this);
ar & groups;
ar & detector;
static int detector_type;
static int reclamation_threshold;
static bool prioritize_groups_that_need_blocks;
static int garbage_collection_policy_within_groups; // 0 for LRU, 1 for greedy
Address choose_best_address(Event& write);
Address choose_any_address(Event const& write);
void give_block_to_group(int package, int die, int group_id, double current_time);
void request_gc(int group_id, int package, int die, double time);
vector<group> groups;
struct statistics {
statistics() : num_group_misses(0),
num_starved_gc_operations_requested(0), num_normal_gc_operations_requested(0) {}
int num_group_misses;
int num_starved_gc_operations_requested;
int num_normal_gc_operations_requested;
statistics stats;
temperature_detector* detector;
// Conceptually and oracle that uses tags on a page to infer which group the page belongs to
class bloom_detector : public temperature_detector {
bloom_detector(vector<group>& groups, Block_Manager_Groups* bm);
virtual ~bloom_detector() {};
virtual int which_group_should_this_page_belong_to(Event const& event);
virtual void change_in_groups(vector<group>& groups, double current_time);
virtual void register_write_completed(Event const& event, int prior_group, int new_group_id);
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<temperature_detector>(*this);
ar & data; ar & bm; ar & current_interval_counter;
ar & interval_size_of_the_lba_space; ar & highest_group; ar & lowest_group;
static int num_filters;
static int max_num_groups;
static int min_num_groups;
static double bloom_false_positive_probability;
int get_interval_length() { return NUMBER_OF_ADDRESSABLE_PAGES() * OVER_PROVISIONING_FACTOR * interval_size_of_the_lba_space; }
virtual void update_probilities(double current_time) = 0;
void group_interval_finished(int group_id);
struct group_data {
group_data(group const& group_ref, vector<group>& data);
vector<bloom_filter*> filters;
int in_filters(Event const& );
int bloom_filter_hits;
int interval_hit_count;
inline double get_hits_per_page() const { return groups[index].prob / groups[index].num_pages; }
inline group get_group() { return groups[index]; }
int index;
int lower_group_id, upper_group_id;
int age_in_intervals, age_in_group_periods;
vector<group>& groups;
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
//ar & current_filter; ar & filter2; ar & filter3;
ar & bloom_filter_hits; ar & interval_hit_count;
ar & index; ar & lower_group_id; ar & upper_group_id; ar & age_in_intervals;
ar & groups;
vector<group> groups_none;
bool create_higher_group(int index) const;
void try_to_merge_groups(double current_time);
void merge_groups(group_data* gd1, group_data* gd2, double current_time);
vector<group_data*> data; // sorted by group update probability
Block_Manager_Groups* bm;
int current_interval_counter;
double interval_size_of_the_lba_space;
group_data* highest_group, *lowest_group;
vector<int> tag_map;
void change_id_for_pages(int old_id, int new_id);
class adaptive_bloom_detector : public bloom_detector {
adaptive_bloom_detector(vector<group>& groups, Block_Manager_Groups* bm) : bloom_detector(groups, bm) { update_probilities(0); }
void update_probilities(double current_time);
virtual void adjust_groups(double current_time);
class non_adaptive_bloom_detector : public bloom_detector {
non_adaptive_bloom_detector(vector<group>& groups, Block_Manager_Groups* bm);
void change_in_groups(vector<group>& groups, double current_time);
void update_probilities(double current_time);
vector<int> hit_rate;
class tag_based_with_prob_recomp : public adaptive_bloom_detector {
tag_based_with_prob_recomp(vector<group>& groups, Block_Manager_Groups* bm) : adaptive_bloom_detector(groups, bm) { update_probilities(0); }
virtual int which_group_should_this_page_belong_to(Event const& event);
void adjust_groups(double current_time) {}
#endif /* BLOCK_MANAGEMENT_H_ */
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:beyondsuntong/EagleTree.git
