# This Makefile serves two purposes:
# 1) If the user types "make" without having run "configure", we suggest running configure.
# 2) Our build system is written for GNU make, and makes liberal users of its features.
# We therefore put it into "GNUmakefile", which is picked up by GNU make, but ignore by
# other make versions, such as BSD make.
# Thus, if the user has BSD make, it will run this Makefile instead -- and we inform
# them that they need to use GNU make to compile GAP.
# To learn more about the GAP build system, see README.buildsys.md
@if test -f GNUmakefile ; then \
printf "Please use GNU make to build GAP (try 'gmake' or 'gnumake')\n" ; \
else \
printf "You need to run "; \
if ! test -f configure ; then \
printf "./autogen.sh then "; \
fi; \
printf "./configure before make (please refer to INSTALL for details)\n" ; \
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。