{hi:help xtdcce2}{right: v. 1.0 - 16. January 2018}
{p 4 4}{cmd:xtset2} - advanced routines for {cmd: xtset} and {cmd: _xt}.{p_end}
{p 4 13}{cmd:xtcd2} [{it:panelvar} {it:timevar}] [{it:if}]
{p 4 4}{it:panelvar} is the panel identifier (cross-section) and {it:timevar} the time identifier.
{cmd:xtset2} without the panel and time identifier displays the current setting.{p_end}
{p 4}{help xtset2##description:Description}{p_end}
{p 4}{help xtset2##about:About}{p_end}
{marker description}{title:Description}
{p 4 4} {cmd:xtset2} extends {help xtset} and help {tsset}.
It is possible to define a balanced panel with respect to variables, similar to the {it:touse} option of {cmd:_xt}.
{marker about}{title:Author}
{p 4}Jan Ditzen (Heriot-Watt University){p_end}
{p 4}Email: {browse "mailto:[email protected]":[email protected]}{p_end}
{p 4}Web: {browse "www.jan.ditzen.net":www.jan.ditzen.net}{p_end}
{title:Also see}
{p 4 4}See also: {help xtset}, {help _xt}, {help tsset}{p_end}
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