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JanDitzen 提交于 2019-01-22 14:06 . Add files via upload
*! xtset2 1.0 - January 2018
*! author Jan Ditzen
*! www.jan.ditzen.net - [email protected]
*! see viewsource xtset2.ado for more info.
xtset2 extends xtset.
version 11.1
capture program drop xtset2
program define xtset2, rclass
syntax [varlist(numeric default=none)] [if], [* checkvars(varlist) matrix showxtset version]
if "`version'" != "" {
display "xtset2, version 1.0"
return scalar version = 1
else {
if "`varlist'" == "" {
local varlist "`r(ivar)' `r(tvar)'"
*noi disp "`if'"
if "`if'" != "" {
keep `if'
tokenize `varlist'
local idvar "`1'"
local tvar "`2'"
**Obtain N amd N_g
local N = _N
tempvar N_gtmp N_gtmp2
egen `N_gtmp' = tag(`idvar')
egen `N_gtmp2' = total(`N_gtmp')
sum `N_gtmp2' , meanonly
local N_g = r(mean)
local N = r(N)
**Determine type of balance
if "`checkvars'" == "" {
local checkvars "`idvar' `tvar'"
1) T = Ti (same number of periods)
2) Tmin = Tmin_i & Tmax = Tmax_i (beginning and end the same)
3) T(i) = T(j), where T(t)_i = T(t)_j (i and j have same periods)
4) no gaps
5) no missings in variables
for strongly balanced 1,2, 3 and 4 have to hold
for weakly balanced 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 or 1 and 4 have to hold
rest unbalanced
local Cond1 = 0
local Cond2 = 0
local Cond2Max = 0
local Cond2Min = 0
local Cond3 = 0
local Cond4 = 0
local Cond5 = 0
** check 1)
tempvar Ttot
by `idvar', sort: gen `Ttot' = _N
inspect `Ttot'
if `r(N_unique)' == 1 {
local Cond1 = 1
** Check 2)
tempvar Tmin Tmax
by `idvar', sort: egen `Tmax' = max(`tvar')
by `idvar', sort: egen `Tmin' = min(`tvar')
inspect `Tmax'
if `r(N_unique)' == 1 {
local Cond2Max = 1
inspect `Tmin'
if `r(N_unique)' == 1 {
local Cond2Min = 1
**set dummy
if `Cond2Max' == 1 & `Cond2Min' == 1 {
local Cond2 = 1
** Check 3)
tempname Tmat
tab `tvar' , matcell(`Tmat')
svmat `Tmat' , name(`Tmat')
inspect `Tmat'
if `r(N_unique)' == 1 {
local Cond3 = 1
** Check 4),
** check if gaps
tempvar gaps
by `idvar' (`tvar'), sort: gen `gaps' = `tvar' - `tvar'[_n-1]
by `idvar' (`tvar'), sort: replace `gaps' = `gaps'[_n+1] if _n == 1
inspect `gaps'
if `r(N_unique)' == 1 {
local Cond4 = 1
**count gaps
sum `Tmat'
scalar NumGaps = (r(max) - r(mean))*r(N)
** check 5)
tempvar Obsmissing Obsmissingtotal
egen `Obsmissing' = rowmiss(`checkvars')
by `idvar', sort: egen `Obsmissingtotal' = total(`Obsmissing')
sum `Obsmissingtotal'
if `r(mean)' == 0 {
local Cond5 = 1
**number of missings
sum `Obsmissing'
local NumMissing = r(sum)
**stats for time periods
tempvar tvarcount
by `idvar', sort: egen `tvarcount' = count(`tvar')
sum `tvarcount'
scalar meanT = r(mean)
scalar minT = r(min)
scalar maxT = r(max)
**Determine which balanced type
local balanced = "unbalanced"
local balancedN = 1
*noi disp "1: `Cond1' , 2: `Cond2' , 3: `Cond3' , 4: `Cond4'"
if `Cond1' == 1 & `Cond2' == 1 & `Cond3' == 1 & `Cond4' == 1 & `Cond5' == 1 {
local balanced = "strongly balanced"
local balancedN = 2
else if (`Cond1' == 1 & `Cond2' == 1) | (`Cond1' == 1 & `Cond3' == 1) | (`Cond1' == 1 & `Cond4' == 1) {
local balanced = "weakly balanced"
local balancedN = 3
*else if `Cond1' == 1 & `Cond2' == 1 & `Cond3' == 0 {
* local balanced = "weakly balanced"
* local balancedN = 3
if "`matrix'" != "" {
collapse (count) `var'T = `tvar' (min) `tvar'min=`tvar' (max) `tvar'max=`tvar' (mean) `tvar'bar=`tvar' (max) `Obsmissingtotal'miss=`Obsmissingtotal' , by(`idvar')
mkmat `idvar' `var'T `tvar'min `tvar'max `tvar'bar `Obsmissingtotal'miss , matrix(PanelMatrix)
matrix colnames PanelMatrix = Panelid T Tmin Tmax Tbar Missings
qui capture _xt
local rc = _rc
if `rc' != 0 | "`options'" != "" {
disp "xtset2 output:"
di as txt _col(8) "panel variable: " as res "`idvar' (`balanced')"
di as txt _col(6) "number of groups: " as res "`N_g'"
di as txt _col(8) "number missing: " as res "`NumMissing'"
di as txt _col(11) "number gaps: " as res NumGaps
di as txt _col(13) "variables: " as res "`checkvars'"
if `balancedN' == 1 {
di ""
di as txt _col(10) "number of periods"
di as txt _col(15) "average: " as res meanT
di as txt _col(19) "Min: " as res minT
di as txt _col(19) "Max: " as res maxT
else {
di as txt _col(5) "number of periods: " as res meanT
**check if data is xtset, if not, set it
if `rc' != 0 | "`options'" != "" {
disp ""
disp "xtset output:"
xtset `idvar' `tvar' , `options'
return add
return local balanced = "`balanced'"
return scalar N_g = `N_g'
return scalar balancedN = `balancedN'
return scalar NumMissing = `NumMissing'
return scalar NumGaps = NumGaps
return scalar Tmin = minT
return scalar Tmean = meanT
return scalar Tmax = maxT
return scalar N = `N'
return local panelvar "`idvar'"
return local timevar "`tvar'"
if "`matrix'" != "" {
return matrix PanelMatrix = PanelMatrix
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:arlionn/xtdcce2.git
