*! version 1.0.1 27Sep2014
capture program drop EEIg2015
program define EEIg2015, rclass
version 12.1
// syntax checking and validation-----------------------------------------------
// rts - return to scale, ort - orientation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns 1 if the first nonblank character of local macro `0' is a comma,
// or if `0' is empty.
if replay() {
dis as err "ivars and ovars must be inputed."
exit 198
// get and check invarnames
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
syntax varlist(min=1) [if] [in]
cap drop EEIg1
set matsize 2000
set more off
local bopvars "`varlist'"
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nout=`ngo'+`nbo'
qui {
order `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
mat eff=J(_N,1,.)
*cap mat drop Xmat
mkmat `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars', mat(Xmat)
*mat lamd=J(_N,1,1)
mat obj=J(_N,1,0)
mat m2=[obj,Xmat]
mat m2=m2'
*mat temp1=J(2,1,1)
*local i=1
local nob=_N
disp "Computing... ..."
disp "Pls wait..."
qui {
forvalues i=1/`nob' {
*disp `i'
cap mat drop m1 m3 fobj temp2 temp3 temp4 XZ
* mat list Xmat
mat m3=Xmat[`i',....]
mat m3=[0 \ m3']
mat temp2=Xmat[`i',....]
*mat temp4=temp2[1,`ninp'+1..`ninp'+`ngo']
*mat list temp4
*mat temp2[1,`ninp'+1]=-temp2[1,`ninp'+1..`ninp'+`ngo']
*mat temp4=temp2[1,`ninp'..`ninp'+`ngo'+`nbo']
*mat temp4=temp4'
*mat list temp1
*mat temp3=diag(temp2)
*mat list temp3
*mat list temp1
*mat list temp4
mat m1=[1\ temp2[1,1] \ J(`ninp'-1+`ngo'+`nbo',1,0)]
mat XZ=[m1,m2]
svmat XZ
svmat m3, names(rhp)
*local vnames : colfullnames Xmat2
gen rel="<="
replace rel="=" in 1
*replace rel=">=" if _n<=`ninp'+1 & _n>1
replace rel=">=" if _n>=`ninp'+2 & _n<=`ninp'+`ngo'+1
replace rel="=" if _n>=`ninp'+`ngo'+2
*list rel
*mat list m1
*mat list m2
*mat list m3
lp XZ*, max rhs(rhp1)
mat fobj=r(lprslt)
* mat temp4=fobj[1,2..6]
mat eff[`i',1]=1-fobj[1,1]
*list rel
*mat dir
*svmat d11, names(beta)
cap drop EEIg1
svmat eff, names(EEIg)
display "Computation is completed!"
dis "Results are plasted in the data set!"
dis "Pls check it!"
dis _newline
dis "------------------------------------------"
dis "@This code is written by Kerry@"
dis "@All rights are reserved@"
*! version 1.0.0 30OCT2012
capture program drop lp
program define lp, rclass
version 11.0
// syntax checking and validation-----------------------------------------------
// rel - relational
// rhs - right hand side
// example:
// lp x1 x2 x3, min
// lp x1 x2 x3, min rel(rel_var) rhs(rhs_var)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns 1 if the first nonblank character of local macro `0' is a comma,
// or if `0' is empty.
if replay() {
dis as err "vars required."
exit 198
#del ;
syntax varlist(min=1) [if] [in] [using/]
REL(varname) // default is "rel", relational
RHS(varname) // default is "rhs"
MIN // the objective is to minimize optimizaion
MAX // the objective is to maximize optimization
INTVARS(varlist) // Integer(Mixed Integer Condition) Variables
TOL1(real 1e-14) // entering or leaving value tolerance
TOL2(real 1e-8) // B inverse tolerance: 2.22e-12
TRACE // Whether or not to do the log
SAVing(string) // result data file name
REPLACE // Whether or not to replace the result data file
#del cr
// default rel == "rel"
if ("`rel'" == "") local rel = "rel"
// default rhs == "rel"
if ("`rhs'" == "") local rhs = "rhs"
// optimization check
local opt = "`min'`max'"
if (!("`opt'" == "min" || "`opt'" == "max")) {
dis as err "optimization is must min or max, and exclusively."
exit 198
if ("`using'" != "") use "`using'", clear
if (~(`c(N)' > 0 & `c(k)' > 0)) {
dis as err "dataset required!"
exit 198
// end of syntax checking and validation ---------------------------------------
set more off
capture log close lp_log
log using "lp.log", replace text name(lp_log)
if ("`if'" != "" | "`in'" != "") {
qui keep `in' `if' // filtering : keep in range [if exp]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LP Start
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ("`intvars'" == "") {
lpmain `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') ///
tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
else {
milp `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') ///
intvars(`intvars') tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
tempname tableau lprslt temp_t
matrix `tableau' = r(tableau)
matrix `lprslt' = r(lprslt)
local nvars = r(nvars)
local nslacks = r(nslacks)
local nartificials = r(nartificials)
// setup lprslt colnames and rownames
matrix `temp_t' = `tableau'[1...,1..`=colsof(`lprslt')']
matrix colnames `lprslt' = `: colnames `temp_t''
matrix rownames `lprslt' = "opt_val"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
di as result _n(2) "Input Values:"
matrix list `tableau', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
di as result _n(2) "LP Results: options(`opt')"
matrix list `lprslt', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
di as text _n(2) ""
return matrix tableau = `tableau'
return matrix lprslt = `lprslt'
return local nvars = `nvars'
return local nslacks = `nslacks'
return local narticials = `nartificials'
set more on
restore, preserve
log close lp_log
* MILP - Mixed Integer Linear Programming
program define milp, rclass
#del ;
syntax varlist, rel(varname) rhs(varname) opt(string) intvars(varlist)
cnt(integer 0) tol1(real 1e-14) tol2(real 1e-8) trace
#del cr
tempname tableau lprslt baseval
// #L0
lpmain `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') ///
tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
matrix `tableau' = r(tableau)
matrix `lprslt' = r(lprslt)
// for debug
di as result _n(2) "MILP L`cnt' Input Values:"
matrix list `tableau', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
di as result _n(2) "MILP L`cnt' Results: options(`opt')"
matrix list `lprslt', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
di as text _n "--------------------------------------------------"
di as text _n
// infeasible
if (`lprslt'[1,1] >= .) {
return add // all results of lpmain
else {
// check that all variables is an integer
local max_varname = ""
local max_mantissa = 0
foreach varname of varlist `intvars' {
// because tableau and lprslt are same order
local varvalue = ///
round(`lprslt'[1, colnumb(`tableau',"`varname'")], `tol1')
local mantissa = `varvalue' - floor(`varvalue')
if (`mantissa' > `max_mantissa') {
local max_mantissa = `mantissa'
local max_varname = "`varname'"
local `baseval' = `varvalue'
// if all variables is an integer
if ("`max_varname'" == "") {
return add // all results of lpmain
// some variables is not an integer
else {
// #L1
qui {
set obs `=c(N)+1'
replace `max_varname' = 1 in `c(N)'
replace `rel' = ">=" in `c(N)'
replace `rhs' = ceil(``baseval'') in `c(N)'
foreach varname of varlist `varlist' {
if ("`max_varname'" != "`varname'") {
replace `varname' = 0 in `c(N)'
// recursive call
milp `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') cnt(`=`cnt'+1') ///
intvars(`intvars') tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
matrix `tableau' = r(tableau)
matrix `lprslt' = r(lprslt)
local nvars = r(nvars)
local nslacks = r(nslacks)
local nartificials = r(nartificials)
// #L2
restore, preserve
qui {
set obs `=c(N)+1'
replace `max_varname' = 1 in `c(N)'
replace `rel' = "<=" in `c(N)'
replace `rhs' = floor(``baseval'') in `c(N)'
foreach varname of varlist `varlist' {
if ("`max_varname'" != "`varname'") {
replace `varname' = 0 in `c(N)'
// recursive call
milp `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') cnt(`=`cnt'+2') ///
intvars(`intvars') tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
// #L1 and #L2 are infeasible or feasible
// if #L1 is infeasible or #L2 > #L1 then select #L2
tempname L2
matrix `L2' = r(lprslt)
if ("`opt'" == "max") {
if (`lprslt'[1,1] >= . | `L2'[1,1] > `lprslt'[1,1]) {
matrix `tableau' = r(tableau)
matrix `lprslt' = r(lprslt)
local nvars = r(nvars)
local nslacks = r(nslacks)
local nartificials = r(nartificials)
else { // else if ("`opt'" == "min") {
if (`lprslt'[1,1] >= . | `L2'[1,1] < `lprslt'[1,1]) {
matrix `tableau' = r(tableau)
matrix `lprslt' = r(lprslt)
local nvars = r(nvars)
local nslacks = r(nslacks)
local nartificials = r(nartificials)
// return the final results
return matrix tableau = `tableau'
return matrix lprslt = `lprslt'
return local nvars = `nvars'
return local nslacks = `nslacks'
return local narticials = `nartificials'
* LP Main - Linear Programming Main
program define lpmain, rclass
#del ;
syntax varlist, rel(varname) rhs(varname) opt(string)
tol1(real 1e-14) tol2(real 1e-8) trace
#del cr
tempname tableau
// make tableau
mktableau `varlist' `rhs', opt(`opt') rel(`rel') tableau(`tableau')
local nvars : list sizeof varlist // number of variables
local nslacks = r(nslacks) // number of slacks
local nartificials = r(nartificials) // number of artificials
// run lp phase I and II
mata: _lp_phase("`tableau'", "`opt'", ///
`nvars', `nslacks', `nartificials', ///
`tol1', `tol2', "`trace'")
// return results for lp
return local nvars = `nvars'
return local nslacks = `nslacks'
return local narticials = `nartificials'
return matrix tableau = `tableau'
return add // r(lprslt)
* LP Main - Linear Programming Main
program define lpmain_1, rclass
#del ;
syntax varlist, rel(varname) rhs(varname) opt(string) lprslt(name)
tableau(name) vars(real) slacks(real) artificials(real)
intvars(varlist) tol1(real 1e-14) tol2(real 1e-8) trace
#del cr
mata: _lp_phase("`tableau'", "`opt'", ///
`vars', `slacks', `artificials', ///
`tol1', `tol2', "`trace'")
tempname c_lprslt // current lprslt
matrix `c_lprslt' = r(lprslt)
matrix colnames `c_lprslt' = `: colnames(`lprslt')'
matrix rownames `c_lprslt' = `: rownames(`lprslt')'
// di as result _n "lprslt:"
// matrix list `lprslt', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
// di as result _n "c_lprslt:"
// matrix list `c_lprslt', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
if ("`intvars'" != "" && `c_lprslt'[1,1] < .) { // if MILP then,
local max_varname = ""
local max_mantissa = 0
foreach varname of varlist `intvars' {
local varvalue = ///
round(`c_lprslt'[1, colnumb(`c_lprslt',"`varname'")], `tol1')
local varvalue = `varvalue' - floor(`varvalue')
if (`varvalue' > `max_mantissa') {
local max_mantissa = `varvalue'
local max_varname = "`varname'"
if ("`max_varname'" != "") { // variables is not at all integer
tempname t_tableau t_obj t_vars t_slacks t_artificials t_rhs t_st
tempname r1_lprslt r2_lprslt temp_t
local varvalue = `c_lprslt'[1, colnumb(`c_lprslt',"`max_varname'")]
qui {
set obs `=c(N)+1'
replace `max_varname' = 1 in `c(N)'
replace `rel' = ">=" in `c(N)'
replace `rhs' = ceil(`varvalue') in `c(N)'
foreach varname of varlist `varlist' {
if ("`max_varname'" != "`varname'") {
replace `varname' = 0 in `c(N)'
// make tableau
mktableau `varlist' `rhs', opt(`opt') rel(`rel') tableau(`t_tableau')
local r1_vars = `vars'
local r1_slacks = r(nslacks)
local r1_artificials = r(nartificials)
// make lprslt and setup lprslt colnames and rownames
matrix `r1_lprslt' = J(1, `=(1 + `vars' + `r1_slacks')', .)
matrix `temp_t' = `t_tableau'[1...,1..`=colsof(`r1_lprslt')']
matrix colnames `r1_lprslt' = `: colnames `temp_t''
matrix rownames `r1_lprslt' = "opt_val"
// call the lp main function
lpmain `varlist', rel(`rel') rhs(`rhs') opt(`opt') ///
lprslt(`r1_lprslt') tableau(`t_tableau') ///
vars(`vars') slacks(`r1_slacks') artificials(`r1_artificials') ///
intvars(`intvars') tol1(`tol1') tol2(`tol2') `trace'
// setup result of lprslt
matrix `r1_lprslt' = r(lprslt)
if (`r1_lprslt'[1,1] >= .) {
*/ restore, preserve
else { // select lprslt because all variables are integer
if (`lprslt'[1,1] >= .) {
matrix `lprslt' = `c_lprslt'
else if ("`opt'" == "max") {
if (`c_lprslt'[1,1] > `lprslt'[1,1]) {
matrix `lprslt' = `c_lprslt'
else { // else if ("`opt'" == "min") {
if (`c_lprslt'[1,1] < `lprslt'[1,1]) {
matrix `lprslt' = `c_lprslt'
else if (`c_lprslt'[1,1] < .) {
matrix `lprslt' = `c_lprslt'
di as result _n "final lprslt:"
matrix list `lprslt', noblank nohalf noheader f(%9.6g)
return matrix lprslt = `lprslt'
// Make Tableau Matrix ---------------------------------------------------------
program define mktableau, rclass
syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in], opt(string) rel(varname) tableau(name)
// make matrix
mkmat `varlist' `if' `in', matrix(`tableau') rownames(`rel')
// r_vec: row vector, s_mat: slacks matrix, a_mat: artificials matrix
tempname r_vec s_mat a_mat
local s_names = ""
local a_names = ""
local rel_values : rownames `tableau'
forvalues i = 2/`=rowsof(`tableau')' {
matrix `r_vec' = J(rowsof(`tableau'), 1, 0)
local rel_value = word("`rel_values'", `i')
if ("`rel_value'" == "<" || "`rel_value'" == "<=" ) {
// slack
matrix `r_vec'[`i', 1] = 1
matrix `s_mat' = nullmat(`s_mat'), `r_vec'
local s_names = "`s_names' s`=colsof(`s_mat')'"
else if ("`rel_value'" == ">" || "`rel_value'" == ">=" ) {
// slcak
matrix `r_vec'[`i', 1] = -1
matrix `s_mat' = nullmat(`s_mat'), `r_vec'
local s_names = "`s_names' s`=colsof(`s_mat')'"
// artificial
matrix `r_vec'[1, 1] = 1 // coefficients of aritificial
matrix `r_vec'[`i', 1] = 1
matrix `a_mat' = nullmat(`a_mat'), `r_vec'
local a_names = "`a_names' a`=colsof(`a_mat')'"
else if ("`rel_value'" == "=") {
// artificial
matrix `r_vec'[1, 1] = 1 // coefficients of aritificial
matrix `r_vec'[`i', 1] = 1
matrix `a_mat' = nullmat(`a_mat'), `r_vec'
local a_names = "`a_names' a`=colsof(`a_mat')'"
else {
di as err "not allowed value of relational. :[`rel_value'] "
exit 198 // TODO error code confirm
} // end of forvalues statements
// make return values
tempname ret_tableau
// #01. init objective and variables
matrix `r_vec' = J(rowsof(`tableau'), 1, 0)
matrix `r_vec'[1,1] = 1
matrix colnames `r_vec' = "z" // Objective name
matrix `ret_tableau' = `r_vec', `tableau'[1...,1..(colsof(`tableau')-1)]
// #02. append slacks
if ("`s_names'" != "") {
matrix colnames `s_mat' = `s_names'
matrix `ret_tableau' = `ret_tableau', `s_mat'
return local nslacks = colsof(`s_mat') // number of slacks
else return local nslacks = 0
// #03. append artificials
if ("`a_names'" != "") {
matrix colnames `a_mat' = `a_names'
matrix `ret_tableau' = `ret_tableau', `a_mat'
return local nartificials = colsof(`a_mat') // number of artificials
else return local nartificials = 0
// #04. append rhs
matrix `ret_tableau' = `ret_tableau', `tableau'[1...,colsof(`tableau')]
// #05. return results
matrix `tableau' = `ret_tableau'
// Start of the MATA Definition Area -------------------------------------------
version 10
mata set matastrict on
void function _lp_phase (
string scalar tableau,
string scalar opt,
real scalar vars,
real scalar slacks,
real scalar artificials,
real scalar tol1,
real scalar tol2,
string scalar trace )
real matrix M, VARS
real fcols
struct BoundCond matrix boundM
struct LpParam scalar param
struct LpResultStruct scalar lpresult
// 1st. load matrix and variable indexes
M = st_matrix(tableau)
VARS = (0, 1..vars+slacks, -1..-artificials, 0)
// 2rd. make boundary matrix
// 0 <= weight, slacks, atrificials <= INFINITE
boundM = J(1, cols(M), BoundCond());
for (i=1; i<cols(M); i++) {
boundM[1,i].val = 0; boundM[1,i].lower = 0; boundM[1,i].upper = .
// 3th. set the lp's parameters
param.minYn = (opt == "min"); // 0: max, 1: min
param.vars = vars
param.slacks = slacks
param.artificials = artificials
param.tol1 = tol1
param.tol2 = tol2
param.trace = trace
param.tracename = "LP for RSM"
lpresult = lp_phase(M, boundM, VARS, param)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// final.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(lpresult.rc) {
LPRSLT = J(1, 1+param.vars+param.slacks, .)
else {
// lpresult = theta(1) + vars + slacks
LPRSLT = J(1, param.vars+param.slacks, 0)
for (j=1; j<=rows(lpresult.XB) ; j++) {
if (VARS[1,j+1] > 0) LPRSLT[1, VARS[1,j+1]] = lpresult.XB[j, 1]
LPRSLT = lpresult.xVal, LPRSLT
if (param.trace == "trace") {
msg = sprintf("%s-FINAL", param.tracename);
// printf("\n%s: original VARS.\n", msg); orgVARS
printf("\n%s: VARS.\n", msg); VARS
printf("\n%s: XB.\n", msg); lpresult.XB
printf("\n%s: LPRSLT.\n", msg); LPRSLT
st_matrix("r(lprslt)", LPRSLT)
* @param VARS - Variable Index Matrix
* [z, B, N, b]'s index in the original Tableau
* @param M - Tableau: [z, A, S, Af, b] --> [z, B, N, b]
* @param phase - if have artificials, then phase 1 and 2,
* otherwise only phase 2
* @param param - parameter struct for Lp RSM
* @return result of LP
struct LpResultStruct function lp_phase (
real matrix M,
struct BoundCond matrix boundM,
real matrix VARS,
struct LpParam scalar param )
real scalar phase, mrows, mcols, j, idx
string scalar tracename
real vector reorderidx, bfsidx, nonbfsidx
real vector coef_of // coefficient of objective function
struct LpParamStruct scalar lpParam
struct LpResultStruct scalar lpResult
// validation checking.
if (param.minYn >= .) { //
_error(3351, "You have to set the minimization(1) or maximization(0) "
+ "at the LpParam.minYn")
coef_of = M[1, 2..1+param.vars] // keep the objective function
replacesubmat(M, 1, 2, J(1, param.vars, 0))
// initialize matrix.
if (param.trace == "trace") {
printf("\n\n%s: initialize matrix.\n", param.tracename); M
mrows = rows(M); mcols = cols(M)
// classify basic and nonbasic.
bfsidx = J(1, mrows-1, .); nonbfsidx = J(1, 0, .)
for (j = 2+param.vars; j <= mcols-1; j++) {
T = M[2::mrows,j]
if ((sum(T :!= 0) == 1) && (sum(T) == 1)) {
maxindex(T, 1, i, w); bfsidx[i] = j
else nonbfsidx = nonbfsidx, j
reorderidx = (1, bfsidx[1,], 2..1+param.vars, nonbfsidx[1,], mcols)
VARS = VARS[,reorderidx];
M = M[,reorderidx]; boundM = boundM[,reorderidx]
if (param.trace == "trace") {
printf("\n%s: classify basic and nonbasic.\n", tracename); M; VARS
// set the lp's parameters
lpParam.dmus = param.vars
lpParam.slacks = param.slacks
lpParam.artificials = param.artificials
lpParam.tol1 = param.tol1
lpParam.tol2 = param.tol2
lpParam.trace = param.trace
// solve the linear programming(LP): phase I
if (param.artificials > 0) {
phase = 1
lpParam.minYn = 1; // min because of phase 1
tracename = param.tracename + "-PI"
lpResult = lp(M, boundM, VARS, 0, phase, tracename, lpParam)
if (lpResult.rc) return(lpResult)
// solve the linear programming(LP): phase II
phase = 2
lpParam.minYn = param.minYn // according to the optimization.
tracename = param.tracename + "-PII"
// set the objective function.
mcols = cols(M)
for (j=2; j<mcols; j++) {
idx = VARS[1,j]
if (0 < idx && idx <= param.vars) {
M[1,j] = coef_of[idx] // according to variable's index
lpResult = lp(M, boundM, VARS, 0, phase, tracename, lpParam)
// return result.
// End of the MATA Definition Area ---------------------------------------------
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