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DID.smcl 19.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Sony Nghiem 提交于 2016-09-23 09:45 . difference-in-difference method post
{txt}{sf}{ul off}{.-}
name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log: {res}D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon\DID.smcl
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}opened on: {res}23 Sep 2016, 09:17:24
{com}. use D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon\data\injury.dta
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. clear all
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. clear all
{com}. cd D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon
{com}. log using DID.smcl, replace
{err}log file already open
{txt}{search r(604), local:r(604);}
end of do-file
{search r(604), local:r(604);}
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. describe
{txt}Contains data
obs:{res} 0
{txt} vars:{res} 0
{txt} size:{res} 0
{txt}Sorted by:
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. use D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon\data\injury.dta
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. describe
{txt}Contains data from {res}D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon\data\injury.dta
{txt} obs:{res} 7,150
{txt} vars:{res} 30 27 Jun 1997 14:53
{txt} size:{res} 414,700
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
{p 0 48}{res}{bind:durat }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}duration of benefits{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:afchnge }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if after change in benefits{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:highearn }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if high earner{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:male }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if male{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:married }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if married{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:hosp }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if inj. required hosp. stay{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:indust }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}industry{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:injtype }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}type of injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:age }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}age at time of injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:prewage }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}previous weekly wage, 1982 ${p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:totmed }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}total med. costs, 1982 ${p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:injdes }{txt}{bind: int }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}4 digit injury description{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:benefit }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}real dollar value of benefit{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:ky }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 for kentucky{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:mi }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 for michigan{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:ldurat }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}log(durat){p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:afhigh }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}afchnge*highearn{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:lprewage }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}log(wage){p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:lage }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}log(age){p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:ltotmed }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}log(totmed); = 0 if totmed < 1{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:head }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if head injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:neck }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if neck injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:upextr }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if upper extremities injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:trunk }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if trunk injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:lowback }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if lower back injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:lowextr }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if lower extremities injury{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:occdis }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if occupational disease{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:manuf }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if manufacturing industry{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:construc }{txt}{bind: byte }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}=1 if construction industry{p_end}
{p 0 48}{bind:highlpre }{txt}{bind: float }{bind:{txt}%9.0g }{space 1}{bind: }{bind: }{res}{res}highearn*lprewage{p_end}
Sorted by:
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. sum
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 7,150 9.922203 24.49754 .25 182
{txt}{space 5}afchnge {c |}{res} 7,150 .4732867 .4993208 0 1
{txt}{space 4}highearn {c |}{res} 7,150 .3988811 .4897025 0 1
{txt}{space 8}male {c |}{res} 7,134 .780628 .4138501 0 1
{txt}{space 5}married {c |}{res} 6,853 .6922516 .4615955 0 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 8}hosp {c |}{res} 7,150 .2620979 .4398064 0 1
{txt}{space 6}indust {c |}{res} 7,125 2.292491 .8767738 1 3
{txt}{space 5}injtype {c |}{res} 7,150 4.450909 1.516924 1 8
{txt}{space 9}age {c |}{res} 7,146 34.70585 12.59025 12 98
{txt}{space 5}prewage {c |}{res} 7,150 329.7285 182.7989 81.7806 1583.1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 6}totmed {c |}{res} 7,150 1714.422 27853.37 0 2323377
{txt}{space 6}injdes {c |}{res} 7,150 4384.61 1332.238 1007 9052
{txt}{space 5}benefit {c |}{res} 7,150 162.9234 61.41936 14.8692 742.2209
{txt}{space 10}ky {c |}{res} 7,150 .7868531 .4095592 0 1
{txt}{space 10}mi {c |}{res} 7,150 .2131469 .4095592 0 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 7,150 1.332712 1.308542 -1.386294 5.204007
{txt}{space 6}afhigh {c |}{res} 7,150 .193007 .3946861 0 1
{txt}{space 4}lprewage {c |}{res} 7,150 5.653979 .5359215 4.40404 7.36714
{txt}{space 8}lage {c |}{res} 7,146 3.48347 .3548254 2.484907 4.584968
{txt}{space 5}ltotmed {c |}{res} 7,150 5.927235 1.743825 0 14.65853
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 8}head {c |}{res} 7,150 .0363636 .1872064 0 1
{txt}{space 8}neck {c |}{res} 7,150 .0170629 .129515 0 1
{txt}{space 6}upextr {c |}{res} 7,150 .2952448 .4561846 0 1
{txt}{space 7}trunk {c |}{res} 7,150 .1141259 .3179863 0 1
{txt}{space 5}lowback {c |}{res} 7,150 .2618182 .4396549 0 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 5}lowextr {c |}{res} 7,150 .2316084 .4218896 0 1
{txt}{space 6}occdis {c |}{res} 7,150 .0107692 .1032218 0 1
{txt}{space 7}manuf {c |}{res} 7,125 .2808421 .4494421 0 1
{txt}{space 4}construc {c |}{res} 7,125 .1458246 .352955 0 1
{txt}{space 4}highlpre {c |}{res} 7,150 2.484137 3.053281 0 7.36714
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. sum if mi==1
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 1,524 13.61844 32.42494 .25 182
{txt}{space 5}afchnge {c |}{res} 1,524 .4566929 .4982845 0 1
{txt}{space 4}highearn {c |}{res} 1,524 .3005249 .4586368 0 1
{txt}{space 8}male {c |}{res} 1,519 .8189598 .3851783 0 1
{txt}{space 5}married {c |}{res} 1,487 .6664425 .4716423 0 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 8}hosp {c |}{res} 1,524 .2552493 .4361444 0 1
{txt}{space 6}indust {c |}{res} 1,515 2.041584 .9036767 1 3
{txt}{space 5}injtype {c |}{res} 1,524 4.48622 1.518697 1 8
{txt}{space 9}age {c |}{res} 1,524 36.47047 12.61277 12 73
{txt}{space 5}prewage {c |}{res} 1,524 416.6518 224.05 245.6352 1583.1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 6}totmed {c |}{res} 1,524 1947.132 5428.314 0 113030
{txt}{space 6}injdes {c |}{res} 1,524 4460.322 1380.863 1007 9052
{txt}{space 5}benefit {c |}{res} 1,524 208.8461 53.10794 28.4958 473.0752
{txt}{space 10}ky {c |}{res} 1,524 0 0 0 0
{txt}{space 10}mi {c |}{res} 1,524 1 0 1 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 1,524 1.53563 1.383316 -1.386294 5.204007
{txt}{space 6}afhigh {c |}{res} 1,524 .1437008 .3509012 0 1
{txt}{space 4}lprewage {c |}{res} 1,524 5.913638 .4613674 5.503848 7.36714
{txt}{space 8}lage {c |}{res} 1,524 3.5377 .3430295 2.484907 4.29046
{txt}{space 5}ltotmed {c |}{res} 1,524 6.146666 1.967593 0 11.63541
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 8}head {c |}{res} 1,524 .0282152 .1656416 0 1
{txt}{space 8}neck {c |}{res} 1,524 .0144357 .1193174 0 1
{txt}{space 6}upextr {c |}{res} 1,524 .3011811 .4589218 0 1
{txt}{space 7}trunk {c |}{res} 1,524 .1332021 .3399046 0 1
{txt}{space 5}lowback {c |}{res} 1,524 .2414698 .4281149 0 1
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 5}lowextr {c |}{res} 1,524 .2244094 .4173298 0 1
{txt}{space 6}occdis {c |}{res} 1,524 .0177165 .1319624 0 1
{txt}{space 7}manuf {c |}{res} 1,515 .3881188 .4874828 0 1
{txt}{space 4}construc {c |}{res} 1,515 .1821782 .3861188 0 1
{txt}{space 4}highlpre {c |}{res} 1,524 1.984441 3.029382 0 7.36714
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. bysort highearn afchnge: sum durat ldurat if mi==1
-> highearn = 0, afchnge = 0
Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 589 10.95883 26.39318 .25 182
{txt}{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 589 1.412737 1.348778 -1.386294 5.204007
-> highearn = 0, afchnge = 1
Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 477 13.65094 34.05737 .25 182
{txt}{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 477 1.510118 1.353116 -1.386294 5.204007
-> highearn = 1, afchnge = 0
Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 239 14.77929 34.74099 .25 182
{txt}{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 239 1.581876 1.416181 -1.386294 5.204007
-> highearn = 1, afchnge = 1
Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 57}
{space 7}durat {c |}{res} 219 19.43379 39.51457 .25 182
{txt}{space 6}ldurat {c |}{res} 219 1.871247 1.454878 -1.386294 5.204007
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. reg ldurat afchnge highearn afhigh if mi==1
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={res} 1,524
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(3, 1520) = {res} 6.05
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 34.3850177 3 11.4616726 {txt}Prob > F ={res} 0.0004
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 2879.96981 1,520 1.89471698 {txt}R-squared ={res} 0.0118
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.0098
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 2914.35483 1,523 1.91356194 {txt}Root MSE = {res} 1.3765
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} ldurat{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{col 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 5}afchnge {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0973808{col 26}{space 2} .0847879{col 37}{space 1} 1.15{col 46}{space 3}0.251{col 54}{space 4}-.0689329{col 67}{space 3} .2636945
{txt}{space 4}highearn {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1691388{col 26}{space 2} .1055676{col 37}{space 1} 1.60{col 46}{space 3}0.109{col 54}{space 4}-.0379348{col 67}{space 3} .3762124
{txt}{space 6}afhigh {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1919906{col 26}{space 2} .1541699{col 37}{space 1} 1.25{col 46}{space 3}0.213{col 54}{space 4}-.1104176{col 67}{space 3} .4943988
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 1.412737{col 26}{space 2} .0567172{col 37}{space 1} 24.91{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 1.301485{col 67}{space 3} 1.523989
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. reg lurat afchnge highearn afhigh male married occdis manuf construc head neck upextr turn lowback lowextr if mi==1
{err}variable {bf}lurat{sf} not found
{txt}{search r(111), local:r(111);}
end of do-file
{search r(111), local:r(111);}
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. reg ldurat afchnge highearn afhigh male married occdis manuf construc head neck upextr turn lowback lowextr if mi==1
{err}variable {bf}turn{sf} not found
{txt}{search r(111), local:r(111);}
end of do-file
{search r(111), local:r(111);}
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. reg ldurat afchnge highearn afhigh male married occdis manuf construc head neck upextr trunk lowback lowextr if mi==1
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={res} 1,475
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(14, 1460) = {res} 6.23
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 157.402557 14 11.2430398 {txt}Prob > F ={res} 0.0000
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 2634.85251 1,460 1.8046935 {txt}R-squared ={res} 0.0564
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.0473
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 2792.25507 1,474 1.89433858 {txt}Root MSE = {res} 1.3434
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} ldurat{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{col 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 5}afchnge {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0945221{col 26}{space 2} .0845739{col 37}{space 1} 1.12{col 46}{space 3}0.264{col 54}{space 4}-.0713771{col 67}{space 3} .2604214
{txt}{space 4}highearn {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1283726{col 26}{space 2} .1106405{col 37}{space 1} 1.16{col 46}{space 3}0.246{col 54}{space 4}-.0886587{col 67}{space 3} .345404
{txt}{space 6}afhigh {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .1426902{col 26}{space 2} .1535674{col 37}{space 1} 0.93{col 46}{space 3}0.353{col 54}{space 4} -.158546{col 67}{space 3} .4439265
{txt}{space 8}male {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} -.352384{col 26}{space 2} .0967692{col 37}{space 1} -3.64{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4}-.5422054{col 67}{space 3}-.1625625
{txt}{space 5}married {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0890124{col 26}{space 2} .0772949{col 37}{space 1} 1.15{col 46}{space 3}0.250{col 54}{space 4}-.0626086{col 67}{space 3} .2406334
{txt}{space 6}occdis {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .4453986{col 26}{space 2} .3282614{col 37}{space 1} 1.36{col 46}{space 3}0.175{col 54}{space 4}-.1985157{col 67}{space 3} 1.089313
{txt}{space 7}manuf {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.0840317{col 26}{space 2} .0786529{col 37}{space 1} -1.07{col 46}{space 3}0.286{col 54}{space 4}-.2383165{col 67}{space 3} .0702531
{txt}{space 4}construc {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .4377285{col 26}{space 2} .1015789{col 37}{space 1} 4.31{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .2384722{col 67}{space 3} .6369847
{txt}{space 8}head {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.7792353{col 26}{space 2} .2719179{col 37}{space 1} -2.87{col 46}{space 3}0.004{col 54}{space 4}-1.312627{col 67}{space 3}-.2458439
{txt}{space 8}neck {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.2364985{col 26}{space 2} .3433302{col 37}{space 1} -0.69{col 46}{space 3}0.491{col 54}{space 4}-.9099716{col 67}{space 3} .4369747
{txt}{space 6}upextr {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.2087999{col 26}{space 2} .189223{col 37}{space 1} -1.10{col 46}{space 3}0.270{col 54}{space 4}-.5799779{col 67}{space 3} .162378
{txt}{space 7}trunk {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .0829308{col 26}{space 2} .2028098{col 37}{space 1} 0.41{col 46}{space 3}0.683{col 54}{space 4}-.3148988{col 67}{space 3} .4807605
{txt}{space 5}lowback {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.4304399{col 26}{space 2} .1918652{col 37}{space 1} -2.24{col 46}{space 3}0.025{col 54}{space 4}-.8068008{col 67}{space 3} -.054079
{txt}{space 5}lowextr {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.3426515{col 26}{space 2} .1929948{col 37}{space 1} -1.78{col 46}{space 3}0.076{col 54}{space 4}-.7212281{col 67}{space 3} .0359252
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 1.870073{col 26}{space 2} .2033435{col 37}{space 1} 9.20{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 1.471196{col 67}{space 3} 2.26895
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{txt}end of do-file
{com}. do "C:\Users\AYSPS\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp"
{com}. log close
{txt}name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log: {res}D:\Sony\Econometrics\AdvEcon\DID.smcl
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}closed on: {res}23 Sep 2016, 09:44:08
{txt}{sf}{ul off}
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:arlionn/AdvEcon.git
