// Jass2 parser for bison/yacc
// by Rudi Cilibrasi
// Sun Jun 8 00:51:53 CEST 2003
// thanks to Jeff Pang for the handy documentation that this was based
// on at http://jass.sourceforge.net
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "misc.h"
#define YYMAXDEPTH 25000
int yyerrorline (int errorlevel, int line, char *s)
if (showerrorlevel[errorlevel]) {
printf ("%s:%d: %s\n", curfile, line, s);
return 0;
int yyerrorex (int errorlevel, char *s)
if (showerrorlevel[errorlevel]) {
printf ("%s:%d: %s\n", curfile, lineno, s);
return 0;
int yyerror (char *s) /* Called by yyparse on error */
yyerrorex(0, s);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
init(argc, argv);
if (1) {
doparse(argc, argv);
else {
for (;;) {
int result = yylex();
if (result == 0) break;
printf("Got result %d, %s\n", result, yytext);
if (!haderrors && didparse) {
printf("Parse successful: %8d lines: %s\n", totlines, "<total>");
if (ignorederrors)
printf("%d errors ignored", ignorederrors);
return 0;
else {
if (haderrors)
printf("Parse failed: %d error%s total\n", haderrors, haderrors == 1 ? "" : "s");
printf("Parse failed\n");
if (ignorederrors)
printf("%d errors ignored", ignorederrors);
return 1;
#define YYSTYPE union node
%token IF
%token THEN
%token TYPE
%token EXTENDS
%token HANDLE
%token NEWLINE
%token GLOBALS
%token NATIVE
%token TAKES
%token RETURNS
%token LOCAL
%token ARRAY
%token SET
%token CALL
%token ELSE
%token ELSEIF
%token ENDIF
%token LOOP
%token RETURN
%token DEBUG
%token ENDLOOP
%token NOT
%token TNULL
%token TTRUE
%token TFALSE
%token CODE
%token STRING
%token INTEGER
%token REAL
%token BOOLEAN
%token NOTHING
%token ID
%token COMMENT
%token COMMA
%token AND
%token OR
%token EQUALS
%token TIMES
%token DIV
%token PLUS
%token MINUS
%token LPAREN
%token RPAREN
%token LESS
%token GREATER
%token LEQ
%token GEQ
%token EQCOMP
%token NEQ
%token INTLIT
%token REALLIT
%right EQUALS
%left AND OR
%left NOT
program: topscopes globdefs topscopes funcdefns
topscopes: topscope
| topscopes topscope
topscope: typedefs
| funcdecls
funcdefns: /* empty */
| funcdefns funcdefn
globdefs: /* empty */
| GLOBALS NEWLINE vardecls ENDGLOBALS endglobalsmarker
| GLOBALS vardecls ENDGLOBALS endglobalsmarker {yyerrorline(0, lineno - 1, "Missing linebreak before global declaration");}
endglobalsmarker: /* empty */ {afterendglobals = 1}
vardecls: /* empty */
| vd vardecls
| vardecl
funcdecls: /* empty */
| fd funcdecls
| funcdecl
typedefs: /* empty */
| td typedefs
| typedef
// Returns a typenode
expr: intexpr { $$.ty = gInteger; }
| realexpr { $$.ty = gReal; }
| stringexpr { $$.ty = gString; }
| boolexpr { $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| FUNCTION rid { struct funcdecl *fd = lookup(&functions, $2.str);
if (fd == NULL) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Undefined function %s", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
$$.ty = gCode;
} else {
if (fd->p->head != NULL) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Function %s must not take any arguments when used as code", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
if (fd->ret == gBoolean)
$$.ty = gCodeReturnsBoolean;
$$.ty = gCodeReturnsNoBoolean;
| TNULL { $$.ty = gNull; }
| expr LEQ expr { checkcomparison($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr GEQ expr { checkcomparison($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr LESS expr { checkcomparison($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr GREATER expr { checkcomparison($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr EQCOMP expr { checkeqtest($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr NEQ expr { checkeqtest($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr AND expr { canconvert($1.ty, gBoolean, 0); canconvert($3.ty, gBoolean, 0); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr OR expr { canconvert($1.ty, gBoolean, 0); canconvert($3.ty, gBoolean, 0); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| NOT expr { canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, 0); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr TIMES expr { $$.ty = binop($1.ty, $3.ty); }
| expr DIV expr { $$.ty = binop($1.ty, $3.ty); }
| expr MINUS expr { $$.ty = binop($1.ty, $3.ty); }
| expr PLUS expr {
if ($1.ty == gString && $3.ty == gString)
$$.ty = gString;
$$.ty = binop($1.ty, $3.ty); }
| MINUS expr { isnumeric($2.ty); $$.ty = $2.ty; }
| LPAREN expr RPAREN { $$.ty = $2.ty; }
| funccall { $$.ty = $1.ty }
const struct typeandname *tan = getVariable($1.str);
if (tan->ty != gAny) {
if (!tan->isarray) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "%s not an array", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
else {
canconvert($3.ty, gInteger, 0);
$$.ty = tan->ty;
| rid {
const struct typeandname *tan = getVariable($1.str);
if (tan->lineno == lineno && tan->fn == fno) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Use of variable %s before its declaration", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
} else if (islinebreak && tan->lineno == lineno - 1 && tan->fn == fno) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Use of variable %s before its declaration", $1.str);
yyerrorline(3, lineno - 1, ebuf);
} else if (tan->isarray) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Index missing for array variable %s", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
$$.ty = tan->ty;
| expr EQUALS expr {yyerrorex(0, "Single = in expression, should probably be =="); checkeqtest($1.ty, $3.ty); $$.ty = gBoolean;}
| LPAREN expr {yyerrorex(0, "Mssing ')'"); $$.ty = $2.ty;}
// incomplete expressions
| expr LEQ { checkcomparisonsimple($1.ty); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr GEQ { checkcomparisonsimple($1.ty); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr LESS { checkcomparisonsimple($1.ty); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr GREATER { checkcomparisonsimple($1.ty); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr EQCOMP { yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr NEQ { yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for comparison"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr AND { canconvert($1.ty, gBoolean, 0); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for logical and"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| expr OR { canconvert($1.ty, gBoolean, 0); yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for logical or"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
| NOT { yyerrorex(3, "Missing expression for logical negation"); $$.ty = gBoolean; }
funccall: rid LPAREN exprlistcompl RPAREN {
struct funcdecl *fd = lookup(&functions, $1.str);
if (fd == NULL) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Undeclared function %s", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
$$.ty = gNull;
} else {
if (inconstant && !(fd->isconst)) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Call to non-constant function %s in constant function", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
if (fd == fCurrent && fCurrent)
yyerrorex(3, "Recursive function calls are not permitted in local declarations");
checkParameters(fd->p, $3.pl, (fd==fFilter || fd==fCondition));
$$.ty = fd->ret;
| rid LPAREN exprlistcompl NEWLINE {
yyerrorex(0, "Missing ')'");
struct funcdecl *fd = lookup(&functions, $1.str);
if (fd == NULL) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Undeclared function %s", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
$$.ty = gNull;
} else if (inconstant && !(fd->isconst)) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Call to non-constant function %s in constant function", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, ebuf);
$$.ty = gNull;
} else {
if (fd == fCurrent && fCurrent)
yyerrorex(3, "Recursive function calls are not permitted in local declarations");
checkParameters(fd->p, $3.pl, (fd==fFilter || fd==fCondition));
$$.ty = fd->ret;
exprlistcompl: /* empty */ { $$.pl = newparamlist(); }
| exprlist { $$.pl = $1.pl; }
exprlist: expr { $$.pl = newparamlist(); addParam($$.pl, newtypeandname($1.ty, "")); }
| expr COMMA exprlist { $$.pl = $3.pl; addParam($$.pl, newtypeandname($1.ty, "")); }
stringexpr: STRINGLIT { $$.ty = gString; }
realexpr: REALLIT { $$.ty = gReal; }
boolexpr: boollit { $$.ty = gBoolean; }
boollit: TTRUE
intexpr: INTLIT { $$.ty = gInteger; }
| UNITTYPEINT { $$.ty = gInteger; }
funcdecl: nativefuncdecl { $$.fd = $1.fd; }
| CONSTANT nativefuncdecl { $$.fd = $2.fd; }
| funcdefncore { $$.fd = $1.fd; }
nativefuncdecl: NATIVE rid TAKES optparam_list RETURNS opttype
if (lookup(&locals, $2.str) || lookup(¶ms, $2.str) || lookup(&globals, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as variable", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as type", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
$$.fd = newfuncdecl();
$$.fd->name = strdup($2.str);
$$.fd->p = $4.pl;
$$.fd->ret = $6.ty;
//printf("***** %s = %s\n", $2.str, $$.fd->ret->typename);
$$.fd->isconst = isconstant;
if (strcmp($$.fd->name, "Filter") == 0)
fFilter = $$.fd;
if (strcmp($$.fd->name, "Condition") == 0)
fCondition = $$.fd;
put(&functions, $$.fd->name, $$.fd);
funcdefn: NEWLINE
| funcdefncore
| statement { yyerrorex(0, "Statement outside of function"); }
funcdefncore: funcbegin localblock codeblock funcend { if(retval != gNothing) { if ($3.ty == gAny || $3.ty == gNone) yyerrorline(1, lineno - 1, "Missing return"); else if (returnbug) canconvertreturn($3.ty, retval, -1); } }
| funcbegin localblock codeblock {yyerrorex(0, "Missing endfunction"); clear(¶ms); clear(&locals); curtab = &globals;}
funcend: ENDFUNCTION { clear(¶ms); clear(&locals); curtab = &globals; inblock = 0; inconstant = 0; }
returnorreturns: RETURNS
| RETURN {yyerrorex(3,"Expected \"returns\" instead of \"return\"");}
funcbegin: FUNCTION rid TAKES optparam_list returnorreturns opttype {
if (lookup(&locals, $2.str) || lookup(¶ms, $2.str) || lookup(&globals, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as variable", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as type", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
inconstant = 0;
curtab = &locals;
$$.fd = newfuncdecl();
$$.fd->name = strdup($2.str);
$$.fd->p = $4.pl;
$$.fd->ret = $6.ty;
$$.fd->isconst = 0;
put(&functions, $$.fd->name, $$.fd);
fCurrent = lookup(&functions, $2.str);
struct typeandname *tan = $4.pl->head;
for (;tan; tan=tan->next) {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(¶ms, strdup(tan->name), newtypeandname(tan->ty, tan->name));
if (lookup(&functions, tan->name)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as function", tan->name);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, tan->name)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as type", tan->name);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
retval = $$.fd->ret;
inblock = 1;
inloop = 0;
| CONSTANT FUNCTION rid TAKES optparam_list returnorreturns opttype {
if (lookup(&locals, $3.str) || lookup(¶ms, $3.str) || lookup(&globals, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as variable", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as type", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
inconstant = 1;
curtab = &locals;
$$.fd = newfuncdecl();
$$.fd->name = strdup($3.str);
$$.fd->p = $5.pl;
$$.fd->ret = $7.ty;
$$.fd->isconst = 1;
put(&functions, $$.fd->name, $$.fd);
struct typeandname *tan = $5.pl->head;
for (;tan; tan=tan->next) {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(¶ms, strdup(tan->name), newtypeandname(tan->ty, tan->name));
if (lookup(&functions, tan->name)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as function", tan->name);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, tan->name)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as type", tan->name);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
retval = $$.fd->ret;
inblock = 1;
inloop = 0;
codeblock: /* empty */ {$$.ty = gAny;}
| statement codeblock { if($2.ty == gAny) $$.ty = $1.ty; else $$.ty = $2.ty;}
statement: NEWLINE {$$.ty = gAny;}
| CALL funccall NEWLINE{ $$.ty = gNone;}
| IF expr THEN NEWLINE codeblock elsifseq elseseq ENDIF NEWLINE { canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, -1); $$.ty = combinetype($6.ty!=gAny?combinetype($5.ty, $6.ty):$5.ty, $7.ty);}
| SET rid EQUALS expr NEWLINE { if (getVariable($2.str)->isarray) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Index missing for array variable %s", $2.str);
yyerrorline(3, lineno - 1, ebuf);
canconvert($4.ty, getVariable($2.str)->ty, -1);
$$.ty = gNone;
if (getVariable($2.str)->isconst) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "Cannot assign to constant %s", $2.str);
yyerrorline(3, lineno - 1, ebuf);
if (inconstant)
const struct typeandname *tan = getVariable($2.str);
if (tan->ty != gAny) {
canconvert($4.ty, gInteger, -1); $$.ty = gNone;
if (!tan->isarray) {
char ebuf[1024];
sprintf(ebuf, "%s is not an array", $2.str);
yyerrorline(3, lineno - 1, ebuf);
canconvert($7.ty, tan->ty, -1);
if (inconstant)
| loopstart NEWLINE codeblock loopend NEWLINE {$$.ty = $3.ty;}
| loopstart NEWLINE codeblock {$$.ty = $3.ty; yyerrorex(0, "Missing endloop");}
| EXITWHEN expr NEWLINE { canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, -1); if (!inloop) yyerrorline(0, lineno - 1, "Exitwhen outside of loop"); $$.ty = gNone;}
| RETURN expr NEWLINE { $$.ty = $2.ty; if(retval == gNothing) yyerrorline(1, lineno - 1, "Cannot return value from function that returns nothing"); else if (!returnbug) canconvertreturn($2.ty, retval, 0); }
| RETURN NEWLINE { if (retval != gNothing) yyerrorline(1, lineno - 1, "Return nothing in function that should return value"); $$.ty = gNone;}
| DEBUG statement {$$.ty = gNone;}
| IF expr THEN NEWLINE codeblock elsifseq elseseq {canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, 0); $$.ty = combinetype($6.ty!=gAny?combinetype($5.ty, $6.ty):$5.ty, $7.ty); yyerrorex(0, "Missing endif");}
| IF expr NEWLINE{canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, -1); $$.ty = gAny; yyerrorex(0, "Missing then or non valid expression");}
| SET funccall NEWLINE{$$.ty = gNone; yyerrorline(0, lineno - 1, "Call expected instead of set");}
| lvardecl {yyerrorex(0, "Local declaration after first statement");}
| error {$$.ty = gNone; }
loopstart: LOOP {inloop++;}
loopend: ENDLOOP {inloop--;}
elseseq: /* empty */ {$$.ty = gNone;}
| ELSE NEWLINE codeblock {$$.ty = $3.ty;}
elsifseq: /* empty */ {$$.ty = gAny;}
| ELSEIF expr THEN NEWLINE codeblock elsifseq { canconvert($2.ty, gBoolean, -1); $$.ty = $6.ty!=gAny?combinetype($5.ty, $6.ty):$5.ty;}
optparam_list: param_list { $$.pl = $1.pl; }
| NOTHING { $$.pl = newparamlist(); }
opttype: NOTHING { $$.ty = gNothing; }
| type { $$.ty = $1.ty; }
param_list: typeandname { $$.pl = newparamlist(); addParam($$.pl, $1.tan); }
| typeandname COMMA param_list { addParam($3.pl, $1.tan); $$.pl = $3.pl; }
rid: ID
{ $$.str = strdup(yytext); }
vartypedecl: type rid {
if (lookup(&functions, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as function", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as type", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($1.ty, $2.str);
$$.str = $2.str;
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, $2.str);
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(¶ms, $2.str);
if (!existing)
existing = lookup(&globals, $2.str);
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, $2.str, tan); }
| CONSTANT type rid {
if (afterendglobals) {
yyerrorex(3, "Local constants are not allowed");
if (lookup(&functions, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as function", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as type", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($2.ty, $3.str);
$$.str = $3.str;
tan->isconst = 1;
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, $3.str);
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(¶ms, $3.str);
if (!existing)
existing = lookup(&globals, $3.str);
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, $3.str, tan); }
| type ARRAY rid {
if (lookup(&functions, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as function", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&types, $3.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as type", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
if (getPrimitiveAncestor($1.ty) == gCode)
yyerrorex(3, "Code arrays are not allowed");
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($1.ty, $3.str);
$$.str = $3.str;
tan->isarray = 1;
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, $3.str);
if (!existing) {
char buf[1024];
existing = lookup(¶ms, $3.str);
if (afterendglobals && existing) {
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as function parameter", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(&globals, $3.str);
if (afterendglobals && existing) {
sprintf(buf, "Symbol %s already defined as global variable", $3.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, $3.str, tan); }
// using "type" as variable name
| type TYPE {
yyerrorex(3, "Invalid variable name \"type\"");
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($1.ty, "type");
$$.str = "type";
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, "type");
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(¶ms, "type");
if (!existing)
existing = lookup(&globals, "type");
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, "type", tan); }
if (afterendglobals) {
yyerrorex(3, "Local constants are not allowed");
yyerrorex(3, "Invalid variable name \"type\"");
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($2.ty, "type");
$$.str = "type";
tan->isconst = 1;
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, "type");
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(¶ms, "type");
if (!existing)
existing = lookup(&globals, "type");
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, "type", tan); }
| type ARRAY TYPE {
yyerrorex(3, "Invalid variable name \"type\"");
struct typeandname *tan = newtypeandname($1.ty, "type");
$$.str = "type";
tan->isarray = 1;
struct typeandname *existing = lookup(&locals, "type");
if (!existing) {
existing = lookup(¶ms, "type");
if (!existing)
existing = lookup(&globals, "type");
if (existing) {
tan->lineno = existing->lineno;
tan->fn = existing->fn;
} else {
tan->lineno = lineno;
tan->fn = fno;
put(curtab, "type", tan); }
localblock: endlocalsmarker
| lvardecl localblock
| NEWLINE localblock
endlocalsmarker: /* empty */ { fCurrent = 0; }
lvardecl: LOCAL vardecl { }
| CONSTANT LOCAL vardecl { yyerrorex(3, "Local variables can not be declared constant"); }
| typedef { yyerrorex(3,"Types can not be extended inside functions"); }
vardecl: vartypedecl NEWLINE {
const struct typeandname *tan = getVariable($1.str);
if (tan->isconst) {
yyerrorline(3, lineno - 1, "Constants must be initialized");
$$.ty = gNothing;
| vartypedecl EQUALS expr NEWLINE {
const struct typeandname *tan = getVariable($1.str);
if (tan->isarray) {
yyerrorex(3, "Arrays cannot be directly initialized");
canconvert($3.ty, tan->ty, -1);
$$.ty = gNothing;
| error
typedef: TYPE rid EXTENDS type {
if (lookup(&types, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Multiply defined type %s", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
} else if (lookup(&functions, $2.str)) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "%s already defined as function", $2.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
put(&types, $2.str, newtypenode($2.str, $4.ty));
typeandname: type rid { $$.tan = newtypeandname($1.ty, $2.str); }
type: primtype { $$.ty = $1.ty; }
| rid {
if (lookup(&types, $1.str) == NULL) {
char buf[1024];
sprintf(buf, "Undefined type %s", $1.str);
yyerrorex(3, buf);
$$.ty = gNull;
$$.ty = lookup(&types, $1.str);
primtype: HANDLE { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
| INTEGER { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
| REAL { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
| BOOLEAN { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
| STRING { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
| CODE { $$.ty = lookup(&types, yytext); }
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。