DSoftBus capabilities, including discovery, networking, and transmission | 软总线发现、组网、传输功能实现
Distributed compatibility test suite | dcts分布式兼容性测试套
Inter-process communication (IPC) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) | 跨进程通信与跨设备的远程过程调用
Power manager | 系统电源管理服务模块
Third-party open-source software Google Test | 三方开源软件Google Test
Third-party open-source software cJSON | 三方开源软件cJSON
Third-party open-source software bounds_checking_function | 三方开源软件bounds_checking_function
Storing declaration files for JavaScript APIs | JavaScript API 公共仓,存放 d.ts 声明文件
Thermal Manager | 温控服务
Battery Statistics| 耗电统计模块
Battery manager | 电池服务模块
Power manager for LiteOS | 轻鸿蒙电源管理服务
Display power manager | 显示电源管理
Wi-Fi Aware模块提供了进场通信能力,该模块可被上层应用所使用
NFC英文全称Near Field Communication,近距离无线通信。NFC服务提供NFC开关控制、NFC标签发现和分发、NFC标签读写、NFC卡模拟等业务功能。
The DHCP module provides DHCP client and DHCP server, used to obtain, assign and manage IP address.| DHCP模块提供DHCP客户端和服务端,用于获取、分配和管理IP地址相关信息。