* finish error handling
* handle video destroyed w/images outstanding
* dbg_scan background image stretched (still...)
* profile and weed out obvious oversights
* example using SANE to scan symbol(s)
windows port:
* libzbar-0.dll should be zbar-0.dll
* build API docs for zbargtk, zbarpygtk
* is zbargtk/QZBar BGR4 alpha swapped?
* widget config APIs
* drag-and-drop for widgets (configurable...)
* Perl build support integration?
* GTK and Qt perl bindings
* C++ global wrappers
* PDF417
* extract/resolve symbol matrix parameters (NB multiple symbols)
* error detection/correction
* high-level decode
* Code 39, i25 optional features (check digit and ASCII escapes)
* handle Code 128 function characters (FNC1-4)
* Code 128 trailing quiet zone checks
* start/stop/abort and location detail APIs (PDF417, OMR)
* more configuration options
* disable for at least UPC-E (maybe UPC-A?)
* Code-39/i25 check digit (after implementation)
* Code-39 full ASCII (after implementation)
* standard symbology identifiers (which standard?)
* set consistency requirements
* set scanner filter params
* fix max length check during decode
* revisit noise and resolution independence
image scanner:
* extract and track symbol polygons
* dynamic scan density (PDF417, OMR)
* add multi-sample array interface to linear scanner
image formats:
* fix image data inheritance
* de-interlacing
* add color support to conversions (also jpeg)
* add support for scanline pad throughout
* factor conversion redundancy
* add XShm support
* X protocol error handling
* Direct2D
* API to query used interface (video, window?) (/format?)
* simple image manipulations scale(xv?)/mirror
* maintain aspect ratio
* more overlay details
* decoded result(?)
* stats
* zbarimg multi-frame duplicate suppression
* stats/fps at zbarcam exit
* decode hook (program/script)? (also zbarimg?)
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