

郑志鹏 暂无简介

所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    郑志鹏/compliance forked from openEuler/compliance

    Improve community members compliance capability,define the rules, develop the tools and suuply services.

    郑志鹏/compliance-sbom forked from openEuler/compliance-sbom

    Development the SBOM stardard of the openEuler communtiy and related documents.

    郑志鹏/community forked from openEuler/community

    The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.


    A typical software project often reuses hundreds of third-party packages.

    郑志鹏/iSulad forked from openEuler/iSulad

    iSulad is a light weight container runtime daemon which is designed for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.
