The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
It provides openEuler kernel source for Raspberry Pi
Scripts of building images for Raspberry Pi
It provides scripts for building openEuler image on Rockchip Socs and documents
AliOS Things物联网操作系统,采用弹性内核,支持Python和JavaScript轻应用,主打“易上手”。
It provides scripts for building openEuler image on Raspberry Pi and documents
donkeycar 管理控制台-支持donkeycarAPP
Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car.
LiteOS kernel for devices with few resources, such as the MCU | 适用于MCU等各种资源极小设备的LiteOS内核
Liteos_a kernel-space drivers | liteos_a内核态驱动
Hardware platforms emulation by QEMU | QEMU模拟不同的硬件单板
LiteOS kernel for embedded devices with rich resources | 适用于资源较丰富嵌入式设备的LiteOS内核
STM32F103C8T7-LQFP48 MCU驱动ADS1258,具体需求如下: 1. STM32通过SPI2口控制24位AD转换器采样,采样2路差分信号,外部信号电压正负2.5V; 2. STM32通过自身12位AD(PA3\PA4)采样两路模拟信号信号,电压0-2.5V; 3. 采样回来的数据整理后通过串口USART1(RS422)向外发送,波特率按230.4K,1起始位、8数据位、无校验; 4. 系统工作频率(完成采样和发送)应在400HZ左右; 5. 发送数据内容可以按外部串口USART1(RS422)接收的指令变化,指令暂定“A””B””C”; 6. ADS1258程序应可以扩展更多路采样,输入的IN14和IN15作为参考电压源的AD采样测试用;