SetKeyDelay, 10 ;设置键击延时10ms
F1:: ;CEO状态穿甲
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;物品栏
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Enter down} ;护甲
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Enter down} ; 穿
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 20
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
F2:: ;CEO状态吃零食
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;物品栏
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;零食
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
F3:: ;普通状态穿甲
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;物品栏
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Enter down} ;护甲
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Enter down} ; 护甲
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 20
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
F4:: ;普通状态吃零食
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send,{m down}
Sleep 10
Send,{m up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;物品栏
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Down down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Down up}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter down} ;零食
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
F5:: ;卡下冷却
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send {Enter down}
Sleep 5
Send {s down}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send {s up}
F6:: ;卡上冷却
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send {Enter down}
Sleep 5
Send {w down}
Sleep 20
Send {Enter up}
Sleep 100
Send {w up}
F7:: ;卡末日二前置
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send {Space down}
Sleep 30
Send {d down}
Sleep 15
Send {Space up}
Sleep 100
Send {d up}
F8:: ;卡末日三前置
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
Send {Space down}
Sleep 30
Send {d down}
Send {s down}
Sleep 25
Send {Space up}
Sleep 100
Send {d up}
Send {s up}
F9:: ;摸指纹
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
GTA_Width :=1920
GTA_Height := 1080
CoordMode Pixel ; 将下面的坐标解释为相对于屏幕而不是活动窗口.
count := 0
grin := Object()
Loop 4
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, GTA_Width//2, 0, GTA_Width, GTA_Height, *20 fingerprint\%count%.png
if(ErrorLevel = 0){
Loop 4
ImageSearch, PicX, PicY, 460, 260, 755, 835, *50 fingerprint\%count%%A_Index%.png
if(ErrorLevel = 0){
Sindex := 1+(PicX-460)//147.5
Findex := 1+(PicY-260)//143.75
intear :=0
Loop 4
Loop 2
float_y := intear/1.0
float_x := A_Index/1.0
Send,{Enter down} ; 选中
Sleep 10
Send,{Enter up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Right down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Right up}
Sleep 20
Send,{Tab down}
Sleep 10
Send,{Tab up}
Sleep 20
F10:: ;测试
IfWinActive,Grand Theft Auto V
MsgBox You have enabled the Key.
;Send,{RButton down}
;DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, SPI_GETMOUSESPEED, UInt, 0, UIntP, OrigMouseSpeed, UInt, 0) ; 获取鼠标当前的速度以便稍后恢复:
;DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, UInt, 0, Ptr, OrigMouseSpeed//3, UInt, 0) ; 现在在倒数第三个参数中设置较低的速度 (范围为 1-20, 10 是默认值):
;KeyWait RButton ; 这里避免了由于键盘的重复特性导致再次执行 DllCall.
;Send,{RButton up}
;RButton up::
;DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, Ptr, OrigMouseSpeed, UInt, 0) ; 恢复原来的速度.
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。