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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
[email protected] 提交于 2019-10-11 08:38 . put & get
* Copyright (c) 2019.. Aberic - All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lily
import (
// levelDistance 根据节点所在层级获取当前节点内部子节点之间的差
func levelDistance(level uint8) uint64 {
switch level {
case 1:
return level1Distance
case 2:
return level2Distance
case 3:
return level3Distance
case 4:
return level4Distance
return 0
// String hashes a string to a unique hashcode.
func hash(key string) uint64 {
return uint64(crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(key)))
// matchableData 'Nodal'内子节点数组二分查找是否存在指定值
// matchIndex 要查找的值
// data 'binaryMatcher'接口支持的获取‘Nodal’接口的内置方法对象
// bool 返回存在与否
//func matchableData(matchIndex uint16, data Data) bool {
// _, err := binaryMatchData(matchIndex, data)
// return nil == err
// binaryMatchData 'Nodal'内子节点数组二分查找基本方法
// matchIndex 要查找的值
// data 'binaryMatcher'接口支持的获取‘Nodal’接口的内置方法对象
// realIndex 返回查找到的真实的元素下标,该下标是对应数组内的下标,并非树中节点数组原型的下标
// 如果没找到,则返回err
func binaryMatchData(matchIndex uint16, node Nodal) (realIndex int, err error) {
var (
leftIndex int
middleIndex int
rightIndex int
leftIndex = 0
nodes := node.getNodes()
rightIndex = len(nodes) - 1
for leftIndex <= rightIndex {
middleIndex = (leftIndex + rightIndex) / 2
// 如果要找的数比midVal大
if nodes[middleIndex].getDegreeIndex() > matchIndex {
// 在arr数组的左边找
rightIndex = middleIndex - 1
} else if nodes[middleIndex].getDegreeIndex() < matchIndex {
// 在arr数组的右边找
leftIndex = middleIndex + 1
} else if nodes[middleIndex].getDegreeIndex() == matchIndex {
return middleIndex, nil
return 0, errors.New("index is nil")
// binaryMatch 数组内二分查找基本方法
// matchVal 要查找的值
// uintArr 在‘uintArr’数组中检索
// index 返回查找到的在数组‘uintArr’中的元素下标
// 如果没找到,则返回err
//func binaryMatch(matchVal uint8, uintArr []uint8) (index int, err error) {
// var (
// leftIndex int
// middleIndex int
// rightIndex int
// )
// leftIndex = 0
// rightIndex = len(uintArr) - 1
// for leftIndex <= rightIndex {
// middleIndex = (leftIndex + rightIndex) / 2
// // 如果要找的数比midVal大
// if uintArr[middleIndex] > matchVal {
// // 在arr数组的左边找
// rightIndex = middleIndex - 1
// } else if uintArr[middleIndex] < matchVal {
// // 在arr数组的右边找
// leftIndex = middleIndex + 1
// } else if uintArr[middleIndex] == matchVal {
// return middleIndex, nil
// }
// }
// return 0, errors.New("index is nil")
// mkDataDir 创建库存储目录
func mkDataDir(dataName string) (err error) {
dataPath := filepath.Join(obtainConf().DataDir, dataName)
if gnomon.File().PathExists(dataPath) {
return ErrDatabaseExist
return os.MkdirAll(dataPath, os.ModePerm)
// rmDataDir 删除库存储目录
func rmDataDir(dataName string) (err error) {
dataPath := filepath.Join(obtainConf().DataDir, dataName)
if gnomon.File().PathExists(dataPath) {
return os.Remove(dataPath)
return nil
// mkFormResource 创建表资源
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
func mkFormResource(dataID, formID string) (err error) {
if err = mkFormDir(dataID, formID); nil != err {
if err = mkFormDataFile(dataID, formID); nil != err {
_ = rmFormDir(dataID, formID)
// mkFormDir 创建表存储目录
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
func mkFormDir(dataID, formID string) (err error) {
dataPath := pathFormDir(dataID, formID)
if gnomon.File().PathExists(dataPath) {
return ErrFormExist
return os.MkdirAll(dataPath, os.ModePerm)
// rmFormDir 删除表存储目录
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
func rmFormDir(dataID, formID string) (err error) {
formPath := pathFormDir(dataID, formID)
if gnomon.File().PathExists(formPath) {
return os.Remove(formPath)
return nil
// mkFormDataFile 创建表文件
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
func mkFormDataFile(dataID, formID string) (err error) {
_, err = os.Create(pathFormDataFile(dataID, formID))
// pathFormDir 表目录
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
func pathFormDir(dataID, formID string) string {
return filepath.Join(obtainConf().DataDir, dataID, formID)
// pathFormIndexFile 表索引文件路径
// dataID 数据库唯一id
// formID 表唯一id
// indexID 表索引唯一id
func pathFormIndexFile(dataID, formID, indexID string) string {
return strings.Join([]string{obtainConf().DataDir, string(filepath.Separator), dataID, string(filepath.Separator), formID, string(filepath.Separator), indexID, ".idx"}, "")
func pathFormDataFile(dataID, formID string) string {
return filepath.Join(obtainConf().DataDir, dataID, formID, "form.dat")
//return strings.Join([]string{dataDir, string(filepath.Separator), dataID, string(filepath.Separator), formID, string(filepath.Separator), strconv.Itoa(fileIndex), ".dat"}, "")
func type2index(value interface{}) (key string, hashKey uint64, support bool) {
support = true
switch value := value.(type) {
return "", 0, false
case int:
i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(value), 10, 64)
if nil != err {
return "", 0, false
key = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 10)
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case int8, int16, int32, int64:
i64 := value.(int64)
key = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 10)
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case uint8, uint16, uint32, uint, uint64, uintptr:
ui64 := value.(uint64)
key = strconv.FormatUint(ui64, 10)
if ui64 > 9223372036854775807 { // 9223372036854775808 = 1 << 63
return "", 0, false
hashKey = ui64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1
case float32, float64:
i64 := gnomon.Scale().Float64toInt64(value.(float64), 4)
key = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 10)
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case string:
hashKey = hash(value)
case bool:
if value {
key = "true"
hashKey = 1
} else {
key = "false"
hashKey = 2
func valueType2index(value *reflect.Value) (key string, hashKey uint64, support bool) {
support = true
switch value.Kind() {
return "", 0, false
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
i64 := value.Int()
key = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 10)
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
ui64 := value.Uint()
key = strconv.FormatUint(ui64, 10)
if ui64 > 9223372036854775807 { // 9223372036854775808 = 1 << 63
return "", 0, false
hashKey = ui64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
i64 := gnomon.Scale().Float64toInt64(value.Float(), 4)
key = strconv.FormatInt(i64, 10)
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case reflect.String:
key = value.String()
hashKey = hash(key)
case reflect.Bool:
if value.Bool() {
key = value.String()
hashKey = 1
} else {
key = value.String()
hashKey = 2
func value2hashKey(value *reflect.Value) (hashKey uint64, support bool) {
support = true
switch value.Kind() {
return 0, false
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int, reflect.Int64:
i64 := value.Int()
hashKey = uint64(i64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
ui64 := value.Uint()
if ui64 > 9223372036854775808 { // 9223372036854775808 = 1 << 63
return 0, false
hashKey = ui64 + 9223372036854775807 + 1
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
hashKey = uint64(gnomon.Scale().Float64toInt64(value.Float(), 4) + 9223372036854775807 + 1)
case reflect.String:
hashKey = hash(value.String())
case reflect.Bool:
if value.Bool() {
hashKey = 1
} else {
hashKey = 2
// rpc 通过rpc进行通信
// go: protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. grpc/proto/*.proto
// java: protoc -I=/Users/aberic/Documents/path/go/src/viewhigh.com/hbaas/bean/proto/chain --java_out=/Users/aberic/Documents/code/vh/chain/baas/src/main/java init.proto
func rpc(url string, business func(conn *grpc.ClientConn) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
var (
conn *grpc.ClientConn
err error
// 创建一个grpc连接器
if conn, err = grpc.Dial(url, grpc.WithInsecure()); nil != err {
return nil, err
// 当请求完毕后记得关闭连接,否则大量连接会占用资源
defer func() { _ = conn.Close() }()
return business(conn)
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:aberic/lily.git
