# OpenCV face recognition and segmentation
# This file contains utility functions for using OpenCV for face detection
# and other tasks.
# Face detection is done with Haar Cascades, whose weights must be downloaded
# from online resources.
# Date modified: March 2016
# Authors: Dan Duncan
# Gautam Shine
import os, shutil, sys, time, re, glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 as cv
import Image
import caffe
from utility_functions import *
# Load Haar cascades from XML files
def load_cascades():
# Load Haar cascade files containing features
cascPaths = ['models/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml',
faceCascades = []
for casc in cascPaths:
return faceCascades
# Do Haar cascade face detection on a single image
# Face detection returns a list of faces
# Where each face is the coordinates of a rectangle containing a face:
# (x,y,w,h)
def DetectFace(image,color,faceCascades,single_face,second_pass,draw_rects,scale=1.0):
# Resize
img = cv.resize(image, (0,0), fx=1, fy=1, interpolation = cv.INTER_CUBIC)
# Convert to grayscale and equalize the histogram
if color:
gray_img = img.copy().astype(np.uint8)
gray_img = cv.cvtColor(gray_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray_img = img.copy().astype(np.uint8)
cv.equalizeHist(gray_img, gray_img)
# Detect the faces
faces = faceCascades[2].detectMultiScale(
minSize=(50, 50),
# Eliminate spurious extra faces
discardExtraFaces = False # Set to true to enable
if discardExtraFaces and len(faces) > 1:
faces = faces[0,:]
faces = faces[np.newaxis,:]
# Rescale cropBox
if scale != 1.0 and len(faces) > 0:
for i in range(faces.shape[0]):
faces[i] = rescaleCropbox(img,faces[i],scale)
print('Detected %d faces.' % len(faces))
# Draw a rectangle around the faces
if draw_rects:
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
cv.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
# For laboratory images, remove any spurious detections
if single_face and len(faces) > 1:
faces = faces[0,:]
faces = faces[np.newaxis,:]
if len(faces) > 0 and second_pass:
approved = []
for i in range(len(faces)):
cropped_face = imgCrop(gray_img, faces[i])
alt_check = faceCascades[1].detectMultiScale(
minSize=(int(0.8*faces[i][2]), int(0.8*faces[i][3])),
# Check if exactly 1 face was detected in cropped image
if len(alt_check) == 1:
faces = faces[approved]
return img, faces
# Resize cropBox
# This is useful if you want the face rectangle to be slightly bigger
# such aqs making it the size of the person's whole head.
def rescaleCropbox(img,cropBox,scale=1.0):
x, y, w, h = cropBox
# Check for valid box sizes
if scale <= 0:
# Invalid input. Return original
return cropBox
if scale < 1.0:
x += int(w*(1-scale)/2)
y += int(h*(1-scale)/2)
w = int(w*scale)
h = int(h*scale)
elif scale > 1.0:
x -= int(w*(scale-1.0)/2)
y -= int(h*(scale-1.0)/2)
w = int(w*scale)
h = int(h*scale)
# Make sure dimensions won't be exceeded:
exceeded = False; count = 0; maxCount = 10 # Arbitrary magic number
while True:
if x < 0:
w += 2*x # Make w smaller to maintain symmetry
x = 0
if y < 0:
h += 2*y
y = 0
exceeded = True
if x+w > img.shape[1]:
x -= x + w - img.shape[1]
exceeded = True
if y+h > img.shape[0]:
y -= y + h - img.shape[0]
exceeded = True
if count > maxCount:
# Rescaling has failed. Just return original image
print "Error: opencv_functions.imgCrop: Crop scale exceeded image dimensions"
return cropBox
if not exceeded:
# Rescaling succeeded!
count += 1
exceeded = False
# Return rescaled cropbox
return (x,y,w,h)
# Crop image array to pixels indicated by crop box
def imgCrop(img, cropBox, scale=1.0):
cropBox = rescaleCropbox(img,cropBox,scale)
(x,y,w,h) = cropBox
img = img[y:(y+h), x:(x+h)]
return img
# Convert bgr to rgb
# bgr is a common format and the default one for opencv
def rgb(bgr_img):
b,g,r = cv.split(bgr_img) # get b,g,r
rgb_img = cv.merge([r,g,b]) # switch it to rgb
return rgb_img
# Given directory loc, get all images in directory and crop to just faces
# Returns face_list, an array of cropped image file names
def faceCrop(targetDir, imgList, color, single_face):
# Load list of Haar cascades for faces
faceCascades = load_cascades()
# Iterate through images
face_list = []
for img in imgList:
if os.path.isdir(img):
pil_img = Image.open(img)
if color:
cv_img = cv.cvtColor(np.array(pil_img), cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv_img = np.array(pil_img)
# Convert to grayscale if this image is actually color
if cv_img.ndim == 3:
cv_img = cv.cvtColor(np.array(pil_img), cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Detect all faces in this image
scaled_img, faces = DetectFace(cv_img, color, faceCascades, single_face, second_pass=False, draw_rects=False)
# Iterate through faces
for face in faces:
cropped_cv_img = imgCrop(scaled_img, face, scale=1.0)
if color:
cropped_cv_img = rgb(cropped_cv_img)
fname, ext = os.path.splitext(img)
cropped_pil_img = Image.fromarray(cropped_cv_img)
#save_name = loc + '/cropped/' + fname.split('/')[-1] + '_crop' + str(n) + ext
save_name = targetDir + '/' + fname.split('/')[-1] + '_crop' + str(n) + ext
n += 1
return face_list
# Add an emoji to an image at a specified point and size
# Inputs: img, emoji are ndarrays of WxHx3
# faces is a list of (x,y,w,h) tuples for each face to be replaced
def addEmoji(img,faces,emoji):
for x,y,w,h in faces:
# Resize emoji to desired width and height
dim = max(w,h)
em = cv.resize(emoji, (dim,dim), interpolation = cv.INTER_CUBIC)
# Get boolean for transparency
trans = em.copy()
trans[em == 0] = 1
trans[em != 0] = 0
# Delete all pixels in image where emoji is nonzero
img[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] *= trans
# Add emoji on those pixels
img[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] += em
return img
# Add emojis to image at specified points and sizes
# Inputs: img is ndarrays of WxHx3
# emojis is a list of WxHx3 emoji arrays
# faces is a list of (x,y,w,h) tuples for each face to be replaced
# Labels is a list of integer labels for each emotion
def addMultipleEmojis(img,faces,emojis,labels):
categories = [ 'Angry' , 'Disgust' , 'Fear' , 'Happy' , 'Neutral' , 'Sad' , 'Surprise']
for i in range(len(labels)):
x,y,w,h = faces[i]
label = labels[i]
emoji = emojis[int(label)]
# Resize emoji to desired width and height
dim = max(w,h)
em = cv.resize(emoji, (dim,dim), interpolation = cv.INTER_CUBIC)
# Get boolean for transparency
trans = em.copy()
trans[em == 0] = 1
trans[em != 0] = 0
# Delete all pixels in image where emoji is nonzero
img[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] *= trans
# Add emoji on those pixels
img[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] += em
return img
# Switch between RGB and BGR
def toggleRGB(img):
r,g,b = cv.split(img)
img = cv.merge([b,g,r])
return img
# Combine two images for displaying side-by-side
# If maxSize is true, crops sides of image to keep under 2880 pixel width of screen
def cvCombineTwoImages(img1,img2,buf=2,maxSize=True):
h1, w1, c1 = img1.shape
h2, w2, c2 = img2.shape
# Choose video size. Can be sized to either maximum screen size, or to the size of a YouTube video
if maxSize == True:
maxType = 'youtube'
if maxType == 'youtube':
# Convert to a 16:9 aspect ratio (YouTube's native aspect ratio)
wh = 16.0/9.0 # = 1.778
h = max(h1,h2)
maxWidth = int(wh*float(h))
excess = w1 + w2 + buf - maxWidth
elif maxType == 'screen':
screenWidth = 1920 # Width in pixels for macbook pro is 2880
margin = 40 # Minimum number of extra pixels to save
excess = w1 + w2 + buf - screenWidth + margin
diff = int(np.ceil(float(excess)/4.0))
img1 = img1[:,diff:-diff,:]
img2 = img2[:,diff:-diff,:]
h1, w1, c1 = img1.shape
h2, w2, c2 = img2.shape
#print "\tImages resized. New combined width: " + str(w1 + w2 + buf)
h = max(h1,h2)
w = w1 + w2 + buf
c = max(c1,c2)
if c1 != c2:
# Incompatible dimensions
print "Error, images have imcompatible dimensions along depth axis"
return None
img = np.zeros([h,w,c]).astype(np.uint8)
# Add in the two images
img[0:h1,0:w1,:] = img1
img[0:h2,w1+buf:w1+buf+w2,:] = img2
# Returned combined image as numpy array of uint8's
return img
# Create a directory only if it does not already exist
def mkdirNoForce(dir):
if not os.path.exists(dir):
# Save a test image with a default name from the current timestamp
def saveTestImage(img,filename=None,outDir=None):
# Get image filename from current timestamp
if filename is None:
ts = time.time()
formatStr = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
filestr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(formatStr)
filename = filestr + ".png"
if outDir is not None:
filename = outDir + "/" + filename
# Save image
im = Image.fromarray(toggleRGB(img))
# Return filename
return filename
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