J-LINK Commander like tool for JLink and DAPLink, adding HardFault diagnosis and SVD-based peripheral register access.
To run this tool, you need python 3.6+ and prompt_toolkit 3.0+.
To use DAPLink, you need additional pyusb for CMSIS-DAPv2 and another usb-backend for CMSIS-DAPv1 (hidapi or pywinusb for windows, hidapi for mac, pyusb for linux).
pip install prompt_toolkit pyusb hidapi six pyelftools
meaning file exists, ×
meaning not.
Read 8-bit items. Syntax: rd8 <addr> <count>
Read 16-bit items. Syntax: rd16 <addr> <count>
Read 32-bit items. Syntax: rd32 <addr> <count>
Write 8-bit items. Syntax: wr8 <addr> <value>
Write 16-bit items. Syntax: wr16 <addr> <value>
Write 32-bit items. Syntax: wr32 <addr> <value>
Read variable. Syntax: rdv <variable> [i/u/f/h]
Write variable. Syntax: wrv <variable> <value>
variable is parsed from elf file, so to use this function, you need to specify elf file using path elf
when typing variable name, DAPCmdr will do auto-completion.
Save target memory into binary file.
Syntax: savebin <filepath> <addr> <NumBytes>
Load binary file into target memory.
Syntax: loadbin <filepath> <addr>
DAPCmdr > wreg r0 12345678
DAPCmdr > regs
R0 : 12345678 R1 : 0000000A R2 : 00146BAB R3 : 044AA200
R4 : 0000000A R5 : 40011000 R6 : 20000000 R7 : 40010800
R8 : 00008000 R9 : 20000160 R10: 00000000 R11: 00000000
R12: 00000001 SP : 20000420 LR : 08000247 PC : 08000226
MSP: 20000420 PSP: 20000800 XPSR: 01000000
CONTROL: 00 (when Thread mode: privileged, use MSP)
and regs
command will detect if HardFault
happened, if so, they will analysize and print the cause, Stack Content and CallStack.
DAPCmdr > halt
R0 : 20000000 R1 : 00000001 R2 : 00000000 R3 : 08000DA9
R4 : 08000E08 R5 : 08000E08 R6 : 00000000 R7 : 00000000
R8 : 00000000 R9 : 20000160 R10: 00000000 R11: 00000000
R12: 00000000 SP : 200003E0 LR : FFFFFFF9 PC : 08000422
MSP: 200003E0 PSP: 20000800 XPSR: 61000003
CONTROL: 00 (when Thread mode: privileged, use MSP)
a divide by zero has taken place (can be set only if DIV_0_TRP is set)
Stack Content @ 0x200003E0:
200003E0: 20000000 00000001 00000000 08000DA9 00000000 080001C9 0800015C 61000000
20000400: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 08000E08
20000420: 08000E08 080001C9 00000000 08000DA9 08000E08 08000D81 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
Call Stack:
0x0800015C SerialInit
0x080001C9 main
to print CallStack, you need to specify elf file using path elf
display CallStack information coming from elf file.
svd-based peripheral register read and write
register read: sv <peripheral>.<register>
register write: sv <peripheral>.<register> <hex>
register field write: sv <peripheral>.<register>.<field> <dec>
when typing peripheral/register/field name, DAPCmdr will do auto-completion.
display path, Syntax: path
set JLink_x64.dll, Syntax: path dll <dllpath>
set svd file path, Syntax: path svd <svdpath>
set elf file path, Syntax: path elf <elfpath>
when typing path, DAPCmdr will do auto-completion.
DAPCmdr > env
%pwd% C:\Users\WMX\Desktop
%home% C:\Users\WMX
%Packs% C:\Programs\MDK\Arm\Packs
these variables can be used in path typing.
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