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gradle.properties 4.42 KB
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Paul Rashidi 提交于 2015-10-13 23:42 . 2015 Initial Source commit.
# Properties for the build which can be overridden locally.
# This allows build keys to be set where the app is being built in
# a gradle.properties override. See;
# http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/tutorial_this_and_that.html#sec:gradle_properties_and_system_properties
# for more information on the overriding system.
# App variables.
# If versions end in odd numbers they are development builds, even versions are release candidates.
# The AndroidManifest.xml must also be updated currently.
version_code = 333
version_name = 3.3.3
# Using these variables to sync dependency version numbers across sub-projects.
android_support_lib_version = 23.0.1
google_play_services_client_library_version = 7.0.0
# The store file location is relative to the module base, and so needs to go
# up one level of the directory hierarchy to get to the project root.
iosched14_android_debugkey_storefile = ../android/debug.keystore
iosched14_android_debugkey_storePassword = android
iosched14_android_debugkey_keyAlias = androiddebugkey
iosched14_android_debugkey_keyPassword = android
iosched14_android_releasekey_storefile = ../android/debug.keystore
iosched14_android_releasekey_storePassword = android
iosched14_android_releasekey_keyAlias = androiddebugkey
iosched14_android_releasekey_keyPassword = android
# Prod/Staging/Test/Dev Environment Variables.
# API manifest URLs. These URLs provide the data files to load to download data for the app.
# When data needs to change the underlying data file is published as a new revision and the manifest
# is updated with the new file name.
staging_api_manifest_endpoint = http://storage.googleapis.com/io2015-data.appspot.com/manifest_v1.json
production_api_manifest_endpoint = http://storage.googleapis.com/io2015-data.appspot.com/manifest_v1.json
# GCM server endpoints to checkin with.
staging_gcm_server_endpoint = https://io2015-data.appspot.com/gcm
production_gcm_server_endpoint = https://io2015-data.appspot.com/gcm
# Website hostname
staging_website_host_name = googleio-staging.appspot.com
production_website_host_name = events.google.com
#API key for GCM
## TODO: Supply GCM API key and sender ID for your project
gcm_api_key = UNDEFINED
gcm_sender_id = UNDEFINED
# Used for generic API method calls to Google services, including Maps.
## TODO: Supply Google API key and sender ID for your project
oauth2_creds_api_key = UNDEFINED
## TODO: Supply YouTube API key and sender ID for your project
youtube_api_key = UNDEFINED
metadata_url = http://url-caster.appspot.com/resolve-scan
# Feedback API
## TODO: Supply Feedback API endpoint and implement FeedbackApiHelper
feedback_api_endpoint = UNDEFINED
# IO15-specific values.
# Access Credentials for Wifi at Moscone.
wifi_ssid = IO2015
wifi_passphrase = helloworld
# Conference hashtag.
conference_hashtag = #io15
# Patterns that, when absent from a hashtag, will trigger the addition of the
# CONFERENCE_HASHTAG on sharing snippets. Ex: "#Android" will be shared as "#io15 #Android",
# but "#iohunt" won't be modified.
conference_hashtag_prefix = #io
# Hard-coded time for displaying the "#io15 request" panel on the Social activity. We only display
# this panel a few days before the start of the conference.
show_io15_request_social_panel_time = 2015-05-26T15:00:00-07:00
# Hard-coded conference dates. This is hardcoded here instead of extracted from the conference
# data to avoid the Schedule UI breaking if some session is incorrectly set to a wrong date.
conference_day1_start = 2015-05-28T07:00:00-07:00
conference_day1_end = 2015-05-28T23:59:59-07:00
conference_day2_start = 2015-05-29T07:00:00-07:00
conference_day2_end = 2015-05-29T18:00:00-07:00
inperson_timezone = America/Los_Angeles
bootstrap_data_timestamp = Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:01:03 GMT
# Test parameter values.
test_youtube_live_url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTIK_8ydoI
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:EricChao/iosched.git
