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AltSnap.dni 52.68 KB
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RamonUnch 提交于 2024-05-25 09:34 . add the default ini (AltSnap.dni) file
; Disable and enable AltSnap to refresh configuration.
; Created for AltSnap v1.64
; If this file is present named AltSnap.ini next to AltSnap.exe,
; then it will picked (portable mode). Otherwise AltSnap will look
; in "%APPDATA%\AltSnap\AltSnap.ini" (per-user config).
; If no ini file is present in the user folder,
; AltSnap Will copy "<exefolder>\AltSnap.dni" --> "<userfolder>\AltSnap.ini"
; Available languages: en-US (English), fr-FR (French), pl-PL (Polish) etc...
; Default is Auto for automatic selection based on local.
; Please help with translations if you can.
; Set desired icon theme. If set empty default icons are loaded.
; You can already try Theme=erasmion, You can make your own themes esealy
; You just need to create a floder in the Themes folder with 3 icons for
; the tray: TRAY_OFF.ico, TRAY_ON.ico TRAY_SUS.ico
; to load a theme specify the name of the floder.
; Note: a full AltSnap restart is required to update the theme!
; Automatically raises and focuses the windows you drag.
; Mimics Windows 7+ Aero Snap behavior.
; Drag windows to the left, right, top, or bottom side of the monitor.
; Corners work too! Hold Ctrl to trap the mouse cursor within the current
; monitor for easier snapping when using multiple monitors.
; If set to 1 (default), AltSnap will adjust the dimensions of
; a snapped window to other resized snapped windows.
; If set to 0, disabled, restores the old AltDrag behavior.
; If 2 is added, AltSnap will be smarter and snap to more windows.
; If 4 is added, AltSnapped windows will never be restored.
; If set to 1 or 3, other windows that are snapped to the current one
; can be resized by holding the Shift key.
; If set to 2, The above is done without the Shift key (Shift will disable it instead).
; If set to 0, sticky resizing is disabled.
; Set the way MouseMove can maximize default is 1.
; If set to 1, to use resize/move combo (default).
; If set to 2, restores a window on a single left click instead of a drag.
; If set to 3, does both of the above (like the original AltDrag).
; If set to 0, disabled, does none of the above.
; Horizontal and vertical position (from top left in percent) where the aero
; windows will meet default is 50 50, at the center of the monitor.
; If you set AeroHoffset=33, for example, the windows snapped
; on the left will use only 33% of the monitor width, those on the right will
; have the remaining 67%. I strongly advise you to play around with this if
; you use Aero snapping...
; Adds the ability to scroll inactive windows. Hold shift to scroll horizontally.
; DO NOT USE under Windows 10/11, it is reserved for Win 8 and previous.
; Makes a window automatically snap to other windows, without the need to press shift.
; List of settings:
; 0: Disabled.
; 1: Automatically snaps to the screen borders and the taskbar.
; 2: Also automatically snaps to the outside of windows.
; 3: Also automatically snaps to the inside of windows.
; Enables support for MDI windows (Multiple Document Interface), e.g. mIRC.
; A blacklist can be set to prevent this behavior on some windows (see below)
; 0: Bottom right mode will be used at the center.
; 1: Enables the center "All directions" mode for resizing (default).
; 2: The windows will be moved instead.
; 3: The closest side mode will be used at the center.
; A fraction in a percent from 0 to 100 that defines the size of the central
; resizing region (default is 24), used to be 33% in AltDrag beta.
; A fraction in a percent from 0 to 100 that defines the size of the side
; resizing regions (default is 100) any value greater than CenterFraction
; will have the same effect than SidesFraction == CenterFraction.
; Transparency from 1-254, which is set to the window that is currently
; moved/resized. Lower values are more transparent.
; If set to 0 or 255, the feature is disabled (default is 255).
; If enabled, then a long key press will popup a menu with a list of
; extended/unicode characters that can be typed.
; Mouse actions for Left, Middle, and Right mouse buttons (MB), MB4,5 and wheel.
; List: Nothing, Move, Resize, Menu, Minimize, Maximize
; Center, AlwaysOnTop, Close, Lower, Borderless
; Kill, Pause, Resume, MaximizeHV, MinAllOther, Mute, SideSnap,
; NStacked, NStacked2, PStacked, PStacked2, StackList, StackList2, ASOnOff, MoveOnOff
; MLZone, MTZone, MRZone, MBZone XLZone, XTZone, XRZone, XBZone
; Wheel actions : Roll, AltTab, Volume, Transparency, HScroll
; Zoom, Zoom2, NPStacked, NPStacked2
; When moving and resizing windows, hold shift to snap to other windows.
; For Volume, Transparency and Zoom, try holding shift to adjust the speed.
; Alternative action for each button (used when the ModKey is pressed).
; Actions to be performed in the titlebar,
; with or without Alt, see TTBActions.
; Alternate titlebar actions (.ini only)
; Actions to do when we are already Moving(M)/Resizing(R)
; Substitute Nothing with a hotkey, so you can perform the action
; without needing to click. This is useful for touchpads.
; Try with GrabWithAlt=Resize and set ResizeCenter=2 and CenterFraction=60
; Actions that will be performed on the click UP even of a Move/Resize
; IF no drag occured AND the click was long or PiercingClick=1.
; The B sufixed version apply if the ModKey is down, as usual.
; /!\ Those actions are not associated with buttons but with Move/Resize.
; Perform specific actions when clicking in the titlebar
; If set to 1, to perform the action without Alt
; If set to 2, to perform the action with Alt.
; If set to 3, does both of the above.
; If set to 1, AltSnap will be disabled when Scroll Lock is OFF.
; If set to 3, AltSnap will be disabled when Scroll Lock is ON.
; List of keys used to transform a vertical scroll into a Horizontal scroll,
; applies only when the InactiveScroll option is used (Old windows versions).
; Default value is 10 ie VK_SHIFT.
Hotkeys=A4 A5
; Space-separated hexadecimal values.
; Quick reminder:
; A4 A5 => Left (A4) and right (A5) ALT
; 5B 5C => Left (5B) and right (5C) WIN
; A0 A1 => Left (A0) and right (A1) SHIFT
; A2 A3 => Left (A2) and right (A3) CTRL
; 70 to 87 => F1 to F24 keys
; Values at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
; You can specify up to 7 keys.
; Modifier keys to use the B action of each button.
Killkeys=09 2E
; Keys that will disable AltSnap when pressed down!
; Space-separated hexadecimal values.
; All keys from A-Z always disable AltSnap, so do not add them here.
; Default is TAB: 09 (for DisplayFusion's Alt+Tab).
; 2E for the DEL key (for Ctrl+Alt+DEL).
Shiftkeys=A0 A1
; Key that is used to snap windows and modify actions
; defaut sis A0 A1 for left and right shift.
; Key sent at the end of a movement to avoid menu selecting because of Alt
; or to avoid poping up the Windows menu when using WinKey as a hotkey.
; Since the original AltDrag the default value is 11 (VK_CONTROL).
; You can try sending other keys or set to 00 to disable key sending.
; You can try WinKey(5C) if you use Alt(12) as a hotkey or vice-versa.
; You can try using some of the undefined VK-codes such as 0E or FF.
; AHK recomends using FF.
; Mouse clicks that can be used to trigger AltSnap.
; This can be used together with the Hotkeys or as a replacement.
; Space-separated hexadecimal values.
; Values: MMB=04, MB4=05, MB5=06, MB6=07, MB7=08, MB8=09, MB9=0A,
; MB10=0B, MB11=0C, MB12=0D, MB13=0E, MB14=0F, MB15=10,
; MB16=11, MB17=12
; Just do not try this with LMB and RMB, please....
; For example, I would suggest using MB4 and MB5 ie: Hotclicks=05 06
; And using MB4=Move and MB5=Resize.
; To use MB6-MB9 see the XXButtons section.
; List of keys that are actually mapped to extra mouse button (6-17)
; You can specify up to 15 values in the button order you prefer.
; Any key specified here will behave like a mouse button for AltSnap.
; Also the key will ALWAYS be unusable outside of AltSnap
; This is intended for mouse buttons that that are mapped by a
; driver to keyboard keys, If possible use keys that does not exist
; on your keyboard ie: F13-F24.
; The extra buttons defined like this are mapped to MB6/7/8/9(B)(T)
; If you set for example XXButtons=7C 7D 7E 7F, then:
; the F13 key will be mapped to MB6, F14 to MB7 etc.
; MB20 is the maximum button. Those buttons can be added to the Hotclicks
; If set to 1, you will actually need to press two hotkeys
; to enable AltSnap (any combination of two hotkeys).
; You need at least TWO hotkeys!
; Does not apply to Hotclicks!
; Turns a long click in a move.
; This is a way to use AltSnap without keyboard.
; Set to 0 to disable (default)
; Set to 1 to enable and long click delay will be double click delay.
FrameColor=80 00 88
; Hexadecimal color of the hollow rectangle that is used when you disabled
; the FullWin option/Show window content while dragging.
; You need to put spaces between each pair of characters (RR GG BB)
; eg: 00 00 00 for black, FF 00 00 for red, 80 00 80 dark violet...
PinColor=FF FF 00 54
; Like FrameColor but concerns the color of the always on top indicator
; The last byte represents the hex ASCII of the letter to be drawn.
; Default is FF FF 00 54 for Yellow with a T (54).
;Shrt2=FF.2 12.u A2.d 57.2 A2.u
; Shortcuts number X=0-9 and A-Y
; you can specify an arbitrary vKey sequence with up and down events.
; ie: "A2.d A2.u" => sends A2 Down and then Up A2.2 for both Down+Up
; Most shortcuts will have to start with "FF.2 12.u" to release Alt(12)
; without trigerring the menu. Use "FF.2 5B.u" to release LeftWin.
; Ctrl+W
; For all blacklists, items must be separated with a comma (no space before the coma).
; Spaces can be present in the item itself. eg: "Virtual PC.exe"
; Unicode is fully supported for blacklist items in Windows 2000+
; blacklist format consists in, exename:title|class each field is optional.
; exename, == exename:*|*,
; title|class, == *:title|class,
Processes=StartMenuExperienceHost.exe,SearchApp.exe,mstsc.exe,msrdc.exe,osk.exe,Virtual PC.exe,LeageClient.exe,LeageClientUx.exe,LeageClientUxRender.exe
; List of processes (comma separated) that AltSnap will not interfere with
Windows=Program Manager|Progman,*|MultitaskingViewFrame,Volume Control|Tray Volume,*|TaskSwitcherWnd,*|TaskSwitcherOverlayWnd,|WorkerW,|Shell_TrayWnd,|BaseBar,|#32768,*|XamlExplorerHostIslandWindow,|MozillaDropShadowWindowClass,*|VistaSwitcher_SwitcherWnd,|TaskListThumbnailWnd,|NotifyIconOverflowWindow,*|Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow,|NativeHWNDHost,*|Xaml_WindowedPopupClass,|Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd,*|SimpleWindowSwitcher_{BEA057BB-66C7-4758-A610-FAE6013E9F98},yui.exe:Yui|YuiWnd
; List of windows for which AltSnap is completely disabled
; List of windows that should just ignore the scroll action
; eg: *|Photoshop
; List of windows on which the scroll inactive window option will not apply.
; List of windows for which AltSnap ignores MDI option
; Default is Powerpoint, Microsoft Management Console and Foxit.
Pause=taskmgr.exe,explorer.exe,dwm.exe,Virtual PC.exe,AltSnap.exe
; List of processes that will not be paused or killed
; when using the Pause/resume and Kill keyboard actions.
; List of windows that should be snapped to, even though they have no caption.
; Use Snaplist=*|* if you want to enable snapping to all border-less windows.
; List of windows for which the Titlebar action should not be performed.
; default is MS-WindowTerminal and some popup windows of Firefox.
; For Windows, Snaplist and MDIs:
; Three options are offered to you in this case:
; 1) Set the whole title|class windows info.
; 2) Set all windows from this class with ,*|class.
; 3) Set the window title only with ,title|*.
; Use the "Identify window" option in AltSnap Config.
; List of windows that AltSnap should consider as resizeable
; Only applies when ResizeAll=0
; eg: *|SunAwtDialog for MATLAB's help.
; List of windows that AltSnap should Never consider as resizeable
; Only applies when ResizeAll=0
; List of windows to which the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE / WM_EXITSIZEMOVE will not
; be sent. Keep the default value unless you know what you are doing.
; List of windows for which AltSnap should try directly to question the
; ancestor window for the Hittest, in order to know where the title bar is.
; Default is *|ApplicationFrameWindow for all METRO apps on Win10+
; List of windows that should be kept below other Windows that are lowered
; by AltSnap. Default is *|RainmeterMeterWindow for Rainmaker skin windows.
; If set to 1, actions that show lists of windows (StackList, AltTabList, etc.)
; will include windows with empty titles.
; If set to 1, both AltTabList and AltTabFullList will include windows
; that are off-screen.
; Set to 1 to Always block hotclicks, Otherwise AltSnap trys
; to forward the click if no action was performed.
; Use numbers instead of a-z for shortcuts in windows list menu.
; Maximum line width in characters allowed in a windows list menu.
; From 0-255, use 0 for unlimited. Default 80 (like old AltSanp versions)
; Delay in ms before considering a click to be long for the LongClickMove
; option. Default is 0 to use the double click delay.
; Require a small drag before actually starting a movement.
; Set to 0 to disable (like for AtSnap 1.58 and below)
; Set to 1 to have a drag threshold for maximized/snapped windows only (default).
; Set to 2 to always have a drag threshold.
; Set to 3 to have a drag threshold also when resizing the window.
; The distance, in number of pixels, when snapping starts (default 20).
; Distance in pixels, when Aero snapping to monitor sides (default 5).
; Gap in pixels from -128 to +127 between two snapped windows.
; Use negative values if you want an overlap, default is 0
; I suggest -1 under Win10.
; Value in pixels from 1-255.
; To change the steps in pixels
; when moving windows with the keyboard
; Speed beyond which AeroSnaps will not occur while Moving.
; AeroMaxSpeed is in pixels/Tau (from 0-65535).
; AeroSpeedTau to specifies Tau time in milliseconds (default 64).
; (i) Set AeroMaxSpeed to a "high" value (like 100) and try to move fast
; a window between two monitors, if it gets aero-snapped, decrease the value
; until it no longer snaps, and check that the window still snaps when you
; want it to.
; Minimum alpha for the transparency action, from 1-255 (default 32).
; Alpha step for the transparency action, from -128 to +127 (default 64).
; The other value is applied when Shift is pressed (default 8).
; By which fraction (2-255) the Zoom action should increase/decrease the size
; of the pointed window. ZoomFrac is without shift and ZoomFracShift
; is with shift. Default is 16th/64th (ZoomFrac=16, ZoomFracShift=64).
; Formula: New Window Size = OldSize + OldSize/ZoomFrac
; Show an indicator on the always on top windows
; Automatically re-maximize windows when you move them between monitors.
; If set to 1, allows running multiple instances of AltSnap.
; If set to 1, AltSnap will always request elevation.
; If set to 1, all windows are resizable, even those without borders.
; Note that windows that are in the AResize list will still be resizable.
; Also windows that were made borderless by AltSnap will be resizable.
; If set to 1, all fullscreen windows are moveable.
; If set to 0, blacklists all fullscreen windows.
; A fullscreen window is set to your monitor size and has no title bar.
; It is not exactly the same than a Maximized window (see below)
; Set to 1 to disable AltSnap on all Maximized windows.
; If set to 0 (default) maximized windows will be restored by AltSnap.
; Not the same thing than "fullscreen" window but looks quite similar.
; If set to 1, windows get maximized when snapped at the top
; of the monitor instead of being resized to fill its top half.
; If set to 2, Shift behavior will be inverted for double-right-click:
; Aero Snap <-> Extend border to monitor.
; If set to 3, both of the above work.
; You can always hold Shift to invert the behavior.
; If set to 0, disables any cursor handling (not recommended).
; If set to 1, enables all cursor sets (default)
; If set to 2, disables the Hand cursor when moving
; If set to 3, normal cursor is always used, even when resizing.
; If set to 4, uses the ResizeAll cursor for movement instead of the Hand.
; Set to 0 if you do not want border-to-border windows snapping to be
; Enabled by the shift key (default is 1: enabled).
; Set to 1 to enable, in this case, if you press Alt+Click without moving,
; the click will be transmitted to the pointed program.
; Enabling this option will disable doubleclicking actions!
; If you keep it disabled (default) you still will have the click
; transmission if you hold the click down more than a double click delay.
; If set to 1, then Alt_Down, Ctrl_Down, Ctrl_Up, Alt_Up will be sent.
; at the begining of a move/resize action, unless Alt is already down.
; This can help to pop down context menu when the drag starts.
; Set to 0 to take into account the MinMax Info (default, recommended)
; Set to 1 if you want to ignore the minimum window size
; set to 2 if you want to ignore the maximum window size
; set to 3 to completely ignore Min/Max info
; Mouse Buttons for which the caption buttons will not be considered
; by AltSnap for the Titlebar action.
; Use 0 to include all mouse buttons.
; Use 1 to exclude the left mouse button only.
; Use 3 (1+2) to exclude the left and right mouse buttons (default).
; Use -1 to exclude all mouse buttons and wheel.
; You can specify any value in decimal converted from a bit mask in the order
; of mouse buttons ie: LMB RMB MMB MB4 MB5...MB20 VWHEEL HWHEEL.
; use BLCapButtons=0 if you always want titlebar actions to be applied
; when clicking caption buttons and use -1 if you never want this.
; For a custom value add the numbers corresponding to each mouse button:
; LMB: 1, RMB: 2, MMB: 4, MB4: 8 MB5: 16 MBX: 2^(X-2)
; VWheel: 1048576, HWheel: 2097152 (buttons 21 and 22)
; Same than BLCapButtons except that it concerns the top resizing borders
; instead of only the caption buttons. Default value is 3.
; Menu items that will be displayed in the action menu (bit-mask).
; Default is -1 for all menu items.
; If you want only a selection of the menu items, pick them up in the list
; below, sum up the associated numbers and assign the value to `ACMenuItems`
; 1 Toggle Always on top
; 2 Toggle Borderless
; 4 Center window on screen
; 8 Roll/Unroll window
; 16 Lower Window
; 32 Maximize vertically
; 64 Minimize other windows
; 128 Snap To side/corner
; 256 ------------------
; 512 Maximize window
; 1024 Minimize window
; 2048 Close window
; 4096 ----------------
; 8192 Kill program
; 16384 -----------------
; 32768 Movement disabled
; 65536 -----------------
; 131072 Send original click
; 262144 Nothing
; Example: 131072+1+2+8=131083 Nothing+Topmost+Borderless+Roll
; Maximum number of keys that can be pressed on the keyboard
; at the same time beyond which AltSnap click will no longer activate.
; It will not interupt AltSnap if it is already in the middle of an action.
; Default is 0 (unlimited).
;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
;; Formula for best perf:
;; 1) If you got a monitor to 60Hz set RezTimer=1 (or 2, should be default).
;; 2) If you got a high frequency monitor and a high freq mouse:
;; a. Set RezTimer=3 or 4,
;; b. Calculate the ratio Mouse frequency / Monitor frequency and take
;; half that value as a starting point for MoveRate and ResizeRate.
;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
; Set to 1 to force the Drag Full Windows option (old default)
; Set to 0 to force off
; Default is 2: autodetect based on Windows setting
; Set opacity from 1-255 of the transparent window used when FullWin=0
; default is 0 which mean no transparency is used (best for performance).
; also 255 has good performance but there is zero opacity.
; If you are using desktop composition or Windows 8+ then there will be
; no significant performance impact to any value.
; Rate in miliseconds from 1-255 at which the always on top indicator
; will be refreshed. Default is 32. Smaller values will make the
; indicator more reactive but will decrease the performances.
; Set to 1 to move the window only when the timestamp of
; a mouse event is different from the previous one, every 16ms
; more or less. MoveRate and ResizeRate and RefreshRate
; will have no effect if the option is enabled.
; This is overall the option that gives the best performances.
; It can be combined with FullWin=0 mode for ~0% CPU usage.
; Set to 2 for auto-mode, where RezTimer is only enabled if
; display frequency is set to 60Hz.
; Set to 3 to combine with the MoveRate and ResizeRate options
; Set to 4 for auto-mode bis (1 if 60Hz monitor and 3 otherwise).
; Minimum delay, in milliseconds, between two refreshes of a window.
; For minimum CPU usage use a value around your monitor's rate:
; 75Hz monitor => RefreshRate=13
; Max value is 255 (4 Hz), sane values are below 100 (10 Hz).
; If set to 0 (default), you get the most reactivity.
; The number of pixels to wait before actually moving the window.
; If set to 1, updates will be instant. You will have better perf with
; higher values but you will lose precision in moving/resizing.
; Sane values are below 10. Recommended is 1 to 5
; If set to 1, enables Snap Layouts (Zones)
; If set to 3, enables Grid mode (configure below)
; If 4 is added window is extended without Ctrl.
; If 8 is added snapping will occur without Shift ie: 1+8 => UseZones=9.
; Shift will disable Zones instead.
; recomended is UseZones=1 or 9 for normal snap Layout with or w/o shift
; and 3+4 => UseZones=7 for grid mode.
; Zone snapping strategy
; Set to 0 to snap to the zones pointed by the cursor (default).
; Set to 1 to snap to the zone which center is the nearest from the cursor
; There is always the InterZone tolerance to snap to several zones.
; Size in pixels between zones from -128 to +127 (default 32)
; where the window will be snapped to the union of zones.
; If set to 0, you cannot cover more than one zone.
; Enable/Disables Layout preview (default 1)
; Opacity from 0-255 of the Zone preview (default 160).
; Use 0 if you disabled Desktop composition.
ZonesPrevwBGCol=FF FF FF
ZonesPrevwBDCol=00 00 00
; Color of the Snap Layout preview, ZonesPrevwBGCol for background color
; and ZonesPrevwBDCol for the border color. default are white and black.
; Use a dark beckground and a light border if you use dark theme.
; Maximum number of layouts that you can switch btween
; Set to 0 or 1 if you want a single layout, 10 max.
; Currently selected layout (from 0 to MaxLayouts-1)
; If you set UseZones to 3 or 7 then you enabled the
; GRID MODE that simply cuts each screen into 'parts'.
; You can set the number of parts below:
; Number of grid columns
; Number of grid lines
; If set to 1, enables better FancyZones integration (x64 builds only!).
; Windows snapped by FancyZones will be restored by AltDrag.
; Set to 2 if you do not want AltSnap to rescale
; the window to the current dpi setting.
; List of zones coordinates LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM,
; Up to 2048 zones and all zones end with a comma
; You can use the "Identify Window" option to get the RECT of any window
; You can save a "Snap Layout" from test windows using the tray menu
; This is the preferred way to configure your snap layout.
; Set UsePtWindow=1 if you want the pointed window to be used
; instead of the foreground window.
; Formula: add the folowing:
; One VK_NUMBER (decimal)
; +256 Alt
; +512 Control
; +1024 Shift
; +2048 Winkey
; 883 => Ctrl+Alt+F4
; 2644 => Ctrl+Win+T
; 2336 => Alt+Win+SPACE
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:DreamMaoMao/AltSnap.git
