HTTrack3.49-2+htsswf+htsjava launched on Sat, 13 Nov 2021 13:14:14 at http://easp.jswwl.com/ +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.jpeg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar
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13:15:05 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/fonts/Simple-Line-Icons.woff (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/css/simple-line-icons.css)
13:15:06 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/fonts/sourcesanspro/sourcesanspro-light.woff (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/css/font.css)
13:15:06 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/fonts/sourcesanspro/sourcesanspro.woff (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/css/font.css)
13:15:06 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/fonts/sourcesanspro/sourcesanspro-bold.woff (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/css/font.css)
13:15:07 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.3.0 (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/css/editormd.preview.min.css)
13:15:08 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.3.0 (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/css/editormd.preview.min.css)
13:15:08 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/css/.../fonts/editormd-logo.eot? (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/css/editormd.preview.min.css)
13:15:08 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/fonts/editormd-logo.woff?-5y8q6h (from easp.jswwl.com/inc/editor/css/editormd.preview.min.css)
HTTrack Website Copier/3.49-2 mirror complete in 2 minutes 53 seconds : 593 links scanned, 584 files written (11116961 bytes overall) [4299137 bytes received at 24850 bytes/sec], 10134291 bytes transferred using HTTP compression in 569 files, ratio 31%, 1.0 requests per connection
(8 errors, 0 warnings, 0 messages)
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