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init.vim 20.20 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
竹溪佳处 提交于 2023-07-11 21:03 . fix load bugs
" Remember the position of cursor
set viminfo='800,<3000
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif
" txt文件按照wiki语法高亮
autocmd BufNewFile *.txt set ft=confluencewiki
autocmd BufEnter *.txt set ft=confluencewiki
set cursorline
"hi CursorLine ctermbg=darkgrey
set cursorcolumn
set autoindent
set wrap
set nu
set relativenumber
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set fileencodings=gb18030,gbk,gb2312,utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
set incsearch " incremental search
set laststatus=2
set list lcs=tab:\|\
syntax enable
syntax on
colorscheme onedark
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
"set termguicolors
set hlsearch
set nobackup
set clipboard+=unnamed
set cmdheight=3
if version >= 603
set helplang=cn
set encoding=utf-8
set fencs=utf-8,ucs-bom,shift-jis,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936
set termencoding=utf-8
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936
set fileencoding=utf-8
set updatetime=300
set shortmess+=c
set signcolumn=yes
set smartindent
set smartcase
set ignorecase
set sidescrolloff=4
set scrolloff=4
" 插件安装
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
" below are some vim plugin for demonstration purpose
Plug 'https://gitee.com/astroshot/ale.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_junegunn/limelight.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_junegunn/goyo.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_terryma/vim-smooth-scroll.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/astroshot/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/HyperChao/vim-fugitive.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/qiuye_dlmu/vim-gitgutter.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/lovealone72/tagbar.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/astroshot/rainbow.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/HXXH2022/indentLine.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/ovoll/nerdtree.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/dglxlcl/vim-airline.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/HyperChao/vim-airline-themes.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/xudayjt/nerdtree-git-plugin.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/xudayjt/vim-colorschemes.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_ryanoasis/vim-devicons.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/xudayjt/vim-startify.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/BIT_chenxinliang/markdown-preview.nvim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_sainnhe/edge.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_francoiscabrol/ranger.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/rayycl/telescope.nvim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/jianshanbushishan/everforest.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/quick-source/FlyGrep.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_rhysd/git-messenger.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/zhuxijiachu/coc.nvim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_liuchengxu/vista.vim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/rayycl/toggleterm.nvim.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirror_jedsek/nvim-web-devicons.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirror_jedsek/nvim-treesitter.git'
"Plug 'https://gitee.com/mirrors_Yggdroot/LeaderF.git'
Plug 'https://gitee.com/zhuxijiachu/kanagawa.nvim.git'
call plug#end()
"rainbow 配置
let g:rainbow_active = 1
let g:rainbow_conf = {
\ 'guifgs': ['darkorange3', 'seagreen3', 'royalblue3', 'firebrick'],
\ 'ctermfgs': ['lightyellow', 'lightcyan','lightblue', 'lightmagenta'],
\ 'operators': '_,_',
\ 'parentheses': ['start=/(/ end=/)/ fold', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/ fold', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold'],
\ 'separately': {
\ '*': {},
\ 'tex': {
\ 'parentheses': ['start=/(/ end=/)/', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/'],
\ },
\ 'lisp': {
\ 'guifgs': ['darkorange3', 'seagreen3', 'royalblue3', 'firebrick'],
\ },
\ 'vim': {
\ 'parentheses': ['start=/(/ end=/)/', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold', 'start=/(/ end=/)/ containedin=vimFuncBody', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/ containedin=vimFuncBody', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold containedin=vimFuncBody'],
\ },
\ 'html': {
\ 'parentheses': ['start=/\v\<((area|base|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|menuitem|meta|param|source|track|wbr)[ >])@!\z([-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\s+[-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+(\=("[^"]*"|'."'".'[^'."'".']*'."'".'|[^ '."'".'"><=`]*))?)*\>/ end=#</\z1># fold'],
\ },
\ 'css': 0,
\ }
"airtheme 配置
" 设置状态栏
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '|'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 0
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'default'
let g:airline_theme = 'onedark' " 主题
let g:airline#extensions#keymap#enabled = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_format = {
\ '0': '0 ',
\ '1': '1 ',
\ '2': '2 ',
\ '3': '3 ',
\ '4': '4 ',
\ '5': '5 ',
\ '6': '6 ',
\ '7': '7 ',
\ '8': '8 ',
\ '9': '9 '
" 设置切换tab的快捷键 <\> + <i> 切换到第i个 tab
nmap <leader>1 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab1
nmap <leader>2 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab2
nmap <leader>3 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab3
nmap <leader>4 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab4
nmap <leader>5 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab5
nmap <leader>6 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab6
nmap <leader>7 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab7
nmap <leader>8 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab8
nmap <leader>9 <Plug>AirlineSelectTab9
" 设置切换tab的快捷键 <\> + <-> 切换到前一个 tab
nmap <leader>- <Plug>AirlineSelectPrevTab
" 设置切换tab的快捷键 <\> + <+> 切换到后一个 tab
nmap <leader>+ <Plug>AirlineSelectNextTab
" 设置切换tab的快捷键 <\> + <q> 退出当前的 tab
nmap <leader>q :bp<cr>:bd #<cr>
" 修改了一些个人不喜欢的字符
if !exists('g:airline_symbols')
let g:airline_symbols = {}
let g:airline_symbols.linenr = "CL" " current line
let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = '|'
let g:airline_symbols.maxlinenr = 'Ml' "maxline
let g:airline_symbols.branch = 'BR'
let g:airline_symbols.readonly = "RO"
let g:airline_symbols.dirty = "DT"
let g:airline_symbols.crypt = "CR"
"indentline 配置
let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 " 指定对齐线的尺寸
let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2 " 从第二层开始可视化显示缩进
" do not highlight conceal color(not background)
let g:indentLine_setColors = 0
" customize conceal color
" Vim
let g:indentLine_color_term = 239
" GVim
let g:indentLine_color_gui = '#A4E57E'
" none X terminal
let g:indentLine_color_tty_light = 7 " (default: 4)
let g:indentLine_color_dark = 1 " (default: 2)
" Background (Vim, GVim)
let g:indentLine_bgcolor_term = 202
" let g:indentLine_char = 'c'
" let g:indentLine_char_list = ['|', '¦', '┆', '┊']
" change conceal behaviour
let g:indentLine_concealcursor = 'inc'
let g:indentLine_conceallevel = 2
"markdown 配置
" set to 1, nvim will open the preview window after entering the markdown buffer
" default: 0
let g:mkdp_auto_start = 0
" set to 1, the nvim will auto close current preview window when change
" from markdown buffer to another buffer
" default: 1
let g:mkdp_auto_close = 1
" set to 1, the vim will refresh markdown when save the buffer or
" leave from insert mode, default 0 is auto refresh markdown as you edit or
" move the cursor
" default: 0
let g:mkdp_refresh_slow = 0
" set to 1, the MarkdownPreview command can be use for all files,
" by default it can be use in markdown file
" default: 0
let g:mkdp_command_for_global = 0
" set to 1, preview server available to others in your network
" by default, the server listens on localhost (
" default: 0
let g:mkdp_open_to_the_world = 1
" use custom IP to open preview page
" useful when you work in remote vim and preview on local browser
" more detail see: https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim/pull/9
" default empty
let g:mkdp_open_ip = ''
let g:mkdp_port = 8080
" specify browser to open preview page
" default: ''
let g:mkdp_browser = '/usr/local/bin/firefox'
" set to 1, echo preview page url in command line when open preview page
" default is 0
let g:mkdp_echo_preview_url = 0
function! g:EchoUrl(url)
:echo a:url
let g:mkdp_browserfunc = 'g:EchoUrl'
" options for markdown render
" mkit: markdown-it options for render
" katex: katex options for math
" uml: markdown-it-plantuml options
" maid: mermaid options
" disable_sync_scroll: if disable sync scroll, default 0
" sync_scroll_type: 'middle', 'top' or 'relative', default value is 'middle'
" middle: mean the cursor position alway show at the middle of the preview page
" top: mean the vim top viewport alway show at the top of the preview page
" relative: mean the cursor position alway show at the relative positon of the preview page
" hide_yaml_meta: if hide yaml metadata, default is 1
" sequence_diagrams: js-sequence-diagrams options
" content_editable: if enable content editable for preview page, default: v:false
" disable_filename: if disable filename header for preview page, default: 0
let g:mkdp_preview_options = {
\ 'mkit': {},
\ 'katex': {},
\ 'uml': {},
\ 'maid': {},
\ 'disable_sync_scroll': 0,
\ 'sync_scroll_type': 'middle',
\ 'hide_yaml_meta': 1,
\ 'sequence_diagrams': {},
\ 'flowchart_diagrams': {},
\ 'content_editable': v:false,
\ 'disable_filename': 0
\ }
" use a custom markdown style must be absolute path
" like '/Users/username/markdown.css' or expand('~/markdown.css')
let g:mkdp_markdown_css = ''
" use a custom highlight style must absolute path
" like '/Users/username/highlight.css' or expand('~/highlight.css')
let g:mkdp_highlight_css = ''
" preview page title
" ${name} will be replace with the file name
let g:mkdp_page_title = '「${name}」'
" recognized filetypes
" these filetypes will have MarkdownPreview... commands
let g:mkdp_filetypes = ['markdown']
"nerdtree 配置
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 1 && isdirectory(argv()[0]) && !exists('s:std_in') |
\ execute 'NERDTree' argv()[0] | wincmd p | enew | execute 'cd '.argv()[0] | endif
autocmd BufEnter * if winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | quit | endif
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname('#') =~ 'NERD_tree_\d\+' && bufname('%') !~ 'NERD_tree_\d\+' && winnr('$') > 1 |
\ let buf=bufnr() | buffer# | execute "normal! \<C-W>w" | execute 'buffer'.buf | endif
autocmd BufWinEnter * if getcmdwintype() == '' | silent NERDTreeMirror | endif
let g:NERDTreeDirArrowExpandable = '▸'
let g:NERDTreeDirArrowCollapsible = '▾'
"nerdtree-gitgutter 配置
let g:NERDTreeGitStatusIndicatorMapCustom = {
\ 'Modified' :'✹',
\ 'Staged' :'✚',
\ 'Untracked' :'✭',
\ 'Renamed' :'➜',
\ 'Unmerged' :'═',
\ 'Deleted' :'✖',
\ 'Dirty' :'✗',
\ 'Ignored' :'☒',
\ 'Clean' :'✔︎',
\ 'Unknown' :'?',
\ }
" instant-markdown 配置
let g:instant_markdown_slow = 1
let g:instant_markdown_autostart = 0
" Goyo配置
let g:gyo_width=80
let g:goyo_height='85%'
let g:goyo_linenr=0
nmap <Leader>ll :Goyo<CR>
xmap <Leader>ll :Goyo<CR>
function! s:goyo_enter()
if executable('tmux') && strlen($TMUX)
silent !tmux set status off
silent !tmux list-panes -F '\#F' | grep -q Z || tmux resize-pane -Z
" ...
function! s:goyo_leave()
if executable('tmux') && strlen($TMUX)
silent !tmux set status on
silent !tmux list-panes -F '\#F' | grep -q Z && tmux resize-pane -Z
" ...
autocmd! User GoyoEnter nested call <SID>goyo_enter()
autocmd! User GoyoLeave nested call <SID>goyo_leave()
" limelight 配置
" Color name (:help cterm-colors) or ANSI code
let g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg = 'gray'
let g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg = 240
" Color name (:help gui-colors) or RGB color
let g:limelight_conceal_guifg = 'DarkGray'
let g:limelight_conceal_guifg = '#777777'
" Default: 0.5
let g:limelight_default_coefficient = 0.7
" Number of preceding/following paragraphs to include (default: 0)
let g:limelight_paragraph_span = 1
" Beginning/end of paragraph
" When there's no empty line between the paragraphs
" and each paragraph starts with indentation
let g:limelight_bop = '^\s'
let g:limelight_eop = '\ze\n^\s'
" Highlighting priority (default: 10)
" Set it to -1 not to overrule hlsearch
let g:limelight_priority = -1
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
let g:ale_set_hignlinghts = 0
let g:ale_sign_error = '>>'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '--'
let g:ale_echo_msg_error_str = 'E'
let g:ale_echo_msg_warning_str = 'W'
let g:ale_echo_msg_format = '[%linter%] %s [%severity%]'
augroup YourGroup
autocmd User ALELint call YourFunction()
augroup END
let g:ale_linters = {
\ 'c++': ['clang'],
\ 'c': ['clang'],
\ 'python': ['pylint'],
" F5一键编译
map <F5> :call CompileRunGcc()<CR>
func! CompileRunGcc()
exec "w"
if &filetype == 'c'
exec "!gcc % -o %<"
exec "! %<"
elseif &filetype == 'cpp'
exec "!g++ % -o %<"
exec "! %<"
elseif &filetype == 'java'
exec "!javac %"
exec "!java %<"
elseif &filetype == 'sh'
exec "!time sh %"
"coc 配置
" if hidden is not set, TextEdit might fail.
set hidden
" Some servers have issues with backup files, see #649
set nowritebackup
" You will have bad experience for diagnostic messages when it's default 4000.
set updatetime=300
" don't give |ins-completion-menu| messages.
set shortmess+=c
" always show signcolumns
set signcolumn=yes
" Use tab for trigger completion with characters ahead and navigate.
" Use command ':verbose imap <tab>' to make sure tab is not mapped by other plugin.
"inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
" pumvisible() ? "<C-n>" :
" <SID>check_back_space() ? "<TAB>" :
" coc#refresh()
"inoremap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "<C-p>" : "<C-h>"
function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# 's'
" Use <c-space> to trigger completion.
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
" Use <cr> to confirm completion, `<C-g>u` means break undo chain at current position.
" Coc only does snippet and additional edit on confirm.
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "<C-y>" : "<C-g>u<CR>"
" Or use `complete_info` if your vim support it, like:
" inoremap <expr> <cr> complete_info()["selected"] != "-1" ? "<C-y>" : "<C-g>u<CR>"
" Use `[g` and `]g` to navigate diagnostics
nmap <silent> [g <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev)
nmap <silent> ]g <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next)
" Remap keys for gotos
nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
nmap <silent> gy <Plug>(coc-type-definition)
nmap <silent> gi <Plug>(coc-implementation)
nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
" Use K to show documentation in preview window
nnoremap <silent> K :call <SID>show_documentation()<CR>
function! s:show_documentation()
if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0)
execute 'h '.expand('<cword>')
call CocAction('doHover')
" Highlight symbol under cursor on CursorHold
autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')
" Remap for rename current word
nmap <leader>rn <Plug>(coc-rename)
" Remap for format selected region
xmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
nmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
augroup mygroup
" Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s).
autocmd FileType typescript,json setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected')
" Update signature help on jump placeholder
autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
augroup end
" Remap for do codeAction of selected region, ex: `<leader>aap` for current paragraph
xmap <leader>a <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)
nmap <leader>a <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)
" Remap for do codeAction of current line
nmap <leader>ac <Plug>(coc-codeaction)
" Fix autofix problem of current line
nmap <leader>qf <Plug>(coc-fix-current)
" Create mappings for function text object, requires document symbols feature of languageserver.
xmap if <Plug>(coc-funcobj-i)
xmap af <Plug>(coc-funcobj-a)
omap if <Plug>(coc-funcobj-i)
omap af <Plug>(coc-funcobj-a)
" Use `:Format` to format current buffer
command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
" Use `:Fold` to fold current buffer
command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', <f-args>)
" use `:OR` for organize import of current buffer
command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')
" How each level is indented and what to prepend.
" This could make the display more compact or more spacious.
" e.g., more compact: ["▸ ", ""]
" Note: this option only works for the kind renderer, not the tree renderer.
let g:vista_icon_indent = ["╰─▸ ", "├─▸ "]
" Executive used when opening vista sidebar without specifying it.
" See all the avaliable executives via `:echo g:vista#executives`.
let g:vista_default_executive = 'ctags'
" Set the executive for some filetypes explicitly. Use the explicit executive
" instead of the default one for these filetypes when using `:Vista` without
" specifying the executive.
let g:vista_executive_for = {
\ 'cpp': 'vim_lsp',
\ 'php': 'vim_lsp',
\ }
" Declare the command including the executable and options used to generate ctags output
" for some certain filetypes.The file path will be appened to your custom command.
" For example:
let g:vista_ctags_cmd = {
\ 'haskell': 'hasktags -x -o - -c',
\ }
" To enable fzf's preview window set g:vista_fzf_preview.
" The elements of g:vista_fzf_preview will be passed as arguments to fzf#vim#with_preview()
" For example:
let g:vista_fzf_preview = ['right:50%']
" If needs
set ambiwidth=double
" don't show the help in normal mode
let g:Lf_HideHelp = 1
let g:Lf_UseCache = 0
let g:Lf_UseVersionControlTool = 0
let g:Lf_IgnoreCurrentBufferName = 1
" popup mode
let g:Lf_WindowPosition = 'popup'
let g:Lf_PreviewInPopup = 1
let g:Lf_StlSeparator = { 'left': "\ue0b0", 'right': "\ue0b2", 'font': "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline" }
let g:Lf_PreviewResult = {'Function': 0, 'BufTag': 0 }
let g:Lf_ShortcutF = "<leader>ff"
noremap <leader>fb :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf buffer %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fm :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf mru %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>ft :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf bufTag %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fl :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf line %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <C-B> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg --current-buffer -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
noremap <C-F> :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -e %s ", expand("<cword>"))<CR>
" search visually selected text literally
xnoremap gf :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! rg -F -e %s ", leaderf#Rg#visual())<CR>
noremap go :<C-U>Leaderf! rg --recall<CR>
" should use `Leaderf gtags --update` first
let g:Lf_GtagsAutoGenerate = 0
let g:Lf_Gtagslabel = 'native-pygments'
noremap <leader>fr :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! gtags -r %s --auto-jump", expand("<cword>"))<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fd :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! gtags -d %s --auto-jump", expand("<cword>"))<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fo :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf! gtags --recall %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fn :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf gtags --next %s", "")<CR><CR>
noremap <leader>fp :<C-U><C-R>=printf("Leaderf gtags --previous %s", "")<CR><CR>
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:zhuxijiachu/nvim.git
