* Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Stephen Williams ([email protected])
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
# include <iostream>
* This file implements synthesis based on matching threads and
* converting them to equivalent devices. The trick here is that the
* proc_match_t functor can be used to scan a process and generate a
* string of tokens. That string of tokens can then be matched by the
* rules to determine what kind of device is to be made.
# include "netlist.h"
# include "netmisc.h"
# include "functor.h"
# include <cassert>
using namespace std;
struct syn_token_t {
int token;
#define YYSTYPE syn_token_t*
static int yylex();
static void yyerror(const char*);
static Design*des_;
static void make_DFF_CE(Design*des, NetProcTop*top,
NetEvent*eclk, NetExpr*cexp, NetAssignBase*asn);
/* These rules match simple DFF devices. Clocked assignments are
simply implemented as DFF, and a CE is easily expressed with a
conditional statement. The typical Verilog that get these are:
always @(posedge CLK) Q = D
always @(negedge CLK) Q = D
always @(posedge CLK) if (CE) Q = D;
always @(negedge CLK) if (CE) Q = D;
The width of Q and D cause a wide register to be created. The
code generators generally implement that as an array of
flip-flops. */
: S_ALWAYS '@' '(' S_EVENT ')' S_ASSIGN ';'
{ make_DFF_CE(des_, $1->top, $4->event, 0, $6->assign);
| S_ALWAYS '@' '(' S_EVENT ')' S_IF S_EXPR S_ASSIGN ';' ';'
{ make_DFF_CE(des_, $1->top, $4->event, $7->expr, $8->assign);
/* Unconditional assignments in initial blocks should be made into
initializers wherever possible. */
/* Various actions. */
static void hookup_DFF_CE(NetFF*ff, NetESignal*d, NetEvProbe*pclk,
NetNet*ce, NetAssign_*a, unsigned rval_pinoffset)
if (rval_pinoffset != 0) {
cerr << a->get_fileline() << ": sorry: "
<< "unable to hook up an R-value with offset "
<< rval_pinoffset << " to signal " << a->name()
<< "." << endl;
// a->sig() is a *NetNet, which doesn't have the loff_ and
// lwid_ context. Add the correction for loff_ ourselves.
// This extra calculation allows for assignments like:
// lval[7:1] <= foo;
// where lval is really a "reg [7:0]". In other words, part
// selects in the l-value are handled by loff and the lwidth().
connect(ff->pin_Data(), d->sig()->pin(0));
connect(ff->pin_Q(), a->sig()->pin(0));
connect(ff->pin_Clock(), pclk->pin(0));
if (ce) connect(ff->pin_Enable(), ce->pin(0));
/* This lval_ represents a reg that is a WIRE in the
synthesized results. This function signals the destructor
to change the REG that this l-value refers to into a
WIRE. It is done then, at the last minute, so that pending
synthesis can continue to work with it as a WIRE. */
static void make_DFF_CE(Design*des, NetProcTop*top,
NetEvent*eclk, NetExpr*cexp, NetAssignBase*asn)
NetEvProbe*pclk = eclk->probe(0);
NetESignal*d = dynamic_cast<NetESignal*> (asn->rval());
NetNet*ce = cexp? cexp->synthesize(des, top->scope(), cexp) : 0;
if (d == 0) {
cerr << asn->get_fileline() << ": internal error: "
<< " not a simple signal? " << *asn->rval() << endl;
unsigned rval_pinoffset=0;
for (unsigned i=0; (a=asn->l_val(i)); i++) {
// asn->l_val(i) are the set of *NetAssign_'s that form the list
// of lval expressions. Treat each one independently, keeping
// track of which bits of rval to use for each set of DFF inputs.
// For example, given:
// {carry,data} <= x + y + z;
// run through this loop twice, where a and rval_pinoffset are
// first data and 0, then carry and 1.
// FIXME: ff gets its pin names wrong when loff_ is nonzero.
if (a->sig()) {
// cerr << "new NetFF named " << a->name() << endl;
bool negedge = pclk->edge() == NetEvProbe::NEGEDGE;
NetFF*ff = new NetFF(top->scope(), a->name(), negedge,
hookup_DFF_CE(ff, d, pclk, ce, a, rval_pinoffset);
rval_pinoffset += a->lwidth();
static syn_token_t*first_ = 0;
static syn_token_t*last_ = 0;
static syn_token_t*ptr_ = 0;
* The match class is used to take a process and turn it into a stream
* of tokens. This stream is used by the yylex function to feed tokens
* to the parser.
struct tokenize : public proc_match_t {
tokenize() { }
~tokenize() { }
int assign(NetAssign*dev)
cur = new syn_token_t;
// Bit Muxes can't be synthesized (yet), but it's too much
// work to detect them now.
// cur->token = dev->l_val(0)->bmux() ? S_ASSIGN_MUX : S_ASSIGN;
cur->token = S_ASSIGN;
cur->assign = dev;
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
return 0;
int assign_nb(NetAssignNB*dev)
cur = new syn_token_t;
// Bit Muxes can't be synthesized (yet), but it's too much
// work to detect them now.
// cur->token = dev->l_val(0)->bmux() ? S_ASSIGN_MUX : S_ASSIGN;
cur->token = S_ASSIGN;
cur->assign = dev;
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
return 0;
int condit(NetCondit*dev)
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = S_IF;
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = S_EXPR;
cur->expr = dev->expr();
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
/* Because synthesis is broken this is needed to prevent
* a seg. fault. */
if (!dev->if_clause()) return 0;
dev -> if_clause() -> match_proc(this);
if (dev->else_clause()) {
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = S_ELSE;
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
dev -> else_clause() -> match_proc(this);
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = ';';
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
return 0;
int event_wait(NetEvWait*dev)
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = '@';
cur->evwait = dev;
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = '(';
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < dev->nevents(); idx += 1) {
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = S_EVENT;
cur->event = dev->event(idx);
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = ')';
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
dev -> statement() -> match_proc(this);
cur = new syn_token_t;
cur->token = ';';
cur->next_ = 0;
last_->next_ = cur;
last_ = cur;
return 0;
static void syn_start_process(NetProcTop*t)
first_ = new syn_token_t;
last_ = first_;
ptr_ = first_;
// Can the following be converted into S_ALWAYS?
if ((t->type() == IVL_PR_ALWAYS_COMB) ||
(t->type() == IVL_PR_ALWAYS_FF) ||
(t->type() == IVL_PR_ALWAYS_LATCH)) {
cerr << t->get_fileline() << ": internal error: "
<< " Need to check if this can be synthesized." << endl;
first_->token = (t->type() == IVL_PR_ALWAYS)? S_ALWAYS : S_INITIAL;
first_->top = t;
first_->next_ = 0;
tokenize go;
t -> statement() -> match_proc(&go);
static void syn_done_process()
while (first_) {
syn_token_t*cur = first_;
first_ = cur->next_;
delete cur;
static int yylex()
if (ptr_ == 0) {
yylval = 0;
return 0;
yylval = ptr_;
ptr_ = ptr_->next_;
return yylval->token;
struct syn_rules_f : public functor_t {
~syn_rules_f() { }
void process(class Design*, class NetProcTop*top)
/* If the scope that contains this process as a cell
attribute attached to it, then skip synthesis. */
if (top->scope()->attribute(perm_string::literal("ivl_synthesis_cell")).len() > 0)
void syn_rules(Design*d)
des_ = d;
syn_rules_f obj;
static void yyerror(const char*)
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