* Copyright (c) 1999-2022 Stephen Williams ([email protected])
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
# include <iostream>
# include "functor.h"
# include "netlist.h"
using namespace std;
void functor_t::event(Design*, NetEvent*)
void functor_t::signal(Design*, NetNet*)
void functor_t::process(Design*, NetProcTop*)
void functor_t::lpm_abs(Design*, NetAbs*)
void functor_t::lpm_add_sub(Design*, NetAddSub*)
void functor_t::lpm_compare(Design*, const NetCompare*)
void functor_t::lpm_concat(Design*, NetConcat*)
void functor_t::lpm_const(Design*, NetConst*)
void functor_t::lpm_divide(Design*, NetDivide*)
void functor_t::lpm_literal(Design*, NetLiteral*)
void functor_t::lpm_modulo(Design*, NetModulo*)
void functor_t::lpm_ff(Design*, NetFF*)
void functor_t::lpm_latch(Design*, NetLatch*)
void functor_t::lpm_logic(Design*, NetLogic*)
void functor_t::lpm_mult(Design*, NetMult*)
void functor_t::lpm_mux(Design*, NetMux*)
void functor_t::lpm_part_select(Design*, NetPartSelect*)
void functor_t::lpm_pow(Design*, NetPow*)
void functor_t::sign_extend(Design*, NetSignExtend*)
void functor_t::lpm_substitute(Design*, NetSubstitute*)
void functor_t::lpm_ureduce(Design*, NetUReduce*)
void NetScope::run_functor(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
for (map<hname_t,NetScope*>::const_iterator cur = children_.begin()
; cur != children_.end() ; ++ cur )
cur->second->run_functor(des, fun);
for (NetEvent*cur = events_ ; cur ; /* */) {
NetEvent*tmp = cur;
cur = cur->snext_;
fun->event(des, tmp);
// apply to signals. Each iteration, allow for the possibility
// that the current signal deletes itself.
signals_map_iter_t cur = signals_map_.begin();
while (cur != signals_map_.end()) {
signals_map_iter_t tmp = cur;
++ cur;
fun->signal(des, tmp->second);
void Design::functor(functor_t*fun)
// Scan the scopes
for (list<NetScope*>::const_iterator scope = root_scopes_.begin();
scope != root_scopes_.end(); ++ scope )
(*scope)->run_functor(this, fun);
// apply to processes
procs_idx_ = procs_;
while (procs_idx_) {
NetProcTop*idx = procs_idx_;
procs_idx_ = idx->next_;
fun->process(this, idx);
// apply to nodes
if (nodes_) {
assert(nodes_functor_cur_ == 0);
assert(nodes_functor_nxt_ == 0);
/* Scan the circular list of nodes, starting with the
front of the list.
This loop interacts with the Design::del_node method
so that the functor is free to delete any nodes it
choose. The destructors of the NetNode objects call
the del_node method, which checks with the
nodes_functor_* members, to keep the iterator
operating safely. */
nodes_functor_cur_ = nodes_;
do {
nodes_functor_nxt_ = nodes_functor_cur_->node_next_;
nodes_functor_cur_->functor_node(this, fun);
if (nodes_functor_nxt_ == 0)
nodes_functor_cur_ = nodes_functor_nxt_;
} while (nodes_functor_cur_ != nodes_);
nodes_functor_cur_ = 0;
nodes_functor_nxt_ = 0;
void NetNode::functor_node(Design*, functor_t*)
void NetAbs::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_abs(des, this);
void NetAddSub::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_add_sub(des, this);
void NetCompare::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_compare(des, this);
void NetConcat::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_concat(des, this);
void NetConst::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_const(des, this);
void NetDivide::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_divide(des, this);
void NetFF::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_ff(des, this);
void NetLatch::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_latch(des, this);
void NetLiteral::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_literal(des, this);
void NetLogic::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_logic(des, this);
void NetModulo::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_modulo(des, this);
void NetMult::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_mult(des, this);
void NetMux::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_mux(des, this);
void NetPartSelect::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_part_select(des, this);
void NetPow::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_pow(des, this);
void NetSignExtend::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->sign_extend(des, this);
void NetSubstitute::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_substitute(des, this);
void NetUReduce::functor_node(Design*des, functor_t*fun)
fun->lpm_ureduce(des, this);
int NetProc::match_proc(proc_match_t*)
return 0;
int proc_match_t::assign(NetAssign*)
return 0;
int NetAssign::match_proc(proc_match_t*that)
return that->assign(this);
int proc_match_t::assign_nb(NetAssignNB*)
return 0;
int NetAssignNB::match_proc(proc_match_t*that)
return that->assign_nb(this);
int proc_match_t::block(NetBlock*)
return 0;
int NetBlock::match_proc(proc_match_t*that)
return that->block(this);
int proc_match_t::condit(NetCondit*)
return 0;
int NetCondit::match_proc(proc_match_t*that)
return that->condit(this);
int NetEvWait::match_proc(proc_match_t*that)
return that->event_wait(this);
int proc_match_t::event_wait(NetEvWait*)
return 0;
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