同步操作将从 m3d/gis-shadertoy-fluid 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* ShaderToy Fluid To Cesium.js 开源版
* gitee:https://gitee.com/m3d
* b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yG4y1m7dF/
* shadertiy:https://www.shadertoy.com/view/7tSSDD
* 只作为技术实现学习,请勿下载后二次售卖
* 该Demo为ShaderToy迁移版,不能直接应用,没有深入改造,提供学习使用,由于是免费的不提供技术支持!
* 技术点:ShaderToy 多Buffer渲染的迁移和修改,Cesium.js体渲染流体计算结果。
let viewer;
* 初始化viewer
const initViewer = async () => {
viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('sceneContainer');
viewer.scene.msaaSamples = 4;
viewer.scene.highDynamicRange = true;
viewer.postProcessStages.fxaa.enabled = true;
viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = true;
viewer.scene.debugShowFramesPerSecond = true;
// 初始化流体Demo
const fluid = new FluidDemo(viewer, {})
destination: { x: -2771064.6756677167, y: 4781829.550624459, z: 3179130.042667584 },
orientation: {
heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(48.72529042457395),
pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(-10.899276751527792),
roll: Cesium.Math.toRadians(0.0014027234956804583)
// 公共变量
const Command = `
const int textureSize = 256;
// Render
const vec3 backgroundColor = vec3(0.2);
// Terrain
const float transitionTime = 5.0;
const float transitionPercent = 0.3;
const int octaves = 7;
// Water simulation
const float attenuation = 0.995;
const float strenght = 0.25;
const float minTotalFlow = 0.0001;
const float initialWaterLevel = 0.05;
mat2 rot(in float ang)
return mat2(
cos(ang), -sin(ang),
sin(ang), cos(ang));
// hash from Dave_Hoskins https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4djSRW
float hash12(vec2 p)
vec3 p3 = fract(vec3(p.xyx) * .1031);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.yzx + 33.33);
return fract((p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z);
float hash13(vec3 p3)
p3 = fract(p3 * .1031);
p3 += dot(p3, p3.zyx + 31.32);
return fract((p3.x + p3.y) * p3.z);
// Box intersection by IQ https://iquilezles.org/articles/boxfunctions
vec2 boxIntersection( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd, in vec3 rad, out vec3 oN )
vec3 m = 1.0 / rd;
vec3 n = m * ro;
vec3 k = abs(m) * rad;
vec3 t1 = -n - k;
vec3 t2 = -n + k;
float tN = max( max( t1.x, t1.y ), t1.z );
float tF = min( min( t2.x, t2.y ), t2.z );
if( tN > tF || tF < 0.0) return vec2(-1.0); // no intersection
oN = -sign(rd)*step(t1.yzx, t1.xyz) * step(t1.zxy, t1.xyz);
return vec2( tN, tF );
vec2 hitBox(vec3 orig, vec3 dir) {
const vec3 box_min = vec3(-0.5);
const vec3 box_max = vec3(0.5);
vec3 inv_dir = 1.0 / dir;
vec3 tmin_tmp = (box_min - orig) * inv_dir;
vec3 tmax_tmp = (box_max - orig) * inv_dir;
vec3 tmin = min(tmin_tmp, tmax_tmp);
vec3 tmax = max(tmin_tmp, tmax_tmp);
float t0 = max(tmin.x, max(tmin.y, tmin.z));
float t1 = min(tmax.x, min(tmax.y, tmax.z));
return vec2(t0, t1);
// Fog by IQ https://iquilezles.org/articles/fog
vec3 applyFog( in vec3 rgb, vec3 fogColor, in float distance)
float fogAmount = exp( -distance );
return mix( fogColor, rgb, fogAmount );
// 计算地形和更新水位pass 1
const BufferA = `
// compute Terrain and update water level 1st pass
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D heightMap;
uniform float iTime;
uniform int iFrame;
float boxNoise( in vec2 p, in float z )
vec2 fl = floor(p);
vec2 fr = fract(p);
fr = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, fr);
float res = mix(mix( hash13(vec3(fl, z)), hash13(vec3(fl + vec2(1,0), z)),fr.x),
mix( hash13(vec3(fl + vec2(0,1), z)), hash13(vec3(fl + vec2(1,1), z)),fr.x),fr.y);
return res;
float Terrain( in vec2 p, in float z, in int octaveNum)
float a = 1.0;
float f = .0;
for (int i = 0; i < octaveNum; i++)
f += a * boxNoise(p, z);
a *= 0.45;
p = 2.0 * rot(radians(41.0)) * p;
return f;
vec2 readHeight(ivec2 p)
p = clamp(p, ivec2(0), ivec2(textureSize - 1));
return texelFetch(iChannel0, p, 0).xy;
vec4 readOutFlow(ivec2 p)
if(p.x < 0 || p.y < 0 || p.x >= textureSize || p.y >= textureSize)
return vec4(0);
return texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
void main( )
// Outside ?
if( max(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y) > float(textureSize) )
// Terrain
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / float(textureSize);
float t = iTime / transitionTime;
float terrainElevation = mix(Terrain(uv * 4.0, floor(t), octaves), Terrain(uv * 4.0, floor(t) + 1.0, octaves), smoothstep(1.0 - transitionPercent, 1.0, fract(t))) * 0.5;
// Water
float waterDept = initialWaterLevel;
if(iFrame != 0)
ivec2 p = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec2 height = readHeight(p);
vec4 OutFlow = texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
float totalOutFlow = OutFlow.x + OutFlow.y + OutFlow.z + OutFlow.w;
float totalInFlow = 0.0;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 1, 0)).z;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 0, 1)).w;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2(-1, 0)).x;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 0, -1)).y;
waterDept = height.y - totalOutFlow + totalInFlow;
out_FragColor = vec4(terrainElevation, waterDept, 0, 1);
// 更新水流量pass
const BufferB = `
// Update Outflow 1st pass
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform float iTime;
uniform int iFrame;
vec2 readHeight(ivec2 p)
p = clamp(p, ivec2(0), ivec2(textureSize - 1));
return texelFetch(iChannel0, p, 0).xy;
float computeOutFlowDir(vec2 centerHeight, ivec2 pos)
vec2 dirHeight = readHeight(pos);
return max(0.0f, (centerHeight.x + centerHeight.y) - (dirHeight.x + dirHeight.y));
void main()
ivec2 p = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
// Init to zero at frame 0
if(iFrame == 0)
out_FragColor = vec4(0);
// Outside ?
if( max(p.x, p.y) > textureSize )
vec4 oOutFlow = texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
vec2 height = readHeight(p);
vec4 nOutFlow;
nOutFlow.x = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 1, 0));
nOutFlow.y = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 0, 1));
nOutFlow.z = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2(-1, 0));
nOutFlow.w = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 0, -1));
nOutFlow = attenuation * oOutFlow + strenght * nOutFlow;
float totalFlow = nOutFlow.x + nOutFlow.y + nOutFlow.z + nOutFlow.w;
if(totalFlow > minTotalFlow)
if(height.y < totalFlow)
nOutFlow = nOutFlow * (height.y / totalFlow);
nOutFlow = vec4(0);
out_FragColor = nOutFlow;
// 水位计算pass2
const BufferC = `
// water level 2nd pass
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform float iTime;
uniform int iFrame;
vec2 readHeight(ivec2 p)
p = clamp(p, ivec2(0), ivec2(textureSize - 1));
return texelFetch(iChannel0, p, 0).xy;
vec4 readOutFlow(ivec2 p)
if(p.x < 0 || p.y < 0 || p.x >= textureSize || p.y >= textureSize)
return vec4(0);
return texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
void main( )
// Outside ?
if( max(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y) > float(textureSize) )
// Water
ivec2 p = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec2 height = readHeight(p);
vec4 OutFlow = texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
float totalOutFlow = OutFlow.x + OutFlow.y + OutFlow.z + OutFlow.w;
float totalInFlow = 0.0;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 1, 0)).z;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 0, 1)).w;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2(-1, 0)).x;
totalInFlow += readOutFlow(p + ivec2( 0, -1)).y;
float waterDept = height.y - totalOutFlow + totalInFlow;
out_FragColor = vec4(height.x, waterDept, 0, 1);
// 水流量计算pass2
const BufferD = `
// Update Outflow 2nd pass
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform float iTime;
uniform int iFrame;
vec2 readHeight(ivec2 p)
p = clamp(p, ivec2(0), ivec2(textureSize - 1));
return texelFetch(iChannel0, p, 0).xy;
float computeOutFlowDir(vec2 centerHeight, ivec2 pos)
vec2 dirHeight = readHeight(pos);
return max(0.0f, (centerHeight.x + centerHeight.y) - (dirHeight.x + dirHeight.y));
void main( )
ivec2 p = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
// Outside ?
if( max(p.x, p.y) > textureSize )
vec4 oOutFlow = texelFetch(iChannel1, p, 0);
vec2 height = readHeight(p);
vec4 nOutFlow;
nOutFlow.x = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 1, 0));
nOutFlow.y = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 0, 1));
nOutFlow.z = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2(-1, 0));
nOutFlow.w = computeOutFlowDir(height, p + ivec2( 0, -1));
nOutFlow = attenuation * oOutFlow + strenght * nOutFlow;
float totalFlow = nOutFlow.x + nOutFlow.y + nOutFlow.z + nOutFlow.w;
if(totalFlow > minTotalFlow)
if(height.y < totalFlow)
nOutFlow = nOutFlow * (height.y / totalFlow);
nOutFlow = vec4(0);
out_FragColor = nOutFlow;
const renderShaderSource = `
// Created by David Gallardo - xjorma/2021
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
#define AA
#define GAMMA 1
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform vec2 iResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform int iFrame;
in vec3 vo;
in vec3 vd;
in vec2 v_st;
const vec3 light = vec3(0.,4.,2.);
const float boxHeight = 0.45;
vec2 getHeight(in vec3 p)
p = (p + 1.0) * 0.5;
vec2 p2 = p.xz * vec2(float(textureSize)) / iResolution.xy;
p2 = min(p2, vec2(float(textureSize) - 0.5) / iResolution.xy);
vec2 h = texture(iChannel0, p2).xy;
h.y += h.x;
return h - boxHeight;
vec3 getNormal(in vec3 p, int comp)
float d = 2.0 / float(textureSize);
float hMid = getHeight(p)[comp];
float hRight = getHeight(p + vec3(d, 0, 0))[comp];
float hTop = getHeight(p + vec3(0, 0, d))[comp];
return normalize(cross(vec3(0, hTop - hMid, d), vec3(d, hRight - hMid, 0)));
vec3 terrainColor(in vec3 p, in vec3 n, out float spec)
spec = 0.1;
vec3 c = vec3(0.21, 0.50, 0.07);
float cliff = smoothstep(0.8, 0.3, n.y);
c = mix(c, vec3(0.25), cliff);
spec = mix(spec, 0.3, cliff);
float snow = smoothstep(0.05, 0.25, p.y) * smoothstep(0.5, 0.7, n.y);
c = mix(c, vec3(0.95, 0.95, 0.85), snow);
spec = mix(spec, 0.4, snow);
vec3 t = texture(iChannel1, p.xz * 5.0).xyz;
return mix(c, c * t, 0.75);
vec3 undergroundColor(float d)
vec3 color[4] = vec3[](vec3(0.5, 0.45, 0.5), vec3(0.40, 0.35, 0.25), vec3(0.55, 0.50, 0.4), vec3(0.45, 0.30, 0.20));
d *= 6.0;
d = min(d, 3.0 - 0.001);
float fr = fract(d);
float fl = floor(d);
return mix(color[int(fl)], color[int(fl) + 1], fr);
vec3 Render(in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd) {
vec3 n;
vec3 rayDir = normalize(rd);
vec2 ret = hitBox(ro, rayDir);
if (ret.x > ret.y) discard;
ret.x = max(ret.x, 0.0);
vec3 p = ro + ret.x * rayDir;
if(ret.x > 0.0) {
vec3 pi = ro + rd * ret.x;
vec3 tc;
vec3 tn;
float tt = ret.x;
vec2 h = getHeight(pi);
float spec;
if(pi.y < h.x) {
tn = n;
tc = undergroundColor(h.x - pi.y);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
vec3 p = ro + rd * tt;
float h = p.y - getHeight(p).x;
if (h < 0.0002 || tt > ret.y)
tt += h * 0.4;
tn = getNormal(ro + rd * tt, 0);
tc = terrainColor(ro + rd * tt, tn, spec);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(light - (ro + rd * tt));
tc = tc * (max( 0.0, dot(lightDir, tn)) + 0.3);
spec *= pow(max(0., dot(lightDir, reflect(rd, tn))), 10.0);
tc += spec;
if(tt > ret.y) {
tc = vec3(0, 0, 0.4);
float wt = ret.x;
h = getHeight(pi);
vec3 waterNormal;
if(pi.y < h.y) {
waterNormal = n;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
vec3 p = ro + rd * wt;
float h = p.y - getHeight(p).y;
if (h < 0.0002 || wt > min(tt, ret.y))
wt += h * 0.4;
waterNormal = getNormal(ro + rd * wt, 1);
if(wt < ret.y) {
float dist = (min(tt, ret.y) - wt);
vec3 p = waterNormal;
vec3 lightDir = normalize(light - (ro + rd * wt));
tc = applyFog( tc, vec3(0, 0, 0.4), dist * 15.0);
float spec = pow(max(0., dot(lightDir, reflect(rd, waterNormal))), 20.0);
tc += 0.5 * spec * smoothstep(0.0, 0.1, dist);
return tc;
vec3 vignette(vec3 color, vec2 q, float v)
color *= 0.3 + 0.8 * pow(16.0 * q.x * q.y * (1.0 - q.x) * (1.0 - q.y), v);
return color;
void main()
vec3 tot = vec3(0.0);
vec3 rayDir = normalize(vd);
vec3 col = Render(vo, rayDir);
tot += col;
out_FragColor = vec4( tot, 1.0 );
* @description 自定义DC
class CustomPrimitive {
constructor(options) {
this.commandType = options.commandType;
this.geometry = options.geometry;
this.attributeLocations = options.attributeLocations;
this.primitiveType = options.primitiveType;
this.uniformMap = options.uniformMap;
this.vertexShaderSource = options.vertexShaderSource;
this.fragmentShaderSource = options.fragmentShaderSource;
this.rawRenderState = options.rawRenderState;
this.framebuffer = options.framebuffer;
this.outputTexture = options.outputTexture;
this.autoClear = Cesium.defaultValue(options.autoClear, false);
this.preExecute = options.preExecute;
this.modelMatrix = Cesium.defaultValue(options.modelMatrix, Cesium.Matrix4.IDENTITY);
this.show = true;
this.commandToExecute = undefined;
this.clearCommand = undefined;
if (this.autoClear) {
this.clearCommand = new Cesium.ClearCommand({
color: new Cesium.Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
depth: 1.0,
framebuffer: this.framebuffer,
pass: Cesium.Pass.OPAQUE
createCommand(context) {
switch (this.commandType) {
case 'Draw': {
let vertexArray = Cesium.VertexArray.fromGeometry({
context: context,
geometry: this.geometry,
attributeLocations: this.attributeLocations,
bufferUsage: Cesium.BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
let shaderProgram = Cesium.ShaderProgram.fromCache({
context: context,
attributeLocations: this.attributeLocations,
vertexShaderSource: this.vertexShaderSource,
fragmentShaderSource: this.fragmentShaderSource
let renderState = Cesium.RenderState.fromCache(this.rawRenderState);
return new Cesium.DrawCommand({
owner: this,
vertexArray: vertexArray,
primitiveType: this.primitiveType,
uniformMap: this.uniformMap,
modelMatrix: this.modelMatrix,
shaderProgram: shaderProgram,
framebuffer: this.framebuffer,
renderState: renderState,
pass: Cesium.Pass.OPAQUE
case 'Compute': {
return new Cesium.ComputeCommand({
owner: this,
fragmentShaderSource: this.fragmentShaderSource,
uniformMap: this.uniformMap,
outputTexture: this.outputTexture,
persists: true
setGeometry(context, geometry) {
this.geometry = geometry;
let vertexArray = Cesium.VertexArray.fromGeometry({
context: context,
geometry: this.geometry,
attributeLocations: this.attributeLocations,
bufferUsage: Cesium.BufferUsage.STATIC_DRAW,
this.commandToExecute.vertexArray = vertexArray;
update(frameState) {
if (!this.show) {
if (!Cesium.defined(this.commandToExecute)) {
this.commandToExecute = this.createCommand(frameState.context);
if (Cesium.defined(this.preExecute)) {
if (Cesium.defined(this.clearCommand)) {
isDestroyed() {
return false;
destroy() {
if (Cesium.defined(this.commandToExecute)) {
this.commandToExecute.shaderProgram = this.commandToExecute.shaderProgram && this.commandToExecute.shaderProgram.destroy();
return Cesium.destroyObject(this);
* @description 渲染工具类
class RenderUtil {
constructor() { }
static loadText(filePath) {
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', filePath, false);
return request.responseText;
static getFullscreenQuad() {
let fullscreenQuad = new Cesium.Geometry({
attributes: new Cesium.GeometryAttributes({
position: new Cesium.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: Cesium.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 3,
// v3----v2
// | |
// | |
// v0----v1
values: new Float32Array([
-1, -1, 0, // v0
1, -1, 0, // v1
1, 1, 0, // v2
-1, 1, 0, // v3
st: new Cesium.GeometryAttribute({
componentDatatype: Cesium.ComponentDatatype.FLOAT,
componentsPerAttribute: 2,
values: new Float32Array([
0, 0,
1, 0,
1, 1,
0, 1,
indices: new Uint32Array([3, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1])
return fullscreenQuad;
static createTexture(options) {
if (Cesium.defined(options.arrayBufferView)) {
// typed array needs to be passed as source option, this is required by Cesium.Texture
let source = {};
source.arrayBufferView = options.arrayBufferView;
options.source = source;
let texture = new Cesium.Texture(options);
return texture;
static createFramebuffer(context, colorTexture, depthTexture) {
let framebuffer = new Cesium.Framebuffer({
context: context,
colorTextures: [colorTexture],
depthTexture: depthTexture
return framebuffer;
static createRawRenderState(options) {
let translucent = true;
let closed = false;
let existing = {
viewport: options.viewport,
depthTest: options.depthTest,
depthMask: options.depthMask,
blending: options.blending
let rawRenderState = Cesium.Appearance.getDefaultRenderState(translucent, closed, existing);
return rawRenderState;
class FluidDemo {
constructor(viewer) {
this._viewer = viewer;
// 分辨率
this._width = 256;
this._height = 256;
this._resolution = new Cesium.Cartesian2(this._width, this._height);
initShaderToy() {
const texA = RenderUtil.createTexture({
context: this._viewer.scene.context,
width: this._width,
height: this._height,
pixelFormat: Cesium.PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype: Cesium.PixelDatatype.FLOAT,
arrayBufferView: new Float32Array(this._width * this._height * 4),
const texB = RenderUtil.createTexture({
context: this._viewer.scene.context,
width: this._width,
height: this._height,
pixelFormat: Cesium.PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype: Cesium.PixelDatatype.FLOAT,
arrayBufferView: new Float32Array(this._width * this._height * 4),
const texC = RenderUtil.createTexture({
context: this._viewer.scene.context,
width: this._width,
height: this._height,
pixelFormat: Cesium.PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype: Cesium.PixelDatatype.FLOAT,
arrayBufferView: new Float32Array(this._width * this._height * 4),
const texD = RenderUtil.createTexture({
context: this._viewer.scene.context,
width: this._width,
height: this._height,
pixelFormat: Cesium.PixelFormat.RGBA,
pixelDatatype: Cesium.PixelDatatype.FLOAT,
arrayBufferView: new Float32Array(this._width * this._height * 4),
// Render Buffers
const quadGeometry = RenderUtil.getFullscreenQuad();
// BufferA
const Buffer_A = new CustomPrimitive({
commandType: 'Compute',
uniformMap: {
iTime: () => { return time },
iFrame: () => { return frame },
resolution: () => { return this._resolution },
iChannel0: () => { return texC; },
iChannel1: () => { return texD; },
fragmentShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [Command, BufferA]
geometry: quadGeometry,
outputTexture: texA,
preExecute: function () {
Buffer_A.commandToExecute.outputTexture = texA;
// BufferB
const Buffer_B = new CustomPrimitive({
commandType: 'Compute',
uniformMap: {
iTime: () => { return time },
iFrame: () => { return frame },
resolution: () => { return this._resolution },
iChannel0: () => { return texA; },
iChannel1: () => { return texD; },
fragmentShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [Command, BufferB]
geometry: quadGeometry,
outputTexture: texB,
preExecute: function () {
Buffer_B.commandToExecute.outputTexture = texB;
// BufferC
const Buffer_C = new CustomPrimitive({
commandType: 'Compute',
uniformMap: {
iTime: () => { return time },
iFrame: () => { return frame },
resolution: () => { return this._resolution },
iChannel0: () => { return texA; },
iChannel1: () => { return texB; },
fragmentShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [Command, BufferC]
geometry: quadGeometry,
outputTexture: texC,
preExecute: function () {
Buffer_C.commandToExecute.outputTexture = texC;
// BufferD
const Buffer_D = new CustomPrimitive({
commandType: 'Compute',
uniformMap: {
iTime: () => { return time },
iFrame: () => { return frame },
resolution: () => { return this._resolution },
iChannel0: () => { return texC; },
iChannel1: () => { return texB; },
fragmentShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [Command, BufferD]
geometry: quadGeometry,
outputTexture: texD,
preExecute: function () {
Buffer_D.commandToExecute.outputTexture = texD;
// Render Box
let terrainMap = this._viewer.scene.frameState.context.defaultTexture;
url: 'https://www.shadertoy.com/media/a/8979352a182bde7c3c651ba2b2f4e0615de819585cc37b7175bcefbca15a6683.jpg'
}).then((image) => {
terrainMap = new Cesium.Texture({
context: this._viewer.scene.frameState.context,
source: image,
sampler: new Cesium.Sampler({
wrapS: Cesium.TextureWrap.REPEAT,
wrapT: Cesium.TextureWrap.REPEAT,
magnificationFilter: Cesium.TextureMagnificationFilter.LINEAR,
minificationFilter: Cesium.TextureMinificationFilter.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
// Render Command
const modelMatrix = generateModelMatrix([120.20998865783179, 30.13650797533829, 300], [90, 0, 0], [2000, 600, 1700])
const boxGeometry = Cesium.BoxGeometry.fromDimensions({
vertexFormat: Cesium.VertexFormat.POSITION_AND_ST,
dimensions: new Cesium.Cartesian3(1, 1, 1),
const geometry = Cesium.BoxGeometry.createGeometry(boxGeometry);
const attributelocations = Cesium.GeometryPipeline.createAttributeLocations(geometry);
const fluidCommand = new CustomPrimitive({
commandType: 'Draw',
uniformMap: {
iTime: () => { return time },
iFrame: () => { return frame },
iResolution: () => { return this._resolution },
iChannel0: () => { return texC; },
iChannel1: () => { return terrainMap; }
geometry: geometry,
modelMatrix: modelMatrix,
attributeLocations: attributelocations,
vertexShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [
in vec3 position;
in vec2 st;
out vec3 vo;
out vec3 vd;
out vec2 v_st;
void main()
vo = czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh + czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow;
vd = position - vo;
v_st = st;
gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjection * vec4(position,1.0);
fragmentShaderSource: new Cesium.ShaderSource({
sources: [Command + renderShaderSource]
// Render Event
let time = 1.0
let frame = 0.;
this._viewer.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => {
const now = performance.now();
time = now / 1000.;
frame += 0.02;
* 生成矩阵
* @param {*} position
* @param {*} rotation
* @param {*} scale
* @returns
const generateModelMatrix = (position = [0, 0, 0], rotation = [0, 0, 0], scale = [1, 1, 1]) => {
const rotationX = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(
const rotationY = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(
const rotationZ = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(
if (!(position instanceof Cesium.Cartesian3)) {
position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(...position)
const enuMatrix = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(position);
Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(enuMatrix, rotationX, enuMatrix);
Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(enuMatrix, rotationY, enuMatrix);
Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(enuMatrix, rotationZ, enuMatrix);
const scaleMatrix = Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(new Cesium.Cartesian3(...scale));
const modelMatrix = Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(enuMatrix, scaleMatrix, new Cesium.Matrix4());
return modelMatrix;
const main = async () => {
await initViewer();
window.onload = main;
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