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云金杞 提交于 2024-03-15 17:04 . fix ComminfoFuturesPercent buf
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
# import datetime
from .utils.py3 import with_metaclass
from .metabase import MetaParams
# 佣金类
class CommInfoBase(with_metaclass(MetaParams)):
"""Base Class for the Commission Schemes.
- ``commission`` (def: ``0.0``): base commission value in percentage or
monetary units
# 基础佣金,以百分比形式或者货币单位形式
- ``mult`` (def ``1.0``): multiplier applied to the asset for
# 乘数,用于资产上计算市值或者利润
- ``margin`` (def: ``None``): amount of monetary units needed to
open/hold an operation. It only applies if the final ``_stocklike``
attribute in the class is set to ``False``
# 保证金,如果_stocklike是False的时候,在开仓或者持有一个操作的时候需要的保证金
- ``automargin`` (def: ``False``): Used by the method ``get_margin``
to automatically calculate the margin/guarantees needed with the
following policy
- Use param ``margin`` if param ``automargin`` evaluates to ``False``
- Use param ``mult`` * ``price`` if ``automargin < 0``
- Use param ``automargin`` * ``price`` if ``automargin > 0``
# automargin默认是False,在get_margin的时候,根据下面的方法自动计算保证金:
# 如果automargin是False,直接使用margin
# 如果automargin<0,直接使用乘数乘以价格
# 如果automargin>0,直接使用automargin*automargin
- ``commtype`` (def: ``None``): Supported values are
``CommInfoBase.COMM_PERC`` (commission to be understood as %) and
``CommInfoBase.COMM_FIXED`` (commission to be understood as monetary
The default value of ``None`` is a supported value to retain
compatibility with the legacy ``CommissionInfo`` object. If
``commtype`` is set to None, then the following applies:
- ``margin`` is ``None``: Internal ``_commtype`` is set to
``COMM_PERC`` and ``_stocklike`` is set to ``True`` (Operating
%-wise with Stocks)
- ``margin`` is not ``None``: ``_commtype`` set to ``COMM_FIXED`` and
``_stocklike`` set to ``False`` (Operating with fixed round-trip
commission with Futures)
If this param is set to something else than ``None``, then it will be
passed to the internal ``_commtype`` attribute and the same will be
done with the param ``stocklike`` and the internal attribute
# commtype 佣金类型,默认是None,有两种佣金类型,一种是CommInfoBase.COMM_PERC,佣金将会当成百分比形式
# 一种是CommInfoBase.COMM_FIXED,佣金将会被当成货币单位。
# 如果commtype是None的话,如果margin是None,内部的佣金类型将会使用百分比形式,并且_stocklike将会被设置成True
# 如果commtype是None的话,如果margin不是None,内部的佣金类型将会按照固定形式,并且_stocklike被设置成False
- ``stocklike`` (def: ``False``): Indicates if the instrument is
Stock-like or Futures-like (see the ``commtype`` discussion above)
# stocklike设置成True的时候,将会按照股票的形式来;如果设置成False的时候,将会按照期货的形式来
- ``percabs`` (def: ``False``): when ``commtype`` is set to COMM_PERC,
whether the parameter ``commission`` has to be understood as XX% or
If this param is ``True``: 0.XX
If this param is ``False``: XX%
# percabs被设置成False
# 如果commtype被设置成百分比形式了,如果pecabs是True的话,commission被理解为其本身的值
# 如果commtype被设置成百分比形式了,如果pecabs是False的话,commission被理解为是一个百分比形式的值,真实值需要除以100
- ``interest`` (def: ``0.0``)
If this is non-zero, this is the yearly interest charged for holding a
short selling position. This is mostly meant for stock short-selling
The formula: ``days * price * abs(size) * (interest / 365)``
It must be specified in absolute terms: 0.05 -> 5%
note:: the behavior can be changed by overriding the method:
# interest 默认是0 代表利息费用,如果是非0的话,通常代表卖空股票的时候,每年被收取的利息费用
# 可以使用公式:days * price * abs(size) * (interest / 365)计算持有仓位需要缴纳的利息费用
# interest必须是绝对值形式
# 计算方法可以通过重写_get_credit_interest改变
- ``interest_long`` (def: ``False``)
Some products like ETFs get charged on interest for short and long
positions. If ths is ``True`` and ``interest`` is non-zero the interest
will be charged on both directions
# 如果interest_long被设置成True的话,多空两个方向都是需要收取费用的
- ``leverage`` (def: ``1.0``)
Amount of leverage for the asset with regard to the needed cash
# 杠杆水平,用于计算一个资产需要的现金
- ``_stocklike``: Final value to use for Stock-like/Futures-like behavior
- ``_commtype``: Final value to use for PERC vs FIXED commissions
These two are used internally instead of the declared params to enable the
compatibility check described above for the legacy ``CommissionInfo`` object
# 百分比佣金,固定佣金
# 参数
params = (
('commission', 0.0), ('mult', 1.0), ('margin', None),
('commtype', None),
('stocklike', False),
('percabs', False),
('interest', 0.0),
('interest_long', False),
('leverage', 1.0),
('automargin', False),
# 初始化
def __init__(self):
super(CommInfoBase, self).__init__()
self._stocklike = self.p.stocklike
self._commtype = self.p.commtype
# The initial block checks for the behavior of the original
# CommissionInfo in which the commission scheme (perc/fixed) was
# determined by parameter "margin" evaluating to False/True
# If the parameter "commtype" is None, this behavior is emulated
# else, the parameter values are used
if self._commtype is None: # original CommissionInfo behavior applies
if self.p.margin:
self._stocklike = False
self._commtype = self.COMM_FIXED
self._stocklike = True
self._commtype = self.COMM_PERC
if not self._stocklike and not self.p.margin:
self.p.margin = 1.0 # avoid having None/0
if self._commtype == self.COMM_PERC and not self.p.percabs:
self.p.commission /= 100.0
self._creditrate = self.p.interest / 365.0
def margin(self):
return self.p.margin
def stocklike(self):
return self._stocklike
# 获取margin todo 这个算法个人不太确定对不对,感觉有点不符合逻辑,后续回来检查
def get_margin(self, price):
"""Returns the actual margin/guarantees needed for a single item of the
asset at the given price. The default implementation has this policy:
- Use param ``margin`` if param ``automargin`` evaluates to ``False``
- Use param ``mult`` * ``price`` if ``automargin < 0``
- Use param ``automargin`` * ``price`` if ``automargin > 0``
# print("运行的是backtrader的get_margin")
if not self.p.automargin:
return self.p.margin
elif self.p.automargin < 0:
return price * self.p.mult
return price * self.p.automargin # int/float expected
# 获取杠杆
def get_leverage(self):
# Returns the level of leverage allowed for this comission scheme
return self.p.leverage
# 根据cash和size计算手数
def getsize(self, price, cash):
# Returns the needed size to meet a cash operation at a given price
# todo 此处原版代码做了取整,在实际使用中,可能并不是很符合场景,这里去除取整
# if not self._stocklike:
# return int(self.p.leverage * (cash // self.get_margin(price)))
# return int(self.p.leverage * (cash // price))
if not self._stocklike:
return self.p.leverage * (cash // self.get_margin(price))
return self.p.leverage * (cash // price)
# 获取操作成本
def getoperationcost(self, size, price):
# Returns the needed amount of cash an operation would cost
# print(f"当前运行的是{'getoperationcost'}")
if not self._stocklike:
return abs(size) * self.get_margin(price)
return abs(size) * price
# 获取size的市值
def getvaluesize(self, size, price):
# Returns the value of size for given a price. For future-like
# objects it is fixed at size * margin
# print(f"当前运行的是{'getvaluesize'}")
# print(size, self.get_margin(price))
if not self._stocklike:
return abs(size) * self.get_margin(price)
return size * price
# 获取持仓的市值
def getvalue(self, position, price):
# Returns the value of a position given a price. For future-like
# objects it is fixed at size * margin
if not self._stocklike:
return abs(position.size) * self.get_margin(price)
size = position.size
if size >= 0:
return size * price
# With stocks, a short position is worth more as the price goes down
value = position.price * size # original value
value += (position.price - price) * size # increased value
return value
# 获取佣金
def _getcommission(self, size, price, pseudoexec):
"""Calculates the commission of an operation at a given price
pseudoexec: if True the operation has not yet been executed
if self._commtype == self.COMM_PERC:
return abs(size) * self.p.commission * price
return abs(size) * self.p.commission
# 获取佣金的接口
def getcommission(self, size, price):
# Calculates the commission of an operation at a given price
return self._getcommission(size, price, pseudoexec=True)
# 确认交易执行
def confirmexec(self, size, price):
return self._getcommission(size, price, pseudoexec=False)
# 计算pnl
def profitandloss(self, size, price, newprice):
# Return actual profit and loss a position has
return size * (newprice - price) * self.p.mult
# 调整现金
def cashadjust(self, size, price, newprice):
# Calculates cash adjustment for a given price difference
if not self._stocklike:
return size * (newprice - price) * self.p.mult
return 0.0
# 计算利息费用
def get_credit_interest(self, data, pos, dt):
# Calculates the credit due for short selling or product specific
size, price = pos.size, pos.price
if size > 0 and not self.p.interest_long:
return 0.0 # long positions not charged
dt0 = dt.date()
dt1 = pos.datetime.date()
if dt0 <= dt1:
return 0.0
return self._get_credit_interest(data, size, price,
(dt0 - dt1).days, dt0, dt1)
# 计算利息的方法,可以重写
def _get_credit_interest(self, data, size, price, days, dt0, dt1):
This method returns the cost in terms of credit interest charged by
the broker.
In the case of ``size > 0`` this method will only be called if the
parameter to the class ``interest_long`` is ``True``
The formula for the calculation of the credit interest rate is:
The formula: ``days * price * abs(size) * (interest / 365)``
- ``data``: data feed for which interest is charged
- ``size``: current position size. > 0 for long positions and < 0 for
short positions (this parameter will not be ``0``)
- ``price``: current position price
- ``days``: number of days elapsed since last credit calculation
(this is (dt0 - dt1).days)
- ``dt0``: (datetime.datetime) current datetime
- ``dt1``: (datetime.datetime) datetime of previous calculation
``dt0`` and ``dt1`` are not used in the default implementation and are
provided as extra input for overridden methods
return days * self._creditrate * abs(size) * price
# 佣金类,commission大小使用其本身
class CommissionInfo(CommInfoBase):
"""Base Class for the actual Commission Schemes.
CommInfoBase was created to keep support for the original, incomplete,
support provided by *backtrader*. New commission schemes derive from this
class which subclasses ``CommInfoBase``.
The default value of ``percabs`` is also changed to ``True``
- ``percabs`` (def: True): when ``commtype`` is set to COMM_PERC, whether
the parameter ``commission`` has to be understood as XX% or 0.XX
If this param is True: 0.XX
If this param is False: XX%
params = (
('percabs', True), # Original CommissionInfo took 0.xx for percentages
class ComminfoDC(CommInfoBase):
# 实现一个数字货币的佣金类
params = (
('stocklike', False),
('commtype', CommInfoBase.COMM_PERC),
('percabs', True),
("interest", 3),
def _getcommission(self, size, price, pseudoexec):
return abs(size) * price * self.p.mult * self.p.commission
def get_margin(self, price):
return price * self.p.mult * self.p.margin
# 计算利息费用,这里面涉及到一些简化
def get_credit_interest(self, data, pos, dt):
所以利息应该是200U * interest,同理,对于n倍开多,需要付(n-1)*base的利息
# 仓位及价格
size, price = pos.size, pos.price
# 持仓时间
dt0 = dt
dt1 = pos.datetime
gap_seconds = (dt0 - dt1).seconds
days = gap_seconds / (24 * 60 * 60)
# 计算当前的持仓价值
position_value = size * price * self.p.mult
# 如果当前的持仓是多头,并且持仓价值大于1倍杠杆,超过1倍杠杆的部分将会收取利息费用
total_value = self.broker.getvalue()
if size > 0 and position_value > total_value:
return days * self._creditrate * (position_value - total_value)
# 如果持仓是多头,但是在一倍杠杆之内
if size > 0 and position_value <= total_value:
return 0
# 如果当前是做空的交易,计算利息
if size < 0:
return days * self._creditrate * position_value
class ComminfoFuturesPercent(CommInfoBase):
# write by myself,using in the future backtest,it means we should give a percent comminfo to broker
params = (
('commission', 0.0), ('mult', 1.0), ('margin', None),
('stocklike', False),
('commtype', CommInfoBase.COMM_PERC),
('percabs', True)
# def __init__(self, commission=0.0002, margin=1, mult=1, **kwargs):
# super(ComminfoFuturesPercent, self).__init__()
# self.params.commission = commission
# # print(f"初始化成本参数: {commission}")
# self.params.margin = margin
# self.params.mult = mult
# self._init_kwargs(kwargs)
# def _init_kwargs(self, kwargs):
# for k, v in kwargs.items():
# setattr(self.params, k, v)
def _getcommission(self, size, price, pseudoexec):
return abs(size) * price * self.p.mult * self.p.commission
def get_margin(self, price):
return price * self.p.mult * self.p.margin
# comm_rb = CommInfoFutures(commission=1e-4, margin=0.09, mult=10.0)
# cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
# cerebro.broker.addcommissioninfo(comm_rb, name='RB')
class ComminfoFuturesFixed(CommInfoBase):
# write by myself,using in the future backtest,it means we should give a fixed comminfo evey lot to broker
params = (
('commission', 0.0), ('mult', 1.0), ('margin', None),
('stocklike', False),
('commtype', CommInfoBase.COMM_FIXED),
('percabs', True)
def _getcommission(self, size, price, pseudoexec):
return abs(size) * self.p.commission
def get_margin(self, price):
return price * self.p.mult * self.p.margin
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:yuanpengfei/backtrader.git
