# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: yinkaisheng(Nanjing, China)
Mail: [email protected]
Source: https://github.com/yinkaisheng/Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows
This module is for automation on Windows(Windows XP with SP3, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8/8.1/10).
It supports automation for the applications which implmented IUIAutomation, such as MFC, Windows Form, WPF, Modern UI(Metro UI), Qt and Firefox.
Run 'automation.py -h' for help.
automation is shared under the MIT Licence.
This means that the code can be freely copied and distributed, and costs nothing to use.
具体用法参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/Yinkaisheng/p/3444132.html
import sys
import os
import time
import datetime
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes
IsPy3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if not IsPy3:
import codecs
#from platform import win32_ver
# version = win32_ver() # ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free')
METRO_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME = 'Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow' # todo Windows 10 changed
SEARCH_INTERVAL = 0.5 # search control interval seconds
MAX_MOVE_SECOND = 1 # simulate mouse move or drag max seconds
class _AutomationClient():
def __init__(self):
dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if dir:
oldDir = os.getcwd()
if '32 bit' in sys.version:
self.dll = ctypes.cdll.AutomationClientX86
self.dll = ctypes.cdll.AutomationClientX64
if dir:
if not self.dll.InitInstance():
raise RuntimeError('Can not get an instance of IUIAutomation.\nYou may need to install Windows Update KB971513.\nhttps://github.com/yinkaisheng/WindowsUpdateKB971513ForIUIAutomation')
def __del__(self):
_automationClient = _AutomationClient()
_rootControl = None
class WString():
def __init__(self):
self.wcharArray = 0
self.cwcharp = 0
def __del__(self):
if self.wcharArray:
def value(self):
if self.cwcharp:
return self.cwcharp.value
class ControlType():
'''This class defines the values of control type'''
ButtonControl = 0xc350
CalendarControl = 0xc351
CheckBoxControl = 0xc352
ComboBoxControl = 0xc353
CustomControl = 0xc369
DataGridControl = 0xc36c
DataItemControl = 0xc36d
DocumentControl = 0xc36e
EditControl = 0xc354
GroupControl = 0xc36a
HeaderControl = 0xc372
HeaderItemControl = 0xc373
HyperlinkControl = 0xc355
ImageControl = 0xc356
ListControl = 0xc358
ListItemControl = 0xc357
MenuBarControl = 0xc35a
MenuControl = 0xc359
MenuItemControl = 0xc35b
PaneControl = 0xc371
ProgressBarControl = 0xc35c
RadioButtonControl = 0xc35d
ScrollBarControl = 0xc35e
SemanticZoomControl = 0xc377
SeparatorControl = 0xc376
SliderControl = 0xc35f
SpinnerControl = 0xc360
SplitButtonControl = 0xc36f
StatusBarControl = 0xc361
TabControl = 0xc362
TabItemControl = 0xc363
TableControl = 0xc374
TextControl = 0xc364
ThumbControl = 0xc36b
TitleBarControl = 0xc375
ToolBarControl = 0xc365
ToolTipControl = 0xc366
TreeControl = 0xc367
TreeItemControl = 0xc368
WindowControl = 0xc370
ControlTypeNameDict = {
ControlType.ButtonControl : 'ButtonControl',
ControlType.CalendarControl : 'CalendarControl',
ControlType.CheckBoxControl : 'CheckBoxControl',
ControlType.ComboBoxControl : 'ComboBoxControl',
ControlType.CustomControl : 'CustomControl',
ControlType.DataGridControl : 'DataGridControl',
ControlType.DataItemControl : 'DataItemControl',
ControlType.DocumentControl : 'DocumentControl',
ControlType.EditControl : 'EditControl',
ControlType.GroupControl : 'GroupControl',
ControlType.HeaderControl : 'HeaderControl',
ControlType.HeaderItemControl : 'HeaderItemControl',
ControlType.HyperlinkControl : 'HyperlinkControl',
ControlType.ImageControl : 'ImageControl',
ControlType.ListControl : 'ListControl',
ControlType.ListItemControl : 'ListItemControl',
ControlType.MenuBarControl : 'MenuBarControl',
ControlType.MenuControl : 'MenuControl',
ControlType.MenuItemControl : 'MenuItemControl',
ControlType.PaneControl : 'PaneControl',
ControlType.ProgressBarControl : 'ProgressBarControl',
ControlType.RadioButtonControl : 'RadioButtonControl',
ControlType.ScrollBarControl : 'ScrollBarControl',
ControlType.SemanticZoomControl : 'SemanticZoomControl',
ControlType.SeparatorControl : 'SeparatorControl',
ControlType.SliderControl : 'SliderControl',
ControlType.SpinnerControl : 'SpinnerControl',
ControlType.SplitButtonControl : 'SplitButtonControl',
ControlType.StatusBarControl : 'StatusBarControl',
ControlType.TabControl : 'TabControl',
ControlType.TabItemControl : 'TabItemControl',
ControlType.TableControl : 'TableControl',
ControlType.TextControl : 'TextControl',
ControlType.ThumbControl : 'ThumbControl',
ControlType.TitleBarControl : 'TitleBarControl',
ControlType.ToolBarControl : 'ToolBarControl',
ControlType.ToolTipControl : 'ToolTipControl',
ControlType.TreeControl : 'TreeControl',
ControlType.TreeItemControl : 'TreeItemControl',
ControlType.WindowControl : 'WindowControl',
class PatternId():
'''This class defines the values of pattern id'''
UIA_AnnotationPatternId = 0x2727
UIA_DockPatternId = 0x271b
UIA_DragPatternId = 0x272e
UIA_DropTargetPatternId = 0x272f
UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId = 0x2715
UIA_GridItemPatternId = 0x2717
UIA_GridPatternId = 0x2716
UIA_InvokePatternId = 0x2710
UIA_ItemContainerPatternId = 0x2723
UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId = 0x2722
UIA_MultipleViewPatternId = 0x2718
UIA_ObjectModelPatternId = 0x2726
UIA_RangeValuePatternId = 0x2713
UIA_ScrollItemPatternId = 0x2721
UIA_ScrollPatternId = 0x2714
UIA_SelectionItemPatternId = 0x271a
UIA_SelectionPatternId = 0x2711
UIA_SpreadsheetItemPatternId = 0x272b
UIA_SpreadsheetPatternId = 0x272a
UIA_StylesPatternId = 0x2729
UIA_SynchronizedInputPatternId = 0x2725
UIA_TableItemPatternId = 0x271d
UIA_TablePatternId = 0x271c
UIA_TextChildPatternId = 0x272d
UIA_TextPattern2Id = 0x2728
UIA_TextPatternId = 0x271e
UIA_TogglePatternId = 0x271f
UIA_TransformPattern2Id = 0x272c
UIA_TransformPatternId = 0x2720
UIA_ValuePatternId = 0x2712
UIA_VirtualizedItemPatternId = 0x2724
UIA_WindowPatternId = 0x2719
PatternDict = {
PatternId.UIA_DockPatternId : 'DockPattern',
PatternId.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId : 'ExpandCollapsePattern',
PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId : 'GridItemPattern',
PatternId.UIA_GridPatternId : 'GridPattern',
PatternId.UIA_InvokePatternId : 'InvokePattern',
PatternId.UIA_ItemContainerPatternId : 'ItemContainerPattern',
PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId : 'LegacyIAccessiblePattern',
PatternId.UIA_MultipleViewPatternId : 'MultipleViewPattern',
PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId : 'RangeValuePattern',
PatternId.UIA_ScrollItemPatternId : 'ScrollItemPattern',
PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId : 'ScrollPattern',
PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId : 'SelectionItemPattern',
PatternId.UIA_SelectionPatternId : 'SelectionPattern',
PatternId.UIA_SynchronizedInputPatternId : 'SynchronizedInputPattern',
PatternId.UIA_TableItemPatternId : 'TableItemPattern',
PatternId.UIA_TablePatternId : 'TablePattern',
PatternId.UIA_TextPatternId : 'TextPattern',
PatternId.UIA_TogglePatternId : 'TogglePattern',
PatternId.UIA_TransformPatternId : 'TransformPattern',
PatternId.UIA_ValuePatternId : 'ValuePattern',
PatternId.UIA_VirtualizedItemPatternId : 'VirtualizedItemPattern',
PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId : 'WindowPattern'}
class AccessibleRole():
'''This class defines the values of Accessible Role'''
SystemTitleBar = 0x1
SystemMenuBar = 0x2
SystemScrollBar = 0x3
SystemGrip = 0x4
SystemSound = 0x5
SystemCursor = 0x6
SystemCaret = 0x7
SystemAlert = 0x8
SystemWindow = 0x9
SystemClient = 0xa
SystemMenuPopup = 0xb
SystemMenuItem = 0xc
SystemToolTip = 0xd
SystemApplication = 0xe
SystemDocument = 0xf
SystemPane = 0x10
SystemChart = 0x11
SystemDialog = 0x12
SystemBorder = 0x13
SystemGrouping = 0x14
SystemSeparator = 0x15
SystemToolbar = 0x16
SystemStatusBar = 0x17
SystemTable = 0x18
SystemColumnHeader = 0x19
SystemRowHeader = 0x1a
SystemColumn = 0x1b
SystemRow = 0x1c
SystemCell = 0x1d
SystemLink = 0x1e
SystemHelpBalloon = 0x1f
SystemCharacter = 0x20
SystemList = 0x21
SystemListItem = 0x22
SystemOutline = 0x23
SystemOutlineItem = 0x24
SystemPageTab = 0x25
SystemPropertyPage = 0x26
SystemIndicator = 0x27
SystemGraphic = 0x28
SystemStaticText = 0x29
SystemText = 0x2a
SystemPushButton = 0x2b
SystemCheckButton = 0x2c
SystemRadioButton = 0x2d
SystemComboBox = 0x2e
SystemDropList = 0x2f
SystemProgressBar = 0x30
SystemDial = 0x31
SystemHotkeyField = 0x32
SystemSlider = 0x33
SystemSpinButton = 0x34
SystemDiagram = 0x35
SystemAnimation = 0x36
SystemEquation = 0x37
SystemButtonDropDown = 0x38
SystemButtonMenu = 0x39
SystemButtonDropDownGrid = 0x3a
SystemWhiteSpace = 0x3b
SystemPageTabList = 0x3c
SystemClock = 0x3d
SystemSplitButton = 0x3e
SystemIpAddress = 0x3f
SystemOutlineButton = 0x40
class AccessibleState():
SystemNormal = 0
SystemUnavailable = 0x1
SystemSelected = 0x2
SystemFocused = 0x4
SystemPressed = 0x8
SystemChecked = 0x10
SystemMixed = 0x20
SystemIndeterminate = 0x20
SystemReadOnly = 0x40
SystemHotTracked = 0x80
SystemDefault = 0x100
SystemExpanded = 0x200
SystemCollapsed = 0x400
SystemBusy = 0x800
SystemFloating = 0x1000
SystemMarqueed = 0x2000
SystemAnimated = 0x4000
SystemInvisible = 0x8000
SystemOffscreen = 0x10000
SystemSizeable = 0x20000
SystemMoveable = 0x40000
SystemSelfVoicing = 0x80000
SystemFocusable = 0x100000
SystemSelectable = 0x200000
SystemLinked = 0x400000
SystemTraversed = 0x800000
SystemMultiSelectable = 0x1000000
SystemExtSelectable = 0x2000000
SystemAlertLow = 0x4000000
SystemAlertMedium = 0x8000000
SystemAlertHigh = 0x10000000
SystemProtected = 0x20000000
SystemValid = 0x7fffffff
SystemHasPopup = 0x40000000
class AccessibleSelectFlag():
FlagNone = 0
FlagTakeFocus = 0x1
FlagTakeSelection = 0x2
FlagExtendSelection = 0x4
FlagAddSelection = 0x8
FlagRemoveSelection = 0x10
FlagValid = 0x1f
class RowOrColumnMajor():
RowMajor = 0
ColumnMajor = 1
Indeterminate = 2
class Point(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("x", ctypes.c_ulong), ("y", ctypes.c_ulong)]
class Coord(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('X', ctypes.c_short), ('Y', ctypes.c_short)]
class SmallRect(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('Left', ctypes.c_short),
('Top', ctypes.c_short),
('Right', ctypes.c_short),
('Bottom', ctypes.c_short),
class Rect(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('left', ctypes.c_int),
('top', ctypes.c_int),
('right', ctypes.c_int),
('bottom', ctypes.c_int),
class ConsoleScreenBufferInfo(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('dwSize', Coord),
('dwCursorPosition', Coord),
('wAttributes', ctypes.c_uint),
('srWindow', SmallRect),
('dwMaximumWindowSize', Coord),
class tagPROCESSENTRY32(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('dwSize', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('cntUsage', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('th32ProcessID', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('th32DefaultHeapID', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.ULONG)),
('th32ModuleID', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('cntThreads', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('th32ParentProcessID', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('pcPriClassBase', ctypes.wintypes.LONG),
('dwFlags', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),
('szExeFile', ctypes.c_wchar * 260)
class MSG(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_=[("hwnd", ctypes.c_uint),
("message", ctypes.c_uint),
("wParam", ctypes.c_uint),
("lParam", ctypes.c_uint),
("time", ctypes.c_uint),
("pt", ctypes.c_ulonglong)]
class MouseEventFlags():
'''This class defines the MouseEventFlags from Win32'''
Absolute = 0x8000
LeftDown = 0x0002
LeftUp = 0x0004
MiddleDown = 0x0020
MiddleUp = 0x0040
Move = 0x0001
RightDown = 0x0008
RightUp = 0x0010
Wheel = 0x0800
class KeyboardEventFlags():
'''This class defines the KeyboardEventFlags from Win32'''
KeyDown = 0x0000
ExtendedKey = 0x0001
KeyUp = 0x0002
class ModifierKey():
MOD_ALT = 0x0001
MOD_CONTROL = 0x0002
MOD_SHIFT = 0x0004
MOD_WIN = 0x0008
class Keys():
'''This class defines the Key Code from Win32'''
VK_LBUTTON = 0x01 #Left mouse button
VK_RBUTTON = 0x02 #Right mouse button
VK_CANCEL = 0x03 #Control-break processing
VK_MBUTTON = 0x04 #Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
VK_XBUTTON1 = 0x05 #X1 mouse button
VK_XBUTTON2 = 0x06 #X2 mouse button
VK_TAB = 0x09 #TAB key
VK_CLEAR = 0x0C #CLEAR key
VK_SHIFT = 0x10 #SHIFT key
VK_CONTROL = 0x11 #CTRL key
VK_MENU = 0x12 #ALT key
VK_PAUSE = 0x13 #PAUSE key
VK_KANA = 0x15 #IME Kana mode
VK_HANGUEL = 0x15 #IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use VK_HANGUL)
VK_HANGUL = 0x15 #IME Hangul mode
VK_JUNJA = 0x17 #IME Junja mode
VK_FINAL = 0x18 #IME final mode
VK_HANJA = 0x19 #IME Hanja mode
VK_KANJI = 0x19 #IME Kanji mode
VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B #ESC key
VK_CONVERT = 0x1C #IME convert
VK_NONCONVERT = 0x1D #IME nonconvert
VK_ACCEPT = 0x1E #IME accept
VK_MODECHANGE = 0x1F #IME mode change request
VK_PRIOR = 0x21 #PAGE UP key
VK_NEXT = 0x22 #PAGE DOWN key
VK_END = 0x23 #END key
VK_HOME = 0x24 #HOME key
VK_LEFT = 0x25 #LEFT ARROW key
VK_UP = 0x26 #UP ARROW key
VK_DOWN = 0x28 #DOWN ARROW key
VK_SELECT = 0x29 #SELECT key
VK_PRINT = 0x2A #PRINT key
VK_INSERT = 0x2D #INS key
VK_DELETE = 0x2E #DEL key
VK_HELP = 0x2F #HELP key
VK_0 = 0x30 #0 key
VK_1 = 0x31 #1 key
VK_2 = 0x32 #2 key
VK_3 = 0x33 #3 key
VK_4 = 0x34 #4 key
VK_5 = 0x35 #5 key
VK_6 = 0x36 #6 key
VK_7 = 0x37 #7 key
VK_8 = 0x38 #8 key
VK_9 = 0x39 #9 key
VK_A = 0x41 #A key
VK_B = 0x42 #B key
VK_C = 0x43 #C key
VK_D = 0x44 #D key
VK_E = 0x45 #E key
VK_F = 0x46 #F key
VK_G = 0x47 #G key
VK_H = 0x48 #H key
VK_I = 0x49 #I key
VK_J = 0x4A #J key
VK_K = 0x4B #K key
VK_L = 0x4C #L key
VK_M = 0x4D #M key
VK_N = 0x4E #N key
VK_O = 0x4F #O key
VK_P = 0x50 #P key
VK_Q = 0x51 #Q key
VK_R = 0x52 #R key
VK_S = 0x53 #S key
VK_T = 0x54 #T key
VK_U = 0x55 #U key
VK_V = 0x56 #V key
VK_W = 0x57 #W key
VK_X = 0x58 #X key
VK_Y = 0x59 #Y key
VK_Z = 0x5A #Z key
VK_LWIN = 0x5B #Left Windows key (Natural keyboard)
VK_RWIN = 0x5C #Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
VK_APPS = 0x5D #Applications key (Natural keyboard)
VK_SLEEP = 0x5F #Computer Sleep key
VK_NUMPAD0 = 0x60 #Numeric keypad 0 key
VK_NUMPAD1 = 0x61 #Numeric keypad 1 key
VK_NUMPAD2 = 0x62 #Numeric keypad 2 key
VK_NUMPAD3 = 0x63 #Numeric keypad 3 key
VK_NUMPAD4 = 0x64 #Numeric keypad 4 key
VK_NUMPAD5 = 0x65 #Numeric keypad 5 key
VK_NUMPAD6 = 0x66 #Numeric keypad 6 key
VK_NUMPAD7 = 0x67 #Numeric keypad 7 key
VK_NUMPAD8 = 0x68 #Numeric keypad 8 key
VK_NUMPAD9 = 0x69 #Numeric keypad 9 key
VK_MULTIPLY = 0x6A #Multiply key
VK_ADD = 0x6B #Add key
VK_SEPARATOR = 0x6C #Separator key
VK_SUBTRACT = 0x6D #Subtract key
VK_DECIMAL = 0x6E #Decimal key
VK_DIVIDE = 0x6F #Divide key
VK_F1 = 0x70 #F1 key
VK_F2 = 0x71 #F2 key
VK_F3 = 0x72 #F3 key
VK_F4 = 0x73 #F4 key
VK_F5 = 0x74 #F5 key
VK_F6 = 0x75 #F6 key
VK_F7 = 0x76 #F7 key
VK_F8 = 0x77 #F8 key
VK_F9 = 0x78 #F9 key
VK_F10 = 0x79 #F10 key
VK_F11 = 0x7A #F11 key
VK_F12 = 0x7B #F12 key
VK_F13 = 0x7C #F13 key
VK_F14 = 0x7D #F14 key
VK_F15 = 0x7E #F15 key
VK_F16 = 0x7F #F16 key
VK_F17 = 0x80 #F17 key
VK_F18 = 0x81 #F18 key
VK_F19 = 0x82 #F19 key
VK_F20 = 0x83 #F20 key
VK_F21 = 0x84 #F21 key
VK_F22 = 0x85 #F22 key
VK_F23 = 0x86 #F23 key
VK_F24 = 0x87 #F24 key
VK_LSHIFT = 0xA0 #Left SHIFT key
VK_RSHIFT = 0xA1 #Right SHIFT key
VK_LMENU = 0xA4 #Left MENU key
VK_RMENU = 0xA5 #Right MENU key
VK_BROWSER_BACK = 0xA6 #Browser Back key
VK_BROWSER_FORWARD = 0xA7 #Browser Forward key
VK_BROWSER_REFRESH = 0xA8 #Browser Refresh key
VK_BROWSER_STOP = 0xA9 #Browser Stop key
VK_BROWSER_SEARCH = 0xAA #Browser Search key
VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES = 0xAB #Browser Favorites key
VK_BROWSER_HOME = 0xAC #Browser Start and Home key
VK_VOLUME_MUTE = 0xAD #Volume Mute key
VK_VOLUME_DOWN = 0xAE #Volume Down key
VK_VOLUME_UP = 0xAF #Volume Up key
VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK = 0xB0 #Next Track key
VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK = 0xB1 #Previous Track key
VK_MEDIA_STOP = 0xB2 #Stop Media key
VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE = 0xB3 #Play/Pause Media key
VK_LAUNCH_MAIL = 0xB4 #Start Mail key
VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT = 0xB5 #Select Media key
VK_LAUNCH_APP1 = 0xB6 #Start Application 1 key
VK_LAUNCH_APP2 = 0xB7 #Start Application 2 key
VK_OEM_1 = 0xBA #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
VK_OEM_PLUS = 0xBB #For any country/region, the '+' key
VK_OEM_COMMA = 0xBC #For any country/region, the ',' key
VK_OEM_MINUS = 0xBD #For any country/region, the '-' key
VK_OEM_PERIOD = 0xBE #For any country/region, the '.' key
VK_OEM_2 = 0xBF #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
VK_OEM_3 = 0xC0 #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
VK_OEM_4 = 0xDB #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
VK_OEM_5 = 0xDC #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
VK_OEM_6 = 0xDD #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
VK_OEM_7 = 0xDE #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
VK_OEM_8 = 0xDF #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
VK_OEM_102 = 0xE2 #Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard
VK_PACKET = 0xE7 #Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods. For more information, see Remark in KEYBDINPUT, SendInput, WM_KEYDOWN, and WM_KeyUp
VK_ATTN = 0xF6 #Attn key
VK_CRSEL = 0xF7 #CrSel key
VK_EXSEL = 0xF8 #ExSel key
VK_EREOF = 0xF9 #Erase EOF key
VK_PLAY = 0xFA #Play key
VK_ZOOM = 0xFB #Zoom key
VK_NONAME = 0xFC #Reserved
VK_PA1 = 0xFD #PA1 key
VK_OEM_CLEAR = 0xFE #Clear key
class ConsoleColor():
'''This class defines the values of color for printing on console window'''
Black = 0
DarkBlue = 1
DarkGreen = 2
DarkCyan = 3
DarkRed = 4
DarkMagenta = 5
DarkYellow = 6
Gray = 7
DarkGray = 8
Blue = 9
Green = 10
Cyan = 11
Red = 12
Magenta = 13
Yellow = 14
White = 15
class ExpandCollapseState():
Collapsed = 0
Expanded = 1
PartiallyExpanded = 2
LeafNode = 3
class ToggleState():
Off = 0
On = 1
Indeterminate = 2
class WindowVisualState():
Normal = 0
Maximized = 1
Minimized = 2
class ShowWindow():
Hide = 0
ShowNormal = 1
Normal = 1
ShowMinimized = 2
ShowMaximized = 3
Maximize = 3
ShowNoActivate = 4
Show = 5
Minimize = 6
ShowMinNoActive = 7
ShowNa = 8
Restore = 9
ShowDefault = 10
ForceMinimize = 11
Max = 11
class SWP():
SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001
SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002
SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020 # The frame changed: send WM_NCCALCSIZE
SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = 0x0200 # Don't do owner Z ordering
class MB():
OK = 0x00000000
OKCANCEL = 0x00000001
YESNOCANCEL = 0x00000003
YESNO = 0x00000004
RETRYCANCEL = 0x00000005
ICONHAND = 0x00000010
ICONQUESTION = 0x00000020
ICONASTERISK = 0x00000040
USERICON = 0x00000080
ICONWARNING = 0x00000030
ICONERROR = 0x00000010
ICONSTOP = 0x00000010
DEFBUTTON1 = 0x00000000
DEFBUTTON2 = 0x00000100
DEFBUTTON3 = 0x00000200
DEFBUTTON4 = 0x00000300
APPLMODAL = 0x00000000
SYSTEMMODAL = 0x00001000
TASKMODAL = 0x00002000
HELP = 0x00004000 # Help Button
NOFOCUS = 0x00008000
SETFOREGROUND = 0x00010000
TOPMOST = 0x00040000
RIGHT = 0x00080000
RTLREADING = 0x00100000
TYPEMASK = 0x0000000F
ICONMASK = 0x000000F0
DEFMASK = 0x00000F00
MODEMASK = 0x00003000
MISCMASK = 0x0000C000
IDOK = 1
IDNO = 7
class Win32API():
'''Some native methods for python calling'''
StdOutputHandle = -11
ConsoleOutputHandle = None
DefaultColor = None
SpecialKeyDict = {
'LBUTTON' : Keys.VK_LBUTTON, #Left mouse button
'RBUTTON' : Keys.VK_RBUTTON, #Right mouse button
'CANCEL' : Keys.VK_CANCEL, #Control-break processing
'MBUTTON' : Keys.VK_MBUTTON, #Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
'XBUTTON1' : Keys.VK_XBUTTON1, #X1 mouse button
'XBUTTON2' : Keys.VK_XBUTTON2, #X2 mouse button
'TAB' : Keys.VK_TAB, #TAB key
'ALT' : Keys.VK_MENU, #ALT key
'KANA' : Keys.VK_KANA, #IME Kana mode
'HANGUEL' : Keys.VK_HANGUEL, #IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use VK_HANGUL)
'HANGUL' : Keys.VK_HANGUL, #IME Hangul mode
'JUNJA' : Keys.VK_JUNJA, #IME Junja mode
'FINAL' : Keys.VK_FINAL, #IME final mode
'HANJA' : Keys.VK_HANJA, #IME Hanja mode
'KANJI' : Keys.VK_KANJI, #IME Kanji mode
'ESC' : Keys.VK_ESCAPE, #ESC key
'CONVERT' : Keys.VK_CONVERT, #IME convert
'ACCEPT' : Keys.VK_ACCEPT, #IME accept
'MODECHANGE' : Keys.VK_MODECHANGE, #IME mode change request
'END' : Keys.VK_END, #END key
'HOME' : Keys.VK_HOME, #HOME key
'UP' : Keys.VK_UP, #UP ARROW key
'INS' : Keys.VK_INSERT, #INS key
'DEL' : Keys.VK_DELETE, #DEL key
'HELP' : Keys.VK_HELP, #HELP key
'WIN' : Keys.VK_LWIN, #Left Windows key (Natural keyboard)
'LWIN' : Keys.VK_LWIN, #Left Windows key (Natural keyboard)
'RWIN' : Keys.VK_RWIN, #Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
'APPS' : Keys.VK_APPS, #Applications key (Natural keyboard)
'SLEEP' : Keys.VK_SLEEP, #Computer Sleep key
'NUMPAD0' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD0, #Numeric keypad 0 key
'NUMPAD1' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD1, #Numeric keypad 1 key
'NUMPAD2' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD2, #Numeric keypad 2 key
'NUMPAD3' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD3, #Numeric keypad 3 key
'NUMPAD4' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD4, #Numeric keypad 4 key
'NUMPAD5' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD5, #Numeric keypad 5 key
'NUMPAD6' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD6, #Numeric keypad 6 key
'NUMPAD7' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD7, #Numeric keypad 7 key
'NUMPAD8' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD8, #Numeric keypad 8 key
'NUMPAD9' : Keys.VK_NUMPAD9, #Numeric keypad 9 key
'MULTIPLY' : Keys.VK_MULTIPLY, #Multiply key
'ADD' : Keys.VK_ADD, #Add key
'SEPARATOR' : Keys.VK_SEPARATOR, #Separator key
'SUBTRACT' : Keys.VK_SUBTRACT, #Subtract key
'DECIMAL' : Keys.VK_DECIMAL, #Decimal key
'DIVIDE' : Keys.VK_DIVIDE, #Divide key
'F1' : Keys.VK_F1, #F1 key
'F2' : Keys.VK_F2, #F2 key
'F3' : Keys.VK_F3, #F3 key
'F4' : Keys.VK_F4, #F4 key
'F5' : Keys.VK_F5, #F5 key
'F6' : Keys.VK_F6, #F6 key
'F7' : Keys.VK_F7, #F7 key
'F8' : Keys.VK_F8, #F8 key
'F9' : Keys.VK_F9, #F9 key
'F10' : Keys.VK_F10, #F10 key
'F11' : Keys.VK_F11, #F11 key
'F12' : Keys.VK_F12, #F12 key
'F13' : Keys.VK_F13, #F13 key
'F14' : Keys.VK_F14, #F14 key
'F15' : Keys.VK_F15, #F15 key
'F16' : Keys.VK_F16, #F16 key
'F17' : Keys.VK_F17, #F17 key
'F18' : Keys.VK_F18, #F18 key
'F19' : Keys.VK_F19, #F19 key
'F20' : Keys.VK_F20, #F20 key
'F21' : Keys.VK_F21, #F21 key
'F22' : Keys.VK_F22, #F22 key
'F23' : Keys.VK_F23, #F23 key
'F24' : Keys.VK_F24, #F24 key
'LSHIFT' : Keys.VK_LSHIFT, #Left SHIFT key
'RSHIFT' : Keys.VK_RSHIFT, #Right SHIFT key
'LALT' : Keys.VK_LMENU, #Left MENU key
'RALT' : Keys.VK_RMENU, #Right MENU key
'BROWSER_BACK' : Keys.VK_BROWSER_BACK, #Browser Back key
'BROWSER_STOP' : Keys.VK_BROWSER_STOP, #Browser Stop key
'BROWSER_SEARCH' : Keys.VK_BROWSER_SEARCH, #Browser Search key
'BROWSER_HOME' : Keys.VK_BROWSER_HOME, #Browser Start and Home key
'VOLUME_MUTE' : Keys.VK_VOLUME_MUTE, #Volume Mute key
'VOLUME_DOWN' : Keys.VK_VOLUME_DOWN, #Volume Down key
'VOLUME_UP' : Keys.VK_VOLUME_UP, #Volume Up key
'MEDIA_PREV_TRACK' : Keys.VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK, #Previous Track key
'MEDIA_STOP' : Keys.VK_MEDIA_STOP, #Stop Media key
'MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE' : Keys.VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, #Play/Pause Media key
'LAUNCH_MAIL' : Keys.VK_LAUNCH_MAIL, #Start Mail key
'LAUNCH_APP1' : Keys.VK_LAUNCH_APP1, #Start Application 1 key
'LAUNCH_APP2' : Keys.VK_LAUNCH_APP2, #Start Application 2 key
'OEM_1' : Keys.VK_OEM_1, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
'OEM_PLUS' : Keys.VK_OEM_PLUS, #For any country/region, the '+' key
'OEM_COMMA' : Keys.VK_OEM_COMMA, #For any country/region, the ',' key
'OEM_MINUS' : Keys.VK_OEM_MINUS, #For any country/region, the '-' key
'OEM_PERIOD' : Keys.VK_OEM_PERIOD, #For any country/region, the '.' key
'OEM_2' : Keys.VK_OEM_2, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
'OEM_3' : Keys.VK_OEM_3, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
'OEM_4' : Keys.VK_OEM_4, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
'OEM_5' : Keys.VK_OEM_5, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
'OEM_6' : Keys.VK_OEM_6, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
'OEM_7' : Keys.VK_OEM_7, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
'OEM_8' : Keys.VK_OEM_8, #Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
'OEM_102' : Keys.VK_OEM_102, #Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard
'PACKET' : Keys.VK_PACKET, #Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The VK_PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods. For more information, see Remark in KEYBDINPUT, SendInput, WM_KEYDOWN, and WM_KeyUp
'ATTN' : Keys.VK_ATTN, #Attn key
'CRSEL' : Keys.VK_CRSEL, #CrSel key
'EXSEL' : Keys.VK_EXSEL, #ExSel key
'EREOF' : Keys.VK_EREOF, #Erase EOF key
'PLAY' : Keys.VK_PLAY, #Play key
'ZOOM' : Keys.VK_ZOOM, #Zoom key
'NONAME' : Keys.VK_NONAME, #Reserved
'PA1' : Keys.VK_PA1, #PA1 key
'OEM_CLEAR' : Keys.VK_OEM_CLEAR, #Clear key
CharacterDict = {
'0' : Keys.VK_0, #0 key
'1' : Keys.VK_1, #1 key
'2' : Keys.VK_2, #2 key
'3' : Keys.VK_3, #3 key
'4' : Keys.VK_4, #4 key
'5' : Keys.VK_5, #5 key
'6' : Keys.VK_6, #6 key
'7' : Keys.VK_7, #7 key
'8' : Keys.VK_8, #8 key
'9' : Keys.VK_9, #9 key
'a' : Keys.VK_A, #A key
'A' : Keys.VK_A, #A key
'b' : Keys.VK_B, #B key
'B' : Keys.VK_B, #B key
'c' : Keys.VK_C, #C key
'C' : Keys.VK_C, #C key
'd' : Keys.VK_D, #D key
'D' : Keys.VK_D, #D key
'e' : Keys.VK_E, #E key
'E' : Keys.VK_E, #E key
'f' : Keys.VK_F, #F key
'F' : Keys.VK_F, #F key
'g' : Keys.VK_G, #G key
'G' : Keys.VK_G, #G key
'h' : Keys.VK_H, #H key
'H' : Keys.VK_H, #H key
'i' : Keys.VK_I, #I key
'I' : Keys.VK_I, #I key
'j' : Keys.VK_J, #J key
'J' : Keys.VK_J, #J key
'k' : Keys.VK_K, #K key
'K' : Keys.VK_K, #K key
'l' : Keys.VK_L, #L key
'L' : Keys.VK_L, #L key
'm' : Keys.VK_M, #M key
'M' : Keys.VK_M, #M key
'n' : Keys.VK_N, #N key
'N' : Keys.VK_N, #N key
'o' : Keys.VK_O, #O key
'O' : Keys.VK_O, #O key
'p' : Keys.VK_P, #P key
'P' : Keys.VK_P, #P key
'q' : Keys.VK_Q, #Q key
'Q' : Keys.VK_Q, #Q key
'r' : Keys.VK_R, #R key
'R' : Keys.VK_R, #R key
's' : Keys.VK_S, #S key
'S' : Keys.VK_S, #S key
't' : Keys.VK_T, #T key
'T' : Keys.VK_T, #T key
'u' : Keys.VK_U, #U key
'U' : Keys.VK_U, #U key
'v' : Keys.VK_V, #V key
'V' : Keys.VK_V, #V key
'w' : Keys.VK_W, #W key
'W' : Keys.VK_W, #W key
'x' : Keys.VK_X, #X key
'X' : Keys.VK_X, #X key
'y' : Keys.VK_Y, #Y key
'Y' : Keys.VK_Y, #Y key
'z' : Keys.VK_Z, #Z key
'Z' : Keys.VK_Z, #Z key
' ' : Keys.VK_SPACE, #Space key
'`' : Keys.VK_OEM_3, #` key
#'~' : Keys.VK_OEM_3, #~ key
'-' : Keys.VK_OEM_MINUS, #- key
#'_' : Keys.VK_OEM_MINUS, #_ key
'=' : Keys.VK_OEM_PLUS, #= key
#'+' : Keys.VK_OEM_PLUS, #+ key
'[' : Keys.VK_OEM_4, #[ key
#'{' : Keys.VK_OEM_4, #{ key
']' : Keys.VK_OEM_6, #] key
#'}' : Keys.VK_OEM_6, #} key
'\\' : Keys.VK_OEM_5, #\ key
#'|' : Keys.VK_OEM_5, #| key
';' : Keys.VK_OEM_1, #; key
#':' : Keys.VK_OEM_1, #: key
'\'' : Keys.VK_OEM_7, #' key
#'"' : Keys.VK_OEM_7, #" key
',' : Keys.VK_OEM_COMMA, #, key
#'<' : Keys.VK_OEM_COMMA, #< key
'.' : Keys.VK_OEM_PERIOD, #. key
#'>' : Keys.VK_OEM_PERIOD, #> key
'/' : Keys.VK_OEM_2, #/ key
#'?' : Keys.VK_OEM_2, #? key
def GetClipboardText():
if ctypes.windll.user32.OpenClipboard(0):
if ctypes.windll.user32.IsClipboardFormatAvailable(13): # CF_TEXT=1, CF_UNICODETEXT=13
hClipboardData = ctypes.windll.user32.GetClipboardData(13)
ctext = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalLock(hClipboardData);
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(ctext).value[:]
return text
return ''
def SetClipboardText(text):
if ctypes.windll.user32.OpenClipboard(0):
textLen = (len(text) + 1) * 2
hClipboardData = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalAlloc(0, textLen) # GMEM_FIXED=0
destText = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalLock(hClipboardData)
srcText = ctypes.c_wchar_p(text)
_automationClient.dll.WcsCpy(destText, textLen, srcText)
ctypes.windll.user32.SetClipboardData(13, hClipboardData) # CF_TEXT=1, CF_UNICODETEXT=13
def SetConsoleColor(color):
'''Change the text color on console window'''
if not Win32API.DefaultColor:
if not Win32API.ConsoleOutputHandle:
Win32API.ConsoleOutputHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(Win32API.StdOutputHandle)
bufferInfo = ConsoleScreenBufferInfo()
ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(Win32API.ConsoleOutputHandle, ctypes.byref(bufferInfo))
Win32API.DefaultColor = int(bufferInfo.wAttributes & 0xFF)
if IsPy3:
sys.stdout.flush() # need flush stdout in python 3
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(Win32API.ConsoleOutputHandle, color)
def ResetConsoleColor():
'''Reset the default text color on console window'''
if IsPy3:
sys.stdout.flush() # need flush stdout in python 3
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(Win32API.ConsoleOutputHandle, Win32API.DefaultColor)
def WindowFromPoint(x, y):
'''Return hwnd'''
point = Point()
point.x = x
point.y = y
return ctypes.windll.user32.WindowFromPoint(point)
def GetCursorPos():
'''Return tuple (x, y)'''
point = Point()
return int(point.x), int(point.y)
def SetCursorPos(x, y):
'''Set cursor to point x, y'''
ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x, y)
def GetDoubleClickTime():
'''Get the double click time of mouse'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.GetDoubleClickTime()
def mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData, dwExtraInfo):
'''Call API mouse_event from user32.dll'''
ctypes.windll.user32.mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData, dwExtraInfo)
def keybd_event(bVk, bScan, dwFlags, dwExtraInfo):
'''Call API keybd_event from user32.dll'''
ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(bVk, bScan, dwFlags, dwExtraInfo)
def PostMessage(handle, msg, wparam, lparam):
'''Call API PostMessageW from user32.dll'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.PostMessageW(handle, msg, wparam, lparam)
def SendMessage(handle, msg, wparam, lparam):
'''Call API SendMessageW from user32.dll'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageW(handle, msg, wparam, lparam)
def MouseClick(x, y, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate mouse click at point x, y
x and y must be integer
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x, y)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.LeftDown | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.LeftUp | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
def MouseMiddleClick(x, y, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate mouse middle click at point x, y
x and y must be integer
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x, y)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.MiddleDown | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.MiddleUp | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
def MouseRightClick(x, y, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate mouse right click at point x, y
x and y must be integer
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x, y)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.RightDown | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.RightUp | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x, y, 0, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
def MouseMoveTo(x, y, moveSpeed = 1, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate mouse move to point x, y from current cursor
x and y must be integer
moveSpeed: double, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster
if moveSpeed <= 0:
moveTime = 0
moveTime = MAX_MOVE_SECOND / moveSpeed
curX, curY = Win32API.GetCursorPos()
xCount = abs(x - curX)
yCount = abs(y - curY)
maxPoint = max(xCount, yCount)
screenWidth, screenHeight = Win32API.GetScreenSize()
maxSide = max(screenWidth, screenHeight)
minSide = min(screenWidth, screenHeight)
if maxPoint > minSide:
maxPoint = minSide
if maxPoint < maxSide:
maxPoint = 100 + int((maxSide-100) / maxSide * maxPoint)
moveTime = moveTime * maxPoint * 1.0 / maxSide
stepCount = maxPoint // 20
if stepCount > 1:
xStep = (x - curX) * 1.0 / stepCount
yStep = (y - curY) * 1.0 / stepCount
interval = moveTime / stepCount
for i in range(stepCount):
cx = curX + int(xStep * i)
cy = curY + int(yStep * i)
# upper-left(0,0), lower-right(65536,65536)
# Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.Move | MouseEventFlags.Absolute, cx*65536//screenWidth, cy*65536//screenHeight, 0, 0)
Win32API.SetCursorPos(cx, cy)
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x, y)
if waitTime > 0:
def MouseDragTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, moveSpeed = 1, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate mouse drag from point x1, y1 to point x2, y2
x1, y1, x2, y2, must be integer
moveSpeed: double, 1 normal speed, < 1 move slower, > 1 move faster
if moveSpeed <= 0:
moveTime = 0
moveTime = MAX_MOVE_SECOND / moveSpeed
xCount = abs(x2 - x1)
yCount = abs(y2 - y1)
maxPoint = max(xCount, yCount)
screenWidth, screenHeight = Win32API.GetScreenSize()
maxSide = max(screenWidth, screenHeight)
minSide = min(screenWidth, screenHeight)
if maxPoint < maxSide:
maxPoint = 100 + int((maxSide-100) / maxSide * maxPoint)
moveTime = moveTime * maxPoint * 1.0 / maxSide
stepCount = maxPoint // 20
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x1, y1)
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.LeftDown| MouseEventFlags.Absolute, x1*65536//screenWidth, y1*65536//screenHeight, 0, 0)
if stepCount > 1:
xStep = (x2 - x1) * 1.0 / stepCount
yStep = (y2 - y1) * 1.0 / stepCount
interval = moveTime / stepCount
for i in range(stepCount):
x1 += xStep
y1 += yStep
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.Move, int(xStep), int(yStep), 0, 0)
Win32API.SetCursorPos(int(x1), int(y1))
Win32API.mouse_event(MouseEventFlags.Absolute | MouseEventFlags.LeftUp, x2*65536//screenWidth, y2*65536//screenHeight, 0, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
def GetScreenSize():
'''Return tuple (width, height)'''
w = ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
h = ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
return w, h
def GetPixelColor(x, y, handle = 0):
If handle is 0, get pixel from desktop, return bgr
r = bgr & 0x0000FF
g = (bgr & 0x00FF00) >> 8
b = (bgr & 0xFF0000) >> 16
Not all devices support GetPixel. An application should call GetDeviceCaps to determine whether a specified device supports this function. Console window doesn't support.
hdc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowDC(handle)
bgr = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, x, y)
ctypes.windll.user32.ReleaseDC(handle, hdc)
return bgr
def MessageBox(content, title, flags = MB.OK):
'''Call API MessageBox from user32.dll'''
c_content = ctypes.c_wchar_p(content)
c_title = ctypes.c_wchar_p(title)
return ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, c_content, c_title, flags)
def SetForegroundWindow(hWnd):
Set a window to foreground
hWnd: integer, handle of a Win32 window
return ctypes.windll.user32.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd)
def SetWindowTopmost(hWnd, isTopmost):
Set a window to Topmost
hWnd: integer, handle of a Win32 window
isTopmost: bool, be topmost or not
topValue = SWP.HWND_TOPMOST if isTopmost else SWP.HWND_NOTOPMOST
return Win32API.SetWindowPos(hWnd, topValue, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP.SWP_NOSIZE|SWP.SWP_NOMOVE)
def ShowWindow(hWnd, cmdShow):
'''ShowWindow(hWnd, ShowWindow.Show), see values in class ShowWindow'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(hWnd, cmdShow)
def MoveWindow(hWnd, x, y, width, height, repaint = 1):
'''Call API MoveWindow from user32.dll'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.MoveWindow(hWnd, x, y, width, height, repaint)
def SetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndInsertAfter, x, y, width, height, flags):
'''Call API SetWindowPos from user32.dll, flags see class SWP'''
return ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndInsertAfter, x, y, width, height, flags)
def GetWindowText(hWnd):
'''Get window text'''
MAX_PATH = 260
wcharArray = _automationClient.dll.NewWCharArray(MAX_PATH)
if wcharArray:
ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW(hWnd, wcharArray, MAX_PATH)
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(wcharArray).value[:]
return text
def SetWindowText(hWnd, text):
'''Set window text'''
c_text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(text)
return ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowTextW(hWnd, c_text)
def GetConsoleOriginalTitle():
MAX_PATH = 260
wcharArray = _automationClient.dll.NewWCharArray(MAX_PATH)
if wcharArray:
ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleOriginalTitleW(wcharArray, MAX_PATH)
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(wcharArray).value[:]
return text
def GetConsoleTitle():
MAX_PATH = 260
wcharArray = _automationClient.dll.NewWCharArray(MAX_PATH)
if wcharArray:
#in python interactive mode, ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleTitleW raise ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: <class 'TypeError'>: wrong type
#but if not in interactive mode, running a py that calls GetConsoleTitle doesn't raise any exception
#GetConsoleOriginalTitle doesn't have this issue
#why? todo
_automationClient.dll.GetConsoleWindowTitle(wcharArray, MAX_PATH) #fixed for ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleTitleW
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(wcharArray).value[:]
return text
def SetConsoleTitle(text):
c_text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(text)
return ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(c_text)
def GetForegroundWindow():
return ctypes.windll.user32.GetForegroundWindow()
def IsDesktopLocked():
'''desktop is locked if press Win+L, Ctrl+Alt+Del or in remote desktop mode'''
isLocked = False
desk = ctypes.windll.user32.OpenDesktopW(ctypes.c_wchar_p('Default'), 0, 0, 0x0100) #DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP = 0x0100
if desk:
isLocked = not ctypes.windll.user32.SwitchDesktop(desk)
return isLocked
def PlayWaveFile(filePath, isAsync = True):
'''play wave file'''
SND_ASYNC = 0x0001
if isAsync:
flag |= SND_ASYNC
c_text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(filePath)
ctypes.windll.winmm.sndPlaySoundW(c_text, flag)
def GetProcessCommandLine(processId):
wstr = _automationClient.dll.GetProcessCommandLine(processId)
if wstr:
cmdLine = ctypes.c_wchar_p(wstr).value[:]
return cmdLine
return ''
def GetParentProcessId(processId = -1):
return _automationClient.dll.GetParentProcessId(processId)
def TerminateProcess(processId):
'''Terminate process by process id'''
hProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x0001, 0, processId); #PROCESS_TERMINATE=0x0001
if hProcess:
ret = ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(hProcess, -1)
return ret
def TerminateProcessByName(processName):
'''Terminate process by process name, example: TerminateProcessByName('notepad.exe')'''
for pid, name in Win32API.EnumProcess():
if name.lower() == processName.lower():
def EnumProcess():
'''Return a namedtuple iter, (pid, name), see TerminateProcessByName'''
import collections
hSnapshot = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(15, 0)
processEntry32 = tagPROCESSENTRY32()
processClass = collections.namedtuple('processInfo', 'pid name')
processEntry32.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(processEntry32)
continueFind = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Process32FirstW(hSnapshot, ctypes.byref(processEntry32))
while continueFind:
pid = processEntry32.th32ProcessID
name = (processEntry32.szExeFile)
yield processClass(pid, name)
continueFind = ctypes.windll.kernel32.Process32NextW(hSnapshot, ctypes.byref(processEntry32))
def SendKey(key, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate typing a key
key: a value in class Keys
Win32API.keybd_event(key, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
Win32API.keybd_event(key, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
#def SendWait(keys):
#'''this method needs .Net and PythonForNet, will call System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait'''
#import clr
#import System.Windows.Forms
def PressKey(key):
Simulate a key down for key
key: a value in class Keys
Win32API.keybd_event(key, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
def ReleaseKey(key):
Simulate a key up for key
key: a value in class Keys
Win32API.keybd_event(key, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
def IsKeyPressed(key):
Check key is pressed or not
key: a value in class Keys
state = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAsyncKeyState(key)
return True if state & 0x8000 else False
def VKtoSC(key):
'''key: a value in class Keys'''
SCDict = {
Keys.VK_LSHIFT : 0x02A,
Keys.VK_RSHIFT : 0x136,
Keys.VK_LCONTROL : 0x01D,
Keys.VK_RCONTROL : 0x11D,
Keys.VK_LMENU : 0x038,
Keys.VK_RMENU : 0x138,
Keys.VK_LWIN : 0x15B,
Keys.VK_RWIN : 0x15C,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD0 : 0x52,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD1 : 0x4F,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD2 : 0x50,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD3 : 0x51,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD4 : 0x4B,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD5 : 0x4C,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD6 : 0x4D,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD7 : 0x47,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD8 : 0x48,
Keys.VK_NUMPAD9 : 0x49,
Keys.VK_DECIMAL : 0x53,
Keys.VK_NUMLOCK : 0x145,
Keys.VK_DIVIDE : 0x135,
Keys.VK_MULTIPLY : 0x037,
Keys.VK_SUBTRACT : 0x04A,
Keys.VK_ADD : 0x04E,
if key in SCDict:
return SCDict[key]
scanCode = ctypes.windll.user32.MapVirtualKeyA(key, 0)
if not scanCode:
return 0
if key in keyList:
scanCode |= 0x0100
return scanCode
def SendKeys(text, interval = 0.01, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME, debug = False):
Simulate typing keys on keyboard
text: str, keys to type
interval: double, seconds between keys
debug: bool, if True, print the Keys
{Ctrl}, {Delete} ... are special keys' name in Win32API.SpecialKeyDict
SendKeys('{Ctrl}a{Delete}{Ctrl}v{Ctrl}s{Ctrl}{Shift}s{Win}e{PageDown}') #press Ctrl+a, Delete, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+Shift+s, Win+e, PageDown
SendKeys('{Ctrl}(AB)({Shift}(123))') #press Ctrl+A+B, type (, press Shift+1+2+3, type ), if () follows a hold key, hold key won't release util )
SendKeys('{Ctrl}{a 3}') #press Ctrl+a at the same time, release Ctrl+a, then type a 2 times
SendKeys('{a 3}{B 5}') #type a 3 times, type B 5 times
SendKeys('{{}你好{}}abc {a}{b}{c} test{} 3}{!}{a} (){(}{)}') #type: {你好}abc abc test}}}!a ()()
keys = []
printKeys = []
i = 0
insertIndex = 0
length = len(text)
hold = False
include = False
#lastKey = ''
lastKeyValue = None
while True:
if text[i] == '{':
rindex = text.find('}', i)
if rindex == i+1:#{}}
rindex = text.find('}', i+2)
if rindex == -1:
raise ValueError('"{" or "{}" is not valid, use "{{}" for "{", use "{}}" for "}"')
key = text[i+1:rindex]
key = [it for it in key.split(' ') if it]
if not key:
raise ValueError('"{}" is not valid, use "{{Space}}" or " " for " "'.format(text[i:rindex+1]))
if (len(key) == 2 and not key[1].isdigit()) or len(key) > 2:
raise ValueError('"{}" is not valid'.format(text[i:rindex+1]))
upperKey = key[0].upper()
count = 1
if len(key) > 1:
count = int(key[1])
for j in range(count):
if hold:
if upperKey in Win32API.SpecialKeyDict:
keyValue = Win32API.SpecialKeyDict[upperKey]
if type(lastKeyValue) == type(keyValue) and lastKeyValue == keyValue:
insertIndex += 1
printKeys.insert(insertIndex, (key[0], 'KeyDown | ExtendedKey'))
printKeys.insert(insertIndex+1, (key[0], 'KeyUp | ExtendedKey'))
keys.insert(insertIndex, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
keys.insert(insertIndex+1, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
lastKeyValue = keyValue
elif key[0] in Win32API.CharacterDict:
keyValue = Win32API.CharacterDict[key[0]]
if type(lastKeyValue) == type(keyValue) and lastKeyValue == keyValue:
insertIndex += 1
printKeys.insert(insertIndex, (key[0], 'KeyDown | ExtendedKey'))
printKeys.insert(insertIndex+1, (key[0], 'KeyUp | ExtendedKey'))
keys.insert(insertIndex, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
keys.insert(insertIndex+1, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
lastKeyValue = keyValue
printKeys.insert(insertIndex, (key[0], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.insert(insertIndex, (key[0], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = key[0]
if include:
insertIndex += 1
if upperKey in holdKeys:
insertIndex += 1
hold = False
if upperKey in Win32API.SpecialKeyDict:
keyValue = Win32API.SpecialKeyDict[upperKey]
printKeys.append((key[0], 'KeyDown | ExtendedKey'))
printKeys.append((key[0], 'KeyUp | ExtendedKey'))
keys.append((keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
keys.append((keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
lastKeyValue = keyValue
if upperKey in holdKeys:
hold = True
insertIndex = len(keys) - 1
hold = False
printKeys.append((key[0], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.append((key[0], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = key[0]
#lastKey = key[0]
i = rindex + 1
elif text[i] == '(':
if hold:
include = True
printKeys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = text[i]
#lastKey = text[i]
i += 1
elif text[i] == ')':
if hold:
include = False
hold = False
printKeys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = text[i]
#lastKey = text[i]
i += 1
if hold:
if text[i] in Win32API.CharacterDict:
keyValue = Win32API.CharacterDict[text[i]]
if include and type(lastKeyValue) == type(keyValue) and lastKeyValue == keyValue:
insertIndex += 1
printKeys.insert(insertIndex, (text[i], 'KeyDown | ExtendedKey'))
printKeys.insert(insertIndex + 1, (text[i], 'KeyUp | ExtendedKey'))
keys.insert(insertIndex, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
keys.insert(insertIndex + 1, (keyValue, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey))
lastKeyValue = keyValue
printKeys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = text[i]
if include:
insertIndex += 1
hold = False
printKeys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
keys.append((text[i], 'UnicodeChar'))
lastKeyValue = text[i]
#lastKey = text[i]
i += 1
if i >= length:
if debug:
for i, key in enumerate(printKeys):
if key[1] == 'UnicodeChar':
Logger.ColorfulWrite('<Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color>, sleep({})\n'.format(key, interval), writeToFile = False)
if i + 1 == len(printKeys):
Logger.ColorfulWrite('<Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color>, sleep({})\n'.format(key, interval), writeToFile = False)
if 'KeyUp'in key[1] and (printKeys[i+1][1] == 'UnicodeChar' or 'KeyDown' in printKeys[i+1][1]):
Logger.ColorfulWrite('<Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color>, sleep({})\n'.format(key, interval), writeToFile = False)
Logger.ColorfulWrite('<Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color>\n'.format(key), writeToFile = False)
Logger.Write('\n', writeToFile = False)
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
if key[1] == 'UnicodeChar':
wchar = ctypes.c_wchar_p(key[0])
#Win32API.PostMessage(GetFocusedControl().Handle, 0x102, -key[0], 0)#UnicodeChar = 0x102
scanCode = Win32API.VKtoSC(key[0])
Win32API.keybd_event(key[0], scanCode, key[1], 0)
if i + 1 == len(keys):
if key[1] & KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp:
if keys[i+1][1] == 'UnicodeChar' or keys[i+1][1] & KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp == 0:
time.sleep(0.01) #must sleep for a while, otherwise combined keys may not be caught
else: #KeyboardEventFlags.KeyDown
#make sure hold keys are not pressed
#win = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.VK_LWIN)
#ctrl = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.VK_CONTROL)
#alt = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.VK_MENU)
#shift = ctypes.windll.user32.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.VK_SHIFT)
#if win & 0x8000:
#Logger.WriteLine('ERROR: WIN is pressed, it should not be pressed!', ConsoleColor.Red)
#Win32API.keybd_event(Keys.VK_LWIN, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
#if ctrl & 0x8000:
#Logger.WriteLine('ERROR: CTRL is pressed, it should not be pressed!', ConsoleColor.Red)
#Win32API.keybd_event(Keys.VK_CONTROL, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
#if alt & 0x8000:
#Logger.WriteLine('ERROR: ALT is pressed, it should not be pressed!', ConsoleColor.Red)
#Win32API.keybd_event(Keys.VK_MENU, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
#if shift & 0x8000:
#Logger.WriteLine('ERROR: SHIFT is pressed, it should not be pressed!', ConsoleColor.Red)
#Win32API.keybd_event(Keys.VK_SHIFT, 0, KeyboardEventFlags.KeyUp | KeyboardEventFlags.ExtendedKey, 0)
if waitTime > 0:
class Bitmap():
def __init__(self, width = 0, height = 0):
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._bitmap = 0
if width > 0 and height > 0:
self._bitmap = _automationClient.dll.BitmapCreate(width, height)
def __del__(self):
def _getsize(self):
size = _automationClient.dll.BitmapGetWidthAndHeight(self._bitmap)
self._width = size & 0xFFFF
self._height = size >> 16
def Release(self):
if self._bitmap:
self._bitmap = 0
self._width = 0
self._height = 0
def Width(self):
return self._width
def Height(self):
return self._height
def FromHandle(self, hwnd, left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0):
capture Win32 Window to image by its handle
left, top, right, bottom: control's internal postion(from 0,0)
self._bitmap = _automationClient.dll.BitmapFromWindow(hwnd, left, top, right, bottom)
return self._bitmap > 0
def FromControl(self, control, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0):
capture control to Bitmap
x, y: the point in control's internal position(from 0,0)
width, height: image's width and height, use 0 for control's entire area
left, top, right, bottom = control.BoundingRectangle
while (right - left) == 0 or (bottom - top) == 0:
#some controls maybe visible but their BoundingRectangle are all 0, capture its parent util valid
control = control.GetParentControl()
if not control:
return False
left, top, right, bottom = control.BoundingRectangle
if width <= 0:
width = right - left - x
if height <= 0:
height = bottom - top - y
hWnd = control.Handle
if hWnd:
left = x
top = y
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
while True:
control = control.GetParentControl()
hWnd = control.Handle
if hWnd:
pleft, ptop, pright, pbottom = control.BoundingRectangle
left = left - pleft + x
top = top - ptop + y
right = left + width
bottom = top + height
return self.FromHandle(hWnd, left, top, right, bottom)
def FromFile(self, filePath):
'''load image from file'''
self._bitmap = _automationClient.dll.BitmapFromFile(ctypes.c_wchar_p(filePath))
return self._bitmap > 0
def ToFile(self, savePath):
'''savePath shoud end with .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff'''
name, ext = os.path.splitext(savePath);
extMap = {'.bmp': 'image/bmp'
, '.jpg': 'image/jpeg'
, '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg'
, '.gif': 'image/gif'
, '.tif': 'image/tiff'
, '.tiff': 'image/tiff'
, '.png': 'image/png'
gdiplusImageFormat = extMap.get(ext.lower(), 'image/png')
return _automationClient.dll.BitmapToFile(self._bitmap, ctypes.c_wchar_p(savePath), ctypes.c_wchar_p(gdiplusImageFormat))
def GetPixelColor(self, x, y):
return argb
b = argb & 0x0000FF
g = (argb & 0x00FF00) >> 8
r = (argb & 0xFF0000) >> 16
a = (argb & 0xFF0000) >> 24
return _automationClient.dll.BitmapGetPixel(self._bitmap, x, y)
def SetPixelColor(self, x, y, argb):
return _automationClient.dll.BitmapSetPixel(self._bitmap, x, y, argb)
def GetPixelColorsHorizontally(self, x, y, count):
'''get list of argb form x,y horizontally'''
colorArray = ctypes.c_uint32 * count
values = colorArray(*(0 for n in range(count)))
_automationClient.dll.BitmapGetPixelsHorizontally(self._bitmap, x, y, values, count)
return values
def GetPixelColorsVertically(self, x, y, count):
'''get list of argb form x,y vertically'''
colorArray = ctypes.c_uint32 * count
values = colorArray(*(0 for n in range(count)))
_automationClient.dll.BitmapGetPixelsVertically(self._bitmap, x, y, values, count)
return values
def GetPixelColorsOfRow(self, y):
'''return list of argb of y row'''
return self.GetPixelColorsHorizontally(0, y, self.Width)
def GetPixelColorsOfColumn(self, x):
'''return list of argb of x column'''
return self.GetPixelColorsVertically(x, 0, self.Height)
def GetPixelColorsOfRect(self, x, y, width, height):
'''return list of argb of rect'''
allColors = self.GetAllPixelColors()
colors = []
for row in range(height):
return colors
def GetPixelColorsOfRects(self, rects):
return list of argb of rects
rects example: [[x1, y1, width, height], [x2, y2, width, height]], return [rect1colors, rect2colors]
allColors = self.GetAllPixelColors()
colorsOfRects = []
for rect in rects:
x, y, width, height = rect
colors = []
for row in range(height):
return colorsOfRects
def GetAllPixelColors(self):
'''return all argb of all pixels horizontally from 0,0'''
return self.GetPixelColorsHorizontally(0, 0, self.Width * self.Height)
def SetPixelColorsHorizontally(self, x, y, colors):
'''set colors form x,y horizontally'''
count = len(colors)
colorArray = ctypes.c_uint32 * count
values = colorArray(*colors)
return _automationClient.dll.BitmapSetPixelsHorizontally(self._bitmap, x, y, values, count)
def SetPixelColorsVertically(self, x, y, colors):
'''set colors form x,y vertically'''
count = len(colors)
colorArray = ctypes.c_uint32 * count
values = colorArray(*colors)
return _automationClient.dll.BitmapSetPixelsVertically(self._bitmap, x, y, values, count)
class LegacyIAccessiblePattern():
def IsLegacyIAccessiblePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId) != 0
def AccessibleSelect(self, flag):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern Select, flag: a value in AccessibleSelectFlag'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
_automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternSelect(pattern, flag)
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleDoDefaultAction(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern DoDefaultAction'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleSetValue(self, value):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern SetValue, value: str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
c_value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(value)
_automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternSetValue(pattern, c_value)
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentChildId(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentChildId, return int. If the element is not a child element, CHILDID_SELF (0) is returned'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentChildId(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentName(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentName, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentName(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentValue(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentValue, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentValue(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentDescription(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentDescription, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentDescription(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentRole(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentRole, return int, a value in AccessibleRole'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentRole(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentState(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentState, return int, a combine value in AccessibleState'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentState(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentHelp(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentHelp, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentHelp(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentKeyboardShortcut(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentKeyboardShortcut, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentKeyboardShortcut(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleGetCurrentSelection(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern GetCurrentSelection, return list of Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternGetCurrentSelection(pattern)
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AccessibleCurrentDefaultAction(self):
'''call IUIAutomationLegacyIAccessiblePattern get_CurrentDefaultAction, return str'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.LegacyIAccessiblePatternCurrentDefaultAction(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
return ''
Logger.WriteLine('LegacyIAccessiblePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class QTPLikeSyntaxSupport():
Add syntax support like QTP, with that, user can locate object like following example:
This class inherited by Control class
def ButtonControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ButtonControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self, **searchPorpertyDict)
def CalendarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return CalendarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def CheckBoxControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return CheckBoxControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ComboBoxControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ComboBoxControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def CustomControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return CustomControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def DataGridControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return DataGridControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def DataItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return DataItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def DocumentControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return DocumentControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def EditControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return EditControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def GroupControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return GroupControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def HeaderControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return HeaderControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def HeaderItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return HeaderItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def HyperlinkControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return HyperlinkControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ImageControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ImageControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ListControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ListControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ListItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ListItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def MenuControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return MenuControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def MenuBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return MenuBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def MenuItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return MenuItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def PaneControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return PaneControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ProgressBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ProgressBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def RadioButtonControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return RadioButtonControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ScrollBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ScrollBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def SemanticZoomControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return SemanticZoomControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def SeparatorControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return SeparatorControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def SliderControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return SliderControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def SpinnerControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return SpinnerControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def SplitButtonControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return SplitButtonControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def StatusBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return StatusBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TabControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TabControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TabItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TabItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TableControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TableControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TextControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TextControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ThumbControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ThumbControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TitleBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TitleBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ToolBarControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ToolBarControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def ToolTipControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return ToolTipControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TreeControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TreeControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def TreeItemControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return TreeItemControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
def WindowControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
return WindowControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict)
class Control(LegacyIAccessiblePattern, QTPLikeSyntaxSupport):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
element: integer
searchFromControl: Control
searchDepth: integer
foundIndex: integer, value must be greater or equal to 1
searchWaitTime: float, wait searchWaitTime before every search
searchPorpertyDict: a dict that defines how to search, only the following keys are valid
ControlType: integer in class ControlType
ClassName: str or unicode
AutomationId: str or unicode
Name: str or unicode
SubName: str or unicode
self._element = element
self._elementDirectAssign = True if element else False
self.searchFromControl = searchFromControl
self.searchDepth = searchDepth
self.searchWaitTime = searchWaitTime
self.foundIndex = foundIndex
self.searchPorpertyDict = searchPorpertyDict
def __del__(self):
Warning: when script exits, module ctypes may be None,
ctypes sometimes is None before all controls are destoryed
but __del__ needs method in dll(which needs ctypes) to release resources
if self._element:
self._element = 0
def SetSearchFromControl(self, searchFromControl):
'''searchFromControl: control'''
self.searchFromControl = searchFromControl
def SetSearchDepth(self, searchDepth):
'''searchDepth: integer'''
self.searchDepth = searchDepth
def AddSearchProperty(self, **searchPorpertyDict):
'''searchPorpertyDict: dict'''
def RemoveSearchProperty(self, **searchPorpertyDict):
for key in searchPorpertyDict:
del self.searchPorpertyDict[key]
def _CompareFunction(self, control):
'''This function defines how to search, return True if found'''
if 'ControlType' in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if self.searchPorpertyDict['ControlType'] != control.ControlType:
return False
if 'ClassName' in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if self.searchPorpertyDict['ClassName'] != control.ClassName:
return False
if 'AutomationId' in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if self.searchPorpertyDict['AutomationId'] != control.AutomationId:
return False
if 'SubName' in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if self.searchPorpertyDict['SubName'] not in control.Name:
return False
if 'Name' in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if self.searchPorpertyDict['Name'] != control.Name:
return False
return True
def Exists(self, maxSearchSeconds = 5, searchIntervalSeconds = SEARCH_INTERVAL):
'''Find control every searchIntervalSeconds seconds in maxSearchSeconds seconds, if found, return True else False'''
if self._element and self._elementDirectAssign:
#if element is directly assigned, not by searching, just check whether self._element is valid
#but I can't find an API in UIAutomation that can directly check
rootElement = GetRootControl().Element
if self._element == rootElement:
return True
parentElement = _automationClient.dll.GetParentElement(self._element)
if parentElement:
return True
return False
#find the element
if len(self.searchPorpertyDict) == 0:
raise LookupError("control's searchPorpertyDict must not be empty!")
if self._element:
self._element = 0
if self.searchFromControl:
self.searchFromControl.Element # search searchFromControl first before timing
start = time.clock()
while True:
control = FindControl(self.searchFromControl, self._CompareFunction, self.searchDepth, False, self.foundIndex)
if control:
self._element = control.Element
control._element = 0 # control will be destroyed, but the element needs to be stroed in self._element
#elapsedTime = time.clock() - start
#Logger.Log('Found time: {:.3f}s, {}'.format(elapsedTime, self))
return True
if time.clock() - start > maxSearchSeconds:
return False
def Refind(self, maxSearchSeconds = TIME_OUT_SECOND, searchIntervalSeconds = SEARCH_INTERVAL, raiseException = True):
'''Refind the control every searchIntervalSeconds seconds in maxSearchSeconds seconds, raise an LookupError if timed out'''
if not self.Exists(maxSearchSeconds, searchIntervalSeconds):
if raiseException:
info = 'Find Control Time Out: {'
for key in self.searchPorpertyDict:
if key == 'ControlType':
info += '{0}: {1}, '.format(key, ControlTypeNameDict[self.searchPorpertyDict[key]])
info += '{0}: {1}, '.format(key, repr(self.searchPorpertyDict[key])) # example Name : 'Notepad'
info += '}'
raise LookupError(info)
def Element(self):
'''Return value of control's IUIAutomationElement'''
if not self._element:
self.Refind(maxSearchSeconds = TIME_OUT_SECOND, searchIntervalSeconds = self.searchWaitTime)
return self._element
def Name(self):
'''Return unicode Name'''
bstrName = _automationClient.dll.GetElementName(self.Element)
if bstrName:
name = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrName).value[:]
return name
return ''
def ControlType(self):
'''Return an integer in class ControlType'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementControlType(self.Element)
def ControlTypeName(self):
'''Return str ControlTypeName'''
return ControlTypeNameDict[self.ControlType]
def ClassName(self):
'''Return unicode ClassName'''
bstrClassName = _automationClient.dll.GetElementClassName(self.Element)
if bstrClassName:
name = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrClassName).value[:]
return name
return ''
def AutomationId(self):
'''Return unicode AutomationId'''
bstrAutomationId = _automationClient.dll.GetElementAutomationId(self.Element)
if bstrAutomationId:
name = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrAutomationId).value[:]
return name
return ''
def ProcessId(self):
'''Return process id'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementProcessId(self.Element)
def IsEnabled(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementIsEnabled(self.Element)
def HasKeyboardFocus(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementHasKeyboardFocus(self.Element)
def IsKeyboardFocusable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementIsKeyboardFocusable(self.Element)
def IsOffScreen(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementIsOffscreen(self.Element)
def BoundingRectangle(self):
'''Return tuple (left, top, right, bottom)'''
rect = Rect()
_automationClient.dll.GetElementBoundingRectangle(self.Element, ctypes.byref(rect))
return (rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom)
def Handle(self):
'''Return control's handle'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementHandle(self.Element)
def SetFocus(self):
'''Make the control have focus'''
def MoveCursor(self, ratioX = 0.5, ratioY = 0.5, simulateMove = True):
'''Move cursor to control's rect, default to center'''
left, top, right, bottom = self.BoundingRectangle
if type(ratioX) is float:
x = left + int((right - left) * ratioX)
x = (left if ratioX >= 0 else right) + ratioX
if type(ratioY) is float:
y = top + int((bottom - top) * ratioY)
y = (top if ratioY >= 0 else bottom) + ratioY
if simulateMove:
Win32API.MouseMoveTo(x, y, waitTime = 0)
Win32API.SetCursorPos(x, y)
return x, y
def MoveCursorToMyCenter(self):
'''Move cursor to control's center'''
return self.MoveCursor()
def Click(self, ratioX = 0.5, ratioY = 0.5, simulateMove = True, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Click(0.5, 0.5): click center
Click(10, 10): click left+10, top+10
Click(-10, -10): click right-10, bottom-10
simulateMove:bool, if True, first move cursor to control smoothly
x, y = self.MoveCursor(ratioX, ratioY, simulateMove)
Win32API.MouseClick(x, y, waitTime)
def MiddleClick(self, ratioX = 0.5, ratioY = 0.5, simulateMove = True, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Click(0.5, 0.5): click center
Click(10, 10): click left+10, top+10
Click(-10, -10): click right-10, bottom-10
simulateMove:bool, if True, first move cursor to control smoothly
x, y = self.MoveCursor(ratioX, ratioY, simulateMove)
Win32API.MouseMiddleClick(x, y, waitTime)
def RightClick(self, ratioX = 0.5, ratioY = 0.5, simulateMove = True, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
RightClick(0.5, 0.5): right click center
RightClick(10, 10): right click left+10, top+10
RightClick(-10, -10): click right-10, bottom-10
simulateMove:bool, if True, first move cursor to control smoothly
x, y = self.MoveCursor(ratioX, ratioY, simulateMove)
Win32API.MouseRightClick(x, y, waitTime)
def DoubleClick(self, ratioX = 0.5, ratioY = 0.5, simulateMove = True, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
DoubleClick(0.5, 0.5): double click center
DoubleClick(10, 10): double click left+10, top+10
DoubleClick(-10, -10): click right-10, bottom-10
simulateMove:bool, if True, first move cursor to control smoothly
x, y = self.MoveCursor(ratioX, ratioY, simulateMove)
Win32API.MouseClick(x, y, 0)
time.sleep(Win32API.GetDoubleClickTime() * 1.0 / 2000)
Win32API.MouseClick(x, y, waitTime)
def GetParentControl(self):
'''Return Control'''
comEle = _automationClient.dll.GetParentElement(self.Element)
if comEle:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(comEle)
def GetTopWindow(self):
'''Return control's top window'''
control = self
parents = []
while control:
if control.ControlType == ControlType.WindowControl:
return control
parents.insert(0, control)
control = control.GetParentControl()
if len(parents) > 1:
return parents[1]
elif len(parents) == 1:
return parents[0]
def GetFirstChildControl(self):
'''Return Control'''
comEle = _automationClient.dll.GetFirstChildElement(self.Element)
if comEle:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(comEle)
def GetLastChildControl(self):
'''Return Control'''
comEle = _automationClient.dll.GetLastChildElement(self.Element)
if comEle:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(comEle)
def GetNextSiblingControl(self):
'''Return Control'''
comEle = _automationClient.dll.GetNextSiblingElement(self.Element)
if comEle:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(comEle)
def GetPreviousSiblingControl(self):
'''Return Control'''
comEle = _automationClient.dll.GetPreviousSiblingElement(self.Element)
if comEle:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(comEle)
def GetChildren(self):
'''Return a list of control's children'''
children = []
child = self.GetFirstChildControl()
while child:
child = child.GetNextSiblingControl()
return children
def ShowWindow(self, cmdShow):
ShowWindow(ShowWindow.Show), only works if Handle is valid
cmdShow: see values in class ShowWindow
hWnd = self.Handle
if hWnd:
return Win32API.ShowWindow(hWnd, cmdShow)
def Show(self):
'''call ShowWindow(ShowWindow.Show), only works if Handle is valid'''
return self.ShowWindow(ShowWindow.Show)
def Hide(self):
'''call ShowWindow(ShowWindow.Hide), only works if Handle is valid'''
return self.ShowWindow(ShowWindow.Hide)
def MoveWindow(self, x, y, width, height, repaint = 1):
'''only works if Handle is valid'''
hWnd = self.Handle
if hWnd:
return Win32API.MoveWindow(hWnd, x, y, width, height, repaint)
def GetWindowText(self):
'''only works if Handle is valid'''
hWnd = self.Handle
if hWnd:
return Win32API.GetWindowText(hWnd)
def SetWindowText(self, text):
'''only works if Handle is valid'''
hWnd = self.Handle
if hWnd:
return Win32API.SetWindowText(hWnd, text)
def SendKey(self, key, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate typing a key
key: a value in class Keys
Win32API.SendKey(key, waitTime)
def SendKeys(self, keys, interval = 0.01, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate typing keys
keys: str, keys to type, see docstring of Win32API.SendKeys
interval: double, seconds between keys
Win32API.SendKeys(keys, interval, waitTime)
def GetPixelColor(self, x, y):
'''return r, g, b, int, 0xhexstring, #hexstring, only works if Handle is valid'''
hWnd = self.Handle
if hWnd:
return Win32API.GetPixelColor(x, y, hWnd)
def ToBitmap(self, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0):
capture control to Bitmap object
x, y: the point in control's internal position(from 0,0)
width, height: image's width and height, use 0 for entire area
bitmap = Bitmap()
bitmap.FromControl(self, x, y, width, height)
return bitmap
def CaptureToImage(self, savePath, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0):
capture control to image file
savePath, savePath shoud end with .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff
x, y: the point in control's internal position(from 0,0)
width, height: image's width and height, use 0 for entire area
bitmap = Bitmap()
if bitmap.FromControl(self, x, y, width, height):
return bitmap.ToFile(savePath)
def Convert(self):
Convert Control to a specific Control
for example: if self's ControlType is EditControl, return an EditControl
return Control.CreateControlFromControl(self)
def CreateControlFromElement(element):
'''element: value of IUIAutomationElement'''
if element:
controlType = _automationClient.dll.GetElementControlType(element)
return ControlDict[controlType](element)
def CreateControlFromControl(control):
control: Control, will add ref for control's element
return a specific Control
for example: if control's ControlType is EditControl, return an EditControl
newControl = Control.CreateControlFromElement(control.Element)
return newControl
def __str__(self):
if IsPy3:
return 'ControlType: {0} ClassName: {1} AutomationId: {2} Rect: {3} Name: {4} Handle: 0x{5:X}({5})'.format(self.ControlTypeName, self.ClassName, self.AutomationId, self.BoundingRectangle, self.Name, self.Handle)
strClassName = self.ClassName.encode('gbk')
strAutomationId = self.AutomationId.encode('gbk')
strName = self.Name.encode('gbk')
except Exception:
strName = 'Error occured: Name can\'t be converted to gbk, try unicode'
return 'ControlType: {0} ClassName: {1} AutomationId: {2} Rect: {3} Name: {4} Handle: 0x{5:X}({5})'.format(self.ControlTypeName, strClassName, strAutomationId, self.BoundingRectangle, strName, self.Handle)
# def __repr__(self):
# return '[{0}]'.format(self)
def __unicode__(self):
return u'ControlType: {0} ClassName: {1} AutomationId: {2} Rect: {3} Name: {4} Handle: 0x{0:X}({1})'.format(self.ControlTypeName, self.ClassName, self.AutomationId, self.BoundingRectangle, self.Name, self.Handle)
#Patterns -----
class DockPattern():
def IsDockPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_DockPatternId) != 0
class ExpandCollapsePattern():
def IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId) != 0
def Expand(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''Expand the control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId)
if pattern:
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('ExpandCollapsePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def Collapse(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''Collapse the control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId)
if pattern:
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('ExpandCollapsePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentExpandCollapseState(self):
'''Return an integer of class ExpandCollapseState '''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId)
if pattern:
state = _automationClient.dll.ExpandCollapsePatternCurrentExpandCollapseState(pattern)
return state
Logger.WriteLine('ExpandCollapsePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class GridItemPattern():
def IsGridItemPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId) != 0
def CurrentContainingGrid(self):
'''return Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId)
if pattern:
element = _automationClient.dll.GridItemPatternCurrentContainingGrid(pattern)
if element:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(element)
Logger.WriteLine('GridItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentRow(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridItemPatternCurrentRow(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentColumn(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridItemPatternCurrentColumn(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentRowSpan(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridItemPatternCurrentRowSpan(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentColumnSpan(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridItemPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridItemPatternCurrentColumnSpan(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class GridPattern():
def IsGridPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridPatternId) != 0
def GetItem(self, row, column):
'''return Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridPatternId)
if pattern:
element = _automationClient.dll.GridPatternGetItem(pattern, row, column)
if element:
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(element)
Logger.WriteLine('GridPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentRowCount(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridPatternCurrentRowCount(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentColumnCount(self):
'''return int'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_GridPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.GridPatternCurrentColumnCount(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('GridPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class InvokePattern():
def IsInvokePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_InvokePatternId) != 0
def Invoke(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_InvokePatternId)
if pattern:
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('InvokePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class MultipleViewPattern():
def IsMultipleViewPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_MultipleViewPatternId) != 0
class ScrollItemPattern():
def IsScrollItemPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollItemPatternId) != 0
def ScrollIntoView(self):
'''Scroll the control into view, so it can be seen'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollItemPatternId)
if pattern:
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class ScrollPattern():
def IsScrollPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId) != 0
def CurrentHorizontallyScrollable(self):
'''Return bool'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
scroll = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentHorizontallyScrollable(pattern)
return scroll
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentHorizontalViewSize(self):
'''Return integer'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
size = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentHorizontalViewSize(pattern)
return size
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentHorizontalScrollPercent(self):
'''Return integer'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
percent = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentHorizontalScrollPercent(pattern)
return percent
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentVerticallyScrollable(self):
'''Return bool'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
scroll = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentVerticallyScrollable(pattern)
return scroll
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentVerticalViewSize(self):
'''Return integer'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
size = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentVerticalViewSize(pattern)
return size
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentVerticalScrollPercent(self):
'''Return integer'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
percent = _automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternCurrentVerticalScrollPercent(pattern)
return percent
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def SetScrollPercent(self, horizontalPercent, verticalPercent):
'''Need two integers as parameters'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ScrollPatternId)
if pattern:
_automationClient.dll.ScrollPatternSetScrollPercent(pattern, horizontalPercent, verticalPercent)
Logger.WriteLine('ScrollPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class SelectionItemPattern():
def IsSelectionItemPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId) != 0
def Select(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId)
if pattern:
Logger.WriteLine('SelectionItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def AddToSelection(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId)
if pattern:
Logger.WriteLine('SelectionItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def RemoveFromSelection(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId)
if pattern:
Logger.WriteLine('SelectionItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentIsSelected(self):
'''Return bool'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionItemPatternId)
if pattern:
isSelect = _automationClient.dll.SelectionItemPatternCurrentIsSelected(pattern)
return bool(isSelect)
Logger.WriteLine('SelectionItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class SelectionPattern():
def IsSelectionPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionPatternId) != 0
def GetCurrentSelection(self):
'''Return an IUIAutomationElementArray'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_SelectionPatternId)
if pattern:
pElementArray = _automationClient.dll.SelectionPatternGetCurrentSelection(pattern)
return pElementArray
Logger.WriteLine('SelectionPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class RangeValuePattern():
def IsRangeValuePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId) != 0
def RangeValuePatternCurrentValue(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.RangeValuePatternCurrentValue(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('RangeValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def RangeValuePatternSetValue(self, value):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId)
if pattern:
_automationClient.dll.RangeValuePatternSetValue(pattern, value)
Logger.WriteLine('RangeValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentMaximum(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.RangeValuePatternCurrentMaximum(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('RangeValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentMinimum(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_RangeValuePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.RangeValuePatternCurrentMinimum(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('RangeValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class TableItemPattern():
def IsTableItemPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TableItemPatternId) != 0
def CurrentRowHeaderItems(self):
'''return list of Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TableItemPatternId)
if pattern:
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = _automationClient.dll.TableItemPatternCurrentRowHeaderItems(pattern)
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
Logger.WriteLine('TableItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentColumnHeaderItems(self):
'''return list of Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TableItemPatternId)
if pattern:
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = _automationClient.dll.TableItemPatternCurrentColumnHeaderItems(pattern)
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
Logger.WriteLine('TableItemPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class TablePattern():
def IsTablePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TablePatternId) != 0
def CurrentRowHeaders(self):
'''return list of Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TablePatternId)
if pattern:
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = _automationClient.dll.TablePatternCurrentRowHeaders(pattern)
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
Logger.WriteLine('TablePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentColumnHeaders(self):
'''return list of Control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TablePatternId)
if pattern:
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = _automationClient.dll.TablePatternCurrentColumnHeaders(pattern)
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
Logger.WriteLine('TablePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentRowOrColumnMajor(self):
'''return int, a value in RowOrColumnMajor'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TablePatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.TablePatternCurrentRowOrColumnMajor(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('TablePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class TextPattern():
def IsTextPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TextPatternId) != 0
class TogglePattern():
def IsTogglePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TogglePatternId) != 0
def Toggle(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''Toggle or UnToggle the control'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TogglePatternId)
if pattern:
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('TogglePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentToggleState(self):
'''Return an integer of class ToggleState'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TogglePatternId)
if pattern:
state = _automationClient.dll.TogglePatternCurrentToggleState(pattern)
return state
Logger.WriteLine('TogglePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class TransformPattern():
def IsTransformPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TransformPatternId) != 0
class TransformPattern2():
def IsTransformPattern2Available(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_TransformPattern2Id) != 0
class ValuePattern():
def IsValuePatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ValuePatternId) != 0
def CurrentValue(self):
'''Return unicode string'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ValuePatternId)
if pattern:
bstrValue = _automationClient.dll.ValuePatternCurrentValue(pattern)
if bstrValue:
value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(bstrValue).value[:]
return value
Logger.WriteLine('ValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
return ''
def SetValue(self, value, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''Set unicode string to control's value'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ValuePatternId)
if pattern:
c_value = ctypes.c_wchar_p(value)
value = _automationClient.dll.ValuePatternSetValue(pattern, c_value)
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('ValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentIsReadOnly(self):
'''Return bool'''
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_ValuePatternId)
if pattern:
isReadOnly = _automationClient.dll.ValuePatternCurrentIsReadOnly(pattern)
return bool(isReadOnly)
Logger.WriteLine('ValuePattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class WindowPattern():
def IsWindowPatternAvailable(self):
'''Return bool'''
return _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId) != 0
def CurrentWindowVisualState(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.WindowPatternCurrentWindowVisualState(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def SetWindowVisualState(self, value, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
_automationClient.dll.WindowPatternSetWindowVisualState(pattern, value)
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentCanMaximize(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.WindowPatternCurrentCanMaximize(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def Maximize(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
if self.CurrentCanMaximize():
self.SetWindowVisualState(WindowVisualState.Maximized, waitTime)
def CurrentCanMinimize(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.WindowPatternCurrentCanMinimize(pattern)
return value
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def Minimize(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
if self.CurrentCanMinimize():
self.SetWindowVisualState(WindowVisualState.Minimized, waitTime)
def Normal(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
self.SetWindowVisualState(WindowVisualState.Normal, waitTime)
def IsMaximize(self):
return self.CurrentWindowVisualState() == WindowVisualState.Maximized
def IsMinimize(self):
return self.CurrentWindowVisualState() == WindowVisualState.Minimized
def CurrentIsModal(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.WindowPatternCurrentIsModal(pattern)
return bool(value)
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def CurrentIsTopmost(self):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
value = _automationClient.dll.WindowPatternCurrentIsTopmost(pattern)
return bool(value)
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def Close(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(self.Element, PatternId.UIA_WindowPatternId)
if pattern:
if waitTime > 0:
Logger.WriteLine('WindowPattern is not supported!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
class ButtonControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern, InvokePattern, TogglePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ButtonControl)
class CalendarControl(Control, GridPattern, TablePattern, ScrollPattern, SelectionPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.CalendarControl)
class CheckBoxControl(Control, TogglePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.CheckBoxControl)
class ComboBoxControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern, SelectionPattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ComboBoxControl)
def Select(self, name, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''not support Qt's ComboBoxControl'''
supportExpandCollapse = self.IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailable()
if supportExpandCollapse:
#Windows Form's ComboBoxControl doesn't support ExpandCollapsePattern
self.Click(-10, 0.5, False)
listItemControl = ListItemControl(searchFromControl = self, Name = name)
if listItemControl.Exists(1, SEARCH_INTERVAL):
listItemControl.Click(waitTime = waitTime)
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Can\'t find <Color=Cyan>{}</Color> in ComboBoxControl'.format(name), ConsoleColor.Yellow)
if supportExpandCollapse:
self.Click(-10, 0.5, False, waitTime)
class CustomControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.CustomControl)
class DataGridControl(Control, GridPattern, ScrollPattern, SelectionPattern, TablePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.DataGridControl)
class DataItemControl(Control, SelectionItemPattern, ExpandCollapsePattern, GridItemPattern, ScrollItemPattern, TableItemPattern, TogglePattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.DataItemControl)
class DocumentControl(Control, TextPattern, ScrollPattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.DocumentControl)
class EditControl(Control, RangeValuePattern, TextPattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.EditControl)
class GroupControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.GroupControl)
class HeaderControl(Control, TransformPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.HeaderControl)
class HeaderItemControl(Control, InvokePattern, TransformPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.HeaderItemControl)
class HyperlinkControl(Control, InvokePattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.HyperlinkControl)
class ImageControl(Control, GridItemPattern, TableItemPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ImageControl)
class ListControl(Control, GridPattern, MultipleViewPattern, ScrollPattern, SelectionPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ListControl)
def GetSelectedItems(self):
'''Return a list of children which are selected'''
lists = []
iUIAutomationElementArray = self.GetCurrentSelection()
if iUIAutomationElementArray:
length = _automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetLength(iUIAutomationElementArray)
for i in range(length):
lists.append(Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementArrayGetElement(iUIAutomationElementArray, i)))
return lists
class ListItemControl(Control, SelectionItemPattern, ExpandCollapsePattern, GridItemPattern, InvokePattern, ScrollItemPattern, TogglePattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ListItemControl)
class MenuControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.MenuControl)
class MenuBarControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.MenuBarControl)
class MenuItemControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern, InvokePattern, SelectionItemPattern, TogglePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.MenuItemControl)
class PaneControl(Control, DockPattern, ScrollPattern, TransformPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.PaneControl)
class ProgressBarControl(Control, RangeValuePattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ProgressBarControl)
class RadioButtonControl(Control, SelectionItemPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.RadioButtonControl)
class ScrollBarControl(Control, RangeValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ScrollBarControl)
class SemanticZoomControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.SemanticZoomControl)
class SeparatorControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.SeparatorControl)
class SliderControl(Control, RangeValuePattern, SelectionPattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.SliderControl)
class SpinnerControl(Control, RangeValuePattern, SelectionPattern, ValuePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.SpinnerControl)
class SplitButtonControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern, InvokePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.SplitButtonControl)
class StatusBarControl(Control, GridPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.StatusBarControl)
class TabControl(Control, SelectionPattern, ScrollPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TabControl)
class TabItemControl(Control, SelectionItemPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TabItemControl)
class TableControl(Control, GridPattern, GridItemPattern, TablePattern, TableItemPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TableControl)
class TextControl(Control, GridItemPattern, TableItemPattern, TextPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TextControl)
class ThumbControl(Control, TransformPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ThumbControl)
class TitleBarControl(Control):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TitleBarControl)
class ToolBarControl(Control, DockPattern, ExpandCollapsePattern, TransformPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ToolBarControl)
class ToolTipControl(Control, TextPattern, WindowPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.ToolTipControl)
class TreeControl(Control, ScrollPattern, SelectionPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TreeControl)
class TreeItemControl(Control, ExpandCollapsePattern, InvokePattern, ScrollItemPattern, SelectionItemPattern, TogglePattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.TreeItemControl)
class WindowControl(Control, TransformPattern, WindowPattern, DockPattern):
def __init__(self, element = 0, searchFromControl = None, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict):
Control.__init__(self, element, searchFromControl, searchDepth, searchWaitTime, foundIndex, **searchPorpertyDict)
self.AddSearchProperty(ControlType = ControlType.WindowControl)
def SetTopmost(self, isTopmost = True):
return Win32API.SetWindowTopmost(self.Handle, isTopmost)
def MoveToCenter(self):
left, top, right, bottom = self.BoundingRectangle
width, height = right - left, bottom - top
screenWidth, screenHeight = Win32API.GetScreenSize()
x, y = (screenWidth-width)//2, (screenHeight-height)//2
if x < 0: x = 0
if y < 0: y = 0
return Win32API.SetWindowPos(self.Handle, SWP.HWND_TOP, x, y, 0, 0, SWP.SWP_NOSIZE)
def MetroClose(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
'''only works in Windows 8/8.1, if current window is Metro UI'''
window = WindowControl(searchDepth = 1, ClassName = METRO_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME)
if window.Exists(0, 0):
screenWidth, screenHeight = Win32API.GetScreenSize()
Win32API.MouseMoveTo(screenWidth//2, 0, waitTime = 0)
Win32API.MouseDragTo(screenWidth//2, 0, screenWidth//2, screenHeight, waitTime = waitTime)
Logger.WriteLine('Window is not Metro!', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
def SetActive(self, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
if self.CurrentWindowVisualState() == WindowVisualState.Minimized:
ret = Win32API.SetForegroundWindow(self.Handle)
if waitTime > 0:
return ret
ControlDict = {
ControlType.ButtonControl : ButtonControl,
ControlType.CalendarControl : CalendarControl,
ControlType.CheckBoxControl : CheckBoxControl,
ControlType.ComboBoxControl : ComboBoxControl,
ControlType.CustomControl : CustomControl,
ControlType.DataGridControl : DataGridControl,
ControlType.DataItemControl : DataItemControl,
ControlType.DocumentControl : DocumentControl,
ControlType.EditControl : EditControl,
ControlType.GroupControl : GroupControl,
ControlType.HeaderControl : HeaderControl,
ControlType.HeaderItemControl : HeaderItemControl,
ControlType.HyperlinkControl : HyperlinkControl,
ControlType.ImageControl : ImageControl,
ControlType.ListControl : ListControl,
ControlType.ListItemControl : ListItemControl,
ControlType.MenuBarControl : MenuBarControl,
ControlType.MenuControl : MenuControl,
ControlType.MenuItemControl : MenuItemControl,
ControlType.PaneControl : PaneControl,
ControlType.ProgressBarControl : ProgressBarControl,
ControlType.RadioButtonControl : RadioButtonControl,
ControlType.ScrollBarControl : ScrollBarControl,
ControlType.SemanticZoomControl : SemanticZoomControl,
ControlType.SeparatorControl : SeparatorControl,
ControlType.SliderControl : SliderControl,
ControlType.SpinnerControl : SpinnerControl,
ControlType.SplitButtonControl : SplitButtonControl,
ControlType.StatusBarControl : StatusBarControl,
ControlType.TabControl : TabControl,
ControlType.TabItemControl : TabItemControl,
ControlType.TableControl : TableControl,
ControlType.TextControl : TextControl,
ControlType.ThumbControl : ThumbControl,
ControlType.TitleBarControl : TitleBarControl,
ControlType.ToolBarControl : ToolBarControl,
ControlType.ToolTipControl : ToolTipControl,
ControlType.TreeControl : TreeControl,
ControlType.TreeItemControl : TreeItemControl,
ControlType.WindowControl : WindowControl,
class Logger():
LogFile = '@AutomationLog.txt'
LineSep = '\n'
ColorName2Value = {
"Black" : ConsoleColor.Black ,
"DarkBlue" : ConsoleColor.DarkBlue ,
"DarkGreen" : ConsoleColor.DarkGreen ,
"DarkCyan" : ConsoleColor.DarkCyan ,
"DarkRed" : ConsoleColor.DarkRed ,
"DarkMagenta" : ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta ,
"DarkYellow" : ConsoleColor.DarkYellow ,
"Gray" : ConsoleColor.Gray ,
"DarkGray" : ConsoleColor.DarkGray ,
"Blue" : ConsoleColor.Blue ,
"Green" : ConsoleColor.Green ,
"Cyan" : ConsoleColor.Cyan ,
"Red" : ConsoleColor.Red ,
"Magenta" : ConsoleColor.Magenta ,
"Yellow" : ConsoleColor.Yellow ,
"White" : ConsoleColor.White ,
def Write(log, consoleColor = -1, writeToFile = True, printToStdout = True):
consoleColor: value in class ConsoleColor, such as ConsoleColor.DarkGreen
if consoleColor == -1, use default color
if printToStdout:
isValidColor = (consoleColor >= ConsoleColor.Black and consoleColor <= ConsoleColor.White)
if isValidColor:
except Exception as ex:
isValidColor = True
sys.stdout.write(ex.__class__.__name__ + ': can\'t print the log!')
if log.endswith(Logger.LineSep):
if isValidColor:
if not writeToFile:
if IsPy3:
logFile = open(Logger.LogFile, 'a+', encoding = 'utf-8')
logFile = codecs.open(Logger.LogFile, 'a+', 'utf-8')
# logFile.flush() # need flush in python 3, otherwise log won't be saved
except Exception as ex:
sys.stdout.write(ex.__class__.__name__ + ': can\'t write the log!')
def WriteLine(log, consoleColor = -1, writeToFile = True, printToStdout = True):
consoleColor: value in class ConsoleColor, such as ConsoleColor.DarkGreen
if consoleColor == -1, use default color
Logger.Write(log + Logger.LineSep, consoleColor, writeToFile, printToStdout)
def ColorfulWrite(log, consoleColor = -1, writeToFile = True, printToStdout = True):
'''ColorfulWrite('Hello <Color=Green>Green</Color> !!!'), color name must in Logger.ColorName2Value'''
text = []
start = 0
while True:
index1 = log.find('<Color=', start)
if index1 >= 0:
if index1 > start:
text.append((log[start:index1], consoleColor))
index2 = log.find('>', index1)
colorName = log[index1+7:index2]
index3 = log.find('</Color>', index2 + 1)
text.append((log[index2+1:index3], Logger.ColorName2Value[colorName]))
start = index3 + 8
if start < len(log):
text.append((log[start:], consoleColor))
for t, c in text:
Logger.Write(t, c, writeToFile, printToStdout)
def ColorfulWriteLine(log, consoleColor = -1, writeToFile = True, printToStdout = True):
'''ColorfulWriteLine('Hello <Color=Green>Green</Color> !!!'), color name must in Logger.ColorName2Value'''
Logger.ColorfulWrite(log + Logger.LineSep, consoleColor, writeToFile, printToStdout)
def Log(log = '', consoleColor = -1, writeToFile = True, printToStdout = True):
consoleColor: value in class ConsoleColor, such as ConsoleColor.DarkGreen
if consoleColor == -1, use default color
t = datetime.datetime.now()
frame = sys._getframe(1)
log = '{}-{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}.{:03} Function: {}, Line: {} -> {}{}'.format(t.year, t.month, t.day,
t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond // 1000, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_lineno, log, Logger.LineSep)
Logger.Write(log, consoleColor, writeToFile, printToStdout)
def DeleteLog():
if os.path.exists(Logger.LogFile):
def SetGlobalSearchTimeOut(seconds):
def SendKey(key, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME):
Simulate typing a key
key: a value in class Keys
example: SendKey(automation.Keys.VK_F)
Win32API.SendKey(key, waitTime)
def SendKeys(keys, interval=0.01, waitTime = OPERATION_WAIT_TIME, debug=False):
Simulate typing keys on keyboard
keys: str, keys to type
interval: double, seconds between keys
debug: bool, if True, print the Keys
{Ctrl}, {Delete} ... are special keys' name in Win32API.SpecialKeyDict
SendKeys('{Ctrl}a{Delete}{Ctrl}v{Ctrl}s{Ctrl}{Shift}s{Win}e{PageDown}') #press Ctrl+a, Delete, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+Shift+s, Win+e, PageDown
SendKeys('{Ctrl}(AB)({Shift}(123))') #press Ctrl+A+B, type (, press Shift+1+2+3, type ), if () follows a hold key, hold key won't release util )
SendKeys('{Ctrl}{a 3}') #press Ctrl+a at the same time, release Ctrl+a, then type a 2 times
SendKeys('{a 3}{B 5}') #type a 3 times, type B 5 times
SendKeys('{{}你好{}}abc {a}{b}{c} test{} 3}{!}{a} (){(}{)}') #type: {你好}abc abc test}}}!a ()()
Win32API.SendKeys(keys, interval, waitTime, debug)
def WalkTree(top, getChildrenFunc = None, getFirstChildFunc = None, getNextSiblingFunc = None, includeTop = False, maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF):
walking a tree not using recursive algorithm
if getChildrenFunc is valid, ignore getFirstChildFunc and getNextSiblingFunc
if getChildrenFunc is not valid, using getFirstChildFunc and getNextSiblingFunc
yield item, current depth
def GetDirChildren(dir):
if os.path.isdir(dir):
return [os.path.join(dir, it) for it in os.listdir(dir)]
for it, depth in WalkTree('D:\\', getChildrenFunc= GetDirChildren):
print(it, depth)
depth = 0
if includeTop:
yield top, depth
if maxDepth <= 0:
if getChildrenFunc:
children = getChildrenFunc(top)
childList = [children]
while depth >= 0: #or while childList:
lastItems = childList[-1]
if lastItems:
yield lastItems[0], depth + 1
if depth + 1 < maxDepth:
children = getChildrenFunc(lastItems[0])
if children:
depth += 1
del lastItems[0]
del childList[depth]
depth -= 1
elif getFirstChildFunc and getNextSiblingFunc:
child = getFirstChildFunc(top)
childList = [child]
while depth >= 0: #or while childList:
lastItem = childList[-1]
if lastItem:
yield lastItem, depth + 1
child = getNextSiblingFunc(lastItem)
childList[depth] = child
if depth + 1 < maxDepth:
child = getFirstChildFunc(lastItem)
if child:
depth += 1
del childList[depth]
depth -= 1
def ControlsAreSame(control1, control2):
'''return 1 if control1 and control2 are the same control, otherwise return 0'''
return _automationClient.dll.CompareElements(control1.Element, control2.Element)
def GetRootControl():
global _rootControl
if not _rootControl:
_rootControl = Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.GetRootElement())
return _rootControl
def GetFocusedControl():
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.GetFocusedElement())
def GetForegroundControl():
'''return Foreground Window'''
return ControlFromHandle(Win32API.GetForegroundWindow())
#another implement
#focusedControl = GetFocusedControl()
#parentControl = focusedControl
#controlList = []
#while parentControl:
#controlList.insert(0, parentControl)
#parentControl = parentControl.GetParentControl()
#if len(controlList) == 1:
#parentControl = controlList[0]
#parentControl = controlList[1]
#return parentControl
def GetConsoleWindow():
'''return console window that runs python'''
title = Win32API.GetConsoleTitle()
consoleWindow = WindowControl(searchDepth= 1, Name = title)
if consoleWindow.Exists(0, 0):
return consoleWindow
#another implement
#MAX_PATH = 260
#wcharArray = _automationClient.dll.NewWCharArray(MAX_PATH)
#if wcharArray:
##in python Interactive Mode, ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleTitleW raise ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: <class 'TypeError'>: wrong type
##but in cmd, running a py that calls GetConsoleTitle doesn't raise any exception
##GetConsoleOriginalTitle doesn't have this issue
##why? todo
#ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleTitleW(wcharArray, MAX_PATH)
#consoleHandle = ctypes.windll.user32.FindWindowW(0, wcharArray);
#if consoleHandle:
#return ControlFromHandle(consoleHandle)
def ControlFromPoint(x, y):
'''use IUIAutomation ElementFromPoint x,y, may return 0 if mouse is over cmd's title bar icon'''
element = _automationClient.dll.ElementFromPoint(x, y)
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(element)
def ControlFromPoint2(x, y):
'''use Win32API.WindowFromPoint x,y'''
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementFromHandle(Win32API.WindowFromPoint(x, y)))
def ControlFromCursor():
x, y = Win32API.GetCursorPos()
return ControlFromPoint(x, y)
def ControlFromCursor2():
x, y = Win32API.GetCursorPos()
return ControlFromPoint2(x, y)
def ControlFromHandle(handle):
return Control.CreateControlFromElement(_automationClient.dll.ElementFromHandle(handle))
def LogControl(control, depth = 0, showAllName = True, showMore = False):
control: Control
depth: integer
showAllName: bool
showMore: bool
def getKeyName(theDict, theValue):
for key in theDict:
if theValue == theDict[key]:
return key
name = control.Name
if not showAllName and name and len(name) > 30:
name = name[:30] + '...'
indent = ' ' * depth * 4
Logger.Write('{0}ControlType: '.format(indent))
Logger.Write(control.ControlTypeName, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' ClassName: ')
Logger.Write(control.ClassName, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' AutomationId: ')
Logger.Write(control.AutomationId, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' Rect: ')
left, top, right, bottom = control.BoundingRectangle
Logger.Write(str(control.BoundingRectangle), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' Name: ')
Logger.Write(name, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' Handle: ')
handle = control.Handle
Logger.Write('0x{0:X}({0})'.format(handle), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' Depth: ')
Logger.Write(str(depth), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if ((isinstance(control, ValuePattern) and control.IsValuePatternAvailable())):
Logger.Write(' Value: ')
value = control.CurrentValue()
if IsPy3:
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if not isinstance(value, unicode):
value = unicode(value)
Logger.Write(value, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if ((isinstance(control, RangeValuePattern) and control.IsRangeValuePatternAvailable())):
Logger.Write(' RangeValue: ')
value = control.RangeValuePatternCurrentValue()
if IsPy3:
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if not isinstance(value, unicode):
value = unicode(value)
Logger.Write(value, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if isinstance(control, TogglePattern) and control.IsTogglePatternAvailable():
Logger.Write(' CurrentToggleState: ')
Logger.Write('ToggleState.' + getKeyName(ToggleState.__dict__, control.CurrentToggleState()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if isinstance(control, SelectionItemPattern) and control.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailable():
Logger.Write(' CurrentIsSelected: ')
Logger.Write(str(control.CurrentIsSelected()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if isinstance(control, ExpandCollapsePattern) and control.IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailable():
Logger.Write(' CurrentExpandCollapseState: ')
Logger.Write('ExpandCollapseState.' + getKeyName(ExpandCollapseState.__dict__, control.CurrentExpandCollapseState()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if isinstance(control, ScrollPattern) and control.IsScrollPatternAvailable():
Logger.Write(' CurrentHorizontalViewSize: ')
Logger.Write(str(control.CurrentHorizontalViewSize()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' CurrentVerticalViewSize: ')
Logger.Write(str(control.CurrentVerticalViewSize()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' CurrentHorizontalScrollPercent: ')
Logger.Write(str(control.CurrentHorizontalScrollPercent()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
Logger.Write(' CurrentVerticalScrollPercent: ')
Logger.Write(str(control.CurrentVerticalScrollPercent()), ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
if showMore:
Logger.Write(' SupportedPattern:')
for key in PatternDict:
pattern = _automationClient.dll.GetElementPattern(control.Element, key)
if pattern:
Logger.Write(' ' + PatternDict[key], ConsoleColor.DarkGreen)
def EnumControlAncestor(control, showAllName = True, showMore = False):
lists = []
while control:
lists.insert(0, control)
control = control.GetParentControl()
for (i, control) in enumerate(lists):
LogControl(control, i, showAllName, showMore)
def EnumControl(control, maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, showAllName = True, showMore = False):
control: Control
maxDepth: integer
showAllName: bool
showMore: bool
depth = 0
LogControl(control, depth, showAllName, showMore)
if maxDepth <= 0:
child = control.GetFirstChildControl()
controlList = [child]
while depth >= 0:
lastControl = controlList[-1]
if lastControl:
LogControl(lastControl, depth + 1, showAllName, showMore)
child = lastControl.GetNextSiblingControl()
controlList[depth] = child
if depth < maxDepth - 1:
child = lastControl.GetFirstChildControl()
if child:
depth += 1
del controlList[depth]
depth -= 1
def FindControl(control, compareFunc, maxDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, findFromSelf = False, foundIndex = 1):
control: Control
compareFunc: compare function, should return True or False
maxDepth: integer
findFromSelf: bool
foundIndex: integer, value must be greater or equal to 1
foundCount = 0
if not control:
control = GetRootControl()
depth = 0
if findFromSelf and compareFunc(control):
foundCount += 1
if foundCount == foundIndex:
return control
if maxDepth <= 0:
child = control.GetFirstChildControl()
controlList = [child]
while depth >= 0:
lastControl = controlList[-1]
if lastControl:
if compareFunc(lastControl):
foundCount += 1
if foundCount == foundIndex:
return lastControl
child = lastControl.GetNextSiblingControl()
controlList[depth] = child
if depth < maxDepth - 1:
child = lastControl.GetFirstChildControl()
if child:
depth += 1
del controlList[depth]
depth -= 1
def ShowDesktop():
'''show the desktop by win + d'''
#another implement
#paneTray = PaneControl(searchDepth = 1, ClassName = 'Shell_TrayWnd')
#if paneTray.Exists():
#WM_COMMAND = 0x111
#MIN_ALL = 419
#Win32API.PostMessage(paneTray.Handle, WM_COMMAND, MIN_ALL, 0)
def RunWithHotKey(keyFunctionDict, stopHotKey = None):
keyFunctionDict: hotkey, function dict, like {(automation.ModifierKey.MOD_CONTROL, automation.Keys.VK_1) : func}
bind function with hotkey, the function will be run or stopped in another thread when the hotkey was pressed
automation doesn't support multi thread, so you can't use UI Control in the function
you can call another script that uses UI Control
def main(stopEvent):
n = 0
while True:
if stopEvent.is_set(): # must check stopEvent.is_set() if you want to stop when stop hot key was pressed
n += 1
print('main exit')
print(automation.GetRootControl()) # will raise exception, can't use UI Control, todo
automation.RunHotKey({(automation.ModifierKey.MOD_CONTROL, automation.Keys.VK_1) : main}
, (automation.ModifierKey.MOD_CONTROL | automation.ModifierKey.MOD_SHIFT, automation.Keys.VK_2))
stopHotKeyId = 1
exitHotKeyId = 2
hotKeyId = 3
registed = True
def getModName(theDict, theValue):
name = ''
for key in theDict:
if isinstance(theDict[key], int) and theValue & theDict[key]:
if name:
name += '|'
name += key
return name
def getKeyName(theDict, theValue):
for key in theDict:
if theValue == theDict[key]:
return key
id2HotKey = {}
id2Function = {}
id2Thread = {}
id2Name = {}
for hotkey in keyFunctionDict:
id2HotKey[hotKeyId] = hotkey
id2Function[hotKeyId] = keyFunctionDict[hotkey]
id2Thread[hotKeyId] = None
modName = getModName(ModifierKey.__dict__, hotkey[0])
keyName = getKeyName(Keys.__dict__, hotkey[1])
id2Name[hotKeyId] = str((modName, keyName))
if ctypes.windll.user32.RegisterHotKey(0, hotKeyId, hotkey[0], hotkey[1]):
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register hotKey <Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color> succeed'.format((modName, keyName)), writeToFile = False)
registed = False
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register hotKey <Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color> failed, maybe it was allready registered by another program'.format((modName, keyName)), writeToFile = False)
hotKeyId += 1
if stopHotKey and len(stopHotKey) == 2:
modName = getModName(ModifierKey.__dict__, stopHotKey[0])
keyName = getKeyName(Keys.__dict__, stopHotKey[1])
if ctypes.windll.user32.RegisterHotKey(0, stopHotKeyId, stopHotKey[0], stopHotKey[1]):
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register stop hotKey <Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color> succeed'.format((modName, keyName)), writeToFile = False)
registed = False
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register stop hotKey <Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color> failed, maybe it was allready registered by another program'.format((modName, keyName)), writeToFile = False)
if not registed:
if ctypes.windll.user32.RegisterHotKey(0, exitHotKeyId, ModifierKey.MOD_CONTROL, Keys.VK_D):
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register <Color=DarkGreen>Ctrl+D</Color> succeed, for exiting current script', writeToFile = False)
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('Register <Color=DarkGreen>Ctrl+D</Color> failed', writeToFile = False)
cmdWindow = GetConsoleWindow()
from threading import Thread, Event
funcThread = None
stopEvent = Event()
msg = MSG()
def threadFunc(function, stopEvent):
while ctypes.windll.user32.GetMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg), 0, 0, 0) != 0:
if msg.message == 0x0312: # WM_HOTKEY=0x0312
if msg.wParam in id2HotKey:
if msg.lParam&0x0000FFFF == id2HotKey[msg.wParam][0] and msg.lParam>>16&0x0000FFFF == id2HotKey[msg.wParam][1]:
Logger.ColorfulWriteLine('----------hotkey <Color=DarkGreen>{}</Color> pressed----------'.format(id2Name[msg.wParam]), writeToFile = False)
if not id2Thread[msg.wParam]:
funcThread=Thread(None, threadFunc, args = (id2Function[msg.wParam], stopEvent))
id2Thread[msg.wParam] = funcThread
if not id2Thread[msg.wParam].isAlive():
funcThread=Thread(None, threadFunc, args = (id2Function[msg.wParam], stopEvent))
id2Thread[msg.wParam] = funcThread
Logger.WriteLine('There is a thread that had already run for hotkey {}'.format(id2Name[msg.wParam]), ConsoleColor.Yellow, writeToFile = False)
elif stopHotKeyId == msg.wParam:
if msg.lParam&0x0000FFFF == stopHotKey[0] and msg.lParam>>16&0x0000FFFF == stopHotKey[1]:
Logger.WriteLine('----------stop hotkey pressed----------', writeToFile = False)
for id in id2Thread:
id2Thread[id] = None
elif exitHotKeyId == msg.wParam:
if msg.lParam&0x0000FFFF == ModifierKey.MOD_CONTROL and msg.lParam>>16&0x0000FFFF == Keys.VK_D:
if ControlsAreSame(GetForegroundControl(), cmdWindow):
Logger.WriteLine('Ctrl+D pressed. Exit', ConsoleColor.Yellow, False)
def usage():
<Color=Cyan>-h</Color> show command <Color=Cyan>help</Color>
<Color=Cyan>-t</Color> delay <Color=Cyan>time</Color>, default 3 seconds, begin to enumerate after Value seconds, this must be an integer
you can delay a few seconds and make a window active so automation can enumerate the active window
<Color=Cyan>-d</Color> enumerate tree <Color=Cyan>depth</Color>, this must be an integer, if it is null, enumerate the whole tree
<Color=Cyan>-r</Color> enumerate from <Color=Cyan>root</Color>:desktop window, if it is null, enumerate from foreground window
<Color=Cyan>-f</Color> enumerate from <Color=Cyan>focused</Color> control, if it is null, enumerate from foreground window
<Color=Cyan>-c</Color> enumerate the control under <Color=Cyan>cursor</Color>, if depth is < 0, enumerate from its ancestor up to depth
<Color=Cyan>-a</Color> show <Color=Cyan>ancestors</Color> of the control under cursor
<Color=Cyan>-n</Color> show control full <Color=Cyan>name</Color>
<Color=Cyan>-m</Color> show <Color=Cyan>more</Color> properties
if <Color=Red>UnicodeError</Color> or <Color=Red>LookupError</Color> occurred when printing,
try to change the active code page of console window by using <Color=Cyan>chcp</Color> or see the log file <Color=Cyan>@AutomationLog.txt</Color>
chcp, get current active code page
chcp 936, set active code page to gbk
chcp 65001, set active code page to utf-8
automation.py -t3
automation.py -t3 -r -d1 -m -n
automation.py -c -t3
''', writeToFile = False)
def main():
#if not IsPy3 and sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'ascii':
import getopt
Logger.Write('Python {}.{}.{}, {}\n'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro, sys.argv))
options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hrfcamnd:t:',
['help', 'root', 'focus', 'cursor', 'ancestor', 'showMore', 'showAllName', 'depth=', 'time='])
root = False
focus = False
cursor = False
ancestor = False
showAllName = False
showMore = False
depth = 0xFFFFFFFF
seconds = 3
for (o, v) in options:
if o in ('-h', '-help'):
elif o in ('-r', '-root'):
root = True
elif o in ('-f', '-focus'):
focus = True
elif o in ('-c', '-cursor'):
cursor = True
elif o in ('-a', '-ancestor'):
ancestor = True
elif o in ('-n', '-showAllName'):
showAllName = True
elif o in ('-m', '-showMore'):
showMore = True
elif o in ('-d', '-depth'):
depth = int(v)
elif o in ('-t', '-time'):
seconds = int(v)
if seconds > 0:
Logger.Write('please wait for {0} seconds\n\n'.format(seconds), writeToFile = False)
Logger.Log('Starts, Current Cursor Position: {}'.format(Win32API.GetCursorPos()))
control = None
if root:
control = GetRootControl()
if focus:
control = GetFocusedControl()
if cursor:
control = ControlFromCursor()
while depth < 0:
control = control.GetParentControl()
depth += 1
depth = 0xFFFFFFFF
if ancestor:
control = ControlFromCursor()
if control:
EnumControlAncestor(control, showAllName, showMore)
Logger.Write('IUIAutomation return null element under cursor\n', ConsoleColor.Yellow)
if not control:
control = GetFocusedControl()
controlList = []
while control:
controlList.insert(0, control)
control = control.GetParentControl()
if len(controlList) == 1:
control = controlList[0]
control = controlList[1]
EnumControl(control, depth, showAllName, showMore)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# control = GetForegroundControl()
# del control
# If use control object in global area, must del the control when not use it, otherwise it may throw an exception.
# The exception is ctypes was None when control's __del__ was called!
# It seems that the module ctypes was deleted before control's __del__ was called.
# _automationClient and control are all global object, _automationClient may be deleted before control,
# but control's __del__ uses _automationClient's member.
# You'd better not use control object in global area.
# https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html
# Warning
# Due to the precarious circumstances under which __del__() methods are invoked,
# exceptions that occur during their execution are ignored,
# and a warning is printed to sys.stderr instead.
# Also, when __del__() is invoked in response to a module being deleted(e.g., when execution of the program is done),
# other globals referenced by the __del__() method may already have been deleted
# or in the process of being torn down (e.g. the import machinery shutting down).
# For this reason, __del__() methods should do the absolute minimum needed to maintain external invariants.
# Starting with version 1.5, Python guarantees that globals whose name begins
# with a single underscore are deleted from their module before other globals are deleted;
# if no other references to such globals exist,
# this may help in assuring that imported modules are
# still available at the time when the __del__() method is called.
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