同步操作将从 libaineu2004/QtSwissArmyKnife 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt
#installation (e.g. <QT_DIR\bin>) to the PATH variable and then run:
# windeployqt <path-to-app-binary>
#If ICU, ANGLE, etc. are not in the bin directory, they need to be in the PATH
#variable. If your application uses Qt Quick, run:
# windeployqt --qmldir <path-to-app-qml-files> <path-to-app-binary>
# -?, -h, --help Displays this help.
# -v, --version Displays version information.
# --dir <directory> Use directory instead of binary directory.
# --libdir <path> Copy libraries to path.
# --plugindir <path> Copy plugins to path.
# --debug Assume debug binaries.
# --release Assume release binaries.
# --pdb Deploy .pdb files (MSVC).
# --force Force updating files.
# --dry-run Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do not
# copy/update any files.
# --no-patchqt Do not patch the Qt5Core library.
# --no-plugins Skip plugin deployment.
# --no-libraries Skip library deployment.
# --qmldir <directory> Scan for QML-imports starting from directory.
# --no-quick-import Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports.
# --no-translations Skip deployment of translations.
# --no-system-d3d-compiler Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler.
# --compiler-runtime Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
# --no-compiler-runtime Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
# --webkit2 Deployment of WebKit2 (web process).
# --no-webkit2 Skip deployment of WebKit2.
# --json Print to stdout in JSON format.
# --angle Force deployment of ANGLE.
# --no-angle Disable deployment of ANGLE.
# --no-opengl-sw Do not deploy the software rasterizer library.
# --list <option> Print only the names of the files copied.
# Available options:
# source: absolute path of the source files
# target: absolute path of the target files
# relative: paths of the target files, relative
# to the target directory
# mapping: outputs the source and the relative
# target, suitable for use within an
# Appx mapping file
# --verbose <level> Verbose level (0-2).
# The file was create by Qter([email protected]) on September 30, 2019.
# History:
# 20190930 Creating the file.
contains(CONFIG, static){
# Static compilation does not require deployment
# Windows platform(only for x86 architecture)
win32 {
DEPLOY_TOOL = $${dirname(QMAKE_QMAKE)}/windeployqt.exe
DEPLOY_TOOL = $$replace(DEPLOY_TOOL, /, \\)
contains(CONFIG, debug, debug|release){
DEPLOY_TARGET = $${OUT_PWD}/debug/$${TARGET}.exe
DEPLOY_TARGET = $${OUT_PWD}/release/$${TARGET}.exe
msvc {
QMAKE_POST_LINK+=$${DEPLOY_TOOL} $${DEPLOY_TARGET} --force --no-translations $$escape_expand(\\n)
QMAKE_POST_LINK+='$$escape_expand("\\n\\t") $${DEPLOY_TOOL} $${DEPLOY_TARGET} --force --no-translations $$escape_expand("\\n\\t")'
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。