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Base62x.class.js 17.64 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* -Base62x in -JavaScript
* Wadelau@{ufqi,hotmail}.com
* Refers to
-GitHub-Wadelau , base62x.c
* v0.8, 21:49 12 February 2017
* v0.9, imprvs with decode, Mon Mar 11 02:09:55 GMT 2019
* v1.0, bugfix for number conversion with base 60+, Sun Apr 7 02:22:24 BST 2019
'use strict';
//- Assume We Are in Charset of UTF-8 Runtime.
class Base62x {
//- constructor
//- @todo, refer, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes
this.isdebug = true;
this.i = Math.ceil(Math.random()*100000); // Base62x.genRand(); // static method
this.codetype = 0;
//- variables
//var isdebug = true; // properties unsupported till now, 21:19 13 February 2017
//- methods, public
//- encode, statically
static encode(input, ibase){
var rtn = undefined;
if(typeof input == 'undefined' || input == ''){
return rtn;
var codetype = 0;
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var b62x = this.get('b62x');
var asclist = this.get('asclist');
var ascrlist = this.get('ascrlist');
var bpos = this.get('bpos');
var xpos = this.get('xpos');
var ascidx = this.get('ascidx');
var ascmax = this.get('ascmax');
//var max_safe_base = this.get('max_safe_base');
//console.log('static encode: xtag:['+xtag+'] input:['+input+']');
var rb62x = this.fillRb62x(b62x, bpos, xpos);
var isnum = false;
if(ibase > 0){ isnum = true; }
rtn = 0;
var num_input = this.xx2dec(input, ibase, rb62x);
var obase = xpos;
rtn = this.dec2xx(num_input, obase, b62x);
// string
var inputArr = this.toUTF8Array(input); // this.str2ab(input); //input.split(''); // need '' as parameter
var inputlen = inputArr.length;
var setResult = this.setAscii(codetype, inputArr, ascidx, ascmax, asclist, ascrlist);
var asctype = setResult['asctype'];
ascidx = setResult['ascidx'];
ascrlist = setResult['ascrlist'];
var op = [];
var i = 0; var m = 0;
if(asctype == 1){ // ascii
var ixtag = xtag.charCodeAt();
if(ascidx[inputArr[i]] != -1){ // why != here?
op[m] = xtag;
op[++m] = ascidx[inputArr[i]];
else if(inputArr[i] == ixtag){
op[m] = xtag;
op[++m] = xtag;
op[m] = String.fromCharCode(inputArr[i]);
while(++i < inputlen);
op[++m] = xtag; // append x as a tag
else{ //- non-ascii
var c0=0; var c1=0; var c2=0; var c3=0; var remaini=0;
remaini = inputlen - i;
if(remaini > 2){
c0 = inputArr[i] >> 2;
c1 = (((inputArr[i] << 6) & 0xff) >> 2) | (inputArr[i+1] >> 4);
c2 = (((inputArr[i+1] << 4) & 0xff) >> 2) | (inputArr[i+2] >> 6);
c3 = ((inputArr[i+2] << 2) & 0xff) >> 2;
if(c0 > bpos){ op[m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c0]; }
else{ op[m] = b62x[c0]; }
if(c1 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c1]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c1];}
if(c2 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c2]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c2];}
if(c3 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c3]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c3];}
i += 2;
else if(remaini == 2){
c0 = inputArr[i] >> 2;
c1 = (((inputArr[i] << 6) & 0xff) >> 2) | (inputArr[i+1] >> 4);
c2 = ((inputArr[i+1] << 4) & 0xff) >> 4;
if(c0 > bpos){ op[m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c0]; }
else{ op[m] = b62x[c0]; }
if(c1 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c1]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c1];}
if(c2 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c2]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c2];}
i += 1;
else{ // ==1
c0 = inputArr[i] >> 2;
c1 = ((inputArr[i] << 6) & 0xff) >> 6;
if(c0 > bpos){ op[m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c0]; }
else{ op[m] = b62x[c0]; }
if(c1 > bpos){ op[++m] = xtag; op[++m] = b62x[c1]; }
else{ op[++m] = b62x[c1];}
while(++i < inputlen);
//console.log('static enc: op:['+op+'] asctype:['+asctype+'] inputArr:['+inputArr+']');
rtn = op.join('');
return rtn;
//- decode, statically
static decode(input, obase){
var rtn = undefined;
if(typeof input == 'undefined' || input == ''){
return rtn;
var codetype = 1;
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var b62x = this.get('b62x');
var asclist = this.get('asclist');
var ascrlist = this.get('ascrlist');
var bpos = this.get('bpos');
var xpos = this.get('xpos');
var ascidx = this.get('ascidx');
var ascmax = this.get('ascmax');
//var max_safe_base = this.get('max_safe_base');
//console.log('static decode: xtag:['+xtag+'] input:['+input+']');
var rb62x = this.fillRb62x(b62x, bpos, xpos);
var isnum = false;
if(obase > 0){ isnum = true; }
rtn = 0;
var ibase = xpos;
var num_input = this.xx2dec(input, ibase, rb62x);
rtn = this.dec2xx(num_input, obase, b62x);
// why a medille num_input is needed? for double check?
// string
var inputArr = this.toUTF8Array(input); // this.str2ab(input); //input.split(''); // need '' as parameter
var inputlen = inputArr.length;
var setResult = this.setAscii(codetype, inputArr, ascidx, ascmax, asclist, ascrlist);
var asctype = setResult['asctype'];
ascidx = setResult['ascidx'];
ascrlist = setResult['ascrlist'];
var op = [];
var i = 0; var m = 0; var ixtag = xtag.charCodeAt();
if(asctype == 1){ // ascii
inputlen--; // pop the last one as 'x'
var tmpc = '';
if(inputArr[i] == ixtag){
if(inputArr[i+1] == ixtag){
op[m] = xtag; i++;
tmpc = String.fromCharCode(inputArr[++i]);
op[m] = String.fromCharCode(ascrlist[tmpc]);
op[m] = String.fromCharCode(inputArr[i]);
while(++i < inputlen);
rtn = op.join('');
else{ // non-ascii
var tmpArr = []; var tmprtn = {};
var bint = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3};
var remaini = 0;
var rki = 0; var j = 0;
for(var rk in rb62x){ // for char and its ascii value as key
rki = rk.charCodeAt();
rb62x[rki] = rb62x[rk];
for(var rk in bint){ // for char and its ascii value as key
rki = rk.charCodeAt();
bint[rki] = bint[rk];
tmpArr = [];
remaini = inputlen - i;
if(remaini > 1){
j = 0;
if(inputArr[i] == ixtag){
tmpArr[j] = bpos + bint[inputArr[i]];
tmpArr[j] = rb62x[inputArr[i]];
i++; j++;
while(j < 4 && i < inputlen);
tmprtn = this.decodeByLength(tmpArr, op, m);
op = tmprtn[0];
m = tmprtn[1]; //- deprecated.
console.log('static decode: illegal base62x input:['+inputArr[i]+']. 1702122106.');
while(i < inputlen);
//console.log('static dec: op:['+op+'] asctype:['+asctype+'] inputArr:['+inputArr+'] tmpstr:['+tmpstr+']');
rtn = this.toUTF16Array(op).join(''); //String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(op));
return rtn;
//- encode with instanceof
encode(input, ibase){
var rtn = undefined;
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
//console.log('encode: isdebug:['+this.constructor.isdebug+']'); // unsupported, cannot be called inside class
//console.log('encode: s:['+input+'] xtag:['+xtag+']');
rtn = Base62x.encode(input, ibase);
return rtn;
//- decode with instanceof
decode (input, obase){
var rtn = undefined;
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
//console.log('decode: s:['+input+'] xtag:['+xtag+']');
rtn = Base62x.decode(input, obase);
return rtn;
//- methods, private
static get(k){
var ret = undefined;
//- constant config
this.config = {
'isdebug': true,
'codetype': 0,
'xtag': 'x',
'encd': '-enc',
'decd': '-dec',
'debg': 'v',
'cvtn': '-n',
'b62x': ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
'bpos': 60,
'xpos': 64,
'rb62x': [],
'ascmax': 127,
'asclist': ['4','5','6','7','8','9', '0',
'ascidx': [],
'ascrlist': [],
'max_safe_base': 36,
'ver': 1.0,
'base59': 59,
var gotV = false;
//- runtime
if(typeof this.configx != 'undefined'){
ret = this.configx[k];
gotV = true;
//- constant
ret = this.config[k];
gotV = true;
//console.log('get: k:'+k+', v:['+ret+']');
return ret;
static set(k, v){
var rtn = undefined;
if(typeof this.configx == 'undefined'){
this.configx = {};
if(typeof v == 'string'){
this.configx[k] = v;
this.configx[k] = v;
return rtn;
static fillRb62x(b62x, bpos, xpos){
var rb62x = {};
for(var i=0; i<=xpos; i++){
if(i > bpos && i < xpos){
//omit x1, x2, x3
rb62x[b62x[i]] = i;
//console.log('static fillRb62x:['+JSON.stringify(rb62x)+'] b62x:['+b62x+'] bpos:['+bpos+'] xpos:['+xpos+']');
return rb62x;
static setAscii(codetype, inputArr, ascidx, ascmax, asclist, ascrlist){
var rtn = {};
var asctype = 0;
var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var ixtag = xtag.charCodeAt();
var inputlen = inputArr.length;
if(codetype == 0 && inputArr[0] <= ascmax){
asctype = 1;
var tmpi = 0;
for(var i=1; i<inputlen; i++){
//tmpi = inputArr[i].charCodeAt();
tmpi = inputArr[i];
if(tmpi > ascmax
|| (tmpi > 16 && tmpi < 21) //DC1-4
|| (tmpi > 27 && tmpi < 32)){ //FC, GS, RS, US
asctype = 0;
else if(codetype == 1 && inputArr[inputlen-1] == ixtag){
asctype = 1;
rtn['asctype'] = asctype;
if(asctype == 1){
for(var i=0; i<ascmax; i++){ ascidx[i] = -1; }
var idxi = 0;
var bgnArr = [0, 21, 32, 58, 91, 123];
var endArr = [17, 28, 48, 65, 97, ascmax+1];
for(var k in bgnArr){
var v1 = bgnArr[k];
var v2 = endArr[k];
for(var i=v1; i<v2; i++){
ascidx[i] = asclist[idxi];
ascrlist[asclist[idxi]] = i;
rtn['ascidx'] = ascidx;
rtn['ascrlist'] = ascrlist;
//console.log('static setAscii: rtn:['+JSON.stringify(rtn)+'] inputArr:['+inputArr+']');
return rtn;
static xx2dec(input, ibase, rb62x){
var rtn = 0;
var obase = 10; var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var bpos = this.get('bpos'); var max_safe_base = this.get('max_safe_base');
var xpos = this.get('xpos'); var base59 = this.get('base59');
if(ibase < 2 || ibase > xpos){
console.log('static xx2dec: illegal ibase:['+ibase+']');
else if(ibase <= max_safe_base){
rtn = parseInt(input+'', ibase|0).toString(obase|0); //http://locutus.io/php/math/base_convert/
var isBase62x = false;
if(ibase > base59 && ibase < xpos){
rb62x['x'] = 59; rb62x['y'] = 60; rb62x['z'] = 61;
else if(ibase == xpos){ isBase62x = true; }
var iArr = input.split('');
var aLen = iArr.length;
var xnum = 0; var tmpi = 0;
for(var i=0; i<aLen; i++){
if(isBase62x && iArr[i+1] == xtag){
tmpi = bpos + rb62x[iArr[i]];
tmpi = rb62x[iArr[i]];
rtn += tmpi * Math.pow(ibase, (i-xnum));
//- oversize check
//- @todo
//console.log('static xx2dec: in:['+input+'] ibase:['+ibase+'] rtn:['+rtn+'] in 10.');
return rtn;
static dec2xx(num_input, obase, b62x){
var rtn = 0;
var ibase = 10; var xtag = this.get('xtag');
var bpos = this.get('bpos'); var max_safe_base = this.get('max_safe_base');
var xpos = this.get('xpos'); var num_input_orig = num_input;
var base59 = this.get('base59');
if(obase < 2 || obase > xpos){
console.log('static xx2dec: illegal ibase:['+ibase+']');
else if(obase <= max_safe_base){
rtn = parseInt(num_input+'', ibase|0).toString(obase|0);
var isBase62x = false;
if(obase > base59 && obase < xpos){
b62x[59] = 'x'; b62x[60] = 'y'; b62x[61] = 'z';
else if(obase == xpos){
isBase62x = true;
var maxPos = bpos;
if(!isBase62x){ maxPos = bpos + 1; }
var i = 0; var b = 0;
var oArr = [];
while(num_input >= obase){
b = num_input % obase;
num_input = Math.floor(num_input/obase);
if(b <= maxPos){
oArr[i++] = b62x[b];
oArr[i++] = b62x[b-bpos];
oArr[i++] = xtag;
b = num_input;
if(b <= maxPos){
oArr[i++] = b62x[b];
oArr[i++] = b62x[b-bpos];
oArr[i++] = xtag;
rtn = oArr.join('');
//console.log('static dec2xx: in:['+num_input_orig+'] in 10, obase:['+obase+'] rtn:['+rtn+'].');
return rtn;
return Base62x.get(k);
set(k, v){
return Base62x.set(k, v);
static decodeByLength(tmpArr, op, m){
var rtn = {};
var c0=0; var c1=0; var c2=0;
if(typeof tmpArr[3] != 'undefined'){
c0 = tmpArr[0] << 2 | tmpArr[1] >> 4;
c1 = ((tmpArr[1] << 4) & 0xf0) | (tmpArr[2] >> 2);
c2 = ((tmpArr[2] << 6) & 0xff) | tmpArr[3];
op[m] = c0;
op[++m] = c1;
op[++m] = c2;
else if(typeof tmpArr[2] != 'undefined'){
c0 = tmpArr[0] << 2 | tmpArr[1] >> 4;
c1 = ((tmpArr[1] << 4) & 0xf0) | tmpArr[2];
op[m] = c0;
op[++m] = c1;
else if(typeof tmpArr[1] != 'undefined'){
c0 = tmpArr[0] << 2 | tmpArr[1];
op[m] = c0;
c0 = tmpArr[0];
op[m] = c0; //String.fromCharCode(c0);
//console.log('static decodeByLength: tmpArr:['+tmpArr+'] op:['+op+'] m:['+m+']');
rtn = {0:op, 1:m};
return rtn;
static toUTF8Array(utf16Str) { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18729405/how-to-convert-utf8-string-to-byte-array
var utf8 = []; var str = utf16Str;
for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) {
var charcode = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (charcode < 0x80){ utf8.push(charcode); } // one byte
else if (charcode < 0x800) { // two bytes
utf8.push(0xc0 | (charcode >> 6),
0x80 | (charcode & 0x3f));
else if (charcode < 0xd800 || charcode >= 0xe000) { // three bytes
utf8.push(0xe0 | (charcode >> 12),
0x80 | ((charcode>>6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (charcode & 0x3f));
else { // surrogate pair, four bytes
// UTF-16 encodes 0x10000-0x10FFFF by
// subtracting 0x10000 and splitting the
// 20 bits of 0x0-0xFFFFF into two halves
charcode = 0x10000 + (((charcode & 0x3ff)<<10)
| (str.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3ff));
utf8.push(0xf0 | (charcode >>18),
0x80 | ((charcode>>12) & 0x3f),
0x80 | ((charcode>>6) & 0x3f),
0x80 | (charcode & 0x3f));
return utf8;
static toUTF16Array(utf8Bytes){ //https://terenceyim.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/javascript-utf-8-codec-that-supports-supplementary-code-points/
var bytes = utf8Bytes;
var len = bytes.length;
var result = [];
var code, i, j; j=0;
for(i = 0; i<len; i++){
if(bytes[i] <= 0x7f){ // one byte
result[j++] = String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
else if(bytes[i] >= 0xc0){ // Mutlibytes
if(bytes[i] < 0xe0){ // two bytes
code = ((bytes[i++] & 0x1f) << 6) |
(bytes[i] & 0x3f);
else if(bytes[i] < 0xf0){ // three bytes
code = ((bytes[i++] & 0x0f) << 12) |
((bytes[i++] & 0x3f) << 6) |
(bytes[i] & 0x3f);
else{ // four bytes
// turned into two characters in JS as surrogate pair
code = (((bytes[i++] & 0x07) << 18) |
((bytes[i++] & 0x3f) << 12) |
((bytes[i++] & 0x3f) << 6) |
(bytes[i] & 0x3f)) - 0x10000;
// High surrogate
result[j++] = String.fromCharCode(((code & 0xffc00) >>> 10) + 0xd800);
// Low surrogate
code = (code & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00;
result[j++] = String.fromCharCode(code);
else{ // Otherwise it's an invalid UTF-8, skipped
console.log('static toUTF16Array: illegal utf8 found. 1702132109.');
return result;
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:xenxin/Base62x.git
