// Copyright © 2018 Nik Unger
// This file is part of The PBC Go Wrapper.
// The PBC Go Wrapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// The PBC Go Wrapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with The PBC Go Wrapper. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// The PBC Go Wrapper makes use of The PBC library. The PBC Library and its use
// are covered under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
package pbc
import (
func testPairing(t *testing.T) *Pairing {
// Generated with pbc_param_init_a_gen(p, 10, 32);
pairing, err := NewPairingFromString("type a\nq 4025338979\nh 6279780\nr 641\nexp2 9\nexp1 7\nsign1 1\nsign0 1\n")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not instantiate test pairing")
return pairing
func logElement(e *Element, name string, t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("%s = %s\n", name, e)
// Boneh-Lynn-Shacham short signatures.
// Based on pbc/example/bls.c (C author: Ben Lynn).
func TestBLS(t *testing.T) {
pairing := testPairing(t)
g := pairing.NewG2()
publicKey := pairing.NewG2()
h := pairing.NewG1()
sig := pairing.NewG1()
temp1 := pairing.NewGT()
temp2 := pairing.NewGT()
secretKey := pairing.NewZr()
// Generate system parameters
logElement(g, "g", t)
// Generate private key
logElement(secretKey, "secret key", t)
// Compute corresponding public key
publicKey.PowZn(g, secretKey)
logElement(publicKey, "public key", t)
// Generate element from a hash
// For toy pairings, should check that pairing(g, h) != 1
logElement(h, "message hash", t)
// h^secret_key is the signature
// In real life: only output the first coordinate
sig.PowZn(h, secretKey)
logElement(sig, "signature", t)
sigBefore := sig.NewFieldElement().Set(sig)
data := sig.CompressedBytes()
logElement(sig, "decompressed signature", t)
if !sig.Equals(sigBefore) {
t.Fatal("decompressed signature does not match")
// Verification part 1
temp1.Pair(sig, g)
logElement(temp1, "f(sig,g)", t)
// Verification part 2
// Should match above
temp2.Pair(h, publicKey)
logElement(temp2, "f(hash,pubkey)", t)
if !temp1.Equals(temp2) {
t.Fatal("signature does not verify")
data := sig.XBytes()
temp1.Pair(sig, g)
if temp1.Equals(temp2) {
t.Log("signature verified on first try")
} else {
if temp1.Equals(temp2) {
t.Log("signature verified on second try")
} else {
t.Fatal("signature does not verify")
// A random signature shouldn't verify
temp1.Pair(sig, g)
if temp1.Equals(temp2) {
t.Fatal("random signature verifies")
// Hess ID-based signatures.
// Based on pbc/example/hess.c (C author: Dmitry Kosolapov).
// Based on paper "F. Hess. Efficient Identity Based Signature Schemes Based on
// Pairings. SAC 2002, LNCS 2595, Springer-Verlag, 2000"
func TestHess(t *testing.T) {
pairing := testPairing(t)
p := pairing.NewG1()
p1 := pairing.NewG1()
qid := pairing.NewG1()
did := pairing.NewG1()
ppub := pairing.NewG1()
t4 := pairing.NewG1()
t5 := pairing.NewG1()
u := pairing.NewG1()
s := pairing.NewZr()
k := pairing.NewZr()
v := pairing.NewZr()
t8 := pairing.NewZr()
r := pairing.NewGT()
t1 := pairing.NewGT()
t6 := pairing.NewGT()
t7 := pairing.NewGT()
// h is defined as sha256(m || r) where r is interpreted as bytes
h := func(target *Element, message []byte, element *Element) {
hash := sha256.New()
i := &big.Int{}
// Key generation
ppub.MulZn(p, s)
did.MulZn(qid, s)
logElement(qid, "Qid", t)
logElement(p, "P", t)
logElement(ppub, "Ppub", t)
// Sign
t1.Pair(p1, p)
r.PowZn(t1, k)
h(v, []byte("Message"), r)
t4.MulZn(did, v)
t5.MulZn(p1, k)
u.Add(t4, t5)
logElement(u, "u", t)
logElement(v, "v", t)
// Verify
t6.Pair(u, p)
t7.Pair(qid, ppub)
t7.PowZn(t7, v)
r.Mul(t6, t7)
h(t8, []byte("Message"), r)
logElement(t8, "h3(m,r)", t)
if !t8.Equals(v) {
t.Fatal("signature does not verify")
// Joux one-round protocol for tripartite Diffie-Hellman.
// Based on pbc/example/joux.c (C author: Dmitry Kosolapov).
// Based on paper "A. Joux. A One Round Protocol for Tripartie Diffie-Hellman.
// Proceedings of ANTS 4. LNCS 1838, pp. 385-394, 2000."
func TestJoux(t *testing.T) {
pairing := testPairing(t)
p := pairing.NewG1()
t1 := pairing.NewG1()
t2 := pairing.NewG1()
t3 := pairing.NewG1()
a := pairing.NewZr()
b := pairing.NewZr()
c := pairing.NewZr()
t4 := pairing.NewGT()
t5 := pairing.NewGT()
t6 := pairing.NewGT()
ka := pairing.NewGT()
kb := pairing.NewGT()
kc := pairing.NewGT()
t1.MulZn(p, a)
logElement(t1, "aP", t)
t2.MulZn(p, b)
logElement(t2, "bP", t)
t3.MulZn(p, c)
logElement(t3, "cP", t)
t4.Pair(t2, t3)
ka.PowZn(t4, a)
logElement(ka, "Ka", t)
t5.Pair(t1, t3)
kb.PowZn(t5, b)
logElement(kb, "Kb", t)
t6.Pair(t1, t2)
kc.PowZn(t6, c)
logElement(kc, "Kc", t)
if !ka.Equals(kb) || !kb.Equals(kc) {
t.Fatal("shared key derivation failed")
// Paterson ID-based signature.
// Based on pbc/example/paterson.c (C author: Dmitry Kosolapov).
// Based on paper "K. G. Paterson. ID-Based Signatures from Pairings on
// Elliptic Curves. Electron. Lett., Vol. 38". Available at
// http://eprint.iacr.org/2002/004."
func TestPaterson(t *testing.T) {
pairing := testPairing(t)
p := pairing.NewG1()
ppub := pairing.NewG1()
qid := pairing.NewG1()
did := pairing.NewG1()
r := pairing.NewG1()
s1 := pairing.NewG1()
t2 := pairing.NewG1()
t4 := pairing.NewG1()
t5 := pairing.NewG1()
t7 := pairing.NewG1()
s2 := pairing.NewZr()
k := pairing.NewZr()
t1 := pairing.NewZr()
t3 := pairing.NewZr()
t6 := pairing.NewGT()
t8 := pairing.NewGT()
t9 := pairing.NewGT()
t10 := pairing.NewGT()
t11 := pairing.NewGT()
// Key generation
ppub.MulZn(p, s2)
logElement(p, "P", t)
logElement(ppub, "Ppub", t)
logElement(qid, "Qid", t)
did.MulZn(qid, s2)
// Sign
r.MulZn(p, k)
t2.MulZn(p, t1)
h := sha256.Sum256(r.Bytes())
t4.MulZn(did, t3)
t5.Add(t4, t2)
s1.MulZn(t5, k)
logElement(r, "R", t)
logElement(s1, "S", t)
// Verify
t7.MulZn(p, t1)
t6.Pair(p, t7)
t8.Pair(ppub, qid)
h = sha256.Sum256(r.Bytes())
t9.PowZn(t8, t3)
logElement(t8, "t8", t)
logElement(t9, "t9", t)
t10.Mul(t6, t9)
logElement(t10, "[e(P, P)^H2(M)][e(Ppub, Qid)^H3(R)]", t)
t11.Pair(r, s1)
logElement(t11, "e(R, S)", t)
if !t10.Equals(t11) {
t.Fatal("signature does not verify")
// Yuan-Li protocol ID-based AKE.
// Based on pbc/example/yuanli.c (C author: Dmitry Kosolapov).
// Based on paper "A New Efficient ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement
// Protocol, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2005/309"
func TestYuanLi(t *testing.T) {
// This protocol has 2 stages: Setup and Extract. We represent them inside
// one code block.
pairing := testPairing(t)
s := pairing.NewZr()
a := pairing.NewZr()
b := pairing.NewZr()
p := pairing.NewG1()
ppub := pairing.NewG1()
qa := pairing.NewG1()
qb := pairing.NewG1()
sa := pairing.NewG1()
sb := pairing.NewG1()
ta := pairing.NewG1()
tb := pairing.NewG1()
temp1 := pairing.NewG1()
temp2 := pairing.NewG1()
temp3 := pairing.NewG1()
h := pairing.NewG1()
kab := pairing.NewGT()
kba := pairing.NewGT()
k := pairing.NewGT()
temp4 := pairing.NewGT()
temp5 := pairing.NewGT()
// KGS chooses G1, G2, e: G1*G1 -> G2, P, H: {0, 1}* -> G1, s,
// H - some function for key calculation.
// KGS calculates Ppub = s*P, publishes {G1, G2, e, P, Ppub, H1, H} and
// saves s as master key.
logElement(p, "P", t)
ppub.MulZn(p, s)
logElement(ppub, "Ppub", t)
// For the user with ID public key can be calculated with Qid = H1(ID).
// KGS generates bound public key Sid = s*Qid.
// 1. A chooses random a from Z_p*, calculates Ta = a*P.
// A -> B: Ta
// 2. B chooses random b from Z_p*, calculates Tb = b*P.
// B -> A: Tb
// 3. A calculates h = a*Tb = a*b*P and shared secret key
// Kab = e(a*Ppub + Sa, Tb + Qb)
// 4. B calculates h = b*Ta = a*b*P and shared secret key
// Kba = e(Ta + Qa, b*Ppub + Sb)
// Session key is K = H(A, B, h, Kab).
// H was not defined in the original article.
// It is defined here as H(A, B, h, Kab)=e(h,H1(A)+H1(B))+Kab.
sa.MulZn(qa, s)
sb.MulZn(qb, s)
logElement(sa, "Sa", t)
logElement(sb, "Sb", t)
// Step 1
ta.MulZn(p, a)
logElement(ta, "A->B Ta", t)
// Step 2
tb.MulZn(p, b)
logElement(tb, "B->A Tb", t)
// Step 3
h.MulZn(tb, a)
logElement(h, "h", t)
temp1.MulZn(ppub, a)
temp1.Add(temp1, sa)
temp2.Add(tb, qb)
kab.Pair(temp1, temp2)
logElement(kab, "Kab", t)
// Step 4
h.MulZn(ta, b)
logElement(h, "h", t)
temp1.Add(ta, qa)
temp2.MulZn(ppub, b)
temp2.Add(temp2, sb)
kba.Pair(temp1, temp2)
logElement(kba, "Kba", t)
// Conclusion
temp3.Add(qa, qb)
temp4.Pair(h, temp3)
k.Add(temp4, kab)
logElement(k, "A's key K", t)
k.Add(temp4, kba)
logElement(k, "B's key K", t)
if !temp5.Equals(k) {
t.Fatalf("derived keys did not match")
// Zhang-Kim ID-based Blind Signature scheme.
// Based on pbc/example/zhangkim.c (C author: Dmitry Kosolapov).
// Based on paper "F. Zang, K. Kim. ID-based Blind Signature and Ring Signature
// from Pairings. Advances in Cryptology - Asiacrypt 2002, LNCS Vol. 2510,
// Springer-Verlag, 2002"
func TestZhangKim(t *testing.T) {
pairing := testPairing(t)
p := pairing.NewG1()
ppub := pairing.NewG1()
qid := pairing.NewG1()
sid := pairing.NewG1()
r1 := pairing.NewG1()
s1 := pairing.NewG1()
t1 := pairing.NewG1()
t2 := pairing.NewG1()
t7 := pairing.NewG1()
t8 := pairing.NewG1()
t9 := pairing.NewG1()
rr := pairing.NewZr()
sr := pairing.NewZr()
c := pairing.NewZr()
a := pairing.NewZr()
b := pairing.NewZr()
negc := pairing.NewZr()
t6 := pairing.NewZr()
t14 := pairing.NewZr()
t3 := pairing.NewGT()
t10 := pairing.NewGT()
t11 := pairing.NewGT()
t12 := pairing.NewGT()
// h is defined as sha256(m || r) where r is interpreted as bytes
h := func(target *Element, message []byte, element *Element) {
hash := sha256.New()
i := &big.Int{}
// Setup
ppub.MulZn(p, sr)
logElement(p, "P", t)
logElement(ppub, "Ppub", t)
// Extract
sid.MulZn(qid, sr)
logElement(qid, "Public key Qid", t)
logElement(sid, "Private key Sid", t)
// Issue blind signature
r1.MulZn(p, rr)
// Signer sends r1 = rr*P to user
logElement(r1, "R", t)
// Now we blind
t1.MulZn(p, a)
t1.Add(r1, t1)
t2.MulZn(qid, b)
t2.Add(t2, t1)
t3.Pair(t2, ppub)
h(t6, []byte("Message"), t3)
c.Add(t6, b)
// User sends c to signer
logElement(c, "c", t)
// Now we sign
t7.MulZn(ppub, rr)
t8.MulZn(sid, c)
s1.Add(t8, t7)
// Signer sends s1
logElement(s1, "S", t)
// Now we unblind
t9.MulZn(ppub, a)
s1.Add(s1, t9)
c.Sub(c, b)
// Blind signature is now (S, c)
logElement(s1, "S1", t)
logElement(c, "c1", t)
// Verification
t10.Pair(qid, ppub)
t10.PowZn(t10, negc)
t11.Pair(s1, p)
t12.Mul(t11, t10)
h(t14, []byte("Message"), t12)
logElement(c, "c1", t)
logElement(t14, "H(m, [e(S1, P)][e(Qid, Ppub)^(-c1)])", t)
if !t14.Equals(c) {
t.Fatal("signature does not verify")
// TestGC ensures that there are no errors when running struct finalizers.
func TestGC(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { // Multiple rounds to resolve dependencies
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