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doc_bls_test.go 4.03 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Nik 提交于 2018-12-04 23:18 . Bump copyright date to 2018
// Copyright © 2018 Nik Unger
// This file is part of The PBC Go Wrapper.
// The PBC Go Wrapper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
// option) any later version.
// The PBC Go Wrapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with The PBC Go Wrapper. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// The PBC Go Wrapper makes use of The PBC library. The PBC Library and its use
// are covered under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
package pbc_test
import (
// messageData represents a signed message sent over the network
type messageData struct {
message string
signature []byte
// This example computes and verifies a Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature in a
// simulated conversation between Alice and Bob.
func Example_signBLS() {
// The authority generates system parameters
params := pbc.GenerateA(160, 512)
pairing := params.NewPairing()
g := pairing.NewG2().Rand()
// The authority distributes params and g to Alice and Bob
sharedParams := params.String()
sharedG := g.Bytes()
// Channel for messages. Normally this would be a network connection.
messageChannel := make(chan *messageData)
// Channel for public key distribution. This might be a secure out-of-band
// channel or something like a web of trust. The public key only needs to
// be transmitted and verified once. The best way to do this is beyond the
// scope of this example.
keyChannel := make(chan []byte)
// Channel to wait until both simulations are done
finished := make(chan bool)
// Simulate the conversation participants
go alice(sharedParams, sharedG, messageChannel, keyChannel, finished)
go bob(sharedParams, sharedG, messageChannel, keyChannel, finished)
// Wait for the communication to finish
// Output:
// Signature verified correctly
// Alice generates a keypair and signs a message
func alice(sharedParams string, sharedG []byte, messageChannel chan *messageData, keyChannel chan []byte, finished chan bool) {
// Alice loads the system parameters
pairing, _ := pbc.NewPairingFromString(sharedParams)
g := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(sharedG)
// Generate keypair (x, g^x)
privKey := pairing.NewZr().Rand()
pubKey := pairing.NewG2().PowZn(g, privKey)
// Send public key to Bob
keyChannel <- pubKey.Bytes()
// Some time later, sign a message, hashed to h, as h^x
message := "some text to sign"
h := pairing.NewG1().SetFromStringHash(message, sha256.New())
signature := pairing.NewG2().PowZn(h, privKey)
// Send the message and signature to Bob
messageChannel <- &messageData{message: message, signature: signature.Bytes()}
finished <- true
// Bob verifies a message received from Alice
func bob(sharedParams string, sharedG []byte, messageChannel chan *messageData, keyChannel chan []byte, finished chan bool) {
// Bob loads the system parameters
pairing, _ := pbc.NewPairingFromString(sharedParams)
g := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(sharedG)
// Bob receives Alice's public key (and presumably verifies it manually)
pubKey := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(<-keyChannel)
// Some time later, Bob receives a message to verify
data := <-messageChannel
signature := pairing.NewG1().SetBytes(data.signature)
// To verify, Bob checks that e(h,g^x)=e(sig,g)
h := pairing.NewG1().SetFromStringHash(data.message, sha256.New())
temp1 := pairing.NewGT().Pair(h, pubKey)
temp2 := pairing.NewGT().Pair(signature, g)
if !temp1.Equals(temp2) {
fmt.Println("*BUG* Signature check failed *BUG*")
} else {
fmt.Println("Signature verified correctly")
finished <- true
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[email protected]:wwwanghhhlll/pbc.git
