/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: John Abraham <[email protected]>
#include "statsmode.h"
#include "flowmonstatsscene.h"
#include "statisticsconstants.h"
#include "textbubble.h"
namespace netanim
FlowMonStatsScene * pFlowMonStatsScene = 0;
FlowMonStatsScene::FlowMonStatsScene ():QGraphicsScene (100, 0, STATSSCENE_WIDTH_DEFAULT, STATSSCENE_HEIGHT_DEFAULT),
m_flowProbeWidget (0)
m_infoWidget = addWidget (new TextBubble ("Info:", "No data available\nDid you load the XML file?"));
showInfoWidget ();
FlowMonStatsScene *
FlowMonStatsScene::getInstance ()
if (!pFlowMonStatsScene)
pFlowMonStatsScene = new FlowMonStatsScene;
return pFlowMonStatsScene;
FlowMonStatsScene::systemReset ()
m_lastX = 0;
m_lastY = 0;
m_bottomY = 0;
clearProxyWidgetsMap ();
m_flowIdFlowStats.clear ();
m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers.clear ();
showInfoWidget ();
FlowMonStatsScene::addFlowStat (uint32_t flowId, FlowStatsFlow_t flowStats)
m_flowIdFlowStats[flowId] = flowStats;
FlowMonStatsScene::addIpv4Classifier (uint32_t flowId, Ipv4Classifier_t ipv4Classifier)
m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers[flowId] = ipv4Classifier;
FlowMonStatsScene::addFlowProbes (FlowProbes_t flowProbes)
m_flowProbes = flowProbes;
FlowMonStatsScene::showInfoWidget (bool show)
m_infoWidget->setVisible (show);
m_infoWidget->setPos (sceneRect ().width ()/2, sceneRect ().height ()/2);
FlowMonStatsScene::clearProxyWidgetsMap ()
showInfoWidget ();
for (FlowIdProxyWidgetMap_t::const_iterator i = m_flowIdProxyWidgets.begin ();
i != m_flowIdProxyWidgets.end ();
removeItem (i->second);
delete (i->second);
m_flowIdProxyWidgets.clear ();
m_flowProbes.clear ();
if (m_flowProbeWidget)
removeItem (m_flowProbeWidget);
delete (m_flowProbeWidget);
m_flowProbeWidget = 0;
m_flowIdFlowStats.clear ();
m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers.clear ();
QString dropReasonToString (int reasonCode)
switch (reasonCode)
case 0:
return "No Route";
case 1:
return "TTL Expire";
case 2:
return "Bad Checksum";
case 3:
return "Queue";
case 4:
return "Interface Down";
case 5:
return "Route error";
case 6:
return "Fragment timeout";
return "Unknown";
FlowMonStatsScene::flowStatsToString (FlowStatsFlow_t flowStats)
QString str;
int justify = 20;
double denominator = (flowStats.timeLastTxPacket - flowStats.timeFirstTxPacket);
if (!denominator)
denominator = -1;
double txBitRate = (8 * flowStats.txBytes) * 1e9 * 1e-3 / (denominator);
denominator = (flowStats.timeLastRxPacket - flowStats.timeFirstRxPacket);
if (!denominator)
denominator = -1;
double rxBitRate = (8 * flowStats.rxBytes) * 1e9 * 1e-3 / (denominator);
double meanDelay = -1;
if (flowStats.rxPackets)
meanDelay = (1000 * flowStats.delaySum/ (flowStats.rxPackets * 1e9));
uint64_t sumPackets = flowStats.rxPackets + flowStats.lostPackets;
double packetLostRatio = -1;
if (sumPackets)
packetLostRatio = (double)flowStats.lostPackets/sumPackets;
str += "\nTx bitrate:" + QString::number (txBitRate) + "kbps\n";
str += "Rx bitrate:" + QString::number (rxBitRate) + "kbps\n";
str += "Mean delay:" + QString::number (meanDelay) + "ms\n";
str += "Packet Loss ratio:" + QString::number (packetLostRatio * 100) + "%\n\n";
str += QString ("timeFirstTxPacket= ").leftJustified (justify, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.timeFirstTxPacket) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("timeFirstRxPacket= ").leftJustified (justify, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.timeFirstRxPacket) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("timeLastTxPacket= ").leftJustified (justify, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.timeLastTxPacket) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("timeLastRxPacket= ").leftJustified (justify, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.timeLastRxPacket) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("delaySum= ").leftJustified (justify + 4, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.delaySum) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("jitterSum= ").leftJustified (justify + 5, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.jitterSum) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("lastDelay= ").leftJustified (justify + 5, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.delaySum) + "ns\n";
str += QString ("txBytes= ").leftJustified (justify + 6, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.txBytes) + "\n";
str += QString ("rxBytes= ").leftJustified (justify + 6, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.rxBytes) + "\n";
str += QString ("txPackets= ").leftJustified (justify + 5, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.txPackets) + "\n";
str += QString ("rxPackets= ").leftJustified (justify + 5, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.rxPackets) + "\n";
str += QString ("lostPackets= ").leftJustified (justify + 5, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.lostPackets) + "\n";
str += QString ("timesForwarded= ").leftJustified (justify, ' ') + QString::number (flowStats.timesForwarded) + "\n";
if (!flowStats.packetsDropped.empty ())
str += QString ("\nPackets Dropped:\n\n");
for (PacketsDroppedReasonVector_t::const_iterator i = flowStats.packetsDropped.begin ();
i != flowStats.packetsDropped.end ();
Reason_t reason = *i;
str += dropReasonToString (reason.reasonCode) + ":" + QString::number (reason.number) + "\n";
if (!flowStats.bytesDropped.empty ())
str += QString ("\nBytes Dropped:\n\n");
for (BytesDroppedReasonVector_t::const_iterator i = flowStats.bytesDropped.begin ();
i != flowStats.bytesDropped.end ();
Reason_t reason = *i;
str += dropReasonToString (reason.reasonCode) + ":" + QString::number (reason.number) + "\n";
for (HistogramVector_t::const_iterator i = flowStats.histograms.begin ();
i != flowStats.histograms.end ();
Histogram_t histogram = *i;
str += "\n" + histogram.name + " nBins:" + QString::number (histogram.nBins) + "\n";
for (FlowBinVector_t::const_iterator j = histogram.bins.begin ();
j != histogram.bins.end ();
FlowBin_t flowBin = *j;
str += "Index:" + QString::number (flowBin.index) + " ";
str += "Start:" + QString::number (flowBin.start) + " ";
str += "Width:" + QString::number (flowBin.width) + " ";
str += "Count:" + QString::number (flowBin.count) + "\n";
return str;
FlowMonStatsScene::ipv4ClassifierToString (Ipv4Classifier_t ipv4Classifier)
QString str;
QString protocol = "";
if (ipv4Classifier.protocol == 6)
protocol += "TCP ";
else if (ipv4Classifier.protocol == 17)
protocol += "UDP ";
protocol += "Protocol:" + QString::number (ipv4Classifier.protocol) + " ";
str += protocol;
str += ipv4Classifier.sourceAddress + "/" + QString::number (ipv4Classifier.sourcePort);
str += "---->";
str += ipv4Classifier.destinationAddress + "/" + QString::number (ipv4Classifier.destinationPort);
return str;
FlowMonStatsScene::adjustRect ()
QRectF currentRect = sceneRect ();
QRectF newRect = QRectF (currentRect.topLeft (), QPointF (currentRect.bottomRight ().x (), m_bottomY));
setSceneRect (newRect);
FlowMonStatsScene::addProxyWidgets ()
for (FlowIdFlowStatsMap_t::const_iterator i = m_flowIdFlowStats.begin ();
i != m_flowIdFlowStats.end ();
uint32_t flowId = i->first;
FlowStatsFlow_t flowStats = i->second;
Ipv4Classifier_t ipv4Classifer = m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers[flowId];
QString content = ipv4ClassifierToString (ipv4Classifer) + "\n" + flowStatsToString (flowStats);
TextBubble * tb = new TextBubble ("Flow Id:" + QString::number (flowId) + "\n======", content);
m_flowIdProxyWidgets[flowId] = addWidget (tb);
showInfoWidget (false);
if (m_flowProbes.empty ())
QString str;
uint32_t probeIndex = 0;
for (FlowProbes_t::const_iterator i = m_flowProbes.begin ();
i != m_flowProbes.end ();
++i, ++probeIndex)
str += "\nIndex:" + QString::number (probeIndex) + "\n";
FlowProbe_t probe = *i;
for (FlowProbe_t::const_iterator j = probe.begin ();
j != probe.end ();
FlowProbeFlowStats_t flowStat = *j;
str += " FlowId:" + QString::number (flowStat.flowId);
str += " Packets:" + QString::number (flowStat.packets);
str += " Bytes:" + QString::number (flowStat.bytes);
str += " DelayFromFirstProbeSum:" + QString::number (flowStat.delayFromFirstProbeSum) + "ns";
str += "\n";
TextBubble * tb = new TextBubble ("Flow Probes:", str);
m_flowProbeWidget = addWidget (tb);
FlowMonStatsScene::align ()
m_lastX = 0;
m_lastY = 0;
m_bottomY = 0;
qreal currentMaxHeight = 0;
for (FlowIdProxyWidgetMap_t::const_iterator i = m_flowIdProxyWidgets.begin ();
i != m_flowIdProxyWidgets.end ();
QGraphicsProxyWidget * pw = i->second;
bool flowIsActive = StatsMode::getInstance ()->isNodeActive (i->first);
pw->setVisible (flowIsActive);
if (flowIsActive)
TextBubble * tb = (TextBubble *) pw->widget ();
QFont f (tb->font ());
f.setPointSizeF (StatsMode::getInstance ()->getCurrentFontSize ());
tb->setFont (f);
QFontMetrics fm (f);
pw->setMaximumHeight (fm.height () * tb->text ().count ("\n"));
pw->adjustSize ();
qreal newX = m_lastX + pw->size ().width ();
currentMaxHeight = qMax (currentMaxHeight, pw->size ().height ());
if (newX >= sceneRect ().right ())
m_lastX = 0;
m_lastY += currentMaxHeight + INTERSTATS_SPACE;
currentMaxHeight = 0;
pw->setPos (m_lastX, m_lastY);
m_lastX = pw->pos ().x () + pw->size ().width () + INTERSTATS_SPACE;
m_lastY = pw->pos ().y ();
m_bottomY = m_lastY + currentMaxHeight;
adjustRect ();
if (m_flowProbeWidget)
QGraphicsProxyWidget * pw = m_flowProbeWidget;
TextBubble * tb = (TextBubble *) pw->widget ();
QFont f (tb->font ());
f.setPointSizeF (StatsMode::getInstance ()->getCurrentFontSize ());
tb->setFont (f);
QFontMetrics fm (f);
pw->setMaximumHeight (fm.height () * tb->text ().count ("\n"));
pw->adjustSize ();
qreal newX = m_lastX + pw->size ().width ();
currentMaxHeight = qMax (currentMaxHeight, pw->size ().height ());
if (newX >= sceneRect ().right ())
m_lastX = 0;
m_lastY += currentMaxHeight + INTERSTATS_SPACE;
currentMaxHeight = 0;
pw->setPos (m_lastX, m_lastY);
m_lastX = pw->pos ().x () + pw->size ().width () + INTERSTATS_SPACE;
m_lastY = pw->pos ().y ();
m_bottomY = m_lastY + currentMaxHeight;
adjustRect ();
FlowMonStatsScene::reloadContent (bool force)
Q_UNUSED (force);
if (m_flowIdProxyWidgets.empty ())
addProxyWidgets ();
if (m_flowIdProxyWidgets.empty ())
align ();
FlowMonStatsScene::getNodeCount ()
if (!m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers.empty ())
uint32_t lastFlowId = m_flowIdIpv4Classifiers.rbegin ()->first + 1;
return lastFlowId;
return 0;
} // namespace netanim
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