同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/libcstl 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
2014-01-25 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Release libcstl-2.3.0
* Update type mechnanism for supporting generic pointer type.
* Support c99 builtin type(unix only).
* Add type cache for improving efficiency.
* Fixup bug 5, 24, 26
2013-06-15 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Release libcstl-2.2.0
* Fixup bug 3, 9, 25.
* Refactoring basic_string_t and string_t.
2012-11-22 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Release libcstl-2.1.1
* Fixup bug 4, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23.
* Add priority_queue_init_copy_array and priority_queue_init_copy_array_ex interface.
2012-07-12 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Release libcstl-2.1.0
2012-07-04 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Fixup bug 1.
2012-07-03 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Support array interface for all container.
2012-01-14 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Support extended iterator range for all container.
2011-12-04 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 2.0.3
* Release libcstl-2.0.3.
* Fixup bug 27, 28.
2011-10-22 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Fixup bug 28.
2011-10-12 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
* Fixup bug 27.
2011-10-09 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 2.0.2
* Release libcstl-2.0.2.
* Fixup bug 4, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22.
* Add version macro.
2010-10-01 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 2.0.1
* Release libcstl-2.0.1.
* Fixup bug on 64-bit OS.
2010-06-09 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 2.0.0
* Release libcstl-2.0.0.
* Add range_t type.
* Add c-style string support.
* Add VS project support.
* Update default compare function in pair_t, map_t, multimap_t, hash_map_t and hash_multimap_t.
* Update default hash function in hash_set_t, hash_multiset_t, hash_map_t and hash_multimap_t.
* Add user defined type support.
* Add type mechanism support.
2009-04-25 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 1.0.1
* Release libcstl-1.0.1.
* Fixup bugs in initialization operation of all containers.
* Fixup bugs in Makefile.
2009-04-20 Bo Wang <[email protected]>
Version 1.0.0
* Release libcstl-1.0.0.
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