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duyisu 提交于 2019-08-04 13:59 . fff
// YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator: Config File
// Do not delete the previous line! it's a magic string for config file!
// Author: Pascal KISSIAN
// Resume: http://pascal.kissian.net
// CopyRight (c) 2015-2018 Pascal KISSIAN
// Published under the MIT License
// Consider it as a proof of concept!
// No warranty of any kind.
// Use and abuse at your own risks.
// when we use the word ignore, that means that it is ignored during the obfuscation process (i.e. not obfuscated)
$conf->t_ignore_pre_defined_classes = 'all'; // 'all' (default value) , 'none', or array of pre-defined classes that you use in your software:
// ex: array('Exception', 'PDO', 'PDOStatement', 'PDOException');
// As instantiation is done at runtime, it is impossible to statically determinate when a method call is detected, on which class the object belong.
// so, all method names that exists in a pre_defined_class to ignore are ignored within every classes.
// if you have some method names in your classes that have the same name that a predefine class method, it will not be obfuscated.
// you can limit the number of method names to ignore by providing an array of the pre-defined classes you really use in your software!
// same behaviour for properties...
$conf->t_ignore_constants = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_variables = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_functions = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_class_constants = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_methods = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_properties = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_classes = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_interfaces = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_traits = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_namespaces = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_labels = null; // array where values are names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_constants_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_variables_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_functions_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_class_constants_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_properties_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_methods_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_classes_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_interfaces_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_traits_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_namespaces_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->t_ignore_labels_prefix = null; // array where values are prefix of names to ignore.
$conf->parser_mode = 'PREFER_PHP7';// allowed modes are 'PREFER_PHP7', 'PREFER_PHP5', 'ONLY_PHP7', 'ONLY_PHP5'
// see PHP-Parser documentation for meaning...
$conf->scramble_mode = 'identifier'; // allowed modes are 'identifier', 'hexa', 'numeric'
$conf->scramble_length = 5; // min length of scrambled names (min = 2; max = 16 for identifier, 32 for hexa and numeric)
$conf->t_obfuscate_php_extension = array('php'); // array where values are extensions of php files to be obfuscated.
$conf->obfuscate_constant_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_variable_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_function_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_class_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_interface_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_trait_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_class_constant_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_property_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_method_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_namespace_name = true; // self explanatory
$conf->obfuscate_label_name = true; // label: , goto label; obfuscation
$conf->obfuscate_if_statement = true; // obfuscation of if else elseif statements
$conf->obfuscate_loop_statement = true; // obfuscation of for while do while statements
$conf->obfuscate_string_literal = true; // pseudo-obfuscation of string literals
$conf->shuffle_stmts = true; // shuffle chunks of statements! disable this obfuscation (or minimize the number of chunks) if performance is important for you!
$conf->shuffle_stmts_min_chunk_size = 1; // minimum number of statements in a chunk! the min value is 1, that gives you the maximum of obfuscation ... and the minimum of performance...
$conf->shuffle_stmts_chunk_mode = 'fixed'; // 'fixed' or 'ratio' in fixed mode, the chunk_size is always equal to the min chunk size!
$conf->shuffle_stmts_chunk_ratio = 20; // ratio > 1 100/ratio is the percentage of chunks in a statements sequence ratio = 2 means 50% ratio = 100 mins 1% ...
// if you increase the number of chunks, you increase also the obfuscation level ... and you increase also the performance overhead!
$conf->strip_indentation = true; // all your obfuscated code will be generated on a single line
$conf->abort_on_error = true; // self explanatory
$conf->confirm = true; // rfu : will answer Y on confirmation request (reserved for future use ... or not...)
$conf->silent = false; // display or not Information level messages.
$conf->source_directory = 'D:\Work\pinquduo\yakpro-po-master\yakpro-po-master\code'; // self explanatory
$conf->target_directory = 'D:\Work\pinquduo\yakpro-po-master\yakpro-po-master\code-result'; // self explanatory
$conf->t_keep = null; // array of directory or file pathnames, to keep 'as is' (i.e. not obfuscate.)
$conf->t_skip = null; // array of directory or file pathnames, to skip when exploring source tree structure ... they will not be on target!
$conf->allow_and_overwrite_empty_files = true; // allow empty files to be kept as is
$conf->user_comment = null; // user comment to insert inside each obfuscated file
$conf->extract_comment_from_line = null; // when both 2 are set, each obfuscated file will contain an extract of the corresponding source file,
$conf->extract_comment_to_line = null; // starting from extract_comment_from_line number, and ending at extract_comment_to_line line number.
$conf->raw_code = false; //是否携带goto label 原始代码
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:wang-guanglei99/we7tools.git
