同步操作将从 chl160/vscode-cmake-tools 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const fs = require('fs');
const nls = require('vscode-nls-dev');
const path = require('path');
const minimist = require('minimist');
const es = require('event-stream');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const ts = require('gulp-typescript');
const typescript = require('typescript');
const tsProject = ts.createProject('./tsconfig.json', { typescript });
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const vinyl = require('vinyl');
const jsonc = require('jsonc-parser');
// Patterns to find schema files
const jsonSchemaFilesPatterns = [
const languages = [
{ id: "zh-TW", folderName: "cht", transifexId: "zh-hant" },
{ id: "zh-CN", folderName: "chs", transifexId: "zh-hans" },
{ id: "fr", folderName: "fra" },
{ id: "de", folderName: "deu" },
{ id: "it", folderName: "ita" },
{ id: "es", folderName: "esn" },
{ id: "ja", folderName: "jpn" },
{ id: "ko", folderName: "kor" },
{ id: "ru", folderName: "rus" },
//{ id: "bg", folderName: "bul" }, // VS Code supports Bulgarian, but loc team is not currently generating it
//{ id: "hu", folderName: "hun" }, // VS Code supports Hungarian, but loc team is not currently generating it
{ id: "pt-br", folderName: "ptb", transifexId: "pt-BR" },
{ id: "tr", folderName: "trk" },
{ id: "cs", folderName: "csy" },
{ id: "pl", folderName: "plk" }
// ****************************
// Command: translations-export
// The following is used to export and XLF file containing english strings for translations.
// The result will be written to: ./vscode-extensions-localization-export/ms-vscode/
// ****************************
const translationProjectName = "vscode-extensions";
const translationExtensionName = "vscode-cmake-tools";
function removePathPrefix(path, prefix) {
if (!prefix) {
return path;
if (!path.startsWith(prefix)) {
return path;
if (path === prefix) {
return "";
let ch = prefix.charAt(prefix.length - 1);
if (ch === '/' || ch === '\\') {
return path.substr(prefix.length);
ch = path.charAt(prefix.length);
if (ch === '/' || ch === '\\') {
return path.substr(prefix.length + 1);
return path;
// descriptionCallback(path, value, parent) is invoked for attribtues
const traverseJson = (jsonTree, descriptionCallback, prefixPath) => {
for (let fieldName in jsonTree) {
if (jsonTree[fieldName] !== null) {
if (typeof(jsonTree[fieldName]) == "string" && fieldName === "description") {
descriptionCallback(prefixPath, jsonTree[fieldName], jsonTree);
} else if (typeof(jsonTree[fieldName]) == "object") {
let path = prefixPath;
if (path !== "")
path = path + ".";
path = path + fieldName;
traverseJson(jsonTree[fieldName], descriptionCallback, path);
// Traverses schema json files looking for "description" fields to localized.
// The path to the "description" field is used to create a localization key.
const processJsonSchemaFiles = () => {
return es.through(function (file) {
let jsonTree = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString());
let localizationJsonContents = {};
let filePath = removePathPrefix(file.path, file.cwd);
filePath = filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/')
let localizationMetadataContents = {
messages: [],
keys: [],
filePath: filePath
let descriptionCallback = (path, value, parent) => {
let locId = filePath + "." + path;
localizationJsonContents[locId] = value;
traverseJson(jsonTree, descriptionCallback, "");
this.queue(new vinyl({
path: path.join(file.path + '.nls.json'),
contents: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(localizationJsonContents, null, '\t'), 'utf8')
this.queue(new vinyl({
path: path.join(file.path + '.nls.metadata.json'),
contents: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(localizationMetadataContents, null, '\t'), 'utf8')
gulp.task("translations-export", (done) => {
// Transpile the TS to JS, and let vscode-nls-dev scan the files for calls to localize.
let jsStream = tsProject.src()
// Scan schema files
let jsonSchemaStream = gulp.src(jsonSchemaFilesPatterns)
// Merge files from all source streams
es.merge(jsStream, jsonSchemaStream)
// Filter down to only the files we need
.pipe(filter(['**/*.nls.json', '**/*.nls.metadata.json']))
// Consoldate them into nls.metadata.json, which the xlf is built from.
.pipe(nls.bundleMetaDataFiles('ms-vscode.cmake-tools', '.'))
// filter down to just the resulting metadata files
.pipe(filter(['**/nls.metadata.header.json', '**/nls.metadata.json']))
// Add package.nls.json, used to localized package.json
// package.nls.json and nls.metadata.json are used to generate the xlf file
// Does not re-queue any files to the stream. Outputs only the XLF file
.pipe(nls.createXlfFiles(translationProjectName, translationExtensionName))
.pipe(es.wait(() => {
// ****************************
// Command: translations-import
// The following is used to import an XLF file containing all language strings.
// This results in a i18n directory, which should be checked in.
// ****************************
// Imports translations from raw localized MLCP strings to VS Code .i18n.json files
gulp.task("translations-import", (done) => {
let options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: "location",
default: {
location: "./vscode-translations-import"
es.merge(languages.map((language) => {
let id = language.transifexId || language.id;
return gulp.src(path.join(options.location, id, translationProjectName, `${translationExtensionName}.xlf`))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join("./i18n", language.folderName)));
.pipe(es.wait(() => {
// ****************************
// Command: translations-generate
// The following is used to import an i18n directory structure and generate files used at runtime.
// ****************************
// Generate package.nls.*.json files from: ./i18n/*/package.i18n.json
// Outputs to root path, as these nls files need to be along side package.json
const generatedAdditionalLocFiles = () => {
return gulp.src(['package.nls.json'])
.pipe(nls.createAdditionalLanguageFiles(languages, 'i18n'))
// Generates ./dist/nls.bundle.<language_id>.json from files in ./i18n/** *//<src_path>/<filename>.i18n.json
// Localized strings are read from these files at runtime.
const generatedSrcLocBundle = () => {
// Transpile the TS to JS, and let vscode-nls-dev scan the files for calls to localize.
return tsProject.src()
.pipe(nls.createAdditionalLanguageFiles(languages, "i18n"))
.pipe(nls.bundleMetaDataFiles('ms-vscode.cmake-tools', 'dist'))
.pipe(filter(['**/nls.bundle.*.json', '**/nls.metadata.header.json', '**/nls.metadata.json']))
const generateLocalizedJsonSchemaFiles = () => {
return es.through(function (file) {
let jsonTree = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString());
languages.map((language) => {
let stringTable = {};
// Try to open i18n file for this file
let relativePath = removePathPrefix(file.path, file.cwd);
let locFile = path.join("./i18n", language.folderName, relativePath + ".i18n.json");
if (fs.existsSync(locFile)) {
stringTable = jsonc.parse(fs.readFileSync(locFile).toString());
// Entire file is scanned and modified, then serialized for that language.
// Even if no translations are available, we still write new files to dist/schema/...
let keyPrefix = relativePath + ".";
keyPrefix = keyPrefix.replace(/\\/g, "/");
let descriptionCallback = (path, value, parent) => {
if (stringTable[keyPrefix + path]) {
parent.description = stringTable[keyPrefix + path];
traverseJson(jsonTree, descriptionCallback, "");
let newContent = JSON.stringify(jsonTree, null, '\t');
this.queue(new vinyl({
path: path.join("schema", language.id, relativePath),
contents: Buffer.from(newContent, 'utf8')
// Generate localized versions of JSON schema files
// Check for cooresponding localized json file in i18n
// Generate new version of the JSON schema file in dist/schema/<language_id>/<path>
const generateJsonSchemaLoc = () => {
return gulp.src(jsonSchemaFilesPatterns)
gulp.task('translations-generate', gulp.series(generatedSrcLocBundle, generatedAdditionalLocFiles, generateJsonSchemaLoc));
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。