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yexiang-yan 提交于 2022-07-21 02:57 . 新版截面划分SecMesh文件
SecMesh: A module to mesh the cross-section with triangular fibers
Author: Yexiang Yan
WeChat: yx592715024
import sys
import numpy as np
import gmsh
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
from shapely import affinity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections
occ = gmsh.model.occ
def offset(points: list[list[float, float]], d: float):
points (list[list[float, float]]): 包含坐标点的列表
d (float): 正值向内偏移, 负值向外偏移
list[[float, float]]: _description_
ply = Polygon(points)
ply_off = ply.buffer(-d, cap_style=3, join_style=2)
return list(ply_off.exterior.coords)
def rotate(points: list[list[float, float]], theta: float = 0, origin='center', use_radians=False):
line = LineString(points)
rotated_line = affinity.rotate(line, theta,
origin=origin, use_radians=use_radians)
return list(rotated_line.coords)
def translate(points: list[list[float, float]], dx: float = 0.0, dy: float = 0.0):
line = LineString(points)
tran_line = affinity.translate(line, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)
return list(tran_line.coords)
def extract_mesh(dim, tag):
# extract point coords
idx, points, _ = gmsh.model.mesh.getNodes()
points = np.asarray(points).reshape(-1, 3)
srt = np.argsort(idx)
idx -= 1
assert np.all(idx[srt] == np.arange(len(idx)))
points = points[srt] # all points
# extract cells in an entry
elem_types, elem_tags, node_tags = gmsh.model.mesh.getElements(dim, tag)
node_tags_sorted = None
for elem_type, elem_tags, node_tags in zip(elem_types, elem_tags, node_tags):
# `elementName', `dim', `order', `numNodes', `localNodeCoord',
# `numPrimaryNodes'
num_nodes_per_cell = gmsh.model.mesh.getElementProperties(elem_type)[3]
node_tags_reshaped = np.asarray(node_tags).reshape(-1, num_nodes_per_cell) - 1
node_tags_sorted = node_tags_reshaped[np.argsort(elem_tags)]
cells = node_tags_sorted
return points, cells
def lines_subdivide(x, y, gap):
The polylines consisting of coordinates x and y are divided by the gap.
x_new = []
y_new = []
for i in range(len(x) - 1):
x1, y1 = x[i], y[i]
x2, y2 = x[i + 1], y[i + 1]
length = np.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
n = int(np.ceil(length / gap))
x1, x2, n, endpoint=True)[:-1].tolist())
y1, y2, n, endpoint=True)[:-1].tolist())
new_line = np.column_stack((x_new, y_new))
return new_line
def points2curvesloop(points, mesh_size):
ply = Polygon(points)
points = list(ply.exterior.coords)
N = len(points) - 1
nodeTags = []
lineTags = []
for i in range(N):
x, y = points[i]
p = occ.addPoint(x, y, 0, meshSize=mesh_size, tag=-1)
for i in range(N):
if i < N - 1:
linetag = occ.addLine(nodeTags[i], nodeTags[i + 1], tag=-1)
linetag = occ.addLine(nodeTags[i], nodeTags[0], tag=-1)
cl = occ.addCurveLoop(lineTags)
return cl
def sec_rotation(x, y, theta):
Rotate the section coordinates counterclockwise by theta
x_new = x * np.cos(theta) + y * np.sin(theta)
y_new = -x * np.sin(theta) + y * np.cos(theta)
return x_new, y_new
class _geom_base:
def __init__(self):
self.dim = 2
self.obj_tag = None
self.obj_dim_tags = None
self.obj_group_name = None
self.obj_type = None
def __add__(self, other):
return self.union(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.cut(other)
def union(self, other):
self.obj_dim_tags, _ = occ.fuse(self.obj_dim_tags, other.obj_dim_tags)
return self
def cut(self, other):
self.obj_dim_tags, _ = occ.cut(self.obj_dim_tags, other.obj_dim_tags,
tag=-1, removeObject=True, removeTool=True)
return self
def intersect(self, other):
self.obj_dim_tags, _ = occ.intersect(self.obj_dim_tags, other.obj_dim_tags,
tag=-1, removeObject=True, removeTool=True)
return self
def rotate(self, theta):
theta = theta / 180 * np.pi
for dim, tag in self.obj_dim_tags:
occ.rotate([(dim, tag)], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, theta)
class _Polygon(_geom_base):
def __init__(self, points: list[list[float, float]], mesh_size,
holes: list[list[list[float, float]]] = None):
self.obj_type = 'gmsh'
# exterior
exterior_tag = points2curvesloop(points, mesh_size)
# holes
holes_tag = []
if holes:
for hole_points in holes:
tag = points2curvesloop(hole_points, mesh_size)
self.obj_dim_tags = [(self.dim, occ.addPlaneSurface([exterior_tag] + holes_tag))]
class _Circle(_geom_base):
def __init__(self, xo: list[float, float], radius: float, mesh_size: float,
holes=None, angle1=0., angle2=360):
angle1 = angle1 / 180 * np.pi
angle2 = angle2 / 180 * np.pi
x, y, z = xo[0], xo[1], 0
arc = occ.addCircle(x, y, z, radius, tag=-1, angle1=angle1, angle2=angle2)
exterior_tag = occ.add_curve_loop([arc])
# holes
holes_tag = []
if holes:
for hole_points in holes:
tag = points2curvesloop(hole_points, mesh_size)
self.obj_dim_tags = [(self.dim, occ.addPlaneSurface([exterior_tag] + holes_tag))]
class SecMesh:
def __init__(self, sec_name: str = 'My Section'):
self.sec_name = sec_name
self.group_tag_map = dict()
self.mat_tag_map = dict()
self.color_map = dict()
self.colors_default = ['#037ef3', '#f85a40', '#00c16e', '#7552cc',
'#0cb9c1', '#f48924', '#f48924', '#52565e']
self.cells_map = dict()
self.points = None
self.centers_map = dict()
self.areas_map = dict()
self.sec_property = dict()
self.is_centring = False
# 保存所有钢筋的信息
self.rebar_data = []
def assign_group(self, group: dict):
for name, obj in group.items():
obj.obj_group_name = name
tags = [dim_tag[1] for dim_tag in obj.obj_dim_tags]
self.group_tag_map[name] = tags
return self
def assign_group_mat(self, mat: dict):
if not self.group_tag_map:
raise ValueError(f"应先运行assign_group方法")
for name in mat.keys():
if name not in self.group_tag_map.keys():
raise ValueError(f"{name}没有在assign_group函数中指定")
for name, mat_tag in mat.items():
self.mat_tag_map[name] = mat_tag
return self
def assign_group_color(self, color: dict):
if not self.group_tag_map:
raise ValueError(f"应先运行assign_group方法")
for name in color.keys():
if name not in self.group_tag_map.keys():
raise ValueError(f"{name}没有在assign_group函数中指定")
for name, c in color.items():
self.color_map[name] = c
return self
def _get_cell_data(self):
for name, tags in self.group_tag_map.items():
temp_cell = []
for tag in tags:
points, cell_ = extract_mesh(2, tag)
self.cells_map[name] = np.vstack(temp_cell)
self.points = points[:, :2]
# 每个纤维的坐标与面积
vertices = self.points
for name, faces in self.cells_map.items():
areas = []
centers = []
for face in faces:
idx1, idx2, idx3 = face
coord1, coord2, coord3 = vertices[idx1], vertices[idx2], vertices[idx3]
xyo = (coord1 + coord2 + coord3) / 3
x1, y1 = coord1[:2]
x2, y2 = coord2[:2]
x3, y3 = coord3[:2]
area_ = 0.5 * np.abs(x2 * y3 + x1 * y2 + x3 * y1 - x3 * y2 - x2 * y1 - x1 * y3)
self.areas_map[name] = np.array(areas)
self.centers_map[name] = np.array(centers)
def view(self, fill=True):
if not self.color_map:
for i, name in enumerate(self.group_tag_map.keys()):
self.color_map[name] = self.colors_default[i]
# matplotlib 绘图
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
# ax.set_facecolor("#efefef")
# 显示划分图
vertices = self.points # 每个三角形顶点的号
for name, faces in self.cells_map.items():
# faces = faces.astype(np.int64)
if not fill:
x = vertices[:, 0]
y = vertices[:, 1]
ax.triplot(x, y, triangles=faces, color=self.color_map[name],
lw=1, zorder=-10)
ax.plot([], [], '^', label=name,
mec=self.color_map[name], mfc='white') # 仅用作图例
x = vertices[:, 0]
y = vertices[:, 1]
ax.triplot(x, y, triangles=faces, lw=0.75, color='#516572')
patches = [plt.Polygon(vertices[face_link, :2], True)
for face_link in faces]
coll = collections.PatchCollection(patches, facecolors=self.color_map[name],
edgecolors='#516572', linewidths=0.75,
ax.plot([], [], '^', label=name, color=self.color_map[name]) # 仅用作图例
for data in self.rebar_data:
color = data['color']
name = data['name']
rebar_xy = data['rebar_xy']
dia = data['dia']
rebar_coords = []
rebar_areas = []
for xy in rebar_xy:
rebar_areas.append(np.pi / 4 * dia ** 2)
patches = [plt.Circle((xy[0], xy[1]), np.sqrt(area / np.pi))
for xy, area in zip(rebar_coords, rebar_areas)]
coll = collections.PatchCollection(
patches, facecolors=color)
ax.set_title(self.sec_name, fontsize=26, fontfamily='SimSun')
ax.legend(fontsize=18, shadow=True, markerscale=3, loc=10, ncol=len(self.group_tag_map),
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes)
def sec_props(self):
if self.cells_map == dict():
raise RuntimeError(f"计算截面特性前必须先运行mesh函数划分截面!")
# 整体的几何性质
fiber_centers = []
fiber_areas = []
for name in self.cells_map.keys():
fiber_centers = np.vstack(fiber_centers)
fiber_areas = np.hstack(fiber_areas)
# 求总面积
Area = np.sum(fiber_areas)
# 求形心坐标
yo = np.sum(fiber_centers[:, 0] * fiber_areas) / Area
zo = np.sum(fiber_centers[:, 1] * fiber_areas) / Area
# 求截面惯性矩
Iy = np.sum(fiber_centers[:, 1] ** 2 * fiber_areas)
Iz = np.sum(fiber_centers[:, 0] ** 2 * fiber_areas)
# 回转半径
ry = np.sqrt(Iy / Area)
rz = np.sqrt(Iz / Area)
# 极惯性矩
Ip = Iy + Iz
# 惯性积
Iyz = np.sum(fiber_centers[:, 0] * fiber_centers[:, 1] * fiber_areas)
# 配筋率 # 钢筋
if self.rebar_data:
all_rebar_area = 0
for data in self.rebar_data:
rebar_xy = data['rebar_xy']
dia = data['dia']
rebar_coords = []
rebar_areas = []
for xy in rebar_xy:
rebar_areas.append(np.pi / 4 * dia ** 2)
all_rebar_area += np.sum(rebar_areas)
rho_rebar = all_rebar_area / Area
rho_rebar = 0
# 集总
sec_property = dict(area=Area, center=(yo, zo), Iy=Iy,
Iz=Iz, ry=ry, rz=rz, Ip=Ip, Iyz=Iyz, rho_rebar=rho_rebar)
self.sec_property = sec_property
return sec_property, fiber_centers, fiber_areas
def centring(self):
# 将截面移动到形心位置
if self.sec_property == dict():
sec_property, fiber_centers, fiber_areas = self.sec_props()
sec_property = self.sec_property
center = np.array(sec_property['center'])
self.points -= center
names = self.centers_map.keys()
for name in names:
self.centers_map[name] -= center
# 钢筋
for i, data in enumerate(self.rebar_data):
self.rebar_data[i]['rebar_xy'] -= center
self.is_centring = True
def rotate(self, theta=0):
# 顺时针转动截面
# 先求截面形心
theta = theta / 180 * np.pi # 转换成弧度制
if not self.is_centring:
x_rot, y_rot = sec_rotation(self.points[:, 0], self.points[:, 1], theta) # 将各坐标转动theta
self.points[:, 0], self.points[:, 1] = x_rot, y_rot
names = self.centers_map.keys()
for name in names:
x_rot, y_rot = sec_rotation(self.centers_map[name][:, 0], self.centers_map[name][:, 1], theta)
self.centers_map[name][:, 0], self.centers_map[name][:, 1] = x_rot, y_rot
# 钢筋
for i, data in enumerate(self.rebar_data):
rebar_xy = self.rebar_data[i]['rebar_xy']
x_rot, y_rot = sec_rotation(rebar_xy[:, 0], rebar_xy[:, 1], theta)
self.rebar_data[i]['rebar_xy'][:, 0], self.rebar_data[i]['rebar_xy'][:, 1] = x_rot, y_rot
def opspy_cmds(self, secTag: int, GJ: float):
:param secTag: 截面号
:param GJ: 扭转常数
:return: None
import openseespy.opensees as ops
ops.section('Fiber', secTag, '-GJ', GJ)
names = self.centers_map.keys()
for name in names:
centers = self.centers_map[name]
areas = self.areas_map[name]
matTag = self.mat_tag_map[name]
for center, area in zip(centers, areas):
ops.fiber(center[0], center[1], area, matTag)
# 钢筋
for data in self.rebar_data:
rebar_xy = data['rebar_xy']
dia = data['dia']
matTag = data['matTag']
for xy in rebar_xy:
area = np.pi / 4 * dia ** 2
ops.fiber(xy[0], xy[1], area, matTag)
def to_file(self, output_path: str, secTag: int, GJ: float):
if not (output_path.endswith('.tcl') or output_path.endswith('.py')):
raise ValueError(f"output_path 必须以tcl或py结尾!")
names = self.centers_map.keys()
with open(output_path, "w+") as output:
output.write('# This document was created from SecMesh \n')
output.write('# Author: Yexiang Yan [email protected] \n\n')
if output_path.endswith('.tcl'):
output.write(f'set SecTag {secTag}\n')
temp = "{"
output.write(f'section fiberSec $secTag -GJ {GJ}{temp}; # Define the fiber section\n')
for name in names:
centers = self.centers_map[name]
areas = self.areas_map[name]
matTag = self.mat_tag_map[name]
for center, area in zip(centers, areas):
output.write(f' fiber {center[0]:.3f} {center[1]:.3f} {area:.3f} {matTag}\n')
# 钢筋
for data in self.rebar_data:
output.write(' # Define Rebar\n')
rebar_xy = data['rebar_xy']
dia = data['dia']
matTag = data['matTag']
for xy in rebar_xy:
area = np.pi / 4 * dia ** 2
output.write(f' fiber {xy[0]:.3f} {xy[1]:.3f} {area:.3f} {matTag}\n')
output.write('}; # end of fibersection definition')
elif output_path.endswith('.py'):
output.write('import openseespy.opensees as ops\n\n\n')
output.write(f"ops.section('Fiber', {secTag}, '-GJ', {GJ}) # Define the fiber section\n")
for name in names:
centers = self.centers_map[name]
areas = self.areas_map[name]
matTag = self.mat_tag_map[name]
for center, area in zip(centers, areas):
output.write(f'ops.fiber({center[0]:.3f}, {center[1]:.3f}, {area:.3f}, {matTag})\n')
# 钢筋
for data in self.rebar_data:
output.write('# Define Rebar\n')
rebar_xy = data['rebar_xy']
dia = data['dia']
matTag = data['matTag']
for xy in rebar_xy:
area = np.pi / 4 * dia ** 2
output.write(f'ops.fiber({xy[0]:.3f}, {xy[1]:.3f}, {area:.3f}, {matTag})\n')
def add_polygon(points: list[list[float, float]], mesh_size,
holes: list[list[list[float, float]]] = None):
return _Polygon(points, mesh_size, holes)
def add_circle(xo: list[float, float], radius: float, mesh_size: float,
holes=None, angle1=0., angle2=360):
return _Circle(xo, radius, mesh_size, holes, angle1, angle2)
def add_rebar_line(self, points, dia, gap,
color='black', group_name=None, matTag=None):
# 处理除最外层与最内层之外的额外的钢筋
rebar_lines = LineString(points)
x, y = rebar_lines.xy
# 根据间距重新划分钢筋点
rebar_xy = lines_subdivide(x, y, gap)
data = dict(rebar_xy=rebar_xy, color=color,
name=group_name, dia=dia,
def mesh(self):
def close():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# case 1
sec = SecMesh(sec_name='桥墩底截面')
outlines = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]]
outlines2 = offset(outlines, d=0.05)
holes1 = [[0.2, 0.2], [0.4, 0.2], [0.4, 0.4], [0.2, 0.4]]
holes2 = [[0.6, 0.2], [0.8, 0.2], [0.8, 0.4], [0.6, 0.4]]
cover = sec.add_polygon(outlines, mesh_size=0.1, holes=[outlines2])
# cover.rotate(theta=45)
core = sec.add_polygon(outlines2, mesh_size=0.1, holes=[holes1, holes2])
sec.assign_group({"cover": cover, "core": core})
sec.assign_group_color({"cover": "#34bf49", "core": "#0099e5"})
sec.assign_group_mat({"cover": 1, "core": 2})
rebar_lines1 = offset(outlines, d=0.06 + 0.032 / 2)
rebar_lines2 = [[0.2, 0.2], [0.8, 0.8]]
sec.add_rebar_line(points=rebar_lines1, dia=0.032, gap=0.1, color='red', matTag=3)
sec.add_rebar_line(points=rebar_lines2, dia=0.020, gap=0.1, color='black', matTag=3)
sec.to_file(output_path='yan.py', secTag=1, GJ=1000)
# case 2
sec = SecMesh(sec_name='圆形截面')
geom1 = sec.add_circle(xo=[0, 0], radius=1.5, mesh_size=0.02, holes=None, angle1=0., angle2=360)
geom2 = sec.add_circle(xo=[0, 0], radius=1.5 - 0.06, mesh_size=0.02, holes=None, angle1=0., angle2=360)
cover = geom1 - geom2
holes = [(-0.4, -0.4), (0.4, -0.4), (0.4, 0.4), (-0.4, 0.4)]
core = sec.add_circle(xo=[0, 0], radius=1.5 - 0.06, mesh_size=0.06, holes=[holes])
sec.assign_group({"cover": cover, "core": core}).assign_group_color({"cover": "#34bf49", "core": "#0099e5"})
# case 1
sec = SecMesh(sec_name='我的截面')
outlines = [(-4, 4), (-2, 4), (-2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 4), (4, 4),
(4, -4), (2, -4), (2, -2), (-2, -2), (-2, -4), (-4, -4)]
holes = [[(-3, 1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1), (-3, -1)],
[(3, 1), (2, 1), (2, -1), (3, -1)]]
cover_lines = offset(outlines, d=0.1)
rebar_lines1 = offset(outlines, d=0.1 + 0.08 / 2)
rebar_lines2 = offset(outlines, d=0.5 + 0.08 / 2)
rebar_lines3 = [[-3, -3], [3, 3]]
cover = sec.add_polygon(outlines, mesh_size=0.3, holes=[cover_lines])
core = sec.add_polygon(cover_lines, mesh_size=0.5, holes=holes)
sec.assign_group({"cover": cover, "core": core})
sec.assign_group_color({"cover": "#34bf49", "core": "#0099e5"})
sec.assign_group_mat({"cover": 1, "core": 2})
sec.add_rebar_line(points=rebar_lines1, dia=0.08, gap=0.3, color='red', matTag=3)
sec.add_rebar_line(points=rebar_lines2, dia=0.08, gap=0.3, color='purple', matTag=3)
sec.add_rebar_line(points=rebar_lines3, dia=0.08, gap=0.3, color='green', matTag=3)
sec.to_file(output_path='yan.py', secTag=1, GJ=1000)
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:tracysun-scu/ops_utility.git
