同步操作将从 calvinwilliams/G5 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Communication forward, the load balancing dispenser - G5
G5 is a high performance high concurrent load, easy to use, support the remote management of the configuration of lightweight TCP/IP communications forwarding && load balancing dispenser communication software. Based on epoll(ET) event driven non-block all asynchronous unlocked framework implementations (degradation on UNIX,WINDOWS operating system for the select implementation), can run on Linux, UNIX, and WINDOWS and other mainstream operating system.
G5 support all TCP application layer protocol, which means that not only can be used for website HTTP service, can also be used in the SMTP, POP, FTP and other TCP application protocol.
G5 support almost all the major load balancing algorithm, such as polling, minimum number of connections, minimum response time, etc.
Usage scenario is as follows:
* A simple TCP communications forwarding
* Working with no load balancing communication software to realize load balance, avoid modification works and risk
* The reverse proxy communication gateway for website
2.Development background
That day , I chated with system operational boss, talk about F5, the price is too expensive , complicated functions, do not show the corresponding value. Because I have developed a communication middleware, with soft realize the load balance, have been used for many years, suddenly want to realize another pure communication load balancing dispenser, and share to everyone.
At home, searched the similar software on internet about technical requirements
Your goal is as follows:
* Support the short/long TCP, follow-up will also support the UDP
* Has nothing to do with the application layer protocols , support HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, TELNET, SSH, and so on , all the application layer protocol
* Stable and efficient, under Linux preferred epoll (ET), all asynchronous design; WINDOWS and unix-like select is used to implement
* Forward distribution rule configuration files; Also support the remote online management rules, and the query condition
* Supports a variety of mainstream load balancing algorithm
* Light source code and executable size, concept is simple, also facilitate their compilation
Support load balancing algorithm as follows:
* The main-standby mode, which has been connected the first target address, if the first target address refused, automatic switch to the next destination address
* Polling mode, put all the target address in order to recycle
* minimum number of connections mode, select the current minimum connections in the target address set goals
* Minimum response time mode, selected historical data exchange in the target address set the fastest goal
* Random mode, random select the target address
* HASH mode, according to the source address to calculate the HASH to get a fixed target address
Complete implementation based on epoll(ET) of non-blocking all asynchronous framework of application layer:
* Based on epoll (ET) event processing application layer framework
* The accept client connections and turn even the server connect the jam asynchronous implementation
* After recv client data forwarding the send the service side, when forwarding speed is less than receiving , asynchronous implementation case of congestion
* Client and server requests and responses on the forward end concurrent isolation
take a good name, relative to hard to realize named F5, as soft implementation named G5 ^_^
Download from http://git.oschina.net/calvinwilliams/G5 source code installation package in your temporary directory
$ tar xvzf G5-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd G5-x.x.x/src
$ make -f makefile.Linux clean
$ make -f makefile.Linux install
Because only a pair of source files, so the compiler links soon, also facilitate compiler optimizations, easier for you to manually compile too.
If it is not an error, G5 is installed under the /usr/bin/ .
4.1.Command line arguments
Without parameters to perform G5 will show the information such as version, command line parameters
$ G5
G5 - TCP Transfer && Load-Balance Dispenser
v1.2.1 build Apr 6 2014 15:00:31 WITH 100:1024:4096,10:3:100,64
Copyright by calvin 2014
Email : [email protected]
USAGE : G5 -f config_pathfilename [ -r forward_rule_maxcount ] [ -s forward_session_maxcount ] [ -b transfer_bufsize ] [ -d ]
Because G5 is a tool, so the user interface design is simpler
To write a distributing rule configuration file
$ cat demo.conf
admin G* - ;
webdog MS* - > ;
webdog2 RR *.*.*.*:* - > ;
As G5 only a command line argument -f must be started
$ G5 -f demo.conf
G5 - TCP Transfer && Load-Balance Dispenser
v1.2.1 build Apr 12 2014 03:57:33 WITH 100:1024:4096,10:3:100,64
Copyright by calvin 2014
Email : [email protected]
forward_rule_maxcount [100]
forward_session_maxcount [1024]
transfer_bufsize [4096]bytes
epoll_create ok #3#
2014-04-12 03:59:05 | admin G* - ;
2014-04-12 03:59:05 | webdog MS** - > ;
2014-04-12 03:59:05 | webdog2 RR *.*.*.*:* - > ;
Produce all information to the standard output, the output error, if the boot parameters with the -d, also will output all debugging information, such as connection, disconnection, data distribution and so on .
I simulated launch an HTTP request
$ lynx
G5 produces the following information on the standard output
2014-04-12 03:60:05 | forward2 []#3# - []#7# > []#8#
2014-04-12 03:60:05 | transfer #3# [324]bytes to #8#
2014-04-12 03:60:05 | transfer #8# [257]bytes to #3#
2014-04-12 03:60:05 | close #8# recv 0 connection is forwarded to the web server
Lynx HTTP requests sent 324 bytes to the web server
From the web server lynx receives the HTTP response 257 bytes
The service side first disconnect
Generally use nohup make it into a daemon, directed the output to the file
$ nohup G5 demo.conf >demo.log 2>&1 &
Don't mention it, directly kill pid.
4.4.Run as a WINDOWS service
Install as WINDOWS service
$ G5 ... --install-service
Uninstall the WINDOWS service
$ G5 ... --uninstall-service
5.Configuration file
a forwarding rules in configuration files, each rule is composed of three paragraphs: rule name, type and rules entities, between separated with white characters (Spaces or TAB).
5.1.Rule name
A unique identifier that rule, easy to add, modify, and delete rules.
5.2.Rule mode
G : show that the rule is online management, or in some communication distribution algorithm. The implementation algorithm is listed below
MS : the main-standby mode
RR : polling mode
LC : minimum number of connections mode
RT : minimum response time mode
RD : random mode
HS : HASH mode
5.3.Rules entity
Format for "source address collection - a local forward collection > set the target address ;" , three of whom address set can contain one or the white characters address list. A single address consists of "IP:PORT". Source in a single address IP and PORT can use the '*' and '? 'wildcard.
When only one destination address, it's meaningless to communication distribution algorithm.
Rule type optional additional attributes set format as "(name1 value1 name2 value2 name3 value3 ...)", between the separated with white characters (Spaces or TAB). Attributes are currently available.
timeout : seconds
maxclient : maximum number of client sessions (global)
Rules within the entity collection source address optional additional set contract rule type attribute set. Attributes are currently available
maxclient : biggest client number of sessions (single rule collection entity within the source address)
Back to explain the show in front of the configuration file
$ cat demo.conf
# Only allow native connected to G5 online management rules, manage connection idle timeout for 5 minutes, when the timeout forcibly disconnected
admin G ( timeout 300 )* - ;
# All TCP connections to the local native port 8070 forwarded to
# For communication across the network segment forwarding, idle timeout for 2 minutes, when the timeout forcibly disconnected, the biggest client number of sessions for five, redundant connection will be forced to disconnect
webdog MS ( timeout 120 )** - > ;
# 允许所有主机连接192.168.1.79:8089,并以轮询算法分发给三个服务器192.168.1.79:8089
# To allow all hosts to connect, and distributed to three servers to polling algorithm
# Used for front-end load balancing communication gateway website
webdog2 RR *.*.*.*:* ( maxclients 5 ) - > ;
Also simple?
6.Online management
G5 at startup must specify a configuration file to load all the rules and to work, also supports remote connections on port online management rules, using Telnet
$ telnet 8060
Connected to rhel54 (
Escape character is '^]'.
Behind the '>' for the input prompt, you can type the command
ver : Display G5 version and compile date/time
quit : Disconnect the management
list rules : Show the current all forwarding rules
add rule (... rule ...) : New forwarding rules
modify rule (... rule ...) : Modify the forwarding rules
remove rule (ruleid) : Delete forwarding rules
dump rule : Save all forwarding rules to the specified in the configuration file when it is started . (be careful)
list forwards : Show the current forward all the connection information
Use the sample
$ telnet 8060
Connected to rhel54 (
Escape character is '^]'.
> ver
version v1.0.0 build Apr 3 2014 08:05:54
> list rules
1 : admin G ( timeout 300 )* ( conntions[1/2] ) - ;
2 : webdog MS ( timeout 120 )** - > ;
3 : webdog2 RR *.*.*.*:* ( conntions[0/100] ) - > ;
> add rule webdog3 MS* - > ;
add forward rule ok
> modify rule webdog3 HS* - > ;
modify forward rule ok
> remove rule webdog3
remove forward rule ok
> dump rules
dump all forward rules ok
> list forwards
1 : LISTEN []#5#
2 : LISTEN []#6#
3 : LISTEN []#7#
4 : LISTEN []#8#
5 : CLIENT []#4# - MANAGE []#5#
2138 : CLIENT []#11# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#12# connected
2139 : CLIENT []#11# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#12# connected
2140 : CLIENT []#27# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#28# connected
2141 : CLIENT []#27# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#28# connected
2142 : CLIENT []#17# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#18# connected
2143 : CLIENT []#25# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#26# connected
2144 : CLIENT []#25# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#26# connected
2145 : CLIENT []#17# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#18# connected
2146 : CLIENT []#21# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#22# connected
2147 : CLIENT []#21# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#22# connected
2148 : CLIENT []#9# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#10# connected
2149 : CLIENT []#9# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#10# connected
2150 : CLIENT []#15# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#16# connected
2151 : CLIENT []#15# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#16# connected
2152 : CLIENT []#19# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#20# connected
2153 : CLIENT []#23# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#24# connected
2154 : CLIENT []#23# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#24# connected
2155 : CLIENT []#19# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#20# connected
2156 : CLIENT []#13# < LISTEN []#8# - SERVER []#14# connected
2157 : CLIENT []#13# - LISTEN []#8# > SERVER []#14# connected
> clean forwards
clean forwards ok
> quit
Connection closed by foreign host.
Note: careful 'dump rules'
8.The last
As a load balance forward distribution network communication tool, realize the basic design goals, and publish it to the open source world, welcome to use.
Source code as G5 epoll (ET) + all asynchronous integrated using the sample reference for everybody to learn, welcome criticism and corrections.
Welcome to contact me if you have questions or Suggestions
Project home page : https://github.com/calvinwilliams/G5
The author email : [email protected]
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