同步操作将从 OpenHarmony/third_party_musl 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
if (current_cpu == "arm") {
musl_arch = "arm"
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
musl_arch = "aarch64"
# musl_root = "$root_out_dir/obj/third_party/musl"
# musl_sub_arch = ""
# musl_syslib_dir = "/system/bin"
# musl_linker_extension = "so.1"
declare_args() {
if ((defined(target_os) && target_os == "ohos") ||
(defined(ohos_kernel_type) && ohos_kernel_type == "linux")) {
musl_target_os = "linux"
musl_target_triple = "${musl_arch}-linux-ohos"
} else if (defined(ohos_kernel_type) && ohos_kernel_type == "liteos_a") {
musl_target_os = "liteos_a"
musl_target_triple = "arm-liteos-ohos"
declare_args() {
runtime_lib_path =
user_custom_libc = true
musl_ported_dir = "intermidiates/${musl_target_os}/musl_src_ported"
musl_inc_out_dir = "usr/include/${musl_target_triple}"
uapi_dir = "//kernel/linux/patches/linux-5.10/prebuilts/usr/include"
linux_kernel_dir = "//kernel/linux/linux-5.10"
musl_dir = "//third_party/musl"
musl_porting_dir = "//third_party/musl/porting/linux/user"
# if (is_asan) {
# musl_linker_asan_name =
# musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}-asan"
# musl_ldso_path =
# musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}-asan." +
# musl_linker_extension
# } else {
# musl_ldso_path =
# musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}." +
# musl_linker_extension
# }
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