#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
int i;
float f;
char c;
// Note: `alignas(alignof(long double))` below can be simplified to simply
// `alignas(long double)` if desired.
struct alignas(alignof(long double)) Foo2 {
// put your definition here
struct Empty {};
struct alignas(64) Empty64 {};
int main()
std::cout << "Alignment of" "\n"
"- char : " << alignof(char) << "\n"
"- pointer : " << alignof(int*) << "\n"
"- class Foo : " << alignof(Foo) << "\n"
"- class Foo2 : " << alignof(Foo2) << "\n"
"- empty class : " << alignof(Empty) << "\n"
"- alignas(64) Empty: " << alignof(Empty64) << "\n";
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