同步操作将从 OpenHarmony-SIG/arkcompiler_runtime_core 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Panda Bytecode Description (aka ISA) Files: - isa.yaml The main file that contains the whole data about Panda Bytecode. It is in a machine-readable format and intended to be the single source of Bytecode information. It also aims hardcode avoidance in interpreter, compiler and tools, faster changes (which is important on early stages of development), consistency between components. - schema.json Schema for isa.yaml validation - templates/ Directory with example template files which show how could one generate needed files from isa.yaml using standard Ruby ERB templates. From <name>.<extenstion>.erb template <name>.<extension> file would be generated. (You also need to register your template in CMakeLists.txt) - isapi.rb API for quering parsed yaml data which could be used for template generation. In a template you have access to all Ruby core libraries and to 'Panda' module. Please refer to the file itself for more details. - gen.rb Driver for template generation. Run './gen.rb --help' for more details. - CMakeLists.txt Build system for ISA
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