同步操作将从 Vincent.Gao/甲基化生信分析pipeline 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# John M. Gaspar ([email protected])
# Dec. 2016
# This script produces a sorted table of methylated/unmethylated
# counts directly from a SAM file made by Bismark.
import sys
import os.path
import re
import gzip
version = '0.3'
def printVersion():
sys.stderr.write('extract_CpG_data.py from DMRfinder, version' \
+ ' %s\n' % version)
sys.stderr.write(copyright + '\n')
def usage():
sys.stderr.write('''Usage: python extract_CpG_data.py [options] -i <input> -o <output>
-i <input> SAM alignment file produced by Bismark (must have
a header, 'XM' methylation strings, and 'XG'
genome designations; can use '-' for stdin)
-o <output> Output file listing counts of methylated and
unmethylated CpGs, merged and sorted
-m <int> Minimum coverage (methylation counts) to report a
CpG site (def. 1)
-s Report strand in third column of output
-n <file> BED file listing regions for which to collect
linked methylation data
-b Memory-saving option (with coordinate-sorted SAM)
-e <file> Output file listing ordered chromosomes
def openRead(filename):
Open filename for reading. '-' indicates stdin.
'.gz' suffix indicates gzip compression.
if filename == '-':
return sys.stdin
if filename[-3:] == '.gz':
f = gzip.open(filename, 'rb')
f = open(filename, 'rU')
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Cannot read input file %s\n' % filename)
return f
def openWrite(filename):
Open filename for writing. '-' indicates stdout.
'.gz' suffix indicates gzip compression.
if filename == '-':
return sys.stdout
if filename[-3:] == '.gz':
f = gzip.open(filename, 'wb')
f = open(filename, 'w')
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Cannot write to output file %s\n' % filename)
return f
def getInt(arg):
Convert given argument to int.
val = int(arg)
except ValueError:
val = int(float(arg))
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Cannot convert %s to int\n' % arg)
return val
def loadBed(bedFile, bedRegions, bedSites):
Load BED regions from file. Open output file.
# load BED regions, do not allow repeated names
f = openRead(bedFile)
for line in f:
spl = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if len(spl) < 4:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Poorly formatted BED record:\n%s' % line)
if spl[3] in bedRegions:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Repeated BED region name: %s\n' % spl[3])
# save chrom, start, and end
bedRegions[spl[3]] = (spl[0], getInt(spl[1]), getInt(spl[2]))
bedSites[spl[3]] = [] # CpG sites will be loaded in parseSAM()
# open output file (strip suffix and add '_linked.txt')
fname = '.'.join(bedFile.split('.')[:-1])
while os.path.isfile(fname + '_linked.txt'):
fname += '-'
return openWrite(fname + '_linked.txt')
def printBed(bedOut, bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth):
Print linked-methylation information for designated regions.
for reg in sorted(bedRegions):
# print header
chrom = bedRegions[reg][0]
bedOut.write('Region: %s, %s:%d-%d\nSites: ' % (reg, \
chrom, bedRegions[reg][1], bedRegions[reg][2]))
count = 0
# print list of sorted CpG sites
for pos in sorted(bedSites[reg]):
if count:
bedOut.write(', %d' % pos)
bedOut.write('%d' % pos)
count += 1
if count == 0:
bedOut.write('<none>\n\n') # no CpG sites
# compile methylation results for each read
for head in linkedMeth[reg]:
res = '' # result string -- meth data for each read
for pos in sorted(bedSites[reg]):
if pos not in linkedMeth[reg][head]:
res += '-' # no data: labeled '-'
unmeth, meth = linkedMeth[reg][head][pos]
if unmeth == 1:
res += '0' # unmethylated: labeled '0'
elif meth == 1:
res += '1' # methylated: labeled '1'
sys.stderr.write('Error! Problem parsing linked '
+ 'methylation information for read %s\n' % head)
bedOut.write('%s\t%s\n' % (res, head))
def printOutput(fOut, chrom, meth, minCov, strand):
Print the sorted output -- location and methylation counts
for each CpG with at least minCov data values.
#fOut.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ("chr","pos","N","X"))
printed = 0
for loc in sorted(meth, key=int):
total = meth[loc][0] + meth[loc][1]
if total < minCov:
continue # fails to meet minimum coverage
if strand:
# 3rd column is strand ('+')
fOut.write('%s\t%s\t+\t%.6f\t%d\t%d\n' % (chrom, loc,
100.0 * meth[loc][1] / total,
meth[loc][1], meth[loc][0]))
# 3rd column is end (loc+1)
fOut.write('%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\n' % (chrom, loc,meth[loc][1]+meth[loc][0], meth[loc][1]))
printed += 1
return printed
def parseCigar(cigar):
Return string representation of CIGAR.
ops = re.findall(r'(\d+)([IDM])', cigar)
cigar = ''
for op in ops:
cigar += int(op[0]) * op[1]
return cigar
def getTag(lis, tag):
Get optional tag from a SAM record.
for t in lis:
spl = t.split(':')
if spl[0] == tag:
return spl[-1]
sys.stderr.write('Error! Cannot find %s in SAM record\n' % tag)
def saveMeth(d, loc, meth):
Save the methylation info for a given genomic position
to the given dict (d).
if loc not in d:
d[loc] = [0, 0]
if meth == 'z':
d[loc][0] += 1 # unmethylated: index 0
d[loc][1] += 1 # methylated: index 1
def loadMeth(cigar, strXM, chrom, pos, rc, meth, ins, dup,
peMeth, head, bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth):
Load methylation info using a methylation string (strXM).
methCount = count = 0 # counting variables
offset = 0 # in/del offset
cigPos = 0 # position in cigar -- mirrors i (position in meth)
for i in range(len(strXM)):
# CpG methylation calls are 'z' (unmethylated) or 'Z' (methylated)
while strXM[i] in ['z', 'Z']:
# determine genomic location (C of 'CG' on the forward strand)
loc = pos + i - rc + offset
# for "novel" CpG sites created by a deletion,
# adjust location to the 5' end of the 'D's
if rc and cigar[cigPos-1] == 'D':
j = cigPos - 1
while j > -1 and cigar[j] != 'M':
j -= 1
loc -= cigPos - j - 1
strLoc = str(loc)
# skip if position has been counted in a previous alignment
if dup == 2 and strLoc in peMeth:
# for "novel" CpG sites created by an insertion,
# save to 'ins' dictionary
if (not rc and cigar[cigPos] == 'I') or \
(rc and cigPos > 0 and cigar[cigPos-1] == 'I'):
saveMeth(ins, strLoc, strXM[i])
# otherwise, save to regular 'meth' dict
saveMeth(meth, strLoc, strXM[i])
# if p-e alignment, also save to 'peMeth' dict
if dup == 1:
saveMeth(peMeth, strLoc, strXM[i])
# save methylation data if it falls within a BED region
for reg in bedRegions:
if bedRegions[reg][0] == chrom and bedRegions[reg][1] <= loc \
and bedRegions[reg][2] > loc:
# save meth data to linkedMeth dict (using read header)
if reg not in linkedMeth:
linkedMeth[reg] = {}
if head not in linkedMeth[reg]:
linkedMeth[reg][head] = {}
saveMeth(linkedMeth[reg][head], loc, strXM[i])
# save location to bedSites dict
if loc not in bedSites[reg]:
# update counts
if strXM[i] == 'Z':
methCount += 1
count += 1
# change in/del offset
cigPos += 1
while cigPos < len(cigar) and cigar[cigPos] == 'D':
offset += 1
cigPos += 1
if cigPos < len(cigar) and cigar[cigPos] == 'I':
offset -= 1
return methCount, count
def parseSAM(f, bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth, sortOpt,
outfile, minCov, strand, verbose):
Parse the SAM file. Save methylation data.
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write('Processing the SAM file\n')
coord = False # is SAM coordinate-sorted
genome = [] # for chromosome names, ordered in SAM header
meth = {} # for methylation counts
ins = {} # for novel CpGs caused by insertion
peMeth = {} # for checking overlapping of paired-end alignments
total = mapped = 0 # counting variables for reads
methCount = count = 0 # counting variables for methylation data
printed = 0 # count of CpG sites printed (sortOpt only)
refChrom = '' # chromosome being analyzed
for line in f:
# save SAM header info (incl. chromosome names)
if line[0] == '@':
spl = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if spl[0] == '@HD':
if 'SO:coordinate' in spl:
coord = True
elif spl[0] == '@SQ':
for s in spl:
div = s.split(':')
if div[0] == 'SN':
# check for sorting error
if sortOpt and not coord:
sys.stderr.write('Error! With -b option, SAM must be coordinate-sorted\n')
# load SAM record
spl = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if len(spl) < 11:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Poorly formatted SAM record\n' + line)
# get alignment info
flag = getInt(spl[1])
if flag & 0x900:
continue # skip secondary/supplementary
total += 1
if verbose and not sortOpt and total % 1000000 == 0:
sys.stderr.write(' reads processed so far: %d\n' % total)
if flag & 0x4:
continue # skip unmapped
mapped += 1
rc = 0
if getTag(spl[11:], 'XG') == 'GA':
rc = 1 # alignment is to G->A converted genome,
# so methylation data is on G of 'CG'
# load chrom, position
chrom = spl[2]
if chrom not in genome:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Cannot find chromosome %s' % chrom \
+ ' in genome\n (make sure input SAM has a header)\n')
# for memory-saving option, produce output and reset dicts
if sortOpt and chrom != refChrom:
if meth:
printed += printOutput(outfile, refChrom, meth, \
minCov, strand)
refChrom = chrom
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write(' chromosome: %s\n' % refChrom)
meth = {}
peMeth = {}
# determine if read has multiple segments to same ref
dup = 0 # 0 -> single-end alignment
# 1 -> paired-end alignment, not seen before
# 2 -> paired-end alignment, seen before
if flag & 0x1 and spl[6] in [spl[2], '=']:
if spl[0] in peMeth:
dup = 2
# first segment -- initialize dict
peMeth[spl[0]] = {}
dup = 1
# load CIGAR, methylation string
cigar = parseCigar(spl[5])
strXM = getTag(spl[11:], 'XM') # methylation string from Bismark
# load CpG methylation info
pos = getInt(spl[3])
if sortOpt:
count1, count2 = loadMeth(cigar, strXM, chrom, pos, rc, \
meth, ins, dup, peMeth.get(spl[0], None), \
spl[0], bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth)
if chrom not in meth:
meth[chrom] = {}
count1, count2 = loadMeth(cigar, strXM, chrom, pos, rc, \
meth[chrom], ins, dup, peMeth.get(spl[0], None), \
spl[0], bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth)
methCount += count1
count += count2
# process last chromosome (sortOpt)
if sortOpt and meth:
printed += printOutput(outfile, refChrom, meth, \
minCov, strand)
# warn about novel inserted CpGs
if verbose and ins:
sys.stderr.write('Warning! Novel CpG(s) caused by ' \
+ 'insertion(s) -- will be ignored.\n')
return genome, meth, total, mapped, methCount, count, printed
def main():
# Default parameters
infile = None # input file
outfile = None # output file
minCov = 1 # min. coverage to report a CpG site
strand = False # report strand in output
bedFile = None # (optional) BED file for linked meth. data
sortOpt = False # memory-saving option (for sorted SAM)
refFile = None # for ordered chromosome names
verbose = False # verbose option
# get command-line args
args = sys.argv[1:]
i = 0
while i < len(args):
if args[i] == '-h' or args[i] == '--help':
elif args[i] == '--version':
elif args[i] == '-v':
verbose = True
elif args[i] == '-s':
strand = True
elif args[i] == '-b':
sortOpt = True
elif i < len(args) - 1:
if args[i] == '-i':
infile = openRead(args[i+1])
elif args[i] == '-o':
outfile = openWrite(args[i+1])
elif args[i] == '-m':
minCov = max(getInt(args[i+1]), 1)
elif args[i] == '-n':
bedFile = args[i+1]
elif args[i] == '-e':
refFile = args[i+1]
sys.stderr.write('Error! Unknown parameter: %s\n' % args[i])
i += 1
sys.stderr.write('Error! Unknown parameter with no arg: ' \
+ '%s\n' % args[i])
i += 1
# check for I/O errors
if infile == None or outfile == None:
sys.stderr.write('Error! Must specify input and output files\n')
# load BED file regions (optional)
bedRegions = {} # defining genomic regions for each BED record
bedSites = {} # CpG sites for each region (loaded in parseSAM())
if bedFile != None:
bedOut = loadBed(bedFile, bedRegions, bedSites)
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write('BED regions loaded: %d\n' % len(bedRegions))
# process file
linkedMeth = {} # dict for linked methylation data
printed = 0 # count of CpG sites printed
genome, meth, total, mapped, methCount, count, printed \
= parseSAM(infile, bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth, sortOpt,
outfile, minCov, strand, verbose)
if infile != sys.stdin:
# print summary counts
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write('Reads analyzed: %d\n' % total \
+ ' Mapped: %d\n' % mapped \
+ ' Total CpG methylation values in the reads: %d\n' % count \
+ ' Methylated: %d\n' % methCount \
+ ' Unmethylated: %d\n' % (count - methCount))
if count:
sys.stderr.write(' Percent methylated: %.1f%%\n' % \
(100.0 * methCount / count))
sys.stderr.write(' Percent methylated: n/a\n')
# print output file(s)
if not sortOpt:
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write('Printing the output file\n')
for chrom in genome:
if chrom in meth:
printed += printOutput(outfile, chrom, meth[chrom], \
minCov, strand)
if outfile != sys.stdout:
if refFile != None:
ref = openWrite(refFile)
ref.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ("chr","pos","N","X"))
for chrom in genome:
ref.write(chrom + '\n')
if bedFile != None:
printBed(bedOut, bedRegions, bedSites, linkedMeth)
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write('Genomic CpG sites printed: %d\n' % printed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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