#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import git
import re
from jira import JIRA
def init(repo_addr):
repo = git.Repo(repo_addr)
repo.git.rev_parse('--verify', 'HEAD')
except (git.exc.GitCommandError, ValueError, IndexError) as e:
print('check commit message: bypass empty repo checking\n{}'.format(e))
return None
return repo
def IsMyProject(title):
index = title.find(CUSTOMER_NAME)
if index >= 0:
return True
return False
def find_jira(each_line):
jira_reg = re.compile(r'(\[Jira\])\s*([a-zA-Z_1-9]+-[0-9]+)', re.I) # (jira:BTSOCTOOL-1578)
jira_id_list = jira_reg.findall(each_line)
if jira_id_list:
for j in jira_id_list:
return j[1]
return None
def manager_each_commit(commit_info, jira_list, str_tag_msg):
lists = commit_info.split('\n')
if IsMyProject(lists[0]) == False:
return str_tag_msg
charStar = '* '
charDash = '- '
bodys = lists[1:]
re_pattern = re.compile('^\d+.') # from line start, with 2., 3., ....
for each_line in bodys:
if len(each_line) == 0: # skip empty line
if each_line.find('Change-Id:') != -1: # skip change-id line
# if each_line.find('\'') != -1 and len(each_line) == 1: # skip
# continue
if each_line.startswith('1.'): # reshape '1. -> *
# tag msg
str_tag_msg += charDash + each_line[2:] + '\n'
# reshape line
each_line = charStar + each_line[2:]
v = re_pattern.search(each_line)
if v != None:
new_start = len(v.group(0))
# tag msg
str_tag_msg += charDash + each_line[new_start:] + '\n'
# reshape line
each_line = charStar + each_line[new_start:]
jira_id = find_jira(each_line)
if jira_id != None:
each_line = r'(https://jira.realtek.com/browse/' + jira_id + r')'
return str_tag_msg
def get_info2(repo, old_commit, new_commit):
ver_range = old_commit + '~1..' + new_commit
print('== Version Range:', ver_range)
commit_list = []
cur_commit = repo.commit(new_commit)
while cur_commit != repo.commit(old_commit):
cur_commit = cur_commit.parents[0]
jira_list = []
str_tag_msg = ''
print('== After Reshape: ')
for commit in commit_list:
str_tag_msg = manager_each_commit(commit.message, jira_list, str_tag_msg)
return (str_tag_msg, jira_list)
def get_info(repo, old_commit, new_commit):
ver_range = old_commit + '~1..' + new_commit
print('== Version Range:', ver_range)
commit_title = repo.git.log(ver_range, "--pretty='%s'")
print('== Title: ')
commit_body = repo.git.log(ver_range, "--pretty='%b'")
print('== Body: ')
charStar = '* '
charDash = '- '
bodys = commit_body.split('\n')
re_pattern = re.compile('^\d+.') # from line start, with 2., 3., ....
jira_reg = re.compile(r'(\[Jira\])\s*([a-zA-Z_1-9]+-[0-9]+)', re.I) # (jira:BTSOCTOOL-1578)
jira_list = []
str_tag_msg = ''
print('== After Reshape: ')
for each_line in bodys:
if len(each_line) == 0: # skip empty line
if each_line.find('Change-Id:') != -1: # skip change-id line
if each_line.find('\'') != -1 and len(each_line) == 1: # skip
if each_line.startswith('\'1.'): # reshape '1. -> *
# tag msg
str_tag_msg += charDash + each_line[3:] + '\n'
# reshape line
each_line = charStar + each_line[3:]
v = re_pattern.search(each_line)
if v != None:
new_start = len(v.group(0))
# tag msg
str_tag_msg += charDash + each_line[new_start:] + '\n'
# reshape line
each_line = charStar + each_line[new_start:]
jira_id_list = jira_reg.findall(each_line)
if jira_id_list:
for j in jira_id_list:
each_line = r'(https://jira.realtek.com/browse/' + j[1] + r')'
return (str_tag_msg, jira_list)
def add_tag(tag_name, more_info):
str_sample = 'Tag for soc tool release' + '\n\nRelease Notes:\n' + more_info
print('\n== Check Tag Message: ')
y_or_n = input('Key in \'yes\' to actually add tag....')
if y_or_n == 'yes':
repo.git().tag('-a', tag_name, '-m', str_sample)
print('Has add a tag')
def GetJiraReporterAndLabels(user, password, list_jira_id):
print('Start Login Jira')
jira = JIRA(server='https://jira.realtek.com', basic_auth=(user, password))
for jira_id in list_jira_id:
issue = jira.issue(jira_id)
print('ID is: ', jira_id, 'Label is: ', issue.fields.labels, 'Reporter: ', issue.fields.reporter)
print('Summary is: ', issue.fields.summary)
print('Key is: ', issue.key)
JiraDetailDic = {
"Reporter": issue.fields.reporter,
"Labels": issue.fields.labels
def GetJiraIssueInfo(jira, jira_id):
issue = jira.issue(jira_id)
# print('ID is: ', jira_id, 'Label is: ', issue.fields.labels, 'Reporter: ', issue.fields.reporter)
# print('Summary is: ', issue.fields.summary)
dictInfo = {
# "ID": jira_id,
"Chip": [],
"Reporter": str(issue.fields.reporter),
"Label": '',
"Summary": issue.fields.summary
summary = issue.fields.summary
if 'BBPro2' in summary:
if 'BBLite D Cut' in summary:
dictInfo["Chip"].append('BBLite D Cut')
if 'BBLite C Cut' in summary:
dictInfo["Chip"].append('BBLite C Cut')
if 'BB2' in summary:
if 'NormalRelease' in issue.fields.labels:
dictInfo["Label"] = 'NormalRelease' # .append('NormalRelease')
dictInfo['Link'] = r'https://jira.realtek.com/browse/' + jira_id
return dictInfo
| Feature Log | Chip of feature | JIRA | JIRA Label | JIRA Reporter | Test Report |
| Modify AVCC DRV related name. | BBLite D Cut/BBPro2 | https://jira.realtek.com/browse/BTSOCTOOL-65 | Normal Release | kk | |
| Modify AVCC DRV related name2. | BBLite D Cut/BBPro2 | https://jira.realtek.com/browse/BTSOCTOOL-64 | Normal Release | kk2 | |
def Reshape2(dictInfo):
l = ['', '*', ",".join(dictInfo['Chip']), dictInfo['Link'], dictInfo['Label'], dictInfo['Reporter'], '-', '']
s = " | ".join(
l) # "|" + dictInfo['Summary'] + "|" + ",".join(dictInfo['Chip']) + "|" + dictInfo['Link'] + "|" + dictInfo['Label'] + "|" + dictInfo['Reporter'] + "|"
def GetJiraAllIssueInfo(user, password, list_jira_id):
print('== Start Login Jira')
jira = JIRA(server='https://jira.realtek.com', basic_auth=(user, password))
md = r' | Release Note | Support Chip | JIRA | JIRA Label | JIRA Reporter | Test Report |' # mark down string
for jira_id in list_jira_id:
info = GetJiraIssueInfo(jira, jira_id)
def NotifyJiraAllIssue(user, password, list_jira_id, tag):
print('== Start Login Jira 2')
jira = JIRA(server='https://jira.realtek.com', basic_auth=(user, password))
for jira_id in list_jira_id:
issue = jira.issue(jira_id)
mailAddr = issue.fields.creator.emailAddress
comment1 = "Dear [~{}]\n".format(mailAddr[0:mailAddr.find(r'@')])
comment2 = "Release version: {}\n".format(tag)
comment_detail = comment1 + comment2 + r"请帮忙确认功能是否如预期,谢谢"
jira.add_comment(issue, comment_detail)
jira.assign_issue(issue, mailAddr[0:mailAddr.find(r'@')])
def GetLastReleaseInfo(user, password, release_jira_id):
print('== Start Login Jira 3')
jira = JIRA(server='https://jira.realtek.com', basic_auth=(user, password))
issue = jira.issue(release_jira_id)
sort_comment = sorted(issue.fields.comment.comments, key=lambda comment: comment.created, reverse=True)
''' ANC tag and project
map_relation = {
"RAMP1": "AncAutoMP",
"RAMP2": "AncAutoMPBBpro2",
"bbpro2": "AncDesignTool",
"BBLite": "AncConfigTool",
if __name__ == '__main__':
isBranchMaster = True # To Modify...
if isBranchMaster == True:
repo_addr = "D:\\MyProjects\\realgui\\HoneyGUI\\.git" # To Modify...
tag_name = 'v1.0.12.0' # To Modify...
repo_addr = "D:\Git\AssemblyBB2\AssemblyTest\.git" # To Modify...
tag_name = 'annie_test' # To Modify...
new_commit = '97aff966cfa0821cfe27137228a3992dbfcaebe2' # To Modify...
old_commit = '97aff966cfa0821cfe27137228a3992dbfcaebe2' # To Modify...
CUSTOMER_NAME = "" # To Modify...
repo = init(repo_addr)
if repo == None:
# Step 1
tag_msg, jira_list = get_info2(repo, old_commit, new_commit) # For Anc related, AssemblyTest repo
# Step 2
add_tag(tag_name, tag_msg)
# Step 3
# file your own name and password
user = r'triton_yu' # Modify
password = r'Atsea666666666666' # Modify
if True: # False:
GetJiraAllIssueInfo(user, password, jira_list)
# Step 4
# Get release package info
y_or_n = input('Key in \'y\' to get JENKINS release info....')
if y_or_n == 'y':
release_jira_id = r'BTTOOLSDK-81' # To Modify
GetLastReleaseInfo(user, password, release_jira_id)
# Step 5
# Add jira comment and assign to reporter
if False:
y_or_n = input('Key in \'y\' to actually add jira comment....')
if y_or_n == 'y':
NotifyJiraAllIssue(user, password, jira_list, tag_name)
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