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tk4cpp.constants.hpp 3.15 KB
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// Symbolic constants for Tk
namespace tk4cpp { namespace constants {
// Booleans
const static bool NO=0;
const static bool FALSE=0;
const static bool OFF=0;
const static bool YES=1;
const static bool TRUE=1;
const static bool ON=1;
// -anchor and -sticky
const static char N[]="n";
const static char S[]="s";
const static char W[]="w";
const static char E[]="e";
const static char NW[]="nw";
const static char SW[]="sw";
const static char NE[]="ne";
const static char SE[]="se";
const static char NS[]="ns";
const static char EW[]="ew";
const static char NSEW[]="nsew";
// -fill
const static char NONE[]="none";
const static char X[]="x";
const static char Y[]="y";
const static char BOTH[]="both";
// -side
const static char LEFT[]="left";
const static char TOP[]="top";
const static char RIGHT[]="right";
const static char BOTTOM[]="bottom";
// -relief
const static char RAISED[]="raised";
const static char SUNKEN[]="sunken";
const static char FLAT[]="flat";
const static char RIDGE[]="ridge";
const static char GROOVE[]="groove";
const static char SOLID[]="solid";
// -orient
const static char HORIZONTAL[]="horizontal";
const static char VERTICAL[]="vertical";
// -tabs
const static char NUMERIC[]="numeric";
// -warp
const static char CHAR[]="char";
const static char WORD[]="word";
// -align
const static char BASELINE[]="baseline";
// -bordermore
const static char INSIDE[]="inside";
const static char OUTSIDE[]="outside";
// Special tags, marks and insert positions
const static char SEL[]="sel";
const static char SEL_FIRST[]="sel_first";
const static char SEL_LAST[]="sel_last";
const static char END[]="end";
const static char INSERT[]="insert";
const static char CURRENT[]="current";
const static char ANCHOR[]="anchor";
const static char ALL[]="all"; // e.g. Canvas.delete(ALL);
// Text widget and button states
const static char NORMAL[]="normal";
const static char DISABLED[]="disabled";
const static char ACTIVE[]="active";
// Canvas state
const static char HIDDEN[]="hidden";
// Menu item types
const static char CASCADE[]="cascade";
const static char CHECKBUTTON[]="checkbutton";
const static char COMMAND[]="command";
const static char RADIOBUTTON[]="radiobutton";
const static char SEPARATOR[]="separator";
// Selection modes for list boxes
const static char SINGLE[]="single";
const static char BROWSE[]="browse";
const static char MULTIPLE[]="multiple";
const static char EXTENDED[]="extended";
// Activestyle for list boxes
// const static char NONE[]="none"; is also valid
const static char DOTBOX[]="dotbox";
const static char UNDERLINE[]="underline";
// Various canvas styles
const static char PIESLICE[]="pieslice";
const static char CHORD[]="chord";
const static char ARC[]="arc";
const static char FIRST[]="first";
const static char LAST[]="last";
const static char BUTT[]="butt";
const static char PROJECTING[]="projecting";
const static char ROUND[]="round";
const static char BEVEL[]="bevel";
const static char MITER[]="miter";
// Arguments to xview/yview
const static char MOVETO[]="moveto";
const static char SCROLL[]="scroll";
const static char UNITS[]="units";
const static char PAGES[]="pages";
} }
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:qiu_yixuan/tk4cpp.git
