Solving vehicle routing problem (VRP) using genetic algorithms (GA)
Solving VRP problem using ORTOOLS routing library
A Python Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm-based Solution to Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
Branch and block, dynamic programming, GA, ACO, SOM for TSP(Traveling Salesman Problem) problem
Traveling salesman problem via parallel genetic algorithm in Java
A solution to the VRPTW problem using the Column Generation algorithm. Implementation with Python using the Gurobi optimizer (license needed)
Neural Large Neighborhood Search: Learn to Design Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), by Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning.
Python implementation of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) using ant colony optimization (ACO)
解决传统的DVRP问题,请求分为静态请求和动态请求。使用“最佳匹配策略”生成初始解,使用“蚁群算法”迭代优化。 代码中有两个线程,一个线程用来计算时间,检测是否有新的请求出现,另一个线程为优化线程。
BackTrader是一个基于Python的自动化回溯测试框架, 作者是德国人。最近原本参与的一个项目搁浅,有点时间学习一下关于量化的知识,比较了一下,发现BackTrader是一个易懂、易上手的量化框架。今天我们就来试试用Backtrader进行简单的量化策略回溯。