Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques
An attempt to use natural language processing techniques in order to aid stock price forecasts.
Use BPNN and LSTM to forecast stock price. 使用BP神经网络和LSTM预测股票价格,注释拉满。
A custom OpenAI gym environment for simulating stock trades on historical price data.
综合使用tushare 和 BaoStock, 将关注的股票数据保存到本地, 定时更新, 以便后续进行量化分析.
Using python and scikit-learn to make stock predictions
Predict stock market prices using RNN model with multilayer LSTM cells + optional multi-stock embeddings.
Stock Price prediction for Yahoo Inc. using GRU (Gated Recurrant Units) in Keras. Predicting closing price for Yahoo stocks
Predict Shanghai Stock Market / Hushen 300 Index monthly closing price using Neural Network. (使用神经网络预测 上证综指/沪深300 月度收盘价)
A stock trading bot that uses Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning to make trading decisions.