同步操作将从 ryanduan/wsPool 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Copyright 2017-2019 gf Author(https://gitee.com/rczweb/wsPool). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://gitee.com/rczweb/wsPool.
// Package grpool implements a goroutine reusable pool.
package wsPool
import (
// Goroutine Pool
type Pool struct {
limit int // Max goroutine count limit.
count int // Current running goroutine count.
list *list.List // Job list for asynchronous job adding purpose.
closed bool // Is pool closed or not.
wJobsChan chan func() //写工作方法
rJobsChan chan func() //读工作方法
// New creates and returns a new goroutine pool object.
// The parameter <limit> is used to limit the max goroutine count,
// which is not limited in default.
func New(limit ...int) *Pool {
p := &Pool{
limit: -1,
count: 0,
list: list.New(),
closed: false,
wJobsChan:make(chan func()),
rJobsChan:make(chan func()),
if len(limit) > 0 && limit[0] > 0 {
p.limit = limit[0]
go p.runWrite()
go p.runRead()
return p
// Default goroutine pool.
var pool = New()
// Add pushes a new job to the pool using default goroutine pool.
// The job will be executed asynchronously.
func Add(f func()) error {
return pool.Add(f)
// Size returns current goroutine count of default goroutine pool.
func Size() int {
return pool.Size()
// Jobs returns current job count of default goroutine pool.
func Jobs() int {
return pool.Jobs()
func (p *Pool) runWrite(){
for !p.closed {
select {
case f,ok:=<-p.wJobsChan:
if !ok {
func (p *Pool) runRead(){
for !p.closed {
if job := p.list.Back(); job != nil {
value := p.list.Remove(job)
} else {
// Add pushes a new job to the pool.
// The job will be executed asynchronously.
func (p *Pool) Add(f func()) error {
for p.closed{
return errors.New("pool closed")
var n int
n = p.count
if p.limit != -1 && n >= p.limit {
return nil
return nil
// Cap returns the capacity of the pool.
// This capacity is defined when pool is created.
// If it returns -1 means no limit.
func (p *Pool) Cap() int {
return p.limit
// Size returns current goroutine count of the pool.
func (p *Pool) Size() int {
return p.count
// Jobs returns current job count of the pool.
func (p *Pool) Jobs() int {
return p.list.Len()
// fork creates a new goroutine pool.
func (p *Pool) fork() {
go func() {
defer func() {
for !p.closed {
select {
case job,ok:=<-p.rJobsChan:
if !ok {
// IsClosed returns if pool is closed.
func (p *Pool) IsClosed() bool {
return p.closed
// Close closes the goroutine pool, which makes all goroutines exit.
func (p *Pool) Close() {
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