同步操作将从 金勰/glmark2 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import os, platform
from waflib import Context
out = 'build'
top = '.'
VERSION = '2021.12'
APPNAME = 'glmark2'
'dispmanx-glesv2' : 'glmark2-es2-dispmanx',
'drm-gl' : 'glmark2-drm',
'drm-glesv2' : 'glmark2-es2-drm',
'mir-gl' : 'glmark2-mir',
'mir-glesv2' : 'glmark2-es2-mir',
'wayland-gl' : 'glmark2-wayland',
'wayland-glesv2' : 'glmark2-es2-wayland',
'win32-gl': 'glmark2-win32',
'win32-glesv2': 'glmark2-es2',
'x11-gl' : 'glmark2',
'x11-glesv2' : 'glmark2-es2',
FLAVORS_STR = ", ".join(sorted(list(FLAVORS) + ['all-linux', 'all-win32']))
def linux_flavors():
return [f for f in FLAVORS.keys() if not f.startswith('win32')]
def win32_flavors():
return [f for f in FLAVORS.keys() if f.startswith('win32')]
def option_list_cb(option, opt, value, parser):
value = value.split(',')
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
def list_contains(lst, token):
for e in lst:
if token.endswith('$'):
if e.endswith(token[:-1]): return True
elif token in e: return True
return False
def options(opt):
opt.add_option('--with-flavors', type = 'string', action='callback',
dest = 'flavors',
help = "a list of flavors to build (%s, all-linux (except dispmanx-glesv2), all-win32)" % FLAVORS_STR)
opt.parser.set_default('flavors', [])
opt.parser.add_option('--version-suffix', type='string', action='store', dest='versionsuffix',
default='', help='add a suffix to the version number')
opt.add_option('--no-debug', action='store_false', dest = 'debug',
default = True, help='disable compiler debug information')
opt.add_option('--no-opt', action='store_false', dest = 'opt',
default = True, help='disable compiler optimizations')
opt.add_option('--data-path', action='store', dest = 'data_path',
help='path to main data (also see --data(root)dir)')
opt.add_option('--extras-path', action='store', dest = 'extras_path',
help='path to additional data (models, shaders, textures)')
def get_data_path(ctx):
if ctx.options.data_path is not None:
return ctx.options.data_path
return os.path.join(ctx.env.DATADIR, 'glmark2')
def configure(ctx):
# Special 'all' flavor
if 'all-linux' in ctx.options.flavors:
ctx.options.flavors = list(set(ctx.options.flavors) | set(linux_flavors()))
# dispmanx is a special case, we don't want to include it in all
if 'all-win32' in ctx.options.flavors:
ctx.options.flavors = list(set(ctx.options.flavors) | set(win32_flavors()))
is_win = any(True for f in win32_flavors() if f in ctx.options.flavors)
is_linux = any(True for f in linux_flavors() if f in ctx.options.flavors)
if is_win and is_linux:
ctx.fatal('Simultaneous Windows and Linux builds are not supported')
# Ensure the flavors are valid
for flavor in ctx.options.flavors:
if flavor not in FLAVORS:
ctx.fatal('Unknown flavor: %s. Supported flavors are %s' % (flavor, FLAVORS_STR))
if not ctx.options.flavors:
ctx.fatal('You need to select at least one flavor with --with-flavors=flavor1[,flavor2]...\n' +
'Supported flavors are %s' % FLAVORS_STR)
for flavor in FLAVORS:
if flavor in ctx.options.flavors:
ctx.env["FLAVOR_%s" % flavor.upper().replace('-','_')] = FLAVORS[flavor]
if is_win:
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_VERSION="%s"' % (VERSION + ctx.options.versionsuffix))
ctx.env.GLMARK2_VERSION = (VERSION + ctx.options.versionsuffix)
ctx.msg("Prefix", ctx.env.PREFIX, color = 'PINK')
ctx.msg("Data path", get_data_path(ctx), color = 'PINK')
ctx.msg("Including extras", "Yes" if ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS else "No",
color = 'PINK');
if ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS:
ctx.msg("Extras path", ctx.options.extras_path, color = 'PINK')
ctx.msg("Building flavors", ctx.options.flavors)
def configure_win32(ctx):
# Check required headers
req_headers = ['stdlib.h', 'string.h', 'stdint.h', 'stdio.h', 'windows.h']
for header in req_headers:
ctx.check_cc(header_name = header, auto_add_header_name = True, mandatory = True)
req_libs = [('user32', 'user32'), ('opengl32', 'opengl32'), ('gdi32', 'gdi32')]
for (lib, uselib) in req_libs:
ctx.check_cc(lib = lib, uselib_store = uselib)
# Prepend CXX flags so that they can be overriden by the
# CXXFLAGS environment variable
if ctx.options.opt:
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-O2')
if ctx.env.CXX_NAME != 'msvc':
if ctx.options.debug:
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-g')
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor'.split(' '))
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '/EHsc /wd4312'.split(' '))
ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = False
if ctx.options.extras_path is not None:
ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = True
ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH', ctx.options.extras_path)
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH="%s"' % ctx.options.extras_path)
data_path = get_data_path(ctx)
# Necessary for M_PI
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', '_USE_MATH_DEFINES')
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'WIN32')
# String contants have issues with Windows slashes
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_DATA_PATH="%s"' % data_path.replace('\\', '/'))
ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_DATA_PATH', data_path)
def configure_linux(ctx):
# Check required headers
req_headers = ['stdlib.h', 'string.h', 'stdint.h', 'stdio.h', 'dlfcn.h',
'unistd.h', 'jpeglib.h', 'math.h', 'string.h']
for header in req_headers:
ctx.check_cc(header_name = header, auto_add_header_name = True, mandatory = True)
# Check for required libs
req_libs = [('m', 'm'), ('jpeg', 'jpeg')]
for (lib, uselib) in req_libs:
ctx.check_cc(lib = lib, uselib_store = uselib)
# Check for required functions. Note that headers from req_headers
# are already included for this check.
ctx.check_cc(function_name = 'memset', mandatory = True)
# Special test code for sqrt, to make clang/libc++ happy.
ctx.check_cc(fragment = 'int main(void) { double (*p)(double); p = sqrt; }',
msg = 'Checking for function sqrt',
uselib = ['m'], mandatory = True)
# Check for a supported version of libpng
have_png = False
supp_png_pkgs = (('libpng12', '1.2'), ('libpng15', '1.5'), ('libpng16', '1.6'),)
for (pkg, atleast) in supp_png_pkgs:
pkg_ver = ctx.check_cfg(package=pkg, uselib_store='libpng', atleast_version=atleast,
args = ['--cflags', '--libs'])
have_png = True
if not have_png:
ctx.fatal('You need to install a supported version of libpng: ' + str(supp_png_pkgs))
dispmanx = 'dispmanx-glesv2' in ctx.options.flavors
if dispmanx:
# dispmanx uses custom Broadcom libraries that don't follow standard
# Linux packaging. Just force the library setup here.
if len(ctx.options.flavors) != 1:
ctx.fatal("dispmanx can't be built with any other flavor")
ctx.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-I/opt/vc/include')
ctx.check_cxx(lib = 'brcmGLESv2', uselib_store = 'glesv2', libpath='/opt/vc/lib')
ctx.check_cxx(lib = ['brcmEGL', 'brcmGLESv2'], uselib_store = 'egl', libpath='/opt/vc/lib')
ctx.check_cxx(lib = ['bcm_host', 'vcos', 'vchiq_arm'], uselib_store = 'dispmanx', libpath='/opt/vc/lib')
# Check optional packages
opt_pkgs = [('x11', 'x11', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'x11')),
('libdrm','drm', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'drm')),
('gbm','gbm', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'drm')),
('libudev', 'udev', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'drm')),
('mirclient','mirclient', '0.13', list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'mir')),
('wayland-client','wayland-client', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'wayland')),
('wayland-cursor','wayland-cursor', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'wayland')),
('wayland-egl','wayland-egl', None, list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'wayland'))]
for (pkg, uselib, atleast, mandatory) in opt_pkgs:
if atleast is None:
ctx.check_cfg(package = pkg, uselib_store = uselib,
args = '--cflags --libs', mandatory = mandatory)
ctx.check_cfg(package = pkg, uselib_store = uselib, atleast_version=atleast,
args = '--cflags --libs', mandatory = mandatory)
if list_contains(ctx.options.flavors, 'wayland'):
# wayland-protocols >= 1.12 required for xdg-shell stable
ctx.check_cfg(package = 'wayland-protocols', atleast_version = '1.12',
variables = ['pkgdatadir'], uselib_store = 'WAYLAND_PROTOCOLS')
ctx.check_cfg(package = 'wayland-scanner', variables = ['wayland_scanner'],
uselib_store = 'WAYLAND_SCANNER')
# Prepend CXX flags so that they can be overriden by the
# CXXFLAGS environment variable
if ctx.options.opt:
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-O2')
if ctx.options.debug:
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-g')
ctx.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', '-std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor'.split(' '))
ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = False
if ctx.options.extras_path is not None:
ctx.env.HAVE_EXTRAS = True
ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH', ctx.options.extras_path)
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_EXTRAS_PATH="%s"' % ctx.options.extras_path)
data_path = get_data_path(ctx)
ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'GLMARK_DATA_PATH="%s"' % data_path)
ctx.env.append_unique('GLMARK_DATA_PATH', data_path)
def build(ctx):
class Glmark2Dist(Context.Context):
""" Custom dist command that preserves symbolic links"""
cmd = "dist"
def execute(self):
def get_files(self):
import fnmatch
files = []
excludes = ['*.bzr', '*.git', '*~', './.*waf*', './build*', '*.swp', '*.pyc', '*glmark2-*.tar.gz']
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(top):
names_to_remove = []
names = dirnames + filenames
for n in names:
for exclude in excludes:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.join(dirpath, n), exclude):
for d in names_to_remove:
if d in dirnames:
if d in filenames:
files.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, d) for d in dirnames])
files.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames])
return files
def archive(self):
import tarfile
tar = tarfile.open(APPNAME + '-' + VERSION + '.tar.gz', 'w:gz')
for f in self.get_files():
tar.add(f, arcname = APPNAME + '-' + VERSION + '/' + f, recursive = False)
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